IntelliJ Idea 10.5.2 WebLogic Deployment tab is missing context dropdown - intellij-idea

IntelliJ Idea 10.5.0 WebLogic Run/Debug configuration documentation mentions context dropdown. I am using 10.5.2 version and cannot find this dropdown. Is there a way to configure application context without editing application server specific descriptor?

Actually it is mistake in documentation. There is no such option for WebLogic run configurations.


How to configure SonarLint in IntelliJ?

I was using SonarLint plugin in IntelliJ IDEA by using the url of our project. However, I want to configura it independently for my custom projects, but I am confused how should I do that. Could you pls clarify me about the following issues?
1. What is the SonarCloud and SonarCube options for configuring the SonarLint plugin in IntelliJ IDEA?
2. If I have not a specific url or server for SonarQube, how should I configure the plugin? Which section should I select (SonarCloud and SonarCube)?
I think you'll find the documentation here.
I don't think the plugin will work if you don't have any installed SonarQube instance, or a SonarCloud account. The plugin needs to interact with a server to retrieve coding rules.

Add CXF to Intellij Web Services Facet

I have created a maven project using archetype [ org.apache.cxf.archetype ยป cxf-jaxws-javafirst ]. I have also added tomcat 8.5.34 as run/debug configurations.
But when I try to add CXF framework support, I cannot because the OK button is disabled all the time (even after browsing to the framework folders)
Find image here
Apparently Idea doesn't support Apache CXF version higher than 2.7.16.
Check the ticket here
and If you are interested vote to get it fixed.

IntelliJ Run Configuration Broken by an Incompatible Plugin I Can't Uninstall?

I had been developing an application on a trial version of IntelliJ 2016 Ultimate. Since the trial version ran out, I resumed work using the Community Edition. However, trying to launch my application yielded the following error:
Unknown run configuration type #com.intellij.j2ee.web.tomcat.TomcatRunConfigurationFactory
"No problem" I thought, just an incompatible plugin that was installed with Ultimate that I don't really need anyway. I opened the Plugins section of the Preferences menu, but I can't find the plugin in question. Below is a partial screenshot of the plugin list where I would expect to see the plugin listed in the error message.
The configuration can also not be edited from the Run/Debug Configurations menu, but lists the Run Configuration error as: "Broken configuration due to unavailable plugin or invalid configuration data."
Am I really unable to uninstall the Ultimate plugin preventing my run configuration from working from the Community Edition? What can I do to fix this if so?
It's have been a long time since this question was launched but it might be useful for new searches.
I got the same error with Dart and Flutter.
Just go to Menu >> File >> Settings. Then type plugins on the search box. Check if your plugins need to be updated (in my case Dart and Flutter). I the screenshot I had clicked in the "update" green button. So it turns into "Restart IDE" text. It should fix the problem once you restart the IDE.
To the best of my knowledge the community edition of IDEA will not load and run plugins that are not compatible with it. Moreover, by default, the community edition uses a different configuration directory than the Ultimate edition. So unless you modified the config directory to use, the community version should not be picking up the Ultimate Edition's plugins. Based on the error you show, I think the issue is you simply need to delete that Run configuration. The error is saying that that Run configuration wants to use a Plugin (The Tomcat Plugin) that is not available (i.e. not installed).
If you still want to confirm what plugins are installed, you can manually uninstall a plugin by removing it from the plugins directory. Note that some plugins are simply a standalone JAR, in the plugins directory, others are sub-directories within the plugins directory. Just delete the JAR or sub-directory.
That plugins directory is the idea config directory. See Directories used by the IDE to store settings, caches, plugins and logs for information on its location. On windows for example, by default it will be:
Ultimate: C:\Users\UserName\.IntelliJIdea2016\config\plugins
Community: C:\Users\UserName\..IdeaIC2016\config\plugins
I forgot to mention... bundled plugins are in ${idea-install-directory}/plugins. So for the ultimate edition, the Tomcat plugin is in ${idea-install-directory}/plugins/Tomcat. That is why, as you mentioned in your comment below, you are not seeing that plugin in the user installed plugin directory I mentioned above.
updating flutter and android studio worked in my
Simple upgrade Dart plugin..
Go to Settings/Plugins/Browse Repositories and search dart (Language) and upgrade
this will work.
I had a similar worded issue "Run Configuration Error: Broken configuration due to unavailable plugin or invalid configuration data."
In the bottom right part of the Rider IDE, you will see a popup that says
"Plugin supporting feature (Run Configuration[UNITY_ATTACH_AND_PLAY]) is currently disabled."
Click enable plugins, and restart when Rider asks you to do so.
If this does not work, remember that one possible reason is the issues with macOS indexing (my Macbook started to malfunction after its battery hit 0). A way to check is to try and search a file from the top right corner(). If you can not find existing files, this means macOS messed up with indexing.
To solve it, click Apple icon on top left side and go to System Preferences -> Spotlight -> Privacy Tab -> Add all folders to the "won't index" box -> Remove everything you have added so they get reindexed.
Lastly, go to Rider and hit File -> Invalidate Caches and Restart.

How to vizualize spring integration file in intellij idea 14?

On the page it is said that Intellij Idea 14 has got a visual diagrams for spring integration.
But I can't find how to visualize my integration xml file.
(right click on file)/Diagrams/Show Diagram... shows a diagram with links between the beans. It is not very usefull.
Spring Integration Patterns plugin is enabled
I have Intellij Idea installed on a computer without access to the internet. May it be the reason why the diagrams are not working properly?
What do you want to see there?
For example.
We have stomp-chat sample:
And here is a diagram for this config:
I'd say that it is OK, however I agree that it would better if I'd provide id attribute for all components.
Of course, Spring Integration Patterns plugin has to be switched on.
This link helps -
"Please make sure the XML file is correctly configured in Spring context setup via Spring facet.
It requires spring-integration-core to be in module dependency of selected XML file."
I had the same problem, and found that in addition to having the Spring facet enabled, and having the spring-integration-core dependency and having the relevant context file set as an application context under the facet, you also need to have just the containing module open. i.e. the stomp-chat spring-integration sample provides the "Spring Integration" diagram option if it is opened from its own pom.xml, however if you open the parent applications\pom.xml then the "Spring Integration" diagram option is not available, regardless of facets etc.
I have the same problem in a project where I use spring integration 2.1.4.
In a newer project I use 4.0.0 and there Intellij Idea offers the option to open the spring integration diagram.
Perhaps that is the reason and you "only" need a newer version of spring integration.
The issue is that the newer versions of Intellij create separate modules per source set by default which somehow ends up conflicting with earlier setups. Using Intellij 2016.1, I instead reimported my project with the following options checked:
Once I did that then (right click on file)/Diagrams/Show Diagram once again gave me the Spring Integration Option.
Yes, click on your Spring Integration context file > Diagrams > Show Diagram... > Spring Integration., but if you haven't this menu follow below:
You should have identified integration context as Spring XML based configurations. Instruction here : Create a Intellij file set
I don't know why, but I had a problem with Spring Integration Diagram when I installed Springirun plugin.

How is Tomcat handled by IntelliJ IDEA 10.5

I am a newbie to IntelliJ IDEA. I was trying to deploy a web app in Tomcat.
It failed to deploy and i was not able to see any errors in the log console.
After much searching, I was able to find out the log files at
~/Library/Caches/IntelliJIdea10/tomcat/_p1/logs/ folder.
There were a bunch of log files here and one of the files contained the error. I then could solve the issue and proceed.
I was a user of eclipse and this error would have come directly in the log console in eclipse. However this is not the case in IntelliJ IDEA. Can somebody please explain what I am missing here?
Also, it would be nice if somebody could point out how the integration with Tomcat is done in IDEA (for better understanding). Note: I am using IntelliJ IDEA 10.5.2 Ultimate edition on Mac OS 10.6.8.
IntelliJ IDEA instructs Tomcat to use temporary directory as CATALINA_BASE where it places context configuration with the Artifact path from your project settings, it doesn't copy your web application into webapps directory.
In the Tomcat Run/Debug configuration there is Logs tab where you can specify custom logs to show in IDEA console, it should work out of the box, but probably you have customized logging in Tomcat configuration or in the application itself. Or maybe Tomcat 7 logging configuration is different and doesn't work with IDEA in which case you should submit a bug.
Here's some info for Windows users....if you check the boxes for 'Show console when stdout/stderr change', you may find that the Output tab does not show up even if stdout/stderr change.
For me, this was due to directory structure for the project containing spaces.
When I renamed the directory structure so that it did not contain spaces the Output tab showed up.
Found solution here: Cannot deploy project to tomcat inside intellij IDEA 14. Applications Context was incorrect.
Run/Debug Configurations -> Deployment tab -> Applications Context