Selenium WebDriver does it understand page loads now? - selenium

With the current form of Selenium WebDriver does it understand page loads now?
In my recent research comparing WatiN vs Selenium vs X one of the biggest points I've seen in favor of WatiN was that it understands the concept of a page is loaded, whereas atleast on older versions of Selenium you had to fake this using waits/thread sleeps etc.
Is this now no longer a valid negative against Selenium?

Yes, many of the functions in Selenium WebDriver return only after the page has loaded. In other words, many of the old -action-andwait functions have just become -action-.
Looking at the documentation can tell you exactly which functions block and which don't wait for the page to load. For example, here is a snippet of the click function description:
Click this element. If this causes a new page to load, this method will block until the page has loaded.


How to indicate certain events to Selenium tests?

I'm relatively new to Selenium testing. I have a React SPA I want to create Selenium tests for. I can work with locators and such, but I don't know how I can make the test wait for certain events.
I.e.: The test opens a page where I have a list that is loaded via an API. I need the test to wait until the content is loaded. How can I indicate this to the test? I may be able to check the spinner and wait until it disappears, but there could be situations when the spinner doesn't even appear. Besides, I need to handle events when there are no elements in the list or when there is a communication issue with the API. I really don't want to rely on user messages and spinners.
Should I create an DOM element which is invisible to the user and fill it with the event result so the test can read it? This also doesn't seem a good solution for me.

Selenium - when exactly the webdriver instance gets updated?

I'm using selenium to automate a task on a very dynamic website with pyhton.
For this reason certain HTML elements of the current loaded page may or may not be present at the moment of the request from my code.
How exactly the webdriver instance gets updated and receives the new data from the web page?
Is it constantly connected and receive the change in the HTML code instantly?
Or it first download a first verion of the page when driver.get() is called, and then updates it whenever a function such as .find_element_by_class_name() is called?
Q. Is it constantly connected and receives the change in the HTML code instantly?
Ans. Well, for each Selenium command, there will be an HTTP request that will send to the browser driver and then to the server and the command will get, A HTTP response will be returned and the command/commands will get executed based on the response.
Now let's say in a situation you do,
Basically, this is a selenium command.
It would fire an HTTP request stating to launch the URL provided. Based on the response (200-Ok or anything else), you would either see the WebPage getting loaded or an error message.
Same way in Sequence all the Selenium commands will get executed.
It's obvious that we need locators to locate web elements in the UI.
Once we have them, we can tightly couple them with
Things to be noted down here
You need to learn/understand :
Implicit Waits.
Explicit Waits.
Fluent Waits.
Implicit Waits :
By implicitly waiting, WebDriver polls the DOM for a certain duration when trying to find any element. This can be useful when certain elements on the webpage are not available immediately and need some time to load.
Basically what it means is, whenever you use drive.find_element it gonna look for implicit waits if you have defined one.
If you've not defined one implicit wait, then the default value is 0.
Explicit wait
They allow your code to halt program execution, or freeze the thread, until the condition you pass it resolves. The condition is called with a certain frequency until the timeout of the wait is elapsed. This means that for as long as the condition returns a falsy value, it will keep trying and waiting.
FluentWait instance defines the maximum amount of time to wait for a condition, as well as the frequency with which to check the condition.
Reference Link
Updated :
PS : Please check in the dev tools (Google chrome) if we have unique entry in HTML DOM or not.
Steps to check:
Press F12 in Chrome -> go to element section -> do a CTRL + F -> then paste the xpath and see, if your desired element is getting highlighted with 1/1 matching node.
Locators (by priority from top):
css selector
Web page is loaded by driver.get().
But the driver doesn't "know" what elements are existing there. It just opens, loads the web page.
To access any element, to check element presence etc. you will need to do that particularly per each specific element / elements using commands like .find_element_by_class_name() with a specific element locator.

Robotframework - Selenium - How to verify page loaded completely (successfully) without relying on a specific element in the page?

I was wondering if there is anything in Selenium that can verify if a page loaded completely without relying on a specific element in the page to appear (while using the "wait until page contains" or similar keywords).
The idea is reusability. If there is a need to add new websites to the robot automation later, I do not want to rely on a specific element that might exist in one page but not in another to verify if the page loaded fully.
Is there any keyword that addresses that in Robot Framework - Selenium Library?
Edit - I am aware that some AJAX requests are impossible or extremely difficult to conclude if they finished or not (or if they just keep going forever) so let's assume the website does not have any of that.
Once the page is finished loading, all requests are done.
driver.execute_script("return document.readyState === 'complete'")
use execute script document.readyState , if it returns complete it means the loading have finiished.
But if there is no ajax you don't have to do it selenium does it automatically so your question won't be valid:'s%20page,loading%20takes%20lot%20of%20time.
normal This will make Selenium WebDriver to wait for the entire page
is loaded. When set to normal, Selenium WebDriver waits until the load
event fire is returned.
By default normal is set to browser if none is provided.
I couldn't find some built-in option but there is another way to achieve this. Check if your web app uses any third-party library which shows progress bar, if yes then probably there is function which returns the status of page loading including Ajax call. If not, then you can ask devs to add some progress bar, for instance Pace.JS
document.readyState does not wait for Ajax calls, personally I found it less helpful.

Does Selenium/Protractor look for element in current loaded page?

Does Selenium/Protractor look for element in current loaded page, or look in the entire application when using the same Css Selector for same elements?
Save Button on Customers Form class="save"
Save Button on Vendors Form class="save"
Protractor works by interacting with the browser (via selenium). Selenium uses browser drivers to interact with your page, and the browser only contains the code that it asked for (returned from the server, based on the type of request that was made).
So yes, it only looks for elements in the currently loaded page. It has no access to your entire application code.
Selenium looks for the element only on the loaded page. Not sure about Protractor though.

capturing a browser refreshed event using Selenium Web Driver

I am writing a program to automate link validations in a site. Our site is having more than 400 links per page and we need to open each link and see it is returning a valid page i.e 200, there are other requirements as well to check if the page is a 404 redirection page etc. It means to validate 400 inks it will take about 30 minutes or so.
My design is to integrate this with the Front-End (Selenium) automation in a way that each time the browser loads a new page or browser refreshes it will trigger a new thread by passing the page source for validating all the href available.
We are not following a page object model otherwise I could trigger this in my each page.
Question here is that is there any way we can listen to a browser refresh or page load event using Selenium Web Driver?
Correct me if I don't understand your question, but page_refresh and page_load_event can be two very different goals for you, if you are dealing with AJAX. You can try this article about the AJAX part
and this one for selenium custom events synchronization.
This solution here is the most actual I could find.
Actually Selenium is JS driver so this answers can be helpful if you want to try it too: