Explain the Differential Evolution method - evolutionary-algorithm

Can someone please explain the Differential Evolution method? The Wikipedia definition is extremely technical.
A dumbed-down explanation followed by a simple example would be appreciated :)

Here's a simplified description. DE is an optimisation technique which iteratively modifies a population of candidate solutions to make it converge to an optimum of your function.
You first initialise your candidate solutions randomly. Then at each iteration and for each candidate solution x you do the following:
you produce a trial vector: v = a + ( b - c ) / 2, where a, b, c are three distinct candidate solutions picked randomly among your population.
you randomly swap vector components between x and v to produce v'. At least one component from v must be swapped.
you replace x in your population with v' only if it is a better candidate (i.e. it better optimise your function).
(Note that the above algorithm is very simplified; don't code from it, find proper spec. elsewhere instead)
Unfortunately the Wikipedia article lacks illustrations. It is easier to understand with a graphical representation, you'll find some in these slides: http://www-personal.une.edu.au/~jvanderw/DE_1.pdf .
It is similar to genetic algorithm (GA) except that the candidate solutions are not considered as binary strings (chromosome) but (usually) as real vectors. One key aspect of DE is that the mutation step size (see step 1 for the mutation) is dynamic, that is, it adapts to the configuration of your population and will tend to zero when it converges. This makes DE less vulnerable to genetic drift than GA.

Answering my own question...
The principal difference between Genetic Algorithms and Differential Evolution (DE) is that Genetic Algorithms rely on crossover while evolutionary strategies use mutation as the primary search mechanism.
DE generates new candidates by adding a weighted difference between two population members to a third member (more on this below).
If the resulting candidate is superior to the candidate with which it was compared, it replaces it; otherwise, the original candidate remains unchanged.
The population is made up of NP candidates.
Xi = A parent candidate at index i (indexes range from 0 to NP-1) from the current generation. Also known as the target vector.
Each candidate contains D parameters.
Xi(j) = The jth parameter in candidate Xi.
Xa, Xb, Xc = three random parent candidates.
Difference vector = (Xb - Xa)
F = A weight that determines the rate of the population's evolution.
Ideal values: [0.5, 1.0]
CR = The probability of crossover taking place.
Range: [0, 1]
Xc` = A mutant vector obtained through the differential mutation operation. Also known as the donor vector.
Xt = The child of Xi and Xc`. Also known as the trial vector.
For each candidate in the population
for (int i = 0; i<NP; ++i)
Choose three distinct parents at random (they must differ from each other and i)
a = random.nextInt(NP);
} while (a == i)
b = random.nextInt(NP);
} while (b == i || b == a);
c = random.nextInt(NP);
} while (c == i || c == b || c == a);
(Mutation step) Add a weighted difference vector between two population members to a third member
Xc` = Xc + F * (Xb - Xa)
(Crossover step) For every variable in Xi, apply uniform crossover with probability CR to inherit from Xc`; otherwise, inherit from Xi. At least one variable must be inherited from Xc`
int R = random.nextInt(D);
for (int j=0; j < D; ++j)
double probability = random.nextDouble();
if (probability < CR || j == R)
Xt[j] = Xc`[j]
Xt[j] = Xi[j]
(Selection step) If Xt is superior to Xi then Xt replaces Xi in the next generation. Otherwise, Xi is kept unmodified.
See this for an overview of the terminology
See Optimization Using Differential Evolution by Vasan Arunachalam for an explanation of the Differential Evolution algorithm
See Evolution: A Survey of the State-of-the-Art by Swagatam Das and Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam Suganthan for different variants of the Differential Evolution algorithm
See Differential Evolution Optimization from Scratch with Python for a detailed description of an implementation of a DE algorithm in python.

The working of DE algorithm is very simple.
Consider you need to optimize(minimize,for eg) ∑Xi^2 (sphere model) within a given range, say [-100,100]. We know that the minimum value is 0. Let's see how DE works.
DE is a population-based algorithm. And for each individual in the population, a fixed number of chromosomes will be there (imagine it as a set of human beings and chromosomes or genes in each of them).
Let me explain DE w.r.t above function
We need to fix the population size and the number of chromosomes or genes(named as parameters). For instance, let's consider a population of size 4 and each of the individual has 3 chromosomes(or genes or parameters). Let's call the individuals R1,R2,R3,R4.
Step 1 : Initialize the population
We need to randomly initialise the population within the range [-100,100]
G1 G2 G3 objective fn value
R1 -> |-90 | 2 | 1 | =>8105
R2 -> | 7 | 9 | -50 | =>2630
R3 -> | 4 | 2 | -9.2| =>104.64
R4 -> | 8.5 | 7 | 9 | =>202.25
objective function value is calculated using the given objective function.In this case, it's ∑Xi^2. So for R1, obj fn value will be -90^2+2^2+2^2 = 8105. Similarly it is found for all.
Step 2 : Mutation
Fix a target vector,say for eg R1 and then randomly select three other vectors(individuals)say for eg.R2,R3,R4 and performs mutation. Mutation is done as follows,
MutantVector = R2 + F(R3-R4)
(vectors can be chosen randomly, need not be in any order).F (scaling factor/mutation constant) within range [0,1] is one among the few control parameters DE is having.In simple words , it describes how different the mutated vector becomes. Let's keep F =0.5.
| 7 | 9 | -50 |
0.5 *
| 4 | 2 | -9.2|
| 8.5 | 7 | 9 |
Now performing Mutation will give the following Mutant Vector
MV = | 13.25 | 13.5 | -50.1 | =>2867.82
Step 3 : Crossover
Now that we have a target vector(R1) and a mutant vector MV formed from R2,R3 & R4 ,we need to do a crossover. Consider R1 and MV as two parents and we need a child from these two parents. Crossover is done to determine how much information is to be taken from both the parents. It is controlled by Crossover rate(CR). Every gene/chromosome of the child is determined as follows,
a random number between 0 & 1 is generated, if it is greater than CR , then inherit a gene from target(R1) else from mutant(MV).
Let's set CR = 0.9. Since we have 3 chromosomes for individuals, we need to generate 3 random numbers between 0 and 1. Say for eg, those numbers are 0.21,0.97,0.8 respectively. First and last are lesser than CR value, so those positions in the child's vector will be filled by values from MV and second position will be filled by gene taken from target(R1).
Target-> |-90 | 2 | 1 | Mutant-> | 13.25 | 13.5 | -50.1 |
random num - 0.21, => `Child -> |13.25| -- | -- |`
random num - 0.97, => `Child -> |13.25| 2 | -- |`
random num - 0.80, => `Child -> |13.25| 2 | -50.1 |`
Trial vector/child vector -> | 13.25 | 2 | -50.1 | =>2689.57
Step 4 : Selection
Now we have child and target. Compare the obj fn of both, see which is smaller(minimization problem). Select that individual out of the two for next generation
R1 -> |-90 | 2 | 1 | =>8105
Trial vector/child vector -> | 13.25 | 2 | -50.1 | =>2689.57
Clearly, the child is better so replace target(R1) with the child. So the new population will become
G1 G2 G3 objective fn value
R1 -> | 13.25 | 2 | -50.1 | =>2689.57
R2 -> | 7 | 9 | -50 | =>2500
R3 -> | 4 | 2 | -9.2 | =>104.64
R4 -> | -8.5 | 7 | 9 | =>202.25
This procedure will be continued either till the number of generations desired has reached or till we get our desired value. Hope this will give you some help.


Cypher: How to create a recursive cost query with alternates?

I have the following structure:
...basically a hierarchy of patterns that use other patterns as content. These constitute trees.
Certain patterns are generated by certain generators:
The canProduce relationship has a cost value associated with it as a property. Multiple generators can create the same pattern.
I would like to figure out, with a query, what patterns I need to generate to produce a particular output - and which generators to choose to have the lowest cost. I started like this:
MATCH (p:pattern {name: 'preciousPattern'})-[:contains *]->(ps:pattern) RETURN ps
so far so good. The results don't contain the starting pattern, so I made this:
MATCH (p:pattern {name: 'preciousPattern'})-[:contains *]->(ps:pattern)
WITH p+collect(ps) as list
UNWIND list as patterns
RETURN patterns
That does not feel elegant, but it also does not provide the hierarchy
I can of course do a path query (MATCH path = MATCH...) but the results don't seem very useful.
Also, now I need to connect the cost from the generator relationship.
I tried this:
MATCH (p:pattern {name: 'awesome'})-[:contains *]->(ps:pattern)
WITH p+collect(ps) as list
UNWIND list as rec
WITH rec
MATCH (rec)-[r:canGenerate]-(g:generator)
return r.GenCost as GenCost, g.name AS GenName
return rec.name, GenCost , GenName
The problem I have now is that if any of the patterns that are part of another pattern can be generated by multiple generators, I just get double entries in the list, but what I want is separate lists for each alternative possibility, so that I can generate the cost.
This is my pattern tree:
input 3
Input 3 can be generated by 2 different generators. I now get:
Awesome | 2 | MainGen
input1 | 3 | TestGen1
input2 | 2.5 | TestGen2
input3 | 1.25 | TestGen3
input4 | 1.4 | TestGen4
What I want is this: Two lists (or n, in the general case, where I might have n possible paths), one
Awesome | 2 | MainGen
input1 | 3 | TestGen1
input2 | 2.5 | TestGen2
input3 | 1.25 | TestGen3
and one:
Awesome | 2 | MainGen
input1 | 3 | TestGen1
input2 | 2.5 | TestGen2
input4 | 1.4 | TestGen4
each set representing one alternative set, so that I can calculate the costs and compare.
I have no idea how to do something like that. Any suggestions?

How to access the BIC value in Stata after being calculated by estat ic?

This document explains that the values of AIC and BIC are stored in r(S), but when I try display r(S), it returns "type mismatch" and when I try sum r(S), it returns "r ambiguous abbreviation".
Sorry for my misunderstanding this r(S), but I'll appreciate it if you let me know how I can access the calculated BIC value.
The document you refer to mentions that r(S) is a matrix. The display command does not work with matrices. Try matrix list. Also see help matrix.
For example:
sysuse auto
regress mpg weight foreign
estat ic
matrix list r(S)
matrix S=r(S)
scalar aic=S[1,5]
di aic
The same document that you cited explains that r(S) is a matrix. That explains the failure of your commands, as summarize is for summarizing variables and display is for displaying strings and scalar expressions, as their help explains. Matrices are neither.
Note that the document you cited
is at the time of writing not the most recent version
although the advice is the same either way.
Copy r(S) to a matrix that will not disappear when you run the next r-class command, and then list it directly. For basic help on matrices, start with
help matrix
Here is a reproducible example. I use the Stata 13 version of the dataset because your question hints that you may be using that version:
. use http://www.stata-press.com/data/r13/sysdsn1
(Health insurance data)
. mlogit insure age male nonwhite
Iteration 0: log likelihood = -555.85446
Iteration 1: log likelihood = -545.60089
Iteration 2: log likelihood = -545.58328
Iteration 3: log likelihood = -545.58328
Multinomial logistic regression Number of obs = 615
LR chi2(6) = 20.54
Prob > chi2 = 0.0022
Log likelihood = -545.58328 Pseudo R2 = 0.0185
insure | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
Indemnity | (base outcome)
Prepaid |
age | -.0111915 .0060915 -1.84 0.066 -.0231305 .0007475
male | .5739825 .2005221 2.86 0.004 .1809665 .9669985
nonwhite | .7312659 .218978 3.34 0.001 .302077 1.160455
_cons | .1567003 .2828509 0.55 0.580 -.3976773 .7110778
Uninsure |
age | -.0058414 .0114114 -0.51 0.609 -.0282073 .0165245
male | .5102237 .3639793 1.40 0.161 -.2031626 1.22361
nonwhite | .4333141 .4106255 1.06 0.291 -.371497 1.238125
_cons | -1.811165 .5348606 -3.39 0.001 -2.859473 -.7628578
. estat ic
Akaike's information criterion and Bayesian information criterion
Model | Obs ll(null) ll(model) df AIC BIC
. | 615 -555.8545 -545.5833 8 1107.167 1142.54
Note: N=Obs used in calculating BIC; see [R] BIC note.
. ret li
r(S) : 1 x 6
. mat S = r(S)
. mat li S
N ll0 ll df AIC BIC
. 615 -555.85446 -545.58328 8 1107.1666 1142.5395
The BIC value is now in S[1,6].

How does the Soundex function work in SQL Server?

Here's an example of Soundex code in SQL:
----- -----
S530 S530
How does 'Smith' become S530?
In this example, the first digit is S because that's the first character in the input expression, but how are the remaining three digits are calculated?
Take a look a this article
The first letter of the code corresponds to the first letter of the
name. The remainder of the code consists of three digits derived from
the syllables of the word according to the following code:
1 = B, F, P, V
2 = C, G, J, K, Q, S, X, Z
3 = D, T
4 = L
5 = M,N
6 = R
The double letters with the same Soundex code, A, E, I, O, U, H, W, Y,
and some prefixes are being disregarded...
So for Smith and Smythe the code is created like this:
S S -> S
m m -> 5
i y -> 0
t t -> 3
h h -> 0
e -> -
What is Soundex?
Soundex is:
a phonetic algorithm for indexing names by sound, as pronounced in English; first developed by Robert C. Russell and Margaret King Odell in 1918
How does it Work?
There are several implementations of Soundex, but most implement the following steps:
Retain the first letter of the name and drop all other occurrences of vowels and h,w:
|a, e, i, o, u, y, h, w | → "" |
Replace consonants with numbers as follows (after the first letter):
| b, f, p, v | → 1 |
| c, g, j, k, q, s, x, z | → 2 |
| d, t | → 3 |
| l | → 4 |
| m, n | → 5 |
| r | → 6 |
Replace identical adjacent numbers with a single value (if they were next to each other prior to step 1):
| M33 | → M3 |
Cut or Pad with zeros or cut to produce a 4 digit result:
| M3 | → M300 |
| M34123 | → M341 |
Here's an interactive demo in jsFiddle:
And here's a demo in SQL using SQL Fiddle
In SQL Server, SOUNDEX is often used in conjunction with DIFFERENCE, which is used to score how many of the resulting digits are identical (just like the game mastermind†), with higher numbers matching most closely.
What are the Alternatives?
It's important to understand the limitations and criticisms of soundex and where people have tried to improve it, notably only being rooted in English pronunciation and also discards a lot of data, resulting in more false positives.
Both Metaphone & Double Metaphone still focus on English pronunciations, but add much more granularity to the nuances of speech in Enlgish (ie. PH → F)
Phil Factor wrote a Metaphone Function in SQL with the source on github
Soundex is most commonly used on identifying similar names, and it'll have a really hard time finding any similar nicknames (i.e. Robert → Rob or Bob). Per this question on a Database of common name aliases / nicknames of people, you could incorporate a lookup against similar nicknames as well in your matching process.
Here are a couple free lists of common nicknames:
SOEMPI - name_to_nick.csv | Github
carltonnorthern - names.csv | Github
Further Reading:
Fuzzy matching using T-SQL
SQL Server – Do You Know Soundex Functions?

SQL - postgres - shortest path in graph - recursion

I have a table which contains the edges from node x to node y in a graph.
n1 | n2
a | a
a | b
a | c
b | b
b | d
b | c
d | e
I would like to create a (materialized) view which denotes the shortest number of nodes/hops a path contains to reach from x to node y:
n1 | n2 | c
a | a | 0
a | b | 1
a | c | 1
a | d | 2
a | e | 3
b | b | 0
b | d | 1
b | c | 1
b | e | 2
d | e | 1
How should I model my tables and views to facilitate this? I guess I need some kind of recursion, but I believe that is pretty difficult to accomplish in SQL. I would like to avoid that, for example, the clients need to fire 10 queries if the path happens to contain 10 nodes/hops.
This works for me, but it's kinda ugly:
WITH RECURSIVE paths (n1, n2, distance) AS (
nodes.n1 <> nodes.n2
paths.distance + 1
JOIN nodes
paths.n2 = nodes.n1
nodes.n1 <> nodes.n2
1, 2
nodes.n1 = nodes.n2
Also, I am not sure how good it will perform against larger datasets. As suggested by Mark Mann, you may want to use a graph library instead, e.g. pygraph.
EDIT: here's a sample with pygraph
from pygraph.algorithms.minmax import shortest_path
from pygraph.classes.digraph import digraph
g = digraph()
g.add_edge(('a', 'a'))
g.add_edge(('a', 'b'))
g.add_edge(('a', 'c'))
g.add_edge(('b', 'b'))
g.add_edge(('b', 'd'))
g.add_edge(('b', 'c'))
g.add_edge(('d', 'e'))
for source in g.nodes():
tree, distances = shortest_path(g, source)
for target, distance in distances.iteritems():
if distance == 0 and not g.has_edge((source, target)):
print source, target, distance
Excluding the graph building time, this takes 0.3ms while the SQL version takes 0.5ms.
Expanding on Mark's answer, there are some very reasonable approaches to explore a graph in SQL as well. In fact, they'll be faster than the dedicated libraries in perl or python, in that DB indexes will spare you the need to explore the graph.
The most efficient of index (if the graph is not constantly changing) is a nested-tree variation called the GRIPP index. (The linked paper mentions other approaches.)
If your graph is constantly changing, you might want to adapt the nested intervals approach to graphs, in a similar manner that GRIPP extends nested sets, or to simply use floats instead of integers (don't forget to normalize them by casting to numeric and back to float if you do).
Rather than computing these values on the fly, why not create a real table with all interesting pairs along with the shortest path value. Then whenever data is inserted, deleted or updated in your data table, you can recalculate all of the shortest path information. (Perl's Graph module is particularly well-suited to this task, and Perl's DBI interface makes the code straightforward.)
By using an external process, you can also limit the number of recalculations. Using PostgreSQL triggers would cause recalculations to occur on every insert, update and delete, but if you knew you were going to be adding twenty pairs of points, you could wait until your inserts were completed before doing the calculations.

Deterministic/non-deterministic state system mapping

I read in a book on non-deterministic mapping there is mapping from Q*∑ to 2Q for M=(Q,∑,trans,q0,F)
where Q is a set of states.
But I am not able to understand how it's 2Q;
if there are 3 states a, b, c, how does it map to 8 states?
I always found that the easiest way to think about these (since the set of states is finite) is as having each of those subsets be an encoding of a base-2 number that ranges from 0 (all bits zero) to 2|Q|-1 (all bits one), where there are as many bits in the number as there are members in the state set, Q. Then, you can just take one of these numbers and map it into a subset by using whether a particular bit in the number is set. Easy!
Here's a worked example where Q = {a,b,c}. In this case, |Q| is 3 (there are three elements) and so 23 is 8. That means we get this if we say that the leading bit is for element a, the next bit is for b, and the trailing bit for c:
0 = 000 = {}
1 = 001 = {c}
2 = 010 = {b}
3 = 011 = {b,c}
4 = 100 = {a}
5 = 101 = {a,c}
6 = 110 = {a,b}
7 = 111 = {a,b,c}
See? That initial three states has been transformed into 8, and we have a natural numbering of them that we could use to create the labels of those states if we chose.
Now, to the interpretations of this within a non-deterministic context. Basically, the non-determinism means that we're uncertain about what state we're in. We represent this by using a pseudo-state that is the set of “real” states that we might be in; if we have total non-determinism then we are in the pseudo-state where all real-states are possible (i.e., {a,b,c}) whereas the pseudo-state where no real-states are possible (i.e., {}) is the converse (and really ought to be impossible to reach in the transition system). In a real system, you're usually not dealing with either of those extremes.
The logic of how you convert the deterministic transition system into a non-deterministic one is rather more complex than I want to go into here. (I had to read a substantial PhD thesis to learn it so it's definitely more than an SO answer's worth!)
2Q means the set of all subsets of Q. For each state q and each letter x from sigma, there is a subset of Q states to which you can go from q with letter x. So yeah, if there are three states abc the set 2Q consists of 8 elements {{}, {a}, {b}, {c}, {a,b}, {a,c}, {b,c}, {a,b,c}}. It doesn't map to 8 states, it maps to one of these 8 sets. HTH