Why does this SQL query take 8 hours to finish? - sql

There is a simple SQL JOIN statement below:
FROM tbBCScanRec as REC
ON REC.[BarCode] = R.[barcode]
left join TB_INVENTORY as I
ON R.[inventid] = I.[id]
The table tbBCScanRec has 556553 records while the table TB_R_INVENTORY_BARCODE has 260513 reccords and the table TB_INVENTORY has 7688. However, the last two tables (TB_NODE and TB_PROCESS) both have fewer than 30 records.
Incredibly, when it runs in SQL Server 2005, it takes 8 hours to return the result set.
Why does it take so much time to execute?
If the two inner joins are removed, it takes just ten seconds to finish running.
What is the matter?
There are at least two UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEXes.
One is IX_INVENTORY_BARCODE_PROCESS_NODE on the table TB_R_INVENTORY_BARCODE, which covers four columns (inventid, barcode, process, and node).
The other is IX_BARCODE_PROCESS_NODE on the table tbBCScanRec, which covers three columns (BarCode, PASSEDPROCESS, and PASSEDNODE).

Well, standard answer to questions like this:
Make sure you have all the necessary indexes in place, i.e. indexes on N.NO_ID, REC.PASSEDNODE, P.PR_CODE, REC.PASSEDPROCESS
Make sure that the types of the columns you join on are the same, so that no implicit conversion is necessary.

You are working with around (556553 *30 *30) 500 millions of rows.
You probably have to add indexes on your tables.
If you are using SQL server, you can watch the plan query to see where you are losing time.
See the documentation here : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190623(v=sql.90).aspx
The query plan will help you to create indexes.

When you check the indexing, there should be clustered indexes as well - the nonclustered indexes use the clustered index, so not having one would render the nonclustered useless. Out-dated statistics could also be a problem.
However, why do you need to fetch ALL of the data? What is the purpose of that? You should have WHERE clauses restricting the result set to only what you need.


SQL query does not stop executing

I've created a stored procedure that selects from a few different tables in different dbs into temp tables to work with in the proc. Everything seems to be fine with filling the tables. My problem arises when I attempt to join them. This is the query I wrote:
SELECT #temp1.id,
FROM (((#temp1
LEFT JOIN #temp3 ON #temp1.id = #temp3.id)
LEFT JOIN #temp4 ON #temp1.id = #temp4.id)
LEFT JOIN #temp2 ON #temp1.id = #temp2.id)
LEFT JOIN #temp5 ON #temp1.id = #temp5.id;
The query works to an extent. The output window is filled with the results of the select. The problem is that the query doesn't exit. It stops adding new records to the output but continues executing and thus the procedure hangs because it can't move on to the next statement. Any ideas?
I can see that your query is resulting in high table scan for all the 5 tables in the execution plan. You can create indexes on the joining column (ID) in all the 5 temp tables as follows:
It'd be really helpful if you can include number of rows and columns for all the 5 tables.
How many records are in #temp1? Are you seeing that same number of records in your output window? If not, then your query is still returning records.
Also, did you explicitly begin a transaction somewhere in your script? Maybe it is waiting for you to commit or rollback.
Also, I'm not sure why you have parenthesis around your joins. They aren't needed (and maybe you are getting some weird execution plan by using them).
The running time of this query depends (among else) on the Number of rows in #temp1 and on the indexes that it has (by default --> nothing ).
First step would be as I see it:
Isolating the execution plan, specifically for this query. You can do so, by filling your data into temp1 (and not #temp1),
Then - try running only the query against temp1.
Seeing the execution plan for the query, may recommend which indexes might help, and will be a first step towards optimizing it.

How to improve the performance of multiple joins

I have a query with multiple joins in it. When I execute the query it takes too long. Can you please suggest me how to improve this query?
ALTER View [dbo].[customReport]
SELECT DISTINCT ViewUserInvoicerReport.Owner,
ViewUserAll.ParentID As Account , ViewContact.Company,
Payment.PostingDate, ViewInvoice.Charge, ViewInvoice.Tax,
Inner Join ViewUserInvoicerReport on ViewContact.UserID = ViewUserInvoicerReport.UserID
Inner Join ViewUserAll on ViewUserInvoicerReport.UserID = ViewUserAll.UserID
Inner Join Payment on Payment.UserID = ViewUserAll.UserID
Inner Join ViewInvoice on Payment.UserID = ViewInvoice.UserID
Inner Join PaymentProcessLog on ViewInvoice.UserID = PaymentProcessLog.UserID
Work on removing the distinct.
THat is not a join issue. The problem is that ALL rows have to go into a temp table to find out which are double - if you analyze the query plan (programmers 101 - learn to use that fast) you will see that the join likely is not the big problem but the distinct is.
And IIRC that distinct is USELESS because all rows are unique anyway... not 100% sure, but the field list seems to indicate.
Use distincts VERY rarely please ;)
You should see the Query Execution Plan and optimize the query section by section.
The overall optimization process consists of two main steps:
Isolate long-running queries.
Identify the cause of long-running queries.
See - How To: Optimize SQL Queries for step by step instructions.
It's difficult to say how to improve the performance of a query without knowing things like how many rows of data are in each table, which columns are indexed, what performance you're looking for and which database you're using.
Most important:
1. Make sure that all columns used in joins are indexed
2. Make sure that the query execution plan indicates that you are using the indexes you expect

SQL Query very slow - Suddenly

I have a SQL stored procedure that was running perfect (.2 secs execution or less), suddenly today its taking more than 10 minutes.
I see that the issue comes because of a LEFT JOIN of a documents table (that stores the location of all the digital files associated to records in the DB).
This documents table has today 153,234 records.
The schema is
The table has 2 indexes:
Primary key (uid)
documenttype (nonclustered)
The stored procedure is:
CASE ISNULL(cd.countdocs,0) WHEN 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END as hasdocs
requests re
employee e ON (e.employeeuid = re.employeeuid)
COUNT(0) as countnotes, n.objectuid as objectuid
notes n
n.isactive = 1
n.objectuid) n ON n.objectuid = ma.authorizationuid
COUNT(0) as countdocs, cd.objectuid
cloud_document cd
cd.isactivedocument = 1
AND cd.entity = 'COMPANY'
cd.objectuid) cd ON cd.objectuid = re.authorizationuid
JOIN ....
So don't know if I have to add another INDEX to improve this query of maybe the LEFT JOIN I have is not ideal.
If I run the execution plan I get this:
Missing Index Details from SQLQuery7.sql - (local).db_prod (Test/test (55))
The Query Processor estimates that implementing the following index could improve the query cost by 60.8843%.
USE [db_prod]
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [<Name of Missing Index, sysname,>]
ON [dbo].[cloud_document] ([objectuid],[entity],[isactivedocument])
Any clue on how to solve this?
Just don't go out and add a index. Do some research first!
Can you grab a picture of the query plan and post it? It will show if the query is using the index or not.
Also, complete details of the table would be awesome, including Primary Keys, Foreign Keys, and any indexes. Just script them out to TSQL. A couple of sample records to boot and we can recreate it in a test environment and help you.
Also, take a look at Glenn Barry's DMVs.
Good stuff like top running queries, read/write usages of indexes, etc - to name a few.
Like many things in life, it all depends on your situation!
Just need more information before we can make a judgement call.
I would actually be surprised if an index on that field helps as it likely only has two or three values (0,1, null) and indexes are not generally useful when the data has so few values.
I would suspect that either your statistics are out of date or your current indexes need to be rebuilt.

why do some columns slow down the query

I am using SQL Server 2012.
I am trying to optimize a query which is somehting like this:
SELECT TOP 20 ta.id,
FROM a ta
ON ta.id = tb.id
ON tb.id = tc.id
ORDER BY ta.mytime DESC
The query takes around 5 - 6 secs to run. There are indexes for all the columns used in joins. The tables have 500k records.
My question is: When I remove the columns tc.name, tc.id and tc.descr from the select, the query returns the results in less than a second. Why?
You need to post the execution plans to really know the difference.
As far as I know, SQL Server does not optimize away joins. After all, even without columns in the select list, the joins can still be used for filtering and multiplying the number of rows.
However, one step might be skipped. With the variables in the select, the engine needs to both go to the index and fetch the page with the data. Without the variables, the engine does not need to do the fetch. This may subtly tip the balance of the optimizer from one type of join to another.
A second possibility simply involves timing. If you ran the query once, then page caches might be filled on the machine. The second time you run it, the query goes much faster simply because the data is in memory. Don't ever run timings unless you either (1) clear the cache between each call or (2) be sure that the cache is filled equivalently.
Do you have clustered indexes? If not, you should create clustered indexes and run your query integer and mostly on primary key columns.
Check http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa933131(v=sql.80).aspx for clustered index.
I was finally able to tune the query by adding additional index to the table. SQL server did not show/imply a missing index but I figured it out by creating a new non-clustered index on a field that is present in a select.
Thanks to you all for coming forward for help.
#Wade the link is really helpful in understanding the SQL optimizer the

Slow query with unexpected index scan

I have this query:
FROM sample
INNER JOIN test ON sample.sample_number = test.sample_number
INNER JOIN result ON test.test_number = result.test_number
WHERE sampled_date BETWEEN '2010-03-17 09:00' AND '2010-03-17 12:00'
the biggest table here is RESULT, contains 11.1M records. The left 2 tables about 1M.
this query works slowly (more than 10 minutes) and returns about 800 records. executing plan shows clustered index scan (over it's PRIMARY KEY (result.result_number, which actually doesn't take part in query)) over all 11M records.
RESULT.TEST_NUMBER is a clustered primary key.
if I change 2010-03-17 09:00 to 2010-03-17 10:00 - i get about 40 records. it executes for 300ms. and plan shows index seek (over result.test_number index)
if i replace * in SELECT clause to result.test_number (covered with index) - then all become fast in first case too. this points to hdd IO issues, but doesn't clarifies changing plan.
so, any ideas?
sampled_date is in table sample and covered by index.
other fields from this query: test.sample_number is covered by index and result.test_number too.
obviously than sql server in any reasons don't want to use index.
i did a small experiment: i remove INNER JOIN with result, select all test.test_number and after that do
this, of course, works fast. but i cannot get what is the difference and why query optimizer choose such inappropriate way to select data in 1st case.
after backing up database and restoring to database with new name - both requests work fast as expected even on much more ranges...
so - are there any special commands to clean or optimize, whatever, that can be relevant to this? :-(
A couple things to try:
Update statistics
Add hints to the query about what index to use (in SQL Server you might say WITH (INDEX(myindex)) after specifying a table)
EDIT: You noted that copying the database made it work, which tells me that the index statistics were out of date. You can update them with something like UPDATE STATISTICS mytable on a regular basis.
Use EXEC sp_updatestats to update the whole database.
The first thing I would do is specify the exact columns I want, and see if the problems persists. I doubt you would need all the columns from all three tables.
It sounds like it has trouble getting all the rows out of the result table. How big is a row? Look at how big all the data in the table is and divide it by the number of rows. Right click on the table -> properties..., Storage tab.
Try putting where clause into a subquery to force it to do that first?
(SELECT * FROM sample
WHERE sampled_date
BETWEEN '2010-03-17 09:00' AND '2010-03-17 12:00') s
INNER JOIN test ON s.sample_number = test.sample_number
INNER JOIN result ON test.test_number = result.test_number
OR this might work better if you expect a small number of samples
FROM sample
INNER JOIN test ON sample.sample_number = test.sample_number
INNER JOIN result ON test.test_number = result.test_number
WHERE sample.sample_ID in (
SELECT sample_ID
FROM sample
WHERE sampled_date BETWEEN '2010-03-17 09:00' AND '2010-03-17 12:00'
If you do a SELECT *, you want all the data from the table. The data for the table is in the clustered index - the leaf nodes of the clustered index are the data pages.
So if you want all of those data pages anyway, and since you're joining 1 mio. rows to 11 mio. rows (1 out of 11 isn't very selective for SQL Server), using an index to find the rows, and then do bookmark lookups into the actual data pages for each of those rows found, might just not be very efficient, and thus SQL Server uses the clustered index scan instead.
So to make a long story short: only select those rows you really need! You thus give SQL Server a chance to use an index, do a seek there, and find the necessary data.
If you only select three, four columns, then the chances that SQL Server will find and use an index that contains those columns are just so much higher than if you ask for all the data from all the tables involved.
Another option would be to try and find a way to express a subquery, using e.g. a Common Table Expression, that would grab data from the two smaller tables, and reduce that number of rows even more, and join the hopefully quite small result against the main table. If you have a small result set of only 40 or 800 results (rather than two tables with 1 mio. rows each), then SQL Server might be more inclined to use a Clustered Index Seek and do bookmark lookups on 40 or 800 rows, rather than doing a full Clustered Index Scan.