FlexNativeMenu with robotlegs - air

I an using the Robotlegs framework and I am busy with an AIR desktop application and I want to use FlexNativeMenu. THe problem is that I am not able to create a view class based on mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu for dependency injection. When not using Robotlegs the code is pretty straightforward - any help will be appreciated. Thanks.

generally you can use whatever you want to a view. The problem is that the mediator's onRegister method will be called only if your view dispatches ADDED_TO_STAGE event. And because FlexNativeMenu doesn't fire this event your mediator is not working (http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/mx/controls/FlexNativeMenu.html#eventSummary)

for RobotLegs v2
If you're trying to inject into the FlexNativeMenu (hereinafter referred to FNM), you can try something like this (I'd do this in your IConfig implementor):
injector.injectInto( fnmInstance );
If you are trying to inject an instance of FNM (say in it's mediator):
public var view:MyFNMClass;
If you are trying to attach a mediator to the FNM instance you do something like this in your IConfig implementor:
//requires that you map the FNM (assuming you're subclassing it)
mediatorMap.map( MyFNMClass ).toMediator( MyFNMClassMediator );
//else where where you decide to wire it up
mediatorMap.mediate( fnmInstance );
The "gotcha" is this: There isn't a very pretty way to access the FNM prior to injection. I grabbed it like so:
//very nasty I know
var fnm:MyFlexNativeMenu = FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.myMenu;
Made a git repo - https://github.com/jusopi/RobotLegs-v2-FlexNativeMenu-example


Yii dependency injection basic

Can anyone explain me DI basics please? I understand what it is, but I don't really know now, how to use DI container in practice. For example, I have 2 functions in the same controller:
public function actionIndex()
$productsModel = new Products();
$productsFormModel = new ProductsForm();
$informationFormModel = new InformationForm();
public function actionInformation()
$productsModel = new Products();
$productsFormModel = new ProductsForm();
$informationFormModel = new InformationForm();
So my two questions is:
As you see above, I use same models in these functions. It is good idea to initialized them into "public function init() {}" and then use them in all class globally or this is bad idea?
I think it should be better if these models would be injected into this controller, right? How to do it correctly?
I was created file DI.php, which I included into entry script. File content was:
\Yii::$container->set('products_model', 'app\models\Products');
\Yii::$container->set('products_form', 'app\models\ProductsForm');
\Yii::$container->set('information_form', 'app\models\InformationForm');
So then I was able to get class app\models\Products instance globally (in every controller, view or model):
$instance_products = \Yii::$container->get('products_model');
$instance_products_form = \Yii::$container->get('products_form');
$instance_information_form = \Yii::$container->get('information_form');
But this is bad idea, right?
Please, answer someone my two questions. :)
Keeping things DRY is always a good idea. The classes seem very related, so I suggest making this relationship explicit by creating a new model (e.g. ProductsInfo). One could name the controller accordingly (ProductsInfoController), thereby clarifying the application structure.
Use dependency injection sparingly. If there is a different way way, use that instead. DI isn't a good fit for the described use-case.

wcf client and sending objects to server

I have a question...
I have a web service where the OperationContract are retrieve and update.
Using a cars example, I have the retrieve providing an object that contains a list of cars and how many cars. I have that configured through a class.
[OperationContract(Name = "**Retrieve**")]
CarInfo Retrieve(CarRequest CarRetrieve);
[OperationContract(Name = "**Update**")]
CarUpdateInfo Update(CarUPDRequest CarUpdate);
Now the retrieve I do not seem to have a problem with at all. It's looking like it's providing the information; the update, however, is not working.
The CarUPDRequest object is defined with different classes and one of those is a list of cars.
The class is constructed much the same as the CarUpdateInfo and that seems to work.
On the client, I know I can would call the update. But I construct the object CarUPDRequest on the client.
I have the service reference namespace like CarService. I can actually type CarService. (and get the list of class methods like the CarInfo and CarUPDRequest.
A couple of things I noticed is like the .Add for a collection defined by a list. On the client app, I DO NOT get the Add. However, if I try the same thing local on the CarService.cs, it will allow me to do the add:
CarUpd.Cars.car.add doesn't work on the client but does work on the server. Work as in is an option.
When using something like
var CarUpd = new CarUpdRequest();
Is there something I am missing here?
Any assistance on this would be greatly appreciated.
I solved my issue by doing a List CarUpd = new List();

zend acl dynamic assertions : when/how to load the resource?

i'm creating a zend framework 2 application and i'm sort of trying to implement what is explained here:
The demonstration that the code works is really nice, but it doesn't really apply to how a framework (utilizing mvc) works. Or maybe i'm just on the wrong track...
i've created a RouteListener like this :
class RouteListener implements ListenerAggregateInterface
public function attach(EventManagerInterface $events)
$this->listeners[] = $result = $events->attach(
MvcEvent::EVENT_DISPATCH, array($this, "checkAcl"), 100
the method checkAcl then checks if you're allowed to do what you want to do.
The resource and action are determined like this:
$resource = $routeMatch->getParam("controller");
$action = $routeMatch->getParam("action");
And the role is determined by the identity stored in the session (which implements Zend\Permissions\Acl\Role\RoleInterface)
Following the example: how do i determine if a user is allowed to edit a certain blog-post?
By the time acl is doing it's checking, the controller hasn't loaded the blogpost yet, so i'm not sure how to approach this. Unless i duplicate the retrieval of the blogpost in the assertion, but that i'm hoping there is a better way.
I'm also using doctrine for my persistence layer and in the end i've solved this problem using doctrine's Lifecycle Events. This allows you to trigger the acl-check whenever you want: when a entity (p.e. a blog-post) is loaded, or saved, etc.

How can I resolve dependency in Castle Windsor Factory?

I read about factories in CastleWindsor but I cannot get it clear. Hope anyone could help me.
I have this typed factory in an MVC4 project.
public interface IOrderProcessorFactory
T Create<T>(string ProcessorName) where T : IOrderProcessor;
void Release(object service);
IOrderProcessor GetTakeAway();
IOrderProcessor GetInLocal();
this is register this way:
If inside an MVC controller I call the factory in this way.
I get the correct one, the one named "TakeAway".
But for this I have to previous know the type. In other words, I want to call the factory get methods and pass a "name" and the factory returns the correct one.
For example in pseudo-code I want this
TakeAwayOrderProcessor processor1 = factory.GetMeProcessorCalled("TakeAway")
InLocalOrderProcessor processor2 = factory.GetMeProcessorCalled("InLocal")
I know I can pass parameters to the constructor but then I will have to select it "manually" with if name is this return this one else...
Is there any way Windsor can do this automatic, like StructureMap do with:
You need a TypedFactoryComponentSelector

Ninject - How to dynamically select an implementation to bind to an interface

I'm currently using Ninject to create instances of interfaces in a WCF Services application.
It works great, but we are going to have several implementations of IObjC. What options do I have for continuing fluid assignment of implementation to interface for IObjA/IObjB but allowing for configurable assignment for IObjC?
I found a related question on SO but I don't know if I can support both a fluid and a configurable approach simultaneously.
For example, can I use Ninject.extensions.xml for IObjC while continuing to use the above approach for IObjA and IObjB?
Is it advisable to have conditional assignment for IObjC? That seems dirty but at the same time appears very simple.
if (condition1)
else if (condition 2)
Also, I know other frameworks like Castle support XML configuration but I would like to continue using Ninject.
1 - your bindings to IObjC have nothing to do with any other bindings. it doesn't matter where, when, or how you bind other services.
2 - you can use the XML extensions, but I would ask why you think you need it to be configurable.
3 - there are 2 possibilities for your conditional. first is that you want to make a decision at startup to determine whether to use ObjC1 for the entire lifetime of the app, or ObjC2. if that's the case, your code is ok. however, if you want to dynamically decided which object to use each time you resolve the binding, you will need to put the condition inside your binding, like so:
Bind<IObjC>().ToMethod( ctx => condition ? ctx.Kernel.Get<ObjC1>() : ctx.Kernel.Get<ObjC2>() );
alternately, you can use Named bindings:
Bind<ILog>().ToConstant( LogManager.GetLogger( "Accounting" ) ).Named( "Accounting" );
or "When" conditions to help:
Bind<ILog>().ToConstant( LogManager.GetLogger( "Background" ) ).When( context => context.Target != null && context.Target.Name == "backgroundLogger" );