Can anyone translate this dateformat? - objective-c

I’m having a problem with date formats.
I need to convert the following string into af date object: 2011-09-19T12:23:51Z
And then convert the date object back to a string with this format: 19. september 2011
I can’t figure out what the “T” and “Z” is all about though?
Can anyone help me?
Kind regards

The "T" is to separate the date from the time.
The "Z" shows that this is in UTC.
This is a standard (extended) ISO-8601 format date/time string - it should be easy to parse with whatever libraries iOS provides.


Objective-C format date and string

I have two question to ask, they're easy, but bothering me for a while.
I access my .NET test WebService, and it return two parameters to me.
One is a date data just like "/Date(1332399761677+0800)/", and I dont know
how to format it to the normal date format.
Two is a NSString data looks like "12000.00000",and I want to change it to
the format like this:"12000.00".
So,please help me with this two problems. Thank you in advance.
1332399761677 looks like a Unix date, so if you grab that part of the string, use NSString doubleValue to turn it into a double, then use NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:, you should be able to get a date. +0800 looks like a timezone, but you wouldn't need the timezone to get the date given a Unix date: 1332399761677 would specify a specific point in time, irrespective of timezones.
As for "12000.00000", you would use doubleValue to make it into a double, make an NSNumberFormatter with its maximumFractionDigits and minimumFractionDigits set to 2, then use stringFromNumber:.

Date Formatting in iPhone SDk

I'm working on one iPhone application that includes date formatting. Here i'm getting date string from the server that i need to change and display of the formatted date.
Please find the below date m getting from the server
Server Date: Sat Apr 23 16:35:33 +0000 2011
This date i need to display like 2:35 AM Apr 23rd
Can anyone please help in this.
Thanks in advance.
You should use an NSDateFormatter to parse the date string you get from the server and get the corresponding NSDate (via -[NSDateFormatter dateFromString:]). You would then use a second NSDateFormatter to convert the NSDate to an NSString with the desired date format. Unless you absolutely require a very specific display format, you should use +[NSDateFormatter dateFormatFromTemplate:options:locale:] to get a date format that a) includes all the details you want it to include and b) respects the user’s locale settings. For instance, some users might prefer a 24-hour format instead of the 12-hour format with an AM/PM designation.

How to change Time Format in VB.NET from 24 to 12?

I am using these codes for displaying time in VB.NET
it shows up in 24 hours format besides i need it in 12 hours format
I need it as :
Use String.Format. For example:
String.Format("{0:T}", System.DateTime.Now) //02:12:42 PM
String.Format("{0:hh:mm:ss}", System.DateTime.Now) //02:12:42
String.Format("{0:hh:mm:ss tt}", System.DateTime.Now) //02:12:42 PM
Also, this website to be very helpful in summarizing the various ways you can use String.Format. Keep in mind the culture can make a difference on non-custom formats. The first example above using T (Long Time format) works on my US-based PC just fine. But if you say:
String.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, _
"{0:T}", System.DateTime.Now)
You end up with 14:12:42. The latter two examples are custom formats and are not affected by culture.
When using DateTime objects you can actually use the ToString() method and set your format inside it.
string currentTime = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss");
Check this msdn article out for more clarity:
Use the appropriate format string for display.
string formatted = myDateTime.ToString("hh:mm:ss");
I have used a custom format string in this case.
1-Use regex to get first two characters of that string ie from 23:11:59 get 23
2-convert this number to integer type
3-now check it if it is not greater than 12 and if it is subtract 12 from it and by using string.replace replace the old value.
Try This...
Dim CurTime As String
CurTime = TimeOfDay.ToString("h:mm:ss tt")

Parsing Datetime

I have a date time as a string, eg. "2010-08-02", I'm trying to convert it to UTC with the following code snippet
DateTime.ParseExact("2010-08-02Z", "yyyy-MM-ddZ", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
When I print to the console, I get the following: 8/1/2010 5:00:00 PM.
Is there a reason why the date shows up as the date before the date I'm trying to parse? I could just add a day to this to advance to the original day, but I wanted to see if there's anything I'm doing wrong in the formatting that's causing this.
EDIT: I had a mixture of being correct and not :)
It's showing you the local time represented by the UTC string. It's annoying that DateTime doesn't make this sort of thing clear, IMO. Additionally, I don't think you want to use 'Z' as the format specifier for the time zone; that's not actually a valid format specifier; it should be 'z', - but that's meant for things like "+01:00". I think you should be using 'K'. Frankly it's not clear, but if you use 'K' it round-trips correctly, certainly ('Z' roundtrips too, but only because it ignores it, treating it as plain text).
You can fix it by just calling ToUniversalTime, or (preferred IMO) specifying DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal as an extra argument:
DateTime dt = DateTime.ParseExact("2010-08-02Z", "yyyy-MM-ddK",
The UTC of midnight for 2010-08-02 happens to be at 5pm on 2010-08-01.
If the original string is just a date in the format "2010-08-02" (without the Z), then why not just:
ParseExact will presumably return a DateTime with Kind = Unspecified, and you can make it UTC or Local as you wish using SpecifyKind.

VisualBasic Month function inconsistency

I'm working in a web application using VB.NET. There is also VisualBasic code mixed in it, in particular the Date variable and the Month function of VB.
The problem is this part:
On the servers, I get 10 (October) as the month (which is supposed to be correct). On my machine, I get 1 (January) (which is supposed to be wrong).
Two of my colleagues (on their own machines) get different answers, one got 1, the other got 10.
The question is, why is this so?
On my end, I can solve the problem by using .NET's DateTime's Parse (or ParseExact) function to force everything to be "dd/MM/yyyy" format. This works. I'm just wondering why there's an inconsistency.
Extra info: I know the parameter for Month function is supposed to be a Date variable. The code used a string as parameter, and Option Strict was off, and the developers mainly let VB do its own conversion thing. (Legacy code maintenance has a lot of inertia...)
If it helps, the version of Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll on the servers is 7.10.6310.4 (under the Framework folder v1.1.4322). The version on mine (and my 2 colleagues') machine is 7.10.6001.4.
Edit: Regional settings for all machines already set to dd/MM/yyyy format (short date format).
This normally has to do with the regional settings, and more specifically the date/time formats. If you set these formats so that they are all the same on the machines you're testing on, the results should be consistent.
Your idea of using ParseExact is definitely the better solution to go with, IMHO.
This is because the runtime has to convert your given value "10/01/2008" which is indeed a string implicitly to the DateTime datatype.
When converting strings to dates and the other way round, the string format depends on the locale settings of windows.
See this link on msdn.
In this article a way to specify a date literal which is independent of your locale settings:
Just enclose the date with the sign # and specify it in the form mm/dd/yyyy:
So the code
should give you the answer 10 on any machine.
Ther a two more worarounds given in that msdn article:
1. Use the Format Function with predifned Date/Time Format
To convert a Date literal to the
format of your locale, or to a custom
format, supply the literal to the
Format Function, specifying either
Predefined Date/Time Formats (Format
Function) or User-Defined Date/Time
Formats (Format Function). The
following example demonstrates this.
MsgBox("The formatted date is " &
Format(#5/31/1993#, "dddd, d MMM
2. Use the DateTime-Class Constructor to construt the right DateTime value
Alternatively, you can use one of the
overloaded constructors of the
DateTime structure to assemble a date
and time value. The following example
creates a value to represent May 31,
1993 at 12:14 in the afternoon.
Dim dateInMay As New
System.DateTime(1993, 5, 31, 12, 14,