Could the view to be pushed up when the keyboard occur? - objective-c

I have created some textfields at the bottom that required users to entry. Is there any method that can push up the view automatically when the keyboard occur?

See Apple's Moving Content That Is Located Under the Keyboard, or this implementation based in Calculating Area Covered by Keyboard.
Basically you have to mount your view on a UIScrollView and add a bottom content inset with the same height than the keyboard. Then scroll using setContentOffset:animated:. This is a generic solution that you can reuse.
A more simple but non generic way is, if you have enough space at the bottom of your view without editable controls, you just scroll to a fixed position for each edit box.

use the -contentoffset property of your view.


Swipe to see options in iPad

How can I implement swipe to see more options? There are lot of libraries that I could readily use, but they all are designed for iPhone apps. In iPad you have a lot of space, and I want to stack the buttons vertically instead of horizontally.
Is there any library for this? If not, how should I go about building this as a custom cell?
I tried building a custom UITableViewCell class which adds a UIScrollView, but it's not the same as showing the buttons beneath the cell.
Based on your inputs I have created a simple custom cell with basic functionality of swipe to see utility buttons and of course buttons stacked vertically.
What I did was, add a UIView beneath the cell's content view and positioned at right. Now depending on the number of buttons provided each button's height is adjusted accordingly. And delegates are provided for button clicks.
Swipe gestures are added. On swiping left it will animate and shift the cell's content view to reveal the button view. On swiping right it will reset the cell to original position.
You can customise it from here onwards as you wish :)
I have uploaded them over here :

How do I fix empty 44px space in iOS7 view with ViewDeckController?

I am in the process of transitioning an app to iOS7. All of the views throughout the app have a 44px empty space at the bottom that appears to be for a bottom toolbar or something, but I am not trying to display a bottom toolbar. This space also exists on views that do have a bottom toolbar and the toolbar just shows directly above it.
The red space shown is actually a view behind the black view. No matter what size I set the frame of the black view to, the red space is always shown. I am also hiding the status bar in plist, so don't know if this is an artifact from that or if it has something to do with navigation bar as they are both normally 44px in height.
I have looked at the transitioning guide and haven't found anything that's worked. Any ideas to what could be causing this and how to fix?
I have tried setting edgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdgeAll and extendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars = YES (also tried NO) with no effect. When I look at the subviews of the navigation controller it shows a UIToolBar as hidden, but shows it contains a frame in the exact area the view refuses to resize to even with autolayout constraints.
This is actually a problem with ViewDeckController ( and the way it sets it's center view bounds.
I believe it has to do with the UINavigationBar. Try toggling the following options in Storyboard and see if it solves the problem. Namely, the 'Extend Edges' options:
These options can also be set in code with the edgesForExtendedLayout and extendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars properties on UIViewController.
If you are transitioning to iOS 7, you should be using an Auto Layout constraint to anchor to the Bottom Layout guide. Control drag from your view to the Bottom Layout guide and choose Vertical Space from the popup menu.
Using frames in iOS 7 is harder and is the way of the past.
Auto Layout is hard to grasp at first, but it is very powerful once you get the feel.
This is actually a problem with third party library ViewDeckController ( and the way it sets centerViewBounds for IIViewDeckControllerIntegrated. I was able to figure it out after changing to IIViewDeckControllerContained and seeing the view sized correctly.
In IIViewDeckController.m, just return self.referenceBounds for iOS7 like it does for IIViewDeckControllerContained.

Can't seem to achieve the same effect on my slide menu as Any.Do

I am trying to create the same type of slide-up/pull-up menu (from the bottom) as the iPhone app, but not having any success.
The issue I am running into is the app was built with storyboards so I am thinking I might have to scratch that idea and use just code.
Any ideas?
There is no need to get rid of your storyboard to recreate this, that's what IBOutlets are for. Any way, it looks like this was made by creating a UIScrollView that takes up the entire screen. Then add a UITableView to the upper section of the scroll view. Mind you in order for this to work, you'll need to disable scrolling on the scroll view in the background.
From there you can programmatically add the other elements to the scroll view to be rendered off screen, since there are only three they can probably just be buttons. And finally, since scrolling is disabled on the background scroll view you can add an image with a UISwipeGestureRecognizer at the bottom of the screen to manually change the scroll view's content offset property.

Easiest way to add scrolling to a mac application

Is there an easy way to add scrolling to the contents of a NSwindow? as an example scrolling sideways on this window to reveal more space?
This is very easy using an NSScrollView. In Interface Builder just drag a scroll view into your window. Then you can embed whatever contents you want in the NSScrollView's view. In Interface Builder's Attributes Inspector of the scroll view you can set whether you want horizontal and/or vertical scroll bars.

adding an invisible button to the background in IB

I'm working with Xcode doing a Ipad app.
i simply want user to click anywhere on screen (not counting text fields) to perform some IBAction.I'm using an invisible button that covers my whole view.
Since I have some text fields in my view,i need to add this invisible button to the background of my user interface. I cant seem to find this option in the button attributes? any help?
Just set the button's type to custom.
Did you try setting the opacity of the button to zero?
I guess i got your point. You just want to put the UIButton(invisible) on the back of all the UITextField. The simple solution to this is open the Document Window in the IB. Now expand the view tree in the list view. Just drag your UIButton above the UITextFields and set the alpha value for the button in the property to be zero.
Hope this helps!!
iPad users don't "click". They "tap" or "touch".
In Interface Builder, I believe views are constructed with a z-index from top to bottom as they appear in the document window, so dragging your button so that it appears as the first subview of your main view should be a quick fix for this.
Have you considered other approaches? This doesn't sound like standard behaviour for an app and will probably cause havoc with anybody using Voice Over. What are you trying to accomplish?