Parameterized LIKE clause in SQL statement using Dapper - sql

I want to perform the following query using Dapper, which currently doesn't return expected results (I think it must be treating the #pName param as literal text within the single quotes?):
var q = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Name LIKE '#pName%'";
#pName is the param I assign a value to upon executing the query.
Things work if I just build the SQL like:
var q = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Name LIKE '" + name + "%'";
.. but I would prefer to use a param if possible.
I am executing the query using the following code:
o = _cn.Query<User>(q, new { pName = new DbString { Value = name, IsFixedLength = false, Length = 25, IsAnsi = true } }).ToList();
How do I got about this using Dapper?

SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Name LIKE #pName + '%'

I would like to add here another possible solution:
var results = cn.Query("SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Column LIKE #value", new { value = value + "%" });
The wildcard is inside the string var itself, and then we reference that var in the SQL. Applies to any wildcard pattern you want.


How can use BETWEEN in sqlite via db.query

I've a query on sqlite that use "between" and I want to use it on standard Query.
my code is here:
String[] columns = new String[]{"_id", "question_group", "question_number", "is_answered"};
String selection = "question_group = ?";
String[] selectionArgs = new String[]{String.valueOf(category)};
String groupBy = null;
String having = null;
String orderBy = null;
String limit = null;
SQLiteDatabase db = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(DB_PATH + DB_NAME, null, SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE);
Cursor cursor = db.query(TABLE_QUESTION, columns, selection, selectionArgs, groupBy, having, orderBy, limit);
I want to Add another condition that is :question_number between 1 and 10. I can now write this query in a single statement but I want to use it as above I told.
From the Android documentation describing the selection parameter of the query() method:
A filter declaring which rows to return, formatted as an SQL WHERE clause (excluding the WHERE itself). Passing null will return all rows for the given table.
If you want the following WHERE clause in your query
WHERE question_group = :category AND question_number BETWEEN 1 AND 10
then you can use the following selection and selectionArgs:
String selection = "question_group = ? AND question_number BETWEEN ? AND ?";
String[] selectionArgs = new String[]{ String.valueOf(category), "1", "10"};

Breaking up a static string sql command into the command portion and seperate parameters

I have a static string with parameters, being sent to an SQL Execute command.
The strings have the format of delete 'Name' from table where x = 1 and y = 2 or select * from table where x = 1 and y = 2.
My problem is that I need to break the string into parameters.
How do I break the strings so that I can pass the command with the parameters to a single functional with the least possible work?
I have only one function to fix and handle this problem.
From this:
protected object ExecuteScaler(string queryString)
{ OpenConnection(); }
DbCommand command = _provider.CreateCommand();
command.Connection = _connection; command.CommandText = queryString; command.CommandType = CommandType.Text; if (_useTransaction) {
command.Transaction = _transaction; }
try { returnValue = command.ExecuteScalar(); } ...
Can someone please give me an example?
When you build a sql-command like this:
// don't do this because of sql injection
sql = "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Col2 = " + somevalue;
Where you "break out of" the string constant to place a value, that is the point where you want to use a parameter placeholder:
// safe from sql injection
sql = "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Col2 = #somevalue";
And then you can supply the value for #somevalue using the Parameters collection.
When the query needs some fixed values, then it is probably OK to keep them in the string:
// the "type" never changes for this query:
sql = "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE type=1 and Col2 = #somevalue";

ColdFusion - how do I execute an SQL "IN" clause in cfscript?

How would I construct an IN clause in cfscript? Here's what I have:
var tagList = "301,302,303,304";
var q = new Query ();
q.setDatasource ("mydatasource");
var sqlStmt = "SELECT * FROM Tags WHERE tagID IN (:tagList)";
// I know the next line is not correct!
q.addParam (name="tagList", value="#tagList#", cfsqltype="??? WHAT SHOULD IT BE ???");
Is there an easy way to do this, or do I need to iterate through the list of tags, adding each one separately?
There is a list attribute on <cfqueryparam> which ought to be supported:
q.addParam (name="tagList", value="#tagList#", cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER", list="yes");

Does Dapper support the like operator?

Using Dapper-dot-net...
The following yields no results in the data object:
var data = conn.Query(#"
select top 25
Term as Label,
from SearchTerms
WHERE Term like '%#T%'",
new { T = (string)term });
However, when I just use a regular String Format like:
string QueryString = String.Format("select top 25 Term as Label, Type, ID from SearchTerms WHERE Term like '%{0}%'", term);
var data = conn.Query(QueryString);
I get 25 rows back in the collection. Is Dapper not correctly parsing the end of the parameter #T?
term = "whateverterm";
var encodeForLike = term => term.Replace("[", "[[]").Replace("%", "[%]");
string term = "%" + encodeForLike(term) + "%";
var data = conn.Query(#"
select top 25
Term as Label,
from SearchTerms
WHERE Term like #term",
new { term });
There is nothing special about like operators, you never want your params inside string literals, they will not work, instead they will be interpreted as a string.
The hard-coded example in your second snippet is strongly discouraged, besides being a huge problem with sql injection, it can cause dapper to leak.
Any like match that is leading with a wildcard is not SARGable, which means it is slow and will require an index scan.
Yes it does. This simple solution has worked for me everytime:
db.Query<Remitente>("SELECT *
FROM Remitentes
WHERE Nombre LIKE #n", new { n = "%" + nombre + "%" })
Best way to use this to add concat function in query as it save in sql injecting as well, but concat function is only support above than sql 2012
string query = "SELECT * from country WHERE Name LIKE CONCAT('%',#name,'%');"
var results = connection.query<country>(query, new {name});
The answer from Sam wasn't working for me so after some testing I came up with using the SQLite CONCAT equivalent which seems to work:
string sql = "SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE Name LIKE '%' || #NAME || '%'";
var data = IEnumerable data = conn.Query(sql, new { NAME = Name });
Just to digress on Sam's answer, here is how I created two helper methods to make searches a bit easier using the LIKE operator.
First, creating a method for generating a parameterized query, this method uses dynamic: , but creating a strongly typed generic method should be more desired in many cases where you want static typing instead of dynamic.
public static dynamic ParameterizedQuery(this IDbConnection connection, string sql, Dictionary<string, object> parametersDictionary)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql))
return null;
string missingParameters = string.Empty;
foreach (var item in parametersDictionary)
if (!sql.Contains(item.Key))
missingParameters += $"Missing parameter: {item.Key}";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(missingParameters))
throw new ArgumentException($"Parameterized query failed. {missingParameters}");
var parameters = new DynamicParameters(parametersDictionary);
return connection.Query(sql, parameters);
Then adding a method to create a Like search term that will work with Dapper.
public static string Like(string searchTerm)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchTerm))
return null;
Func<string, string> encodeForLike = searchTerm => searchTerm.Replace("[", "[[]").Replace("%", "[%]");
return $"%{encodeForLike(searchTerm)}%";
Example usage:
var sql = $"select * from products where ProductName like #ProdName";
var herringsInNorthwindDb = connection.ParameterizedQuery(sql, new Dictionary<string, object> { { "#ProdName", Like("sild") } });
foreach (var herring in herringsInNorthwindDb)
And we get our sample data from Northwind DB:
I like this approach, since we get helper extension methods to do repetitive work.
My solution simple to this problem :
parameter.Add("#nomeCliente", dfNomeCliPesquisa.Text.ToUpper());
query = "SELECT * FROM cadastrocliente WHERE upper(nome) LIKE " + "'%" + dfNomeCliPesquisa.Text.ToUpper() + "%'";

How to use SQL wildcards in LINQ to Entity Framework

I have a query that looks like this:
IQueryable<Profile> profiles = from p in connection.Profiles
where profile.Email.Contains(txtSearch)
select p;
I know that when this is converted to SQL it uses a LIKE '%<value of txtSearch>%' but if txtSearch = "" it converts it to `LIKE ''. The ~ escapes the % in the middle that is a wild card. How do I get around that? I need to be able to put wild cards into my LINQ to EF searches.
I'm not sure that this is possible directly with linq because you can call only basic string functions like Contains, StartsWith or EndsWith. It is possible with Entity SQL so you can combine these approaches.
var query = new ObjectQuery<Profile>(
FROM CsdlContainerName.Profiles AS p
WHERE p.Email LIKE '" + wildcardSearch + "'",
var result = query.AsQueryable().OrderByDescending(p => p.Name).ToList();
ESQL injection strikes back :)
Second version without injection vulnerability (I didn't try it but it should work):
var commandText =
FROM CsdlContainerName.Profiles AS p
WHERE p.Email LIKE #search";
var query = new ObjectQuery<Profile>(commandText, context);
query.Parameters.Add(new ObjectParameter("search", wildcardSearch));
var result = query.AsQueryable().OrderByDescending(p => p.Name).ToList();