Complex SQL Query in Rails - User.where(hash) - sql

My starting point is basically Ryan Bates Railscast.
I have User model that I need to do some queries on. The model has a couple hourly rate attributes as follows:
#User migration
t.decimal :hour_price_high
t.decimal :hour_price_low
I have the query working in the User.where(Array) format where Array is formatted
["users.hour_price_high <= ? OR users.hour_price_low >= ? OR users.hour_price_low <= ? AND users.hour_price_high >= ?", hour_price_high, hour_price_low, hour_price_low, hour_price_high]
#This is simply a search of two ranges. Search for $40/h - $60/h.
#It will return an User who charge any overlapping price range. Such as one who charges $45/h - $65/h, etc.
I simply wish to convert this into Ruby syntax in the where statement.
My problem is how to represent the OR.
#This isn't the full query shown above..
User.where(:high_price_high => hour_price_low..hour_price_high, :hour_price_low => hour_price_low..hour_price_high)
Produces this SQL:
=> "SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE (`users`.`hour_price_high` BETWEEN 45 AND 60) AND (`users`.`hour_price_low` BETWEEN 45 AND 60)"
Which, of course, is wrong because of the AND. I need it to be:
=> "SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE (`users`.`hour_price_high` BETWEEN 45 AND 60) OR (`users`.`hour_price_low` BETWEEN 45 AND 60)"
How can I make this be an OR statement without busting out the old truth table from my sophomore E.E. classes?

When you chain several where methods or have a few arguments in one where method, then you always get AND between them, so when you want to have OR you need to use this syntax:
User.where("users.hour_price_high <= ? OR users.hour_price_low >= ? OR users.hour_price_low <= ? AND users.hour_price_high >= ?", hour_price_high, hour_price_low, hour_price_low, hour_price_high)
Note: please watch in order to get more information about active record queries.


How to retrieve a list of records and the count of each one's children with condition in Active Record?

There are two models with our familiar one-to-many relationship:
class Custom
has_many :orders
class Order
belongs_to :custom
I want to do the following work:
get all the custom information whose age is over 18, and how many big orders(pay for 1,000 dollars) they have?
for the models:
rails g model custom name:string age:integer
rails g model orders amount:decimal custom_id:integer
I hope one left join sql statement will do all my job, and don't construct unnecessary objects like this:
Custom.where('age > ?', '18').includes(:orders).where('orders.amount > ?', '1000')
It will construct a lot of order objects which I don't need, and it will calculate the count by Array#count function which will waste time.
My own solution is wrong, it will remove customs who doesn't have big orders from the result.
Finding adult customers with big orders
This solution uses a single query, with the nested orders relation transformed into a sub-query.
big_customers = Custom.where("age > ?", "18").where(
id: Order.where("amount > ?", "1000").select(:custom_id)
Grab all adults and their # of big orders (MySQL)
This can still be done in a single query. The count is grabbed via a join on orders and sticking the count of orders into a column in the result called big_orders_count, which ActiveRecord turns into a method. It involves a lot more "raw" SQL. I don't know any way to avoid this with ActiveRecord except with the great squeel gem.
adults = Custom.where("age > ?", "18").select([
"count( as big_orders_count"
]).joins(%{LEFT JOIN orders
ON orders.custom_id =
AND orders.amount > 1000})
# see count:
You might want to consider caching counters like this. This join will be expensive on the database, so if you had a dedicated customs.big_order_count column that was either refreshed regularly or updated by an observer that watches for big Order records.
Grab all adults and their # of big orders (PostgreSQL)
Solution 2 is mysql only. To get this to work in postgresql I created a third solution that uses a sub-query. Still one call to the DB :-)
adults = Custom.where("age > ?", "18").select([
SELECT count(*)
FROM orders
WHERE orders.custom_id =
AND orders.amount > 1000
) AS big_orders_count}
# see count:
I have tested this against postgresql with real data. There may be a way to use more ActiveRecord and less SQL, but this works.
#custom_over_18 = Custom.where("age > ?", "18").orders.where("amount > ?", "1000").count

Get all records with child records OR field length > 250

I have a Comment model which has-many attachments. What I want to return, is all of the comments which either have one or more attachment records, OR whose comment is longer than 250 characters.
Is there any way I can do this without writing it entirely in pure SQL? I'm struggling to build up a WHERE clause in just the rails method. It's not quite as simple as I'd hoped :(
Ideally I want this to be a scope but whatever will work is fine
You could try:
Comment.includes(:attachments).where('attachments.comment_id IS NOT NULL OR LEN(comments.content) > 250')
The WHERE clause should follow the pattern o the following pseudo-code
WHERE Length(Comment_field) > 250
OR EXISTS (Select COMMENT_ID from attachments)
Jump into the irb or rails c (console) do this from command-line to get it then plug it in.
c = YourCommentModel.where('attachments > ?', 1)
len250 = c = YourCommentModel.where('attachments.length> ?', 250)
first one gives comments of greater than 1, second gives comments > 250

Query: getting the last record for each member

Given a table ("Table") as follows (sorry about the CSV style since I don't know how to make it look like a table with the Stack Overflow editor):
If using Ruby Sequel, how should I write my query so I will get the following dataset in return.
I get the most current (largest end date value) record for EACH (distinct) member from the original table.
I can get the answer if I convert the table to an Array, but I am looking for a solution in SQL or Ruby Sequel query, if possible. Thank you.
Extra credit: The title of this post is lame...but I can't come up with a good one. Please offer a better title if you have one. Thank you.
The Sequel version of this is a bit scary. The best I can figure out is to use a subselect and, because you need to join the table and the subselect on two columns, a "join block" as described in Querying in Sequel. Here's a modified version of Knut's program above:
require 'csv'
require 'sequel'
# Create Test data
DB = Sequel.sqlite()
field :id
String :member
String :data
String :start # Treat as string to keep it simple
String :end # Ditto
# That was all setup, here's the query
ds = DB[:mytable]
result = ds.join(ds.select_group(:member).select_append{max(:end).as(:end)}, :member=>:member) do |j, lj, js|
Sequel.expr(Sequel.qualify(j, :end) => Sequel.qualify(lj, :end))
puts result.all
This gives you:
{:id=>1, :member=>"001", :data=>"abc", :start=>"2012-12-01", :end=>"2999-12-31"}
{:id=>3, :member=>"002", :data=>"ghi", :start=>"2009-01-01", :end=>"2999-12-31"}
{:id=>4, :member=>"003", :data=>"jkl", :start=>"2012-01-01", :end=>"2012-10-31"}
In this case it's probably easier to replace the last four lines with straight SQL. Something like:
puts DB[
"SELECT a.* from mytable as a
join (SELECT member, max(end) AS end FROM mytable GROUP BY member) as b
on a.member = b.member and a.end=b.end"].all
Which gives you the same result.
What's the criteria for your result?
If it is the keys 1,3 and 4 you may use DB[:mytable].filter( :id => [1,3,4]) (complete example below)
For more information about filtering with sequel, please refer the sequel documentation, especially Dataset Filtering.
require 'csv'
require 'sequel'
#Create Test data
DB = Sequel.sqlite()
field :id
field :member
field :data
field :start #should be date, not implemented in example
field :end #should be date, not implemented in example
#Create Test data - end -
puts DB[:mytable].filter( :id => [1,3,4]).all
In my opinion, you're approaching the problem from the wrong side. ORMs (and Sequel as well) represent a nice, DSL-ish layer above the database, but, underneath, it's all SQL down there. So, I would try to formulate the question and the answer in a way to get SQL query which would return what you need, and then see how it would translate to Sequel's language.
You need to group by member and get the latest record for each member, right?
I'd go with the following idea (roughly):
FROM table t1
LEFT JOIN table t2 ON t1.member = t2.member AND t2.end > t1.end
Now you should see how to perform left joins in Sequel, and you'll need to alias tables as well. Shouldn't be that hard.

ActiveRecord condition with count less than for association

I have a User that has_many messages.
I need a create a query that will
'Get me all users who's (message.opened == false) count < 3'
Right now, I am using User.all, iterating through all users, and counting manually. I understand that this isn't very efficient and it can be all done in one query, but I am new to SQL/ActiveRecord so need some help here.
Assuming Rails 3 syntax. You can do something like:
User.joins(:messages).where(:messages => {:opened => false}).group(:user_id).having("COUNT( < 3)
This should work:
User.includes(:messages).group("").where("messages.opened = 0").having("count( < 3")
This will create two queries, one for the grouped query, and one for eager loading the resulting users and messages with a join.
Here is solution to your problem
User.includes(:messages).group("").where("messages.opened = 0").having("count( < 3")
but what else you can do is to create a scope for this
scope :not_opened_less_three_count, includes(:messages).group("").where("messages.opened = 0").having("count( < 3")
And then you can use it anywhere you needed as follow
Try this
User.includes(:messages).group('').having('SUM(IFNULL(messages.opened = 0, 1)) < 3')
It works at least on MySQL, AND assuming your boolean true are 1 in database.
EDIT I had reversed the condition
PS IFNULL is there to handle if messages.opened can be NULL

rails and sql where IS NOT NULL not working properly with join. Rails 2.3.5 and Ruby 1.8.7 - mysql 5

I have 3 tables & models:
brand_data_records_brands - the join table
In rails i want all brand_data_records for a given date range for a given brand where a given attribute is not null in the db.
So I have:
BrandDataRecord.find(:all, :select => column_match, :joins => :brands, :conditions => ["brand_data_records_brands.brand_id = ? and date_retrieved >= ? AND date_retrieved <= ? and ? IS NOT NULL",,start_date,end_date,column_match])
This generates this sql:
SELECT sentiment FROM `brand_data_records` INNER JOIN `brand_data_records_brands` ON `brand_data_records_brands`.brand_data_record_id = `brand_data_records`.id INNER JOIN `brands` ON `brands`.id = `brand_data_records_brands`.brand_id WHERE (brand_data_records_brands.brand_id = 330516084 and date_retrieved >= '2011-05-02' AND date_retrieved <= '2011-06-01' and 'sentiment' IS NOT NULL)
Which generally works, but it gives back a bunch of extra records that have a null value. I think its something to do with the joins, if I remove them with sql only it works fine, but im not sure how to fix in rails (or even in sql for that fact)
You probably mean to reference the column:
`sentiment` IS NOT NULL
What you're doing inadvertently is asserting that the string 'sentiment' is not null, which of course it will never be. Passing in :sentiment or 'sentiment'.to_sym' in your conditions should fix this as symbols get escaped with backquotes on conversion.