Axis2 : four ways to create clients - axis2

There are 4 ways to create Clients in Axis 2 as shown
1.building an AXIOM based client,
2.generating a client using Axis2 Databinding Framework (ADB),
3.generating a client using XMLBeans,
4.and generating a client using JiBX
Could anybody please tell me , how can we decide what approach should be used .
please guide me .

If you are some one who can understand wsdl properly and want more performance. When writing client with AXIOM you get only an AXIOM object and you should know how to get the value from that.
Other methods are data binding techniques
ADB gives you better performance and less generated classes. But some of the schema constructs are not available. In other words it is not support xml schema 100% and you won't be able to use it if your schema is too complex.
It has almost all schema coverage. But bit slower to ADB and generate a lot of classes.
JIBX is used when you have some existing pojo classes.
In addition to this you can use jaxbri as well. Which also similar to ADB and have better schema coverage.


Can I take advantage of Yugabytes compatability?

Yugabyte seems to support Redis, Cassandra and SQL queries. Do they work with each other? For example, can I write data with Cassandra API and later perform SQL queries against them?
These APIs do not work with each other as is, meaning you would not be able to query YCQL data from YSQL. This is because the data types are all not always present in the other APIs, and they often have different semantics.
That said, we get asked this a lot and the plan is to enable this scenario using a foreign data wrapper. So, in effect, you would be able to "import" the YCQL table into the YSQL side and use it there. Note that PostgreSQL already has a bunch of these wrappers (for example, see this generic list of PG FDWs here - it has entries for Cassandra and Redis). The idea is to re-use/enhance these and get them to work out of the box.
If you're interested, please open a GitHub issue and we can continue there. Would love to understand your use-case better to make sure we are able to address it and work with you closely on this.

Automatically generating poco classes

Today I was checking out a few technologies: T4 templating, automapper
some mini orms: petapoco, sqlfu, ormlite
I understand the gist of what these technologies provide. I'm currently working on a 3 tier system, and I would have loved to replace the DAL (data access layer located on it's own data server) and have it integrated with a mini ORM as shown. However, I will be making no such plans for now. We currently use .NET Remoting (predates WCF).
So instead of replacing whatever is on the DataServer, I'd like to extend one of these new technologies on the application server.
I've done research on how Entity Framework can automatically generate POCO classes based on the context, which is done manually after building EF, I was wondering if I can do the same without using EF.
So here's the facts on what's currently happening:
Send a sql statement (or stored proc) to the DAL to execute
Retrieves a DataSet or a DataTable back to the application through TCP channel
My question is, is it possible to automatically generate a dynamic POCO class using keywords "var" and "dynamic" based on the values sent back from the DataSet and do dynamic mapping onto it during runtime? Would any of the technologies mentioned above help? Or do I have to manually create the POCO class first, and do a mapping on it?
It seems a bit redundant for me to manually create a POCO class and map it to a backend sql table if the application could be aware of what the POCO class is supposed to have. Like what happens if I update a table on the backend, then I'd have to update the POCO class associated with it as well. I'd love to have this to be automatic for me.
If you know the data sets at compile time, then T4 might be an option. You can write a T4 script that downloads the database schema, and constructs strongly-typed entity classes and database reads/write methods.
As far late-bound (runtime) classes, one option is to use the runtime typing provided by CustomTypeDescriptor. You can pass arrays of objects back and forth from the server, and use reflection or other techniques to infer the type.
I think it should be clear that #1 is preferable, if you know the types at compile time (which it sounds like in your case here). Runtime and dynamic should only be a last resort, as it circumvents a lot of valuable compile-time type checks.
Really, I would recommend using one of the micro ORMs like Dapper, etc, if you don't want to use the full Entity Framework. That is, unless you really want to re-invent the wheel.

How to create and populate a `SparqlQuery` object without a parser?

I am trying to model a SPARQL query with the SparqlQuery class.
It looks like I can use the RootGraphPattern property property to specify the triple patterns to adhere to in the results to my query.
Unfortunately, I have so far failed to create an instance of the SparqlQuery class, as its constructors are not publicly accessible and the class is sealed. Likewise, the query type can only be retrieved, but not set. Is there any factory method with an obscure name that creates instances of that class?
Forum postings, just as the documentation on the topic exclusively generate their SparqlQuery instances based on query strings with the SparqlQueryParser class. However, I don't have a query string yet, and I'm trying to avoid concatenating strings to build my query when there's an object-oriented API available that lets me construct my query in an OO way rather than starting out with a string.
Hence, my question is: How can I instantiate the SparqlQuery class without using an initial query string and a SPARQL parser?
Right now you can't, most of SparqlQuery is intentionally sealed because a lot of the properties and related classes like GraphPattern represent the AST and when we originally designed the class we didn't want people to intentionally/accidentally modify the AST in ways that created broken queries.
There is a fluent-query branch in the works which will eventually provide a Fluent API for building queries but the developer behind that is currently on a month long vacation and I haven't seen any activity on it for a while. You can take a look at the Fluent Query wiki for some examples of what this API is going to look like.
If this is an important feature to you we can push this up the priorities but as an open source project we are heavily constrained by the limited resources of our small developer team.
We could likely integrate what we have so far into our 1.0.0 release but our recent release focus has been on bug fixes and stability to make the 1.0.0 a stable production ready release, introducing a new and relatively untested feature goes somewhat against this. Also the API does not yet cover all of SPARQL so would be incomplete and potentially unstable.

.NET dll for Natural language to SQL/SPARQL

I'm trying to build an interface for my tool to query from Semantic/Relational DB using C#.NET
I now need to have a layer above the query layer to convert NL input to SQL/SPARQL, I read through papers of NLIs, The process of making such a layer is such a load for my project besides, it's not the main target, it's an add-on.
I don't care if the dll supports Guided input only or freely input text and handles unmatchings, I just need a dll to start from and add some code on it.
The fact of whether it should support both SQL and SPARQL doesn't really matter, because I can manage to convert one to another in my project's domain (something local)
any idea on available dlls ?
You could try my Natural Language Engine for .NET. Sample project on Bitbucket and Nuget packages available.
Using TokenPhrase in your rules can match any unmatched strings in the input, or quoted strings.
In the next revision that I'll be releasing soon it also supports 'production rules' and operator precedence which make it even easier to define your grammar.
Uniquely it delivers strongly-typed .NET objects and executes your rules in a manner similar to ASP.NET MVC with controllers, dependency injection and action methods. All rules are defined in code simply by writing a method that accepts the tokens you want to match. It includes tokens for common things like numbers, distances, times, weights and temporal expressions including finite and infinite temporal expressions.
I use it in various applications to build SQL queries so it shouldn't be too hard to use it to create SPARQL queries.
Check out
It's not a DLL but rather a server exposing an API, so Currently it doesn't have a wrapper specifically for C#. There's an API exposed via XmlRpc that you can integrate with any language.
It converts English to SQL and gives google-style suggestions If you want to implement a search-box(supports several DB providers - like MySQL, MSSQL etc).

Where is the api reference for nhibernate?

I may be going mental, but I can not find any api reference material for nhibernate. I've found plenty of manuals, tutorials, ebooks etc but no api reference. I saw the chm file on the nhibernate sourceforge page, but it doesn't seem to work on any of my PCs (different OSes)
Can someone please point me in the right direction?
I just found this one:
It doesn't seem to be official, but at least it looks like an API reference... unlike the official reference, which mostly describes concepts and mappings without any information about classes and members.
If you're on Windows, get ILSpy and point it at NHibernate.dll. It's not quite the same as real API documentation, but it's not half bad.
There is no class references publicly available on Internet as far as I know. You may build it from the source. Clone them, build the NHibernate.sln solution, then go into doc folder, ensure you have prerequisites indicated in reference\readme.txt file, and run nant doc. This will generate the class reference in the build folder.
Otherwise the most commonly used API are not wide, and most of them are xml documented with intellisens working in Visual Studio. The reference documentation has the advantage of giving more context, probably helping avoiding pitfalls like believing ISession.Update is to be used for updating entities (this is wrong, you do not need it unless you use detached entities, or entities coming from another session).
Official documentation reference is on
Global documentation list
Reference (What I mostly use, especially following sub parts.)
Mapping - basic / entities. (Add mapping xsd definition file in any or your solution folders for letting VS know it and give you intellisens in your hbm mappings.)
Mapping - collections
Querying - general. Do not miss the named queries feature in The IQuery interface.
Querying APIs:
HQL. I mostly use HQL with named queries, in mappings, for queries not dynamically built. They get parsed and validated when building session factory, which normally occurs at application startup, so it is almost as good as compile time validation. Checks log4net logs to get detailed reasons of named query parsing failures.
Criteria API. I view it as the historical way of dynamically building queries in code, to be preferred over constructing HQL strings.
QueryOver API. Based on Criteia API, with lambda expression support for having compile time validation of queried entities namings. Should be preferred over Criteria API in my opinion.
Linq API. Great for dynamically built queries. Bear in mind that its implementation translates your queries to HQL. With complex queries, it may generate unsupported HQL constructs. Having knowledge of HQL capabilities allows a better understanding of how to write a supported Linq query for complex cases. (By example, for a complex order by, better use an explicit linq sub-query in the OrderBy rather than using a collection mapped on your queried entity.)
Native SQL. Well, quite self-explanatory. To be used by example when you need some SQL special feature not available through other querying APIs (SQL server full-text, select for xml, ...), and that you do not wish to extend those other APIs. You may also call stored procedures. When using native SQL, I favor SQL named queries.
Modifying data, from Updating objects to Flush, and Exception handling.
Batch fetching. About this, you may read my post here for a detailed explanation of why lazy loading can be very efficient with NHibernate, thanks to batch fetching. This single feature will always cause me to prefer NHibernate over Entity Framework, till it ceases being lacking in EF.
Second level cache. Another great NHibernate feature, lacking native support in EF. Beware, you must use transactions for leveraging this. It allows NHibernate to automatically evict cached entries for you as you change data through your application process. Without transactions, NHibernate will disable the second level cache as soon as you start changing data, for avoiding letting the cache yield you stale data.
Interceptors. This is one way among many allowing to customize NHibernate inner working. NHibernate is very strong at allowing you to extend it. You may also add your own HQL extensions as here, your own linq2NH extension as here (all are answers from me). And there are other ways, see this list for linq2NH extensibility solutions.
Moreover, a class reference will very likely be near the Hibernate one. There is so many internals APIs supporting its implementation that is not much usable.
Why are such API not hidden (internal, private, ...)? Not hiding them is required for allowing the great extensibility capabilities of NHibernate. Those capabilities are a must have in my opinion. In contrast, it is so hard to fix some other .Net project shortcomings, due to lacks of extensibility they suffer. (MVC FileResult and the TweakDispositionAsInline I had to use instead of just being able of overriding some method, or try extend linq-to-entities, see this.)
there is a good book that covers a lot, and there is the html documentation on the site (which also comes as a book)
(the book would be manning - nHibernate in Action - a little outdated, but a good start)
Here is the link to the online reference