Selenium - click a link/button in javascript popup - selenium

I am using selenium to test a webapp, for which most of the selenium test cases are already written. I have no idea how it works, I just build the project and go to link provided in the browser and run the test start running and yes all the test are manually written not generated.
I am using ruby, and doing something like this for clicking a link/button in a javascript popup :
def methodName()
clickAndWait("<Id of the link in js popup that I want to click>")
assertText("<text I need to check>")
this method is then called in '.test' file, but never works for a javascript popup, for the rest its all good !
help !

Popups a lot of the time are in a different context, either a frame or a window. When you call assertText, Selenium ignores these. Use the switchTo function (not sure of exact syntax in ruby) to switch to the popup before calling assertText

In Ruby maybe we should use like this:


Robotframework - Selenium - How to verify page loaded completely (successfully) without relying on a specific element in the page?

I was wondering if there is anything in Selenium that can verify if a page loaded completely without relying on a specific element in the page to appear (while using the "wait until page contains" or similar keywords).
The idea is reusability. If there is a need to add new websites to the robot automation later, I do not want to rely on a specific element that might exist in one page but not in another to verify if the page loaded fully.
Is there any keyword that addresses that in Robot Framework - Selenium Library?
Edit - I am aware that some AJAX requests are impossible or extremely difficult to conclude if they finished or not (or if they just keep going forever) so let's assume the website does not have any of that.
Once the page is finished loading, all requests are done.
driver.execute_script("return document.readyState === 'complete'")
use execute script document.readyState , if it returns complete it means the loading have finiished.
But if there is no ajax you don't have to do it selenium does it automatically so your question won't be valid:'s%20page,loading%20takes%20lot%20of%20time.
normal This will make Selenium WebDriver to wait for the entire page
is loaded. When set to normal, Selenium WebDriver waits until the load
event fire is returned.
By default normal is set to browser if none is provided.
I couldn't find some built-in option but there is another way to achieve this. Check if your web app uses any third-party library which shows progress bar, if yes then probably there is function which returns the status of page loading including Ajax call. If not, then you can ask devs to add some progress bar, for instance Pace.JS
document.readyState does not wait for Ajax calls, personally I found it less helpful.

testcafe Expect click to fail

Is it possible to expect a click to fail with testcafe?
I'm using testcafe studio.
After I hit a submit button on my page, I want a test to make sure that some text is no longer on the page.
What is the best way of doing that?
I found one way of ensuring that the element wasn't on the page:
I used a t.notOk(Selector(mySelectorHere).count)
In your test scenario you can use exists Selector property:
Selector('h1').withText('Some text').exists

Selenium WebDriver ElementNotVisibleError with IE 10 on Browserstack

I have rspec tests using Capybara which work great locally and on browserstack with a configuration of OS X Mavericks/Chrome 33 on browserstack.
When I change the configuration to Windows 7 / IE 10 I'm getting an ElementNotVisibleError on the last line of code represented here:
#click selected one
find(:xpath, "//SomeXPATHToRepresentAValueInMyList", :visible => :all).click
What is happening (I can see due to screenshots) is that the first line of code is not working. For some reason the click on this element is not working.
Here is an image of the expand (+)
When the user clicks on the plus sign the items in the list appear. Since the click isn't working the items never appear and the last line of code above doesn't work. Why doesn't this find/click work in IE 10 (with Selenium Webdriver)?
Here is the html code behind the expand:
<a id="myIdToExpandMyList" href="javascript:SomeJavscriptCallToExpandWithValues(params)">
<img src="plussign.png" alt="Expand">
UPDATE: In looking at this further this appears to be related to modal dialogs. In my case I have a modal dialog opening (z-index is set and the rest of the page is not reachable). For some reason (only in IE) I can't click on a link on the modal dialog using a capybara find(element).click. It seems to find the element otherwise I believe I would get an error on that.
Second UPDATE: After trying all sorts of things (falling back to selenium, different IE versions, native clicks, nothing worked. The only thing that worked was executing the javascript via execute_script. The plus sign (href) triggers a javascript function which opens the list - I called it directly. I do not like this solution so hopefully someone has a better one.
I am replying on behalf of BrowserStack.
I understand for your tests on IE 10, the logs show that the expand(+) button was clicked successfully. However, the click did not initiate the action (expand menu) it was supposed to. Thus, the subsequent actions failed.
As you have mentioned, you are able to run tests locally on your machine. Could you drop us an email with following details:
IEDriver version you use locally
Exact version of the IE browser you test on
Selenium Jar version

Does selenium / webdriver with protractor wait for async activity in a describe block before continuing?

I have code in a desribe block but some of my set up code is outside of the block. That's the code that sets up elements.
When my code executes it runs fine but then I see the browser go to another page before parts of my test have completed. With a different page on the browser then it looks for elements and throws an exception when they are not there.
So how can I handle this problem of the browser going to another page before tests are completed?
As per my understanding of the question you want to be on the same page and don't want to move to the new page which loads when you click on to a link/button. If this is the case then to be on the same page you cane use.
Use this command -String oldwindow=window.getWindowHandle();
Use this command just below the button code which throws a new window. I am a java programer thats why the code written is in java.
getWindowHandle Methods stores the url of current window in oldwindow string and by using window.switchTo().window(oldwindow) it won't move to new window because you are passing oldwindow as argument for the command.
For more go through the Webdriver documentation by clicking this link

Selenium IDE - Assert that JavaScript redirect worked after clicking Ajax button

I have a button that executes an Ajax request and then it successfully redirects to another page.
How do I assert that the redirected page was successfully reached?
I have a clickAndWait on the button. But after that..?
you can use verifyTextPresent command to verify a unique lable or text in the redirected that way you can fix you have successfully reached the redirected page.
try like this
command : verifyTextPresent
Target : some unique text in the redirected page.
i think your problem can be fixed by this.
IDE has many assert commands. You can use any of the one and you can achieve the test scope(here the page is navigated or not).
command : assertTitle
Target : check the title of the page.
In the above he used verifyTextPresent it will check weather the text is present or not in the page and it will continue the next step. If you use assert commands it will proceed the next step when the assert step is passed. Otherwise it fails.
One thing you keep in mind, selenium won't wait for Ajax kind of loading, it will wait for the Page loading. So, you have to put Wait commands explicitly to finish the Ajax loading.
You can get moreassertions when you convert the selenese code into the preferred language and testing framework. You can see that option in the Option tab in the IDE.
For more info on AssertCommands in SIDE