Converting ArgoUML to SQL - sql

I was wondering if there any program that can convert ArgoUML files into sql code?

Try argouml-db. It uses this plugin for argo.


Apache Drill query on Parquet file not working for timestamp field

I am trying to query Parquet files which are generated from PySpark job. The data in Timestamp field is coming as hex string. I tried to use CAST function, but it did not work.
Is there any setting which is required to fix this issue.
Appreciate your help.
I got it resolved by adding the following setting to spark session. This would make it compatible with other platforms.
If the timestamp is coming back as a hex string, you might try Drill's CONVERT_FROM() function. 1
Basically, this can convert a hex string into something else.

formatting SQL help needed

I sql in txt file i have to format the enterie sql.I have to run each query in snowflakeit's 2800 lines.Is there any easy way to format sql?
I appreciate your help
Thanks in advance
I've used this site before to format SQL and works pretty well
Instant SQL Formatter

Import CSV file from URL into SQL Fiddle Postgres 9.6 engine

I am trying a whole day long to find a solution for importing csv file from url into SQL Fiddle, using the PostgreSQL 9.6. Nothing on the Internet helped. When I use the "Copy" command I get the following message:
When I try \copy I get error saying that "\" is error. With stdin/out I got something like saying that the engine doesn't support it. What is the real command or script for that. I am starting to lose patience. Please help!
You need to convert the file into a SQL script using INSERT statements

LINQPad 6 how convert sql to linq

I have the premium version of LINQPad 6
do you know the steps to convert sql code to linq ?
LINQPad doesn't support it
Linqer support it,but if it's complex sql then converter sometime will convert slowquery LINQ-SQL.the logic is like you can convert C# data to json,but when you try to convert json to C# class it will not convert 100% perfect .
Linqer's link : Linqer | SQL to LINQ converter

Convert VarBinary RTF blob to text in MS SQL

I am using SQL server - 2008.
Column Datatype - VarBinary
RTF File is compressed and saved to this varbinary column.
Now how to access and view data in RTF file using SQL ?
it's returns this: 㠰た㠴弰巎楛㵤㠵㜸ㄲ㠴. etc.
Sample Tried Code here:
any solution to this.
in 2008 Decompress and compress function not work.
how i can get RTF file as it is to text.
That's works for me:
select convert(varchar(max),convert(varbinary(max),bv.value)) from blobValue bv
Instead using nvarchar try to use varchar.
But I shuld say that this will return rtf formated text, something like:
"{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1251\deff0\deflang1049{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}"
To get actual text from it you can use .Net dll to convert it.
You can add .net dll to your database and than call it's functions from Sql script. More detailed about it: Call dll function from sql stored procedure using the current connection
It worked for me, thanks a bunch.
I used:
SELECT convert(nvarchar(max),convert(varbinary(max),[FORMULATEXT]))