Convert HTML w/embedded Ruby into HAML, Devise - haml

I am using devise in my application, and need to change the devise HTML into HAML. I am stuck with this statement.
<%= error_messages_for resource %>
Can anyone help me convert this to HAML?

HAML version:
= error_messages_for resource
The equals character is followed by Ruby code. This code is evaluated
and the output is inserted into the document. For example:
= ['hi', 'there', 'reader!'].join " "
= "yo"
is compiled to:
hi there reader!


Showing Link in Text Field in Rails

In my Rails 3.1 app, I have a text field for comments and I want to be able to allow people to include clickable links (instead of just the url showing as plain text), as well as having the text field recognize when a user had line breaks in their text field (without the user adding html). How can I do this?
This works for showing a link if a user puts the html for a href:
<%= simple_format(#user.description) %>
And this works for recognizing and displaying the line breaks from carriage returns in the text_field:
<%= h(#user.description).gsub(/\n/, '<br/>').html_safe %>
However, I haven't figured out how to do both, together.
How about this?
#Doesnt work in this case
#<%= simple_format( h(#user.description).gsub(/\n/, '<br/>') ).html_safe %>
Seems like you need auto_link function to achieve this. Though it is removed from rails 3.1 it is available as a gem. So if you are using rails 3.1 or later you need to get this from a separate gem
#in Gemfile
gem "rails_autolink", "~> 1.0.9"
#in application.rb
require 'rails_autolink'
bundle install
#now in you view use it like
<%= h auto_link(simple_format(text)) %>
auto_link not only converts urls but also email addresses in clickable link. Get the document here.
Reference Links:
Use the Rinku Gem
Link is here.
It brilliantly solves the problem. Enjoy!

HAML, Add class to image_tag

I have
= image_tag "chart.jpg"
I am new to HAML so how do I add a class to this?
Assuming this is rails (Haml doesn't have its own image_tag helper, but Rails does), then the second argument is an options hash where you can specify the class:
=image_tag "chart.jpg", :class => "my_class"
Stumbled across this answer when I was looking for something else and thought I'd throw in a little update to use the more modern formatting :)
=image_tag 'chart.jpg', class: 'my_class'

Ruby/Rails - Is there an easy way to make hard-coded HTML symbols html_safe?

In my view I want to display some right double angle quotes in my link.
Before Rails 3, this worked:
<%= link_to "» #{}", some_path %>
Now what should I do if I want to specify the » as html_safe but not the rest of the link's text?
In other words I do not want to do this:
<%= link_to "» #{}".html_safe, some_path %>
I do not want the treated as html_safe.
This produces the desired result:
<%= link_to "»".html_safe + " #{}", some_path %>
However, if I do this:
<%= link_to "#{}" + "»".html_safe, some_path %>
The output of the angle quotes is not treated as safe. I see » on my page and not ».
I tried extracting "»".html_safe to a helper method with the same results.
Is there a way to easily designate hard coded text/symbols as HMTL safe in Rails 3?
In this situation I often explicitly escape the unsafe part:
"» #{h}".html_safe
you need to make sure that the whole string is html_safe...
I'd recommend to try this:
"» #{h}".html_safe

How to make rails 3 I18n translation automatically safe?

I use rails 3. Is there any easy way to tell I18n to respect 'html safness' of string used in interpolation and make all translated string html safe by default? So if I have this en.yml:
user_with_name: 'User with name <em>%{name}</em>'
and I use t('user_with_name', :name =>, I get users name html escaped, but <em> and </em> is left as is?
The official Rails guide says you can use the interpolated variables without concern, since they are html escaped automatically, unless you specifically declare them to be String.html_safe.
From the guide:
Interpolation escapes as needed though. For example, given:
welcome_html: "<b>Welcome %{username}!</b>"
you can safely pass the username as set by the user:
<%# This is safe, it is going to be escaped if needed. %>
<%= t('welcome_html', username: #current_user.username %>
Safe strings on the other hand are interpolated verbatim.
Change the name from user_with_name to user_with_name_html, then rails will know you have included html in the text.
Old question, but if someone wants to achieve this, here's the monkey patch I came up with :
module ActionView
module Helpers
module TranslationHelper
def html_safe_translation_key?(key)
Put this in an initializers and that's it!
Works with Rails 3.2.6.
Only marks the text in localization files as safe, not the interpolation parameters.

How can I automatically render partials using markdown in Rails 3?

I want to have some of my partials as markdown snippets. What is the easiest way to render them using the standard rails erb templating?
Ideally, I'd like to do something like this:
If I have a partial in app/views/
My awesome view
Look, I can **use** <%= language %>!
which I reference from a view like so:
<%= render "my_partial", :language => "Markdown!" %>
I want to get output that looks like this:
<h1>My awesome view</h1>
<p>Look, I can <strong>use</strong> Markdown!</p>
Turns out, the Right Way (tm) to do this is using ActionView::Template.register_template_handler:
require 'rdiscount'
module MarkdownHandler
def self.erb
#erb ||= ActionView::Template.registered_template_handler(:erb)
compiled_source =
ActionView::Template.register_template_handler :md, MarkdownHandler
If you require 'markdown_handler' in your config/application.rb (or an initializer), then any view or partial can be rendered as Markdown with ERb interpolation using the extension
My awesome view
Look, I can **use** <%= #language %>!
class HomeController < ApplicationController
def index
#language = "Markdown"
Not a pure markdown solution but you can use HAML filters to render markdown, as well as other markup languages.
For example, in app/views/_my_partial.html.haml:
My awesome view
Look, I can **use** #{language}!
Have found way not to use haml in such situation.
in views/layouts/_markdown.html.erb
<%= m yield %>
in app/helpers/application_helper.rb
def m(string)
in Gemfile
gem 'rdiscount'
So, in view you can call it like:
<%= render :partial => "contract.markdown", :layout => 'layouts/markdown.html.erb' %>
And contract.markdown will be formatted as markdown
I just released a markdown-rails gem, which handles views.
You cannot chain it with Erb though -- it's only for static views and partials. To embed Ruby code, you'd have to use tjwallace's solution with :markdown.
Piling on the solutions already presented, this is an interpolation-ary way in Rails 3 to render a pure Markdown file in a view from a partial without unnecessary indentation using Haml's :markdown filter and the RDiscount gem. The only catch is that your Markdown file is a Haml file, but that shouldn't matter for someone like a copy person.
In Gemfile:
gem 'rdiscount'
In app/views/my_page.html.haml
#{render 'my_partial', language: 'Markdown!'}
In app/views/_my_partial.html.haml
My awesome view
Look, I can **use** #{language}!
If you didn't need the :language variable passed in to the markdown file, you could do away altogether with your Markdown being a Haml file:
In app/views/my_page.html.haml
#{render ''}
In app/views/
My awesome view
Sorry, cannot **use** #{language} here!
Don't like those pesky underscores on your Markdown files?
In app/views/my_page.html.haml
#{render file: ''}
In app/views/
My awesome view
Sorry, cannot **use** #{language} here!
Leveraged your answer to make a gem to render for GitHub Flavored Markdown in Rails (via HTML::Pipeline):
Here is a version similar to #Jacob's but using Redcarpet.
module MarkdownHandler
def self.erb
#erb ||= ActionView::Template.registered_template_handler(:erb)
options = {
fenced_code_blocks: true,
smartypants: true,
disable_indented_code_blocks: true,
prettify: true,
tables: true,
with_toc_data: true,
no_intra_emphasis: true
#markdown ||=, options)
ActionView::Template.register_template_handler :md, MarkdownHandler
Full credit to lencioni who posted this in this gist.
And if you'd like to evaluate erb:
erb =
#markdown ||=, options)
You can use embedded Markdown in Rails 5. Embedded Markdown is based on the solution provided by Jacob above
Add these to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'coderay' #optional for Syntax Highlighting
gem 'redcarpet'
gem 'emd'
bundle install.
Then create a view app/view/home/ and paste your markdown in that .md file.
Generate a home controller using the following command
rails generate controller home
Add the following line to your route.rb:
get '/changelog', :to 'home#changelog'
That's all. Visit http://localhost:3000/changelog to see your rendered markdown