Changing and deleting Things via Flattr API? - flattr

There are calls to create a Thing via the Flattr REST API.
But is there a way to update or delete existing Things via REST?

Editing things is not possible with the current version of the API.
It will however be possible in the next version which we will release in the near future.

We just released a new API the other day where you can update things.


Is GoogleYolo / Google one Tap Working again?

So I read some old threads here about Google deactivating the Google Yolo/One tap option (that was at the end of 2019). I'm not sure what's the status now since the documentation seems to work again.
Anybody has any idea about the current status of the feature?
The project seems to be active again and here are some recent release notes.
I have tried it and it seems to work pretty well.
PS: Please check the browser support and know your user base if you plan to use that as your only authentication mechanism though. Always have a fallback auth mechanism if onetap isnt supported or not displayed.

What is the point of using /api/v1/(whatever route here) in express?

Ive been making API's for about a year now and I was taught to use http://IPAddress:Port/api/v1 all the time when building an API with express.js. Is there a specific reason I would want to do that? Is this just denoting that the API is in development? Ive recently changed my API to not run on port 3000 so that I am able to just say instead of and it works just fine the new way.
One main reason for versioning an API is because it may be that an API can be improved upon but doing so might lead to breaking changes (for example, it might not work for applications that are consuming the API because an endpoint has been modified).
So, the solution to this is to allow consumers of the current API (v1) to keep using it until they want to switch, and release an updated version (v2) for new consumers.
Here's some more info on it:

Shopify Webhooks for Bulk Product Update

I set up a development shop on Shopify to test webhooks. I'm using this for proof of concept to update an external system whenever a product changes within Shopify. All seemed to be working as intended until I tried using the bulk product edit feature(the tool, not the csv import). I'm not receiving any webhook posts on bulk update.
I have several webhooks set up for various triggers, and they are all seemingly working. The product/update webhook works if I edit the product or its inventory individually, but not if I use the bulk edit tool.
I actually had 2 separate product/update webhooks going to 2 separate URLs, but I removed one of them just to be sure that wasn't causing any conflicts. I also tried chat support on Shopify, but they actually referred me here.
I really need for this to work as I'm not being given enough time to develop an API app to accomplish this.
Thanks for bringing this up! Those webhooks should now fire consistently when using the bulk editor.

Firebase searching for records via REST

I have been getting to grips with the Firebase REST API, but unfortunately can't seem to find a way to search for a record via name, email etc. I see that this may be possible using the JS interface.
Can you tell me if there is a way to do this via REST?
Thanks Frank, it seems NodeJS is the only way to go.

Twitter Integration issue using sharekit in ios?

Am using sharekit sdk for twitter sharing it is working fine before suddenly from two days it was showing problem like "There was a problem to accessing Twitter" can any one have a idea to find out solution
Twitter recently tightened restrictions on OAuth. From the discussion (
You must pass an oauth_callback value to oauth/request_token. It's not optional. Even if you have one already set on If you're doing out of band OAuth, pass oauth_callback=oob.
You must pass along the oauth_verifier you either received from your executed callback or that you received hand-typed by your end user to oauth/access_token.
Long story short: You must update ShareKit from the master branch, or at least pull this commit: