How to convert MetaStock format to CSV? - stocks
Anybody knows how to convert metastock data format to ASCII/CSV format ?
Any sample code (c++/c#) would be of great help.

The command line tool "atem" is a portable open source metastock parser implementaion in C/C++. It's very fast.

Metalib is a non-free .NET API for reading and writing Metastock files:


Change output file format to *.csv using dymosim.exe instead of *.mat

I am trying to understand if it's possible to change the model output format to .csv instead of the default .mat file when simulating a model using dymosim.exe.
I can do this in dymola itself by using the function "convertMATtoCSV" in the base Data files library. Something like below,
DataFiles.convertMATtoCSV("output.mat", {"t"}, "output.csv");
Is there a way to do this conversion using dymosim.exe?
Kindly advise.
Note: cmd "dymosim.exe -h" has some options for .csv but I am not sure how to use this.
No, it is currently not possible to have dymosim.exe generated by Dymola write the result as csv-file. The CSV-options used by dymosim.exe are only for running multiple simulations.
You can:
Generate a txt result instead, if that is easier to handle for you. (By setting Simulation Setup>Output>Textual data format, this is stored as last element of settings in dsin.txt).
Perform the conversion using dymola\bin\alist.exe
Have the model write a cvs-file as well
Set up to perform this as a post-processing command in Dymola 2017 FD01.

Is there anyone success to generate midi from TFRecode file with magenta?

I got TFRecode file from magenta but it's difficult(and not precise description for me) to get midi file...
whoever solve this issue, share plz.
Known descrioption from Magenta groups(!topic/magenta-discuss/)
The output format for the script is not a MIDI file. It is a TFRecord file containing NoteSequence protobufs with equivalent (but more readable and easily modifiable) representations of the input MIDIs.
You should be able to use sequence_proto_to_pretty_midi and then save the PrettyMIDI object as a midi file:
As an exercise, you might try to use the functions in and to convert this file back to MIDIs.
If i achieve it I will share it for you also!
We've recently added a model that you can train to generate new sequences. Have a look at

Load xlsx file into Pig

Is there any way to load .xlsx files into Pig? I need to perform an operation in PIG using the excel file [.xlsx] as input, but i couldn't find any built-in functions available for this purpose.?
Any help to achieve this would be appreciable.
Try this,
First convert the xlsx file into csv then do the following,
REGISTER Location\to\piggybank.jar
Data = load 'Location\to\csv\file' using',', 'NO_MULTILINE', 'NOCHANGE', 'SKIP_INPUT_HEADER') as (col1,col2,..);
It (CSVExcelStorage) worked for me. Hope it works.
No, but if your excel has only one sheet then you can try to use CSVExcelStorage
How to use? check for pig example in below link

How to use csvSeparator with jpexport (jprofiler)?

I am using jprofiler to make some tests about the memory usage of my application. I would like to include them in my build process. All the steps should work in command like.
On step exports csv file from jps file with a command like:
~/jprofiler7/bin/jpexport q1.jps "TelemetryHeap" -format=csv q1_telemetry_heap.csv
On my local machine (widows), it is working. On my server (linux) the csv file is not well formatted:
"Time [s]","Committed size","Free size","Used size"
They is no way to distinguish the comma of csv format and the one of the numbering format.
According to the documentation, I need to change the value of -Djprofiler.csvSeparator in the file bin/export.vmoptions.
But I fail. I also try to change this value in jpexport.vmoptions and in jprofiler.vmoptions.
What should I do?
Thanks for your help
This bug was fixed in JProfiler 8.0.2.
on a new line in bin/jpexport.vmoptions should work in JProfiler 7, though.

Sifteo: how to create a file.txt with LUA script?

i'm trying to create a Sifteo game able to detect accelerometer data and write them on a file.txt;
I know that several methods exist that allow to visualize data on the shell (but it need to connect the base on the pc) or storing them in a StoredObject, but i'd like to create a text file.
In the documentation of sifteo sdk I found something about script lua.
I didn't understand it, Can you help me???
If you're simply asking for how to make a .txt file in a lua script it should be something like
file ="FileName.txt","w")
If you're new to lua you can also insert information from a variable or a table by replacing it with the string "Information".
Hope this helped.