Adt, Adl command is not getting recognized by windows - air

I have installed Adobe AIR on windows operating system.
I have also downloaded the Adobe AIR SDK and set in the "Path" variable the AdobeAIR SDK bin folder.
Then I had created a sample HTML-based AIR application with the AIR SDK.
and then in order to test the application, I typed the command
"adl applicationName-app.xml".
Then I got the following result:
'adl' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Similarly when I typed the command "adt", I got the result:
'adt' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Please help me in resolving the issue.

Happen to me once. What happen was, i was trying to download windows version, but i unknowingly downloaded linux version, hence adl and adt will never be executable.
You might want to re-download the whole sdk and make sure the file name is "adt.bat" and "adl.exe"

Go to the bin folder of flash builder where all compiler files are resides like mxmlc and adl. Than write down adl and than give compiler arguments. It will work.

Use the set path command on the command line:
c:\>set path
If the correct path to the AIR SDK isn't listed, then you did not successfully set the path variable.


"Failed to load dynlib/dll" error for libdmtx.dll when running an executable generated by auto-py-to-exe

I am using the library pylibdmtx to generate a data matrix in my python script. Since the library uses the dll libdmtx.dll, I added it to the "Additional Files" (--add-data) section of auto-py-to-exe.
When I run the executable on my computer where I wrote developed the python project, the executable works perfectly but when I transfer the executable to a different computer and try running it there, I get the Failed to load dynlib/dll error.
I checked the temp folder that the executable was creating and using and found libdmtx.dll to be present there. I am not sure why the executable works only on my computer but not the others. Am I missing adding any other dependencies for libdmtx.dll?
Image of the error when the executable is run

3d printer firmware compile

i have an ender 3 pro 3d printer, due to hardware upgrades I have needed to change the firmware, unfortunately this hasn't been hassle free, I have got the firmware files from in the marlin section, marlin being the firmware that the 3d printer uses, I have edited the files using VSCode, I have the latest python downloaded which apparently is needed for compiling the firmware, and I downloaded the extension platform IO, but when I try to run the command build it throws me an error code, I have watched tutorials on how to do this and have literally followed them step by step, so I'm not sure whats going on, I don't know if it could potentially be a firewall or something to that effect but honestly I have very little idea,
the error code it throws out is
msbuild : The term 'msbuild' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet,
function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or
if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:1
msbuild /property:GenerateFullPaths=true /t:build /consoleloggerparam ...
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (msbuild:String) [], CommandNotF
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
i understand that it is saying that the term MSbuild is undefined but i've done everything on the tutorials have said, is there something obvious i'm missing?
try checking your system PATH variables. You need to add it to this collection, or you need to open terminal where your executable is and run it from there. Also check for case sensitivity in your command.
The right way of running msbuild is with the dotnet prefix as it is a part of .Net and .Net core
Have you considered giving the “Auto Build Marlin” extension a try?
It should install all needed dependencies and configure the settings.
I don't think I ever had to use msbuild or python to compile Marlin inside VScode. Is it possible that you are trying to build the wrong part of the MarlinFW or the PlatformIO installation had gone wrong (restart?).
Most of the time the only hard part with PlatformIO is configuring the platformio.ini file correctly. Can you share yours?
Additional information about Marlin and PlatformIO under

impossible to install a intellij idea

I downloaded the ultimate version of IntelliJ from the official website and when I do ./ in the .. /bin directory of the file I get this error message in the terminal:
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in a future release.Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : /root/.jetbrains/jetbrains-agent-v3.2.0.de72.619 Error occurred during initialization of VM agent library failed to init: instrument
I don't know if I am supposed to have a .jetbrains file in my repersonel if so why I don't have it and if not how to get it?
What's the environment of your machine and I do not think you need to care about how to get .jetbrains manually by yourself. I've installed a IntelliJ idea on Ubuntu18.04, it works well. You can try run it as an administrative, also you can go to ./bin folder and then run ./ rather than ../bin folder
btw, as I said install, it does not indicate we need to compile it and get some executable binary file to run it. It's a green software that contains anything you need, you can run it directly
The Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : /root/.jetbrains/jetbrains-agent-v3.2.0.de72.619 error indicate that there is a problem with the distribution you have downloaded. It was corrupted or modified improperly.
Re-download it from and install into a new empty directory.
You can also try deleting the IDE's config and system directories.

How to run CMakesetup?

I downloaded cmake and I wanted to build LSHKIT using this command:
cmakesetup ", where is the LSHKIT root directory
but it gives me this error:
'cmakesetup' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
could you tell me what is wrong?
BTW, I am working in windows 7.
CMakeSetup is an older program that no longer builds with the most recent releases of CMake. Use "cmake-gui" instead of "CMakeSetup"...

Create self extracting archive with autorun on linux for windows platform

Our application is distributed as a zip file, with a small bat/shell script that the user runs after extracting the archive to install the application. This zip file is currently created via mavens assembly plugin.
The zip file we distribute contains a lib folder with an executable jar, as well as all the files we need as part off the deployment off the actual application.
What we want is a self extracting zip-file that executes that contained bat file after the zip file has been extracted. And this should be created as a part off the build process.
I have read creating-a-self-extracting-zip-archive-on-a-linux-box, and can do that. But I don't see anywhere how to also execute a bat file within the extracted archive when it's done.
I have found winzip self-extractor, but I would prefer something that can be run on any platform. The build server and some developers use linux. I also found some VB code which leads me to believe that there might be some autorun properties on zip files.
Did you consider using IzPack (and the IzPack Maven Plugin) to generate a cross-platform installer?
The previous replier suggested lzpack, it's documentation contains the following pointer:
""The 7-Zip project (see provides a so-called SFX for installers, i.e., an image that can be use to create self-extracting Windows executables. Once its content has been extracted, such a self-extracting executable can launch an executable or a file. In the later case, it is assumed that there exists an association between a file extension and a software component.""
7-zip is cross platform, although I haven't tried whether you can build sfx files for windows on linux.
The 7zip manpage says you can do this.
7z a -sfx archive.exe dir1
add all files from directory "dir1" to SFX archive
archive.exe (Remark : SFX archive MUST end with
While it's a bit late:
We just released a Maven plugin that can do this (docs at It's free, open-source, and permissively licensed.
We bundle a JRE with our application using this plugin, then launch an IzPack installer with that JRE. It also supports code-signing, which we expect to have documented within the week.