How to use form variables with ECount/OpenRecordset in MS Access - sql

I have a module in a large Access database which attempts to count the number of unique records in a table using the ECount (Extended D-Count) function written by Allen Browne (here:
As he mentions in the guide to using it:
You cannot embed a reference to a form in the arguments.
For example, this will not work:
ECount("*", "Customers", "City = Forms!Customers!City")
Instead, concatenate the value into the string:
ECount("*", "Customers", "City = """ & Forms!Customers!City & """")
Unfortunately, the query being sent in to ECount (the "domain" parameter) itself calls another query which relies on a form for input. So what I end up with is, indirectly, ECount attempting to use a form variable, even though the query string itself doesn't have the form variable written in it, so I get:
Run-time Error 3061: Too few parameters. Expected 1.
At the line: "Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSql)"
The query being sent to OpenRecordset is: "SELECT Key FROM Report7Query WHERE (Key Is Not Null) AND (MainCategory= "Source" AND 1=1 AND ([State]='AR') ) GROUP BY Key;". This query is generated based on inputs to a form, and Report7Query calls another query called CustomQuery which (I think) relies on a form (also called CustomQuery) for its inputs.
If I just try to run Report7Query with no forms open, a dialog box comes up asking for "Forms!CustomQuery!ConsolidatedSelection.Value", which is a variable on the CustomQuery form. The same goes if I just try to open the CustomQuery query. Interestingly, if I open the CustomQuery form in Design view and then run either Report7Query or the CustomQuery query, or even the above select statement in its own query, then it all works.
I've tried numerous approaches to fixing this, such as using QueryDefs, but I can't seem to get ECount to work. Interestingly, DCount works just fine with the exact same query.


How to Pass Multivalued field in query to VBA function

In my project I have a table1 that has an ID and a text field. table2 has a multi-valued field multifield wherein I can select multiple values from table (via lookup).
Now, I have query1 where I want to pull the value from multifield - not multifield.value and pass it to a VBA function, like this: IDsToNames: table2.multifield. Problem is that VBA gives me this error:
The multi-valued field 'table2.multifield` is not valied in the expression IDsToNames(table2.multifield)
Now, I've tried with IDsToNames([table2].[multifield]) with the same results.
Here is my query's SQL:
SELECT table2.Title, table2.multifield, IDstoNames(table2.multifield) AS FieldNames
FROM table2;
If I remove the IDsToNames function from the SQL, then table2.multifield by itself will return the IDs like: 5, 4, 1 properly. I'm trying to fetch the second column of table1 instead of the first one that includes the IDs. So i figured I'd try passing that field to a function and perform a string split and them look them up with dlookup in a loop. But I can't get the field data into the function.
Is there a way to do this?
Is there a way to pass a multivalued field directly to a VBA function from within an SQL statement? No, regrettably.
However, there are various alternative methods that you can implement to get the list of values stored in the field. It's easy to ramble on about the pros and cons of Access multivalued fields. I'm not going to do that in detail, but it is worth stating that the primary benefit of a multivalue field is the convenience and apparent simplicity of the Access interface being able to automatically list and allow selection of multiple values of a one-to-many relationship. Trying to mimic that behavior in Access can be very awkward and cumbersome (and often impossible). Much of the implementation details for the multivalued fields are "hidden" (i.e. not well documented or are not exposed to the standard SQL or VBA programming interfaces). This includes the ability to pass the mutlivalued field to a VBA function from within an SQL statement. Regardless of how intuitive the intended behavior seems, Access will not simply pass the same concatenated list of values that it displays to another function. But there are still times when one simply wants the list of values, made accessible in a simple list. The information linked to by Gustav is useful and should be well understood for querying multivalued fields, but it still does not address other perfectly reasonable actions required for multiple values. Hopefully the following pointers are useful.
If the values are needed within a standard SQL statement, I suggest passing the primary key value(s) to a VBA function. Then have the VBA function look up the record and retrieve the multivalued-field values using DAO recordsets.
Because this will call the VBA function for every row, this can be (very) slow. It is possible to optimize the function using various techniques, like opening a static recordset object. Further details are beyond the scope of this answer.
Since you're already in code at this point and can structure VBA and queries however you want, the most efficient query will circumvent the multivalued-field itself and use standard SQL joins to get what you need. For instance, if you want to get all of the related user names, then open and enumerate the following recordset to build your list of names:
sSQL = "SELECT table2.key, table2.multifield.value, UserTable.Username " & _
" FROM UserTable INNER JOIN table2 ON UserTable.ID = table2.multifield.Value" & _
" WHERE (table2.key = [KeyParameter])"
Set qry = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef(, sSQL)
qry.Parameters("KeyParameter") = keyPassedToFunction
Set rs = qry.OpenRecordset
If the SQL query can/will be opened as a DAO recordset in a code context and you still need to retrieve the multivalued-field as a single field, there is a way to enumerate the multivalued-field in VBA.
If the code ends up repeatedly opening and closing multiple recordsets, especially in multiple nested loops, it is likely that you could improve efficiency by restructuring the SQL using appropriate joins and changing the data processing order.
Rant: As you might notice, it is somewhat inconsistent that the underlying recordset object of an SQL statement does indeed return an object which can be enumerated in code, although the Access SQL engine refuses to pass such an object to a VBA function. The SQL engine already deals with boxing and unboxing data into the VBA variant type, so it seems reasonable that when implementing the multivalue fields, they could have had the SQL engine simply box the multivalued recordset object and passed it to a VBA function to be handled similar to the following code... so the original attempt in the question was not unreasonable.
The following code snippet illustrates that the multivalue field is returned as a DAO.Field object containing a DAO.Recordset2 object:
Dim rs as Recordset2
Set rs = CurrentDB.OpenRecordset("SELECT table2.multifield ... FROM ...")
Dim sList As String
sList = ""
If TypeOf rs![multifield] Is Recordset2 Then
Dim rsMVF As Recordset2
Set rsMVF = rs![multifield]
Dim bFirst As Boolean
bFirst = True
Do Until rsMVF.EOF
If bFirst Then
sList = rsMVF.Fields(0)
bFirst = False
sList = sList & "," & rs.Fields(0)
End If
'* DO NOT CLOSE the Recordset based on the Multivalue field.
'* Access will close it automatically.
End If
'* sList will contain comma-separated list of values

MS Access - SQL append query behavior is erratic

I've been working on an Access database for the last couple weeks, and it's my first project with the tool. Dealing with append queries seems to have become an utter nightmare, and is incredibly frustrating. Even more so because it seems to have simply stopped working in any consistent manner overnight.
The SQL query that I have written goes thus:
PARAMETERS noteDetails LongText, noteTime DateTime, srcUserID Long;
VALUES (noteDetails, noteTime, srcUserID)
In tblNotes:
NOTE_ID is an AutoNumber
NOTE_DETAILS is a Long Text
The way that I'm running this query is through VBA:
Set qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qerApndNote")
qdf.Parameters(0).Value = txtDetails.Value
qdf.Parameters(1).Value = Now()
qdf.Parameters(2).Value = getCurrentUserID()
qdf.Execute dbFailOnError
Set qdf = Nothing
' Where CurrUserID is a global long
' txtDetails.Value is a textbox's contents
' Now() is the VBA built-in function to return a date/time combo
I have attempted to run this query manually from the navigation bar, and it works fine when done in that manner.
However, running it from VBA has resulted in such things as there being no time / date inserted, sometimes a user ID is not inserted, sometimes both, sometimes even the details text is missing.
What is it that I'm missing? Is there any general advice for users of MS Access to follow that I am not? I'm aware that NOTE is a restricted word in Access, but I really don't think that should apply here, right?
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: The form that I'm passing data from is called frmNewNote, and there is a control in it named txtDetails. It's just a regular textbox. Don't really know what else to share about that.
The getCurrentUserID function is in a module, modGlobal:
Public CurrUserID As Long
Public Function getCurrentUserID() As Long
getCurrentUserID = CurrUserID
End Function
Public Function setCurrentUserID(CurrID As Long)
CurrUserID = CurrID
End Function
It's about as barebones as you can get, really. And there is never a circumstance that you'll get to the form before SetCurrentUserID has been called during your... session? There's a login form involved.
#Andre's code for logging:
0 noteDetailsText This is a note test
1 noteTimeCreated 9/6/2017 10:28:45 AM
2 srcUserID 1
As for my architecture, um, it's just the single database file right now, on the desktop. The entire function/sub is run when you click a button, btnEnter. It does some other stuff before it gets to the SQL statement bit - checks for null values and prompts user for entries if that's the case.
I just remembered something:
MS Access 2013 calling insert queries from VBA with strange errors
You have a LongText parameter. These don't really work. See also
If the entered notes will always be <= 255 characters, change the parameter to ShortText.
If the text can be longer, you'll have to use either SunKnight0's approach with a concatenated INSERT statement.
Or use a Recordset and its .AddNew method, which will be a similar amount of code to your current solution, but also be completely safe from injection or formatting issues.
You are doing way more work than you have to. All you need is:
DoCmd.RunSQL("INSERT INTO tblNotes (NOTE_DETAILS, NOTE_TIME_CREATED, NOTE_SOURCE_USER) VALUES ('" & Me.txtDetails & "',Now()," & CurrUserID & ")")
Note the change from txtDetails.Value to Me.txtDetails which is what may have been messing you up. This of course assumes the code runs in the form's context, otherwise you have to get he value of the text field using a reference to the form.
The only other thing to consider is making sure Me.txtDetails does not have any single quotes, so probably use Replace(Me.txtDetails,"'","''") instead.
That way you can also replace DoCmd.RunSQL with MsgBox to troubleshoot the exact query.

MS Access - Parameters from report in VBA

If you open a report based on a query with some parameters (e.g. StartDate and EndDate), I know that I can used those parameters in the report as [Reports]![ReportName]![StartDate]. But now I would like to use these parameters in a VBA function, but using the same expression doesn't work for me:
MsgBox [Reports]![Test]![StartDate]
This gives me the error:
Run-time error '2465': Microsoft Access can't find the field
'StartDate' referred to in your expression.
And it never will find it.
I never use dynamic parameterized queries. I use controls on a form to select filter criteria and refer to the controls in the WHERE argument of OpenReport command (same for OpenForm).
DoCmd.OpenReport "Test", , , "[StartDate] = #" & Me.tbxStart & "#"
MsgBox = Me.tbxStart
Or if you really prefer dynamic parameters - the report query parameters can refer to the form controls.
VBA code will not find the parameter but it can find textbox in report that references the parameter and pull the parameter value that way.
If you have a report or form that has a query as its Record Source, you can bind the fields of the query--like StartDate--to controls on the report or form, and get the value(s) of that field in a VBA function by referencing the control. For instance, suppose you have a report named DateReport. If the Record Source of DateReport contains a StartDate field, then you can create a text box on the report--we'll call it StartDateBox--and set its Control Source to "StartDate". Then in VBA, you can get the value of this field for the current record with Report_DateReport.StartDateBox. There may be another way to reference Record Source field values of a form or report without binding them to an control, but I don't have MS Access available right now to test this.
You can do it by using a public variable and changing sql of record source dynamically.
You can store parameter value in public variable before calling the report.
First declare a varaible in a module
eg, Public filtDate as Date
Secondly, assign the parameter value to filtDate before running the report
Then, change sql of records source in the report_open event of report
Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Me.RecordSource = "SELECT * FROM Test WHERE [StartDate] = #" & filtDate & "#"
MsgBox filtDate
End Sub
Here, the sql of recordsource is dynamically set and parameter value can be used directly.

Access Call Macro from Query (Opening a Form) Run-time error '2486': You can't carry out this action at the present time

I have an Access Query that requiers a value to be set in a combo-box within a form in order to work
Criteria: Forms![_SelectCustomer]![CmbSelectCustomer]
So far so good, however, I would like the query to open, read and close this form programatically when it is run using a macro.
I have been following #David-W-Fenton's answer in THIS similar stack overflow question and have come up with the following code:
Public Function rtnSelectCustomer() As Variant
DoCmd.OpenForm "_SelectCustomer", , , , , acDialog
With Forms![_SelectCustomer]
If .Tag <> "Cancel" Then
rtnSelectCustomer = Nz(!CmbSelectCustomer, "*")
rtnSelectCustomer = "*"
End If
End With
Close acForm, "_SelectCustomer"
End Function
I call this function from within the criteria field of the property I want to filter by in the Query:
Like rtnSelectCustomer()
At this point I run into several problems:
The first being, I'm not sure where to place the actual code: I can't seem to create a specific class or module for my query within the "Microsoft Access Class Objects" folder so I have resorted to creating my own module within the Modules folder. (Is this the correct approach?)
The second issue is that when I run the query with the code in the current module I have created I get the following error:
Run-time error '2486':
You can't carry out this action at the present time.
Any advice would be much appreciated
I should clarify that after further testing the line that seems to cause the Run-time error is the following:
DoCmd.OpenForm "_SelectCustomer", , , , , acDialog
The function is actually called as replacing the internal code with the following does actually work (although is admittedly useless)
Public Function rtnSelectCustomer() As Variant
End Function
Generally, I hate things that are "pre-programmed" by Microsoft, I'd rather do them myself. It seems this is your case as well...
I would do this in 2 steps.
Step1: Show things to the user as if the query was running (without actually running it) and store the values the user picks.
Step2: Use the values to parameterize the query
If your function works well, then simply remember what the user picks and then do:
set qdf = new QueryDef
' set the qdf and add all parameters to it
DoCmd.Execute qdf
for further reference on how QueryDef works I would use this msdn site

SQL / Excel Query Parameter with a JOIN

I am learning how to use parameters in an excel-driven SQL query (in fact I am still learning SQL in general). Thanks to the nice people that helped me build my query to modify the results as I need, I want to take this a step further and supply a parameter in Excel to filter the results.
Here is my query:
,COALESCE(fun.parent_function, fun2.function_id) as PARENT_FUNCTION
ON fun.function_id = fun2.function_id
AND fun2.function_id IN (SELECT parent_function FROM MODULE_FUNCTION)
What I need to do is allow people from a team to run this query in the excel sheet and supply their group name for the "GROUP_NAME" in the second JOIN. Unfortunately I cannot use the syntax WHERE (sec.GROUP_ID = ?) (found here) as I need to pull all results from the MODULE_FUNCTION table and only insert results on the right from the FUNCTION_SECURITY table when there is a match on the supplied group (leaving null when there is no match).
When I try to use AND (sec.GROUP_ID = ?) at the end I get a "Invalid Parameter Number" in Excel. From what I have gathered, the "?" can only be use with WHERE (and works find for me in test queries).
I have tried many things, including declaring a #parameter, but no avail.
I'm tempted to try this technique but I'd like to avoid VB if possible.
I know you said you want to avoid VB, but it isn't too complicated for what you want to do.
You can have the sheet have a cell for the group name, then a button that calls a macro where you would change the sql query to adjust for the group_id.
Something like:
Dim sql As String
sql = "select ... from ... and sec.GROUP_ID = '?'"
sql = Replace(sql, "?", Worksheets("Analysis").Range("A1").Value)
With ActiveWorkbook.Connections("connection name").OLEDBConnection
.CommandText = sql
End With
is the Group_ID. You can set this to a specific cell in any sheet in your workbook. I would create a button right next to it called "Refresh table" or something like that.
If you already made a table that links to a database, then there is a connection object in Excel. Go to the Data tab, then click "Connections". A new window will pop up. Find the connection that matches to the SQL query. Click on that connection and click "Properties" then change the connection name to something easy (it's usually some long name based on the server/table you connect to). Use that for the
ActiveWorkbook.Connections("connection name")
Link to create button on worksheet and link to macro: