How to start with Programming in VB.Net? [closed] -

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Closed 11 years ago.
So far I have worked with C Programming and C++ Programming. I am fairly new to DOT NET environment and my current project requires VB.Net skills. I need to know
1)Which books to refer for starting with VB.Net language?
2)How to Start with VB.Net Programming?
3)Are there any forums/articles for quick head start.
Thanks in advance to all !

After mastering c/c++, VB.NET will be easy for you.
Where to start:
MSDN Visual Basic Programming Guide, specialy the Visual Basic Language Features, and Program Structure and Code Conventions.
Forums / Articles:
Stackoverflow has lots of .NET experts, ask anything and you shell be answered! :)
Visual Basic Developer Center
Since VB.NET and C# are both .NET languages, almost all code written in C# can be easily converted to VB. From my personal experience, C# is more widely spread and I often find myself converting C# code samples to VB.NET.

Since C# is similar to C, you could start by looking at this
To help you how to write VB. Then it's just a matter of learning the framework classes.
You could also look at the ".NET Framework Class Library" to give you a quick list of every namespace/class available.


Outline to teach VB6 [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am in need of an outline on teaching VB6/VBA to some co-workers. The material I am pretty confident I can fill in, just need a sense of how to order the class material. Its not going to be hard core programming [nix the VB6 jokes please :) ] but do want to touch the basics. Any free outlines or even entire presentations out there that I can use? I've been looking but nothing concrete so far.
If you mean VBA say VBA, not VB6. They differ a great deal based on the object models available, and the actual language syntax is a fairly simple thing to pick up.
Just look for some Dummies, O'Reilly, etc. books to use as a teaching guide. Maybe even go with self-study making yourself available for questions and general help, and to prod them along.
Well I went to the public library and found a book called "Visual Basic In Easy Steps". that seems to have a good outline and it covers VB6 and VBA. Straight and simple.

Is there a VB 6 to conversion guide? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
While I used to VB 6 like the back of my hand, it has been a very long time I have never attempted to convert a large project. Are their any guides to help me along the process?
There is Dan Appleman's Moving to VB .NET
10 Things to Avoid When Moving From VB6 to VB.NET
Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Migration Resource Center (an excellent resource)
Moving from VB6 to VB.NET (Windows Forms)
These 2 tools can be useful in conversions:
Code Advisor for Visual Basic 6.0
Visual Basic 6.0 to Visual Basic .NET Upgrade Assessment Tool
At this you will find a good guide, as a matter of fact is a whole book addressing a lot of issues of VB6 migration.
You can also look at the blogs in artinsoft which provide good information and also there is a tool by this company that you can download from MSDN.

VB6 to conversion [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Exact duplicate: Best strategy for moving applications from VB6 to VB.Net
Exact duplicate: Conversion tool comparisons for VB6
can any one please tell the tool which converts vb6 to
There is one that comes with When you open a .vbp vb6 project, it asks if you would like to automatically convert it to It does a pretty good job, exclusive of third party add-ons.
Microsoft Corp just published a world-wide case study based on the successful VB6 migration project:
You can also try Visual Basic Upgrade Companion.
It generates VB .NET and C# and maps COM components to Framework components.
I believe that Visual Studio has a built-in VB6 -> VB .NET project and source conversion component built in. I haven't used it for a while, last time I did a conversion was with Visual Studio 2005. It was a little tricky, and there was still some manual clean up involved to get things working just right. I don't know what the VS2008 system is like.
This is certainly not a trivial matter.
DotNetRocks recently did a show on this, which you will find here - Francesco Balena on VB to .NET Migration -
This will introduce you to some of the issues, and indeed, a tool to do a conversion.

FxCop is it as valuable on VB.NET as it is on C# [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have been looking at a few of our VB.NET dll's using FxCop and all of the errors relate to DLL setup (i.e. Strong Names, Culture Info) and the case of Variables methods.
Looking at a few examples of FxCop examining a C# Dll, it appears to offer a lot more potential errors.
Does this mean that FxCop is more valuable on C# developments that VB.NET or have I just chosen bad examples.
I thought it was the case that FxCop worked on IL rather than the specific languages, so am I just missing rules files for VB.NET or are there more available for C#?
I would say that's not correct. FxCop is invaluable to any .NET developer.
You need to show an example of where you get more (or less) output from FxCop for a piece of VB.NET code, versus a piece of C# code, both of which compile to the same IL.
As far as I am aware, FxCop is language agnostic. It is more likely that C# has more freedom than VB.NET in various areas allowing for more mistakes to occur (as FxCop interprets it) rather than FxCop being biased somehow. If this is the case, then I can see it being more valuable to a C# developer than a VB.NET developer as the former language has more scope for creating issues that FxCop can detect.
However, FxCop is an invaluable tool for any .NET project, even if some languages make it harder to make mistakes.
FxCop is supposed to work on compiled code, so the language you write in shouldn't matter. I've used the tool on projects with either C# or VB, so it does indeed work. It has been rather helpful, actually.

Recommended VB.NET Code Generators [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Can someone recommend some good code generation tools?
I only need a tool for developing desktop applications. So the web side of things doesn't really concern me too much.
CodeSmith Generator has a bunch of Visual Basic Templates.
The de-facto standard for code generation (especially for .NET languages) seems to be CodeSmith. The latest version will cost money, however, they have made an older version freeware.
If you'd like to go with something free and open-source, MyGeneration is also quite good, and can actally use (after some conversion) CodeSmith templates.
The Microsoft copy of CodeSmith is T4, built into VS 2005 & 2008.
I only know of a couple of products that are not free:
There is CodeRush from DevExpress:
Miguel Castro has one called CodeBreeze:
CodeSmith has a ton of templates and supports the latest technologies. It does cost money but it is well worth it in the time you will save as well as the support that comes with it. If you are using Linq to SQL, check out our PLINQO templates. There is currently a sweet CodeSmith offer on
-Blake Niemyjski