Problem when adding more than 3 cards to sencha-touch carousel - sencha-touch

I am using Sencha Touch in my iPhone app. When I use up to three cards, my carousel works fine. But as soon as I use four cards, there is a bug:
The first and the fourth card are overlapping* until I slide to the second card. After sliding back to the first card again, the fourth card disappeared.
(overlapping = contents of 1st and 4th card are shown. 4th card is in foreground)
What is going on here? I don't understand. Has anyone else met this kinda of error? Is it a real bug or a mistake in my codes?
This is my js:
onReady: function() {
// Create a Carousel of Items
var carousel = new Ext.Carousel({
defaults: {
cls: 'card'
items: [{
cls: 'tab1',
html: 'Tab 1'
cls: 'tab2',
html: 'Tab 2'
cls: 'tab3',
html: 'Tab 3'
cls: 'tab4',
html: 'Tab 4'
new Ext.Panel({
fullscreen: true,
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align: 'stretch'
defaults: {
flex: 1
items: [carousel]
EDIT: If you can get a working carousel with 4+ tabs, you would already prove that I have done something wrong.

Couple of possibilities here:
The use of vbox could be confusing it (though this is unlikely). Consider switching your panel configuration to just say:
new Ext.Panel({
layout: 'fit',
items: carousel
This could be related to a similar and slightly obscure issue we'd seen in 1.x. Try this:
Open resources/scss/application.scss and move line 23 (#include sencha-carousel;) down 4 lines so that it ends up just after the sencha-layout line
run compass compile to recompile your SASS
If it's the same issue as I saw a while back (no guarantee that it is), this will fix it


No titlebar or back button being generated sencha touch

I have a list and each item links to a different page when clicked on using push(). I am pushing them fine but when they do, they don't have the default titlebar or back button that should come with a page pushed on top of the current one. Any ideas? Here is my code:
View being pushed:
Ext.define('myApp.view.Appearances', {
extend: 'Ext.Panel',
xtype: 'Appearances',
config: {
title: '<span class="logo"></span>',
scrollable: 'vertical',
tpl: [
xtype: 'Appearances'
You need to use NavigationView for that:!/api/Ext.navigation.View

Render To a div, and then export as jpeg

In Rally App SDK 2.0, I would like to show a dropdown and button in line, and a chart below. The button would export (save as) the chart as a jpeg.
1) how do I specify the div to render objects to? The below code ignores the renderTo
2) is there sample code for exporting a jpeg image? using Canvas generates error
xtype: 'rallycombobox',
fieldLabel: 'Select an Enterprise Release',
width: '500px',
renderTo: Ext.get("dropdownDiv"),
storeConfig: {
autoLoad: true,
model: 'Program',
fetch: 'Name,Releases,ReleaseStartDate,ReleaseDate',
sorters: [
property: 'Name',
direction: 'ASC'
listeners: {
select: this._onSelect,
scope: this
xtype: 'rallybutton',
text: 'Export',
renderTo: Ext.get("buttonDiv"),
handler: function() {
var canvas = document.getElementById("chartDiv");
var img = canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg");
// .toDataURL generates error, TypeError: canvas.toDataURL is not a function
document.write('<img src="'+img+'"/>');
id: 'chartCmp',
xtype: 'rallychart',
renderTo: Ext.get("chartDiv"),
flex: 1,
chartConfig: chartConfig
// here is the body statement, removed <> so it will show
div id="dropdownDiv" style="height:50px; width:500px;"/div
div id="buttonDiv" style="height:50px; width:50px;"/div
div id="chartDiv"/div
In Ext there are two ways to get a component rendered. The first is by adding a config object with an xtype to a container. That would be the this.add(); lines in your app. The second is by instantiating the component using Ext.create and specifying a renderTo in its config.
this.add({xtype: 'component', html: 'hello world'});
Ext.create('Ext.Component', { html: 'hello world', renderTo: 'aDiv' });
The preferred way is the first since then your component participates in the layout of the app. Also the preferred way for creating dom elements in an app (especially for initial layout) is through the items config rather than static html in the app body.
Ext.define('My.App', {
extend: '',
items: [
{ xtype: 'container' itemId: 'dropdownDiv' },
{ xtype: 'container', itemId: 'chartDiv' }
And then you can add content in the launch method like so:
As far as your canvas question goes I'm not sure. You may want to post that as a separate question with more details on the specific error.

Sencha Touch 2: List does not display in Panel

I am working on an MVC app in Sencha Touch 2 and am having trouble getting a list to display in a nested panel.
The structure of the app has a main view which is a tab panel. One of the items in the tab panel is a defined panel, xtype: 'homepanel'.
An item in this panel is the list xtype: 'newslist' that is linked to the appropriate store and model files.
The list does not display unless I change its parent homepanel to a type, Ext.navigation.View.
What am I missing in the definition of homepanel' as a panel that prevents the display of the list?
Ext.define('ACSO.view.Home', {
extend: 'Ext.Panel', //<--works if Ext.navigation.View
xtype: 'homepanel',
requires: [
config: {
title: 'Home',
iconCls: 'home',
cls: 'home',
scrollable: true,
styleHtmlContent: true,
items: [{
xtype: 'newslist'
Your Panel has no layout.
I suggest you try to add the following in your panel config:
Hope this helps
Try adding layout: 'card' to your panel's config
Layout: fit didn't work out for me.
However, adding layout: 'card to the parent Ext.Panel worked!
The UI component which is within the Ext.Panel is no longer hidden via the display: none !important;.

How to align this button to the right of the screen?

I've tried adding style: float: right to the button but it isn't working.{
xtype: 'button',
id: 'previmagebutton',
// text: 'p',
iconCls: 'arrow_left',
iconMask: true,
style: 'float: right'
}); = new Ext.Panel({
scroll: 'vertical',
id: "home-card",
items: [header]
myapp.mainPanel = new Ext.Panel({
fullscreen: true,
layout: "card",
cardAnimation: 'slide',
items: []
I have to use the add method if that is what's causing the problem. Many thanks.
In your object you have the layout set up to align:"center".
I've succeeded in creating a floating button by using
config on the button. It is a private member, so I'm still looking for an official way.
This should work ::
layout : {
type : 'vbox',
align : 'left'
or you can add a spacer if its in the toolbar, or if you stretch the element, then add another hbox element on its side with a flex that occupies as much space that you don't need

Add elements to one section of tab panel

So I have a TabPanel defined like so:
panel = new Ext.TabPanel({
fullscreen: true,
cardSwitchAnimation: 'slide',
ui: 'dark',
items: [home, faq, about]
The home section is defined like so:
home = new Ext.Component({
title: "Home",
scroll: 'vertical',
tpl: [
'<tpl for="."',
' <div messageId="{message_id}">',
' </div>',
Now, ONLY on the home tab, I want a section right underneath the TabPanel that is going to contain some other elements, specifically, a textbox, button, and two dropdowns.
How can I add them so that the content section still acts the same way and doesn't start until underneath these added elements?
It's not 100% clear what your aim is, but it sounds like you just want to stack two panels on top of each other within your 'home' card as below.... If you need to control how much room each sub-item takes up you need to look at layout properties specifically hbox I think.
home = new Ext.Panel({
title: "Home",
scroll: 'vertical',
items: [
html: 'first panel'
tpl: '<tpl for="."><div messageId="{message_id}"></div></tpl>'
Alternatively you might have been talking about having something like a second toolbar, in which case take a look at dockedItems.