Mapping Entity Framework auto generated entities to Data Transfer Objects? - wcf

Using Entity Framework 4.1 what is the best way to map an auto generated entity framework entity to an object suitable for Data Transfer?
What i'm working with looks like this:
WPF Application -> WCF Service -> Entity Framework (DAL) -> Database
The WPF application could be swapped out to an ASP.NET website at some point in addition to the WPF Application. Hence the use of a WCF service.
The WCF Service, Database and Entity Framework code will all sit on the same physical tier.
In previous versions of Entity Framework (Before 4.0) I believe you had to write your own mapping code for your classes. Is there a better way to do this now?
Also an additional question is would it be bad practice to include methods on the DTO's that performs business logic? Where would be the best place to apply business logic in this case?

The best way to map from EF entities to DTOs is to project. My example linked there uses view models rather than DTOs, but the idea is the same.
With most ORMs, EF included, there is a cost to materializing entities which you don't need to pay if you just need a DTO. The cost includes:
Fixup -- when two objects reference the same related object, make sure they point to the same instance.
Tracking -- overhead for tracking the instance in a context.
Unnecessary columns -- you might not need all properties for your DTOs.
Aggregates -- functions like .Count() are far more efficient in SQL than in object space.
If you use a L2E projection, you don't incur any of this cost. If you follow the common advice to use the AutoMapper hammer for every problem which looks like a nail, you pay all of it.
I do agree with #sternr about not putting methods on entities / DTOs. For a more detailed examination of this idea, read "At the Boundaries, Applications are Not Object-Oriented."

Use AutoMapper to map between simple DTO's and EF entities
[EDIT:] for your other questions:
For the mapping: you could either use the built in edmx designer which allows you to use an existing DB schema to generate your model entities, or the other way around (define your entities, and let EF create your DDL).
Newer versions (as of 4.1) you could simply code your entities and add DataAnnotations on the associated properties and EF will do the magic mapping (here's a good sample)
As for adding logic to DTO's, well DTO's by their definition are a data contact - the consumer will probably create it's own implementation of them (be them by the automatic proxy or other manual wrappers), so placing logic in them kinda makes no sense.


REST WCF - best approach to expose entities or convert custom classes to Entity classes vice versa

I have taken a step back on two of the approaches in my project (WCF REST Service).
Started with WCFDataServices since it support full OData service stack, but due to more validation requirements on CRUD operations, switched to 'WCF Service' with EF.
And now thinking to step back to use Self-tracking entities to exposing entities to client, as many articles says STE is no more supported by Microsoft and preferred to use OData.(but again WCFDataService not suitable for me).
Please suggest what is the best design here to expose my entities over client.
Alternatively, I may have to write custom classes (Data Contracts) of Entity Model. But, this increases code (for conversion of objects between Custom and Entity) and decreases maintainability.
Please suggest is there any best approach to expose my entities. Your suggestions are valuable and most appreciated.
Fowlers first law of distributed object design states, "don't distribute your objects". This just means give them a copy and not the actual entity itself. If you were to create mirror copies of your entities in your data contract namespace, you retain much more flexibility, should your database schema need changing. If your data contract is initially identical to your entity, a tool such as AutoMapper will eliminate all the conversion code you need to write. Once configured, to convert your entity to your data contract becomes a 1 liner:
This takes your customer entity and gives you back a new customer dto. It's all convention based and works by matching up property names. Even if the data contract isn't entirely identical to the entity, you only have to prompt AutoMapper for those properties it can't figure out for itself.

What is the path forward for changetracking complex entity relationships if Self Tracked Entities are not recommended anymore?

I have been using EF since it first came out. Used to hand build POCOs in 3.5 and was glad to see Self Tracked Entities(STE) in EF4.0.
I have use STEs in a couple of very large projects(500+ entities, some with multiple models). In these projects I use a generic Repository and a generic Unit of Work to persist the entities i.e. 2 small generic classes no mapping. By electing a core entity as the "aggregrate root", other entities are added and updated on the client side and the core entity graph containing these changes is sent to the WCF service and used in the Logic Layer which creates the Repository<[core entity]> and uses the UnitOfWork<[core entity]>.Save(Repository<[core entity]>) to persist the STEs and their children to the database.
Now Microsoft is recommending that we not use STEs. See this article
So my question is, What is(are) the patterns that are now recommended by Microsoft for applications that are persisting client changes to WCF Services that use EF?
I created a EF5 Model and examined the generated code. The there are no attributes for a WCF Service i.e. DataContract, DataMember etc
EF4 had a "ADO.NET DbContext Generator with WCF Support" template, but there isn't a EF5 equivalent.
One site suggested I should use a partial class file and decorate the same properties in that file with these attributes. But unless .net 4.5 has introduced partial properties, I cannot see how that can be done.
Another blog suggested using DTO and Automapper, which means more mapping which is error prone; especially when entity fields change type.
So now that DBContext generated code classes are not Service enabled, does this mean that we need to write another set of classes (POCOs) that:
needs to be mapped FROM the DBContext generated code classes after querying the database.
holds the data state for the WCF Service client(s)
is updatable by that client(s)
is mapped by the client(s)
has the ability to hold changed state so this can be sent back to the WCF Service
needs to be mapped TO the DBContext generated code classes for persistence
It seems we just took a great leap backwards to EF3.
If you code both client and service that runs on your hardware, you don't need to be concerned about data structures at the client as they belong to you.
If you also need to expose some of your service methods to non.NET clients you should do the 5 points above for those services anyway and use DTOs and Automapper in those occasions.These should be in a different WCF Service but implemented against the same Logic Layer, after mapping.
But how many of these type of non.NET client services are be created in the day to day building of web applications in most software teams?
This latest recommendation is confusing as it has not been explained as to WHY STEs are ALWAYS ill-conceived and what now, are the recommended patterns to be used for persisting client changes to WCF Services that use EF.
Can anybody inform me where I can find a good resource that solves this architectural design issue?
Please don't recommend WCF Data Services or WCF RIA as we need a lot of control over how your data is retrieved and saved by clients.
Please don't recommend Code First as we use Database First as we want to have and need to control the structure of that database and not have to generated for us.
Ok so i thought the same thing when I first read this article, it seems a bit weird to deprecate a whole branch of EF like this and the intention wasn't terribly well communicated (IMO). I think a couple of things are important here:
STEs as referred to in this article refer to object context based self tracking entities (which act a little like autonomous contexts)
ObjectContext is generally being moved away from in favor of the cleaner DbContext structure (this is for both DB first and Code First)
STEs != DB first generation, you can still use an EDMX model in EF and this isn't likely to change.
When i originally saw this article I mistook STEs for POCO Proxy entities which are still available and AFAIK there are no plans to deprecate. (these achieve a similar technical solution to the problem of change detection but with a nicer interface. Check out this article for the differences EF4: Difference between POCO , Self Tracking Entities , POCO Proxies
So what does this all mean
Basically STEs in terms of the old implementation of a change tracker are being deprecated in favor of the newer forms of change tracking (Snapshot or POCO Proxies). This means that if snapshot tracking doesn't suit you you should look into POCO Proxies which are similar to the old STEs.
You can still use all previous techniques for context generation (DB First, Model First, Code First, and DB-> Code)

DDD: Where to put persistence logic, and when to use ORM mapping

We are taking a long, hard look at our (Java) web application patterns. In the past, we've suffered from an overly anaemic object model and overly procedural separation between controllers, services and DAOs, with simple value objects (basically just bags of data) travelling between them. We've used declarative (XML) managed ORM (Hibernate) for persistence. All entity management has taken place in DAOs.
In trying to move to a richer domain model, we find ourselves struggling with how best to design the persistence layer. I've spent a lot of time reading and thinking about Domain Driven Design patterns. However, I'd like some advice.
First, the things I'm more confident about:
We'll have "thin" controllers at the front that deal only with HTTP and HTML - processing forms, validation, UI logic.
We'll have a layer of stateless business logic services that implements common algorithms or logic, unaware of the UI, but very much aware of (and delegating to) the domain model.
We'll have a richer domain model which contains state, relationships, and logic inherent to the objects in that domain model.
The question comes around persistence. Previously, our services would be injected (via Spring) with DAOs, and would use DAO methods like find() and save() to perform persistence. However, a richer domain model would seem to imply that objects should know how to save and delete themselves, and perhaps that higher level services should know how to locate (query for) domain objects.
Here, a few questions and uncertainties arise:
Do we want to inject DAOs into domain objects, so that they can do "" in a save() method? This is a little awkward since domain objects are not singletons, so we'll need factories or post-construction setting of DAOs. When loading entities from a database, this gets messy. I know Spring AOP can be used for this, but I couldn't get it to work (using Play! framework, another line of experimentation) and it seems quite messy and magical.
Do we instead keep DAOs (repositories?) completely separate, on par with stateless business logic services? This can make some sense, but it means that if "save" or "delete" are inherent operations of a domain object, the domain object can't express those.
Do we just dispense with DAOs entirely and use JPA to let entities manage themselves.
Herein lies the next subtlety: It's quite convenient to map entities using JPA. The Play! framework gives us a nice entity base class, too, with operations like save() and delete(). However, this means that our domain model entities are quite closely tied to the database structure, and we are passing objects around with a large amount of persistence logic, perhaps all the way up to the view layer. If nothing else, this will make the domain model less re-usable in other contexts.
If we want to avoid this, then we'd need some kind of mapping DAO - either using simple JDBC (or at least Spring's JdbcTemplate), or using a parallel hierarchy of database entities and "business" entities, with DAOs forever copying information from one hierarchy to another.
What is the appropriate design choice here?
Your questions and doubts ring an interesting alarm here, I think you went a bit too far in your interpretation of a "rich domain model". Richness doesn't go as far as implying that persistence logic must be handled by the domain objects, in other words, no, they shouldn't know how to save and delete themselves (at least not explicitely, though Hibernate actually adds some persistence logic transparently). This is often referred to as persistence ignorance.
I suggest that you keep the existing DAO injection system (a nice thing to have for unit testing) and leave the persistence layer as is while trying to move some business logic to your entities where it's fit. A good starting point to do that is to identify Aggregates and establish your Aggregate Roots. They'll often contain more business logic than the other entities.
However, this is not to say domain objects should contain all logic (especially not logic needed by many other objects across the application, which often belongs in Services).
I am not a Java expert, but I use NHibernate in my .NET code so my experience should be directly translatable to the Java world.
When using ORM (like Hibernate you mentioned) to build Domain-Driven Design application, one of good (I won't say best) practices is to create so-called application services between the UI and the Domain. They are similar to stateless business objects you mentioned, but should contain almost no logic. They should look like this:
public void SayHello(int id, String helloString)
SomeDomainObject target = domainObjectRepository.findById(id); //This uses Hibernate to load the object.
target.sayHello(helloString); //There is a single domain object method invocation per application service method.
domainObjectRepository.Save(target); //This one is optional. Hibernate should already know that this object needs saving because it tracks changes.
Any changes to objects contained by DomainObject (also adding objects to collections) will be handled by Hibernate.
You will also need some kind of AOP to intercept application service method invocations and create Hibernate's session before the method executes and save changes after method finishes with no exceptions.
There is a really good sample how to do DDD in Java here. It is based on the sample problem from Eric Evans' 'Blue Book'. The application logic class sample code is here.

FluentNHibernate Unit Of Work / Repository Design Pattern Questions

I think I am at a impasse here. I have an application I built from scratch using FluentNHibernate (ORM) / SQLite (file db). I have decided to implement the Unit of Work and Repository Design pattern. I am at a point where I need to think about the end game, which will start as a WPF windows app (using MVVM) and eventually implement web services / ASP.Net as UI.
Now I already created domain objects (entities) for ORM. And now I don't know how should I use it outside of ORM. Questions about it include:
Should I use ORM entity objects directly as models in MVVM? If yes, do I put business logic (such as certain values must be positive and be greater than another Property) in those entity objects? It is certainly the simpler approach, and one I am leaning right now. However, will there be gotchas that would trash this plan?
If the answer above is no, do I then create a new set of classes to implement business logic and use those as Models in MVVM? How would I deal with the transition between model objects and entity objects? I guess a type converter implementation would work well here.
To answer the first part of your question, yes your business logic and validation should go in your entities. The point of NHibernate is to let you design your entities to be persistence ignorant. That means that you should, whenever possible, be designing your entities as you would if you didn't care about persistence. This isn't entirely feasible as you'll soon find out (you'll need to make your properties virtual in order to support lazy loading and if you want to use NHibernate Validator you'll be decorating your properties with validation attributes), but for the most part NHibernate does a good job of staying out of your way.
As for whether to use your entities as the models, you'll get mixed reviews on that. Ideally, you would create separate viewmodel classes and map from your entities to the viewmodel so that your views will only access to the bare minimum of information they need. This also goes a long way in preventing N+1 access issues. However, doing so is often a huge pain. Granted, there are tools like AutoMapper that will make it easier from transposing your entity properties to a viewmodel.

Can I use my own Model classes with Linq to SQL?

I have a fairly large application, where my data access strategy has always been quite old school:
I have 4 Stored Procedures per Table: TableName_Select, TableName_Insert, TableName_Update, TableName_Delete.
I have a MsSql#DOMAIN#Service class for each logical domain of my application. In that class I have corresponding method to Select, Insert, Update and Delete something in the database.
I want to maintain my own Model classes in a seperate class library project, along with service contracts for WCF services. That enables me to reference only the naked Models, Service Contracts and WCF Service Clients from e.g. a web app or a windows app. (I don't use the auto-generated WCF Service Clients either)
Can I use my own Model classes along with Linq-to-SQL - or do I have to use the autogenerated Models from Linq-to-SQL and then map them over to my own Models in my data access layer before returning them back through the WCF service?
EF Code First FTW!
You don't have to use the auto-generated types with a Linq To Sql data context, but by default the types that you use need to have all the attribute annotations that you'll see on them.
However, Linq to Sql also supports custom mapping (the default being to use the Attributes), where types are mapped to tables and their properties mapped to columns using a MappingSource which is provided to the DataContext on construction.
L2S comes with two - the AttributeMappingSource (used implicitly) and the XMLMappingSource. It's possible with the second of these that you can hand-crank a Linq To Sql DataContext that exposes EntitySets of your own types.
You could even write your own MappingSource - but I think the XML one probably covers most needs.
We have done something similar in our applications. We wrote our own code generator to generate our L2S classes and also what we call our "application" entities. These are much more lightweight than the L2S classes. They are used at the application level to pass data back and forth to our back-end. Each L2S entity class has a built in application entity equivalent where automatic mapping occurs. What I mean is that whenever a L2S entity has data stored to its properties, the values are automatically copied to the respective application entity property. We then have a method on each L2S entity that allows us to retrieve the associated application entity.
So, the short answer is yes, you can use your own classes in conjunction with the L2S entities.