Obj-C design pattern : parallel task launcher - objective-c

I currently have a shell script that process many images one after the other, with the help of GraphicsMagick. It works fine, all calculations are correct, everything works. (that's not a "simple" script, it involves reading dimensions from a JSON file, converting a bunch of images with respect to many constraints).
As we're working with dual-core or quad-core computer, I'd like to parallelize it. And as I'm an iPhone developer liking to introduce myself to Mac development, I'd like to create it with XCode and Objective-C using the "command-line tool" template.
So far so good, but now I'm face with the design of the "task dispatcher" object. I'm fairly lost between running NSTasks in a run loop, in separate threads, using blocks, with or without GCD, with or without ARC.
How would one achieve this? I was thinking of using simple threads to spawn NSTasks, having them report when they're done, and notify my dispatcher's delegate so that it can upgrade its progress bar. But I'd really like to get in touch with Grand Central Dispatch. Does anyone have any thoughts, ideas, advice about what to do and what not?
Edit: I'm reading Apple's docs, and have found the NSOperationQueue class. Could it be that this is precisely what I'm needing here?

A good class to use to launch independant processes including parameters and environment variables is NSTask. See the documentation for the gory details. Here is a little commandline tool that starts 10 concurrent processes and waits for them to finish. NSOperationQueue would be redundant here because the tasks are already launched concurrently.
-- Edit: Improved Version With Limited Concurrency --
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
#autoreleasepool {
// Let's not have more than 5 parallel processes
dispatch_semaphore_t limit = dispatch_semaphore_create(5);
dispatch_semaphore_t done = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);
for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
// Setup the taks as you see fit including the environment variables.
// See docs on NSTask for more on how to use this object.
NSTask *task = [[NSTask alloc] init];
task.launchPath = #"/bin/ls";
task.arguments = [NSArray arrayWithObject:#"-la"];
task.terminationHandler = ^(NSTask *task) {
if (i==9) dispatch_semaphore_signal(done);
dispatch_semaphore_wait(limit, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
[task launch];
dispatch_semaphore_wait(done, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
return 0;
-- Original Version --
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
#autoreleasepool {
NSObject *lock = [[NSObject alloc] init];
int __block counter = 10;
for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
// Setup the taks as you see fit including the environment variables.
// See docs on NSTask for more on how to use this object.
NSTask *task = [[NSTask alloc] init];
task.launchPath = #"/bin/ls";
task.arguments = [NSArray arrayWithObject:#"-la"];
task.terminationHandler = ^(NSTask *task) {
#synchronized(lock) { counter--; }
[task launch];
while (counter)
[lock release];
return 0;
In your case you might want to hold the NSTask objects in an array for easier management.

yes - NSOperation/NSOperationQueue are good for this task.
i'd start with something like this:
#protocol MONTaskRequestDelegate
- (void)taskRequestDidComplete:(MONTaskRequest *)taskRequest;
#interface MONTaskRequest : NSOperation
NSTask * task;
NSObject<MONTaskRequestDelegate>* delegate; /* strong reference. cleared on cancellation and completion, */
- (id)initWithTask:(NSTask *)task delegate:(NSObject<MONTaskRequestDelegate>*)delegate;
// interface to access the data from the task you are interested in, whether the task completed, etc.
#implementation MONTaskRequest
// ...
- (void)performDelegateCallback
[self.delegate taskRequestDidComplete:self];
self.delegate = nil;
- (void)main
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [NSAutoreleasePool new];
[self runTheTask];
// grab what is needed and handle errors
[self performDelegateCallback];
[pool release];
- (void)cancel
[super cancel];
[self stopTaskIfPossible];
[self performDelegateCallback];
then you can use NSOperationQueue to limit the number of active tasks to a reasonable number.

I use for this purpose the [myObj performSelectorInBackground:#selector(doSomething) withObject:nil]; functionality of an NSObject.
The idea is quite simple: you write a method that does the work, call it from the main thread using the aforementioned method, then call some callback selector if you need to somehow process the results from different threads.


Is it possible to check if an NSThread is blocked?

I've always been interested in how to write the following code to use it for unit testing:
Is it possible to extend NSThread with a method that would check if a particular thread is blocked?
Right now I'am working with NSCondition: Xcode shows me the chain which is called by -wait to block the thread:
[NSCondition wait]
Besides checking the locks done by NSCondition, if it is even possible, I would highly appreciate method working also for any other blocking capabilities (dispatch semaphores, condition locks, sleeping threads and so on, ) - I have no idea about Objective-C internals, if maybe they could be catched by one method or each needs its own.
Here is a simple example of what I would like to achieve. The mysterious method is called isBlocked.
// Some test case
// ...
__block NSThread *thread;
NSCondition *condition = [NSCondition alloc] init];
dispatch_async(someQueue(), ^{
thread = NSThread.currentThread;
[condition lock];
[condition wait];
[condition unlock];
while(1) {
NSLog(#"Thread is blocked: %d", thread.isBlocked);
Note: I am not good at C and all this low-level POSIX stuff, so, please, be verbose.
Note 2: I am interested in solutions working for dispatch queues as well: if someone can show me how to test the fact that someQueue() is blocked by -[NSCondition wait] (not the fact that it is going to be blocked (fx hacking some code before -[condition wait] is run and the block is set), but the fact that thread/queue is blocked), I will accept this as an answer as much like I would do with working -[NSThread isBlocked] method.
Note 3: Suspecting bad news like "it is not possible", I claim that any ideas about catching the fact that -[condition wait] was run and the thread was set blocked (see Note 2) are appreciated and can be also accepted as an answer!
UPDATE 1 in address to the nice answer by Richard J. Ross III. Unfortunately, his answer does not work in my original example, the version which is closer to my real work (though it does not differ much from the example I've initially provided - sorry that I didn't include it in the first edition of the question):
// Example
// Here I've bootstrapped Richard's isLocking categories for both NSThread and NSCondition
// ...
// somewhere in SenTesting test case...
__block NSThread *thread;
NSCondition *condition = [NSCondition alloc] init];
__block BOOL wePassedBlocking = NO;
dispatch_async(someQueue(), ^{
thread = NSThread.currentThread;
[condition lock];
[condition wait];
[condition unlock];
wePassedBlocking = YES; // (*) This line is occasionally never reached!
while(!thread.isWaitingOnCondition); // I want this loop to exit after the condition really locks someQueue() and _thread_ __.
// sleep(1);
[condition lock];
[condition broadcast]; // BUT SOMETIMES this line is called before -[condition wait] is called inside someQueue() so the entire test case becomes blocked!
[condition unlock];
while(!wePassedBlocking); // (*) And so this loop occasionally never ends!
If I uncomment sleep(1) test begins working very stable without any occasional locks!
This leads us to the problem, that Richard's category does set state exactly one line before the actual blocking is done meaning that sometimes test case's main thread catches this new state before we actually have someQueue/thread blocked because Richard's code does not contain any synchronization mechanisms: #synchronized, NSLock or something like that! I hope I am making a clear explanation of this tricky case. For anyone who has doubts about what I've posted here, I would say that I have been also experimenting with multiple queues and even more complex cases, and if needed I'm ready to provide more examples. Richard, thanks again for your effort, let's think more together, if you understand these my points!
I see the dead-end paradox: obviously, to really set the state of waitingOnCondition we need to wrap this state's change inside some synchronization closures, but the problem is that the closing one, unlocking the synchronization lock, should be called after -[condition wait], but it can't, because the thread is already blocked. Again, I hope I am describing it pretty clear.
Here you go! It won't detect threads being waited on by anything other than -[NSCondition wait], but it could easily be extended to detect other kinds of waiting.
It's probably not the best implementation out there, but it does in fact work, and will do what you need it to.
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#implementation NSThread(isLocking)
static int waiting_condition_key;
-(BOOL) isWaitingOnCondition {
// here, we sleep for a microsecond (1 millionth of a second) so that the
// other thread can catch up, and actually call 'wait'. This time
// interval is so small that you will never notice it in an actual
// application, it's just here because of how multithreaded
// applications work.
BOOL val = [objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &waiting_condition_key) boolValue];
// sleep before and after so it works on both edges
return val;
-(void) setIsWaitingOnCondition:(BOOL) value {
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &waiting_condition_key, #(value), OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN);
#implementation NSCondition(isLocking)
+(void) load {
Method old = class_getInstanceMethod(self, #selector(wait));
Method new = class_getInstanceMethod(self, #selector(_wait));
method_exchangeImplementations(old, new);
-(void) _wait {
// this is the replacement for the original wait method
[[NSThread currentThread] setIsWaitingOnCondition:YES];
// call the original implementation, which now resides in the same name as this method
[self _wait];
[[NSThread currentThread] setIsWaitingOnCondition:NO];
int main()
__block NSCondition *condition = [NSCondition new];
NSThread *otherThread = [[NSThread alloc] initWithTarget:^{
NSLog(#"Thread started");
[condition lock];
[condition wait];
[condition unlock];
NSLog(#"Thread ended");
} selector:#selector(invoke) object:nil];
[otherThread start];
while (![otherThread isWaitingOnCondition]);
[condition lock];
[condition signal];
[condition unlock];
NSLog(#"%i", [otherThread isWaitingOnCondition]);
2013-03-20 10:43:01.422 TestProj[11354:1803] Thread started
2013-03-20 10:43:01.424 TestProj[11354:1803] Thread ended
2013-03-20 10:43:01.425 TestProj[11354:303] 0
Here is a solution using dispatch_semaphore_t
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface PGFoo : NSObject
- (void)longRunningAsynchronousMethod:(void (^)(NSInteger result))completion;
#import "PGFoo.h"
#implementation PGFoo
- (void)longRunningAsynchronousMethod:(void (^)(NSInteger))completion {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
Test Methods
- (void)testThatFailsBecauseItIsImpatient {
PGFoo *foo = [[PGFoo alloc] init];
__block NSInteger theResult = 0;
[foo longRunningAsynchronousMethod:^(NSInteger result) {
theResult = result;
STAssertEquals(theResult, 1, nil);
- (void)testThatPassesBecauseItIsPatient {
PGFoo *foo = [[PGFoo alloc] init];
__block NSInteger theResult = 0;
dispatch_semaphore_t semaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);
[foo longRunningAsynchronousMethod:^(NSInteger result) {
theResult = result;
dispatch_semaphore_wait(semaphore, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
STAssertEquals(theResult, 1, nil);
By using a dispatch_semaphore_t you can "track" whether a thread that is waiting on that semaphore is blocked. For every call of dispatch_semaphore_wait the semaphore's count is decremented and the thread waits until a call of dispatch_semaphore_signal is made, when dispatch_semaphore_signal is called the semaphore's count is incremented, if the count is incremented to a value greater than -1 the thread continues.
This solution fails to answer your question about checking whether an NSThread is "blocked" but I think it provides what you are reaching for, assuming you're not reaching to check on NSThread instances that are maintained within an existing framework.

Pre-empting NSOperation on one NSOperationQueue with NSOperation placed onto a separate NSOperationQueue?

I have an application in which a long running process (> 1 min) is placed onto an NSOperationQueue (Queue A). The UI is fully-responsive while the Queue A operation runs, exactly as expected.
However, I have a different kind of operation the user can perform which runs on a completely separate NSOperationQueue (Queue B).
When a UI event triggers the placement of an operation on Queue B, it must wait until after the currently-executing operation on Queue A finishes. This occurs on an iPod Touch (MC544LL).
What I expected to see instead was that any operation placed onto Queue B would more or less begin immediately executing in parallel with the operation on Queue A. This is the behavior I see on the Simulator.
My question is two parts:
Is the behavior I'm seeing on my device to be expected based on available documentation?
Using NSOperation/NSOperationQueue, how do I pre-empt the currently running operation on Queue A with a new operation placed on Queue B?
Note: I can get exactly the behavior I'm after by using GCD queues for Queues A/B, so I know my device is capable of supporting what I'm trying to do. However, I really, really want to use NSOperationQueue because both operations need to be cancelable.
I have a simple test application:
The ViewController is:
// ViewController.m
// QueueTest
#import "ViewController.h"
#interface ViewController ()
#property (strong, nonatomic) NSOperationQueue *slowQueue;
#property (strong, nonatomic) NSOperationQueue *fastQueue;
#implementation ViewController
-(id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder
if (self = [super initWithCoder:aDecoder]) {
self.slowQueue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];
self.fastQueue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];
return self;
NSLog(#"View loaded on thread %#", [NSThread currentThread]);
// Responds to "Slow Op Start" button
- (IBAction)slowOpStartPressed:(id)sender {
NSBlockOperation *operation = [[NSBlockOperation alloc] init];
[operation addExecutionBlock:^{
[self workHard:600];
[self.slowQueue addOperation:operation];
// Responds to "Fast Op Start" button
- (IBAction)fastOpStart:(id)sender {
NSBlockOperation *operation = [[NSBlockOperation alloc] init];
[operation addExecutionBlock:^{
NSLog(#"Fast operation on thread %#", [NSThread currentThread]);
[self.fastQueue addOperation:operation];
NSLog(#"SlowOperation start on thread %#", [NSThread currentThread]);
NSDecimalNumber *result = [[NSDecimalNumber alloc] initWithString:#"0"];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
NSDecimalNumber *outer = [[NSDecimalNumber alloc] initWithUnsignedInteger:i];
for (NSUInteger j = 0; j < iterations; j++) {
NSDecimalNumber *inner = [[NSDecimalNumber alloc] initWithUnsignedInteger:j];
NSDecimalNumber *product = [outer decimalNumberByMultiplyingBy:inner];
result = [result decimalNumberByAdding:product];
result = [result decimalNumberByAdding:outer];
NSLog(#"SlowOperation end");
The output I see after first pressing the "Slow Op Start" button followed ~1 second later by pressing the "Fast Op Start" button is:
2012-11-28 07:41:13.051 QueueTest[12558:907] View loaded on thread <NSThread: 0x1d51ec30>{name = (null), num = 1}
2012-11-28 07:41:14.745 QueueTest[12558:1703] SlowOperation start on thread <NSThread: 0x1d55e5f0>{name = (null), num = 3}
2012-11-28 07:41:25.127 QueueTest[12558:1703] SlowOperation end
2012-11-28 07:41:25.913 QueueTest[12558:3907] Fast operation on thread <NSThread: 0x1e36d4c0>{name = (null), num = 4}
As you can see, the second operation does not begin executing until after the first operation finishes, despite the fact that these are two separate (and presumably independent) NSOperationQueues.
I have read the Apple Concurrency Guide, but find nothing describing this situation. I've also read two SO questions on related topics (link, link), but neither seems to get to the heart of the problem I'm seeing (pre-emption).
Other things I've tried:
setting the queuePriority on each NSOperation
setting the queuePriority on each NSOperation while placing both types of operations onto the same queue
placing both operations onto the same queue
This question has undergone multiple edits, which may make certain comments/answers difficult to understand.
I suspect the problem you are having is that both operation queues are executing their blocks on the underlying default priority dispatch queue. Consequently, if several slow operations are enqueued before the fast operations then perhaps you will see this behaviour.
Why not either set the NSOperationQueue instance for the slow operations so that it only executes one operation at any given time (i.e. set maxConcurrentOperationCount to one for this queue), or if your operations are all blocks then why not use GCD queues directly? e.g.
static dispatch_queue_t slowOpQueue = NULL;
static dispatch_queue_t fastOpQueue = NULL;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
slowOpQueue = dispatch_queue_create("Slow Ops Queue", NULL);
fastOpQueue = dispatch_queue_create("Fast Ops Queue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT);
for (NSUInteger slowOpIndex = 0; slowOpIndex < 5; slowOpIndex++) {
dispatch_async(slowOpQueue, ^(void) {
NSLog(#"* Starting slow op %d.", slowOpIndex);
for (NSUInteger delayLoop = 0; delayLoop < 1000; delayLoop++) {
NSLog(#"* Ending slow op %d.", slowOpIndex);
for (NSUInteger fastBlockIndex = 0; fastBlockIndex < 10; fastBlockIndex++) {
dispatch_async(fastOpQueue, ^(void) {
NSLog(#"Starting fast op %d.", fastBlockIndex);
NSLog(#"Ending fast op %d.", fastBlockIndex);
As far as using the NSOperationQueue as per your comments about needing the operation cancellation facilities etc. can you try:
- (void)loadSlowQueue
[self.slowQueue setMaxConcurrentOperationCount:1];
NSBlockOperation *operation = [NSBlockOperation blockOperationWithBlock:^{
NSLog(#"begin slow block 1");
[self workHard:500];
NSLog(#"end slow block 1");
NSBlockOperation *operation2 = [NSBlockOperation blockOperationWithBlock:^{
NSLog(#"begin slow block 2");
[self workHard:500];
NSLog(#"end slow block 2");
[self.slowQueue addOperation:operation];
[self.slowQueue addOperation:operation2];
As I think the two blocks you add to the operation on the slow queue are being executed in parallel on the default queue and preventing your fast operations from being scheduled.
If you're still finding the default GCD queue is choking, why not create an NSOperation subclass that executes blocks without using GCD at all for your slow operations, this will still give you the declarative convenience of not creating a separate subclass for each operation but use the threading model of a regular NSOperation. e.g.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
typedef void (^BlockOperation)(NSOperation *containingOperation);
#interface PseudoBlockOperation : NSOperation
- (id)initWithBlock:(BlockOperation)block;
- (void)addBlock:(BlockOperation)block;
And then for the implementation:
#import "PseudoBlockOperation.h"
#interface PseudoBlockOperation()
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *blocks;
#implementation PseudoBlockOperation
#synthesize blocks;
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
blocks = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:1];
return self;
- (id)initWithBlock:(BlockOperation)block
self = [self init];
if (self) {
[blocks addObject:[block copy]];
return self;
- (void)main
#autoreleasepool {
for (BlockOperation block in blocks) {
- (void)addBlock:(BlockOperation)block
[blocks addObject:[block copy]];
Then in your code you can do something like:
PseudoBlockOperation *operation = [[PseudoBlockOperation alloc] init];
[operation addBlock:^(NSOperation *operation) {
if (!operation.isCancelled) {
NSLog(#"begin slow block 1");
[self workHard:500];
NSLog(#"end slow block 1");
[operation addBlock:^(NSOperation *operation) {
if (!operation.isCancelled) {
NSLog(#"begin slow block 2");
[self workHard:500];
NSLog(#"end slow block 2");
[self.slowQueue addOperation:operation];
Note that in this example any blocks that are added to the same operation will be executed sequentially rather than concurrently, to execute concurrently create one operation per block. This has the advantage over NSBlockOperation in that you can pass parameters into the block by changing the definition of BlockOperation - here I passed the containing operation, but you could pass whatever other context is required.
Hope that helps.

MailCore concurrency support

I'm developing a mail client using the MailCore framework (based on the C library LibEtPan). I'd like to handle the server connection and all the requests in new thread or queue and pushing informations to the main queue for UI updates.
The problem it seems that MailCore variables can't be shared across threads.
#implementation Controller
NSOperationQueue *_queue;
CTCoreAccount *_account;
CTCoreFolder *_inbox;
NSArray *_messages;
- (id)init
// stuff
_queue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];
[_queue addOperationWithBlock:^
_account = [[CTCoreAccount alloc] init];
BOOL success = [_account connectToServer:#"imap.mail.com" port:993 connectionType:CTConnectionTypeTLS authType:CTImapAuthTypePlain login:#"me#mail.com" password:#"Password"];
if (success)
CTCoreFolder *inbox = [_account folderWithPath:#"INBOX"];
NSArray *messages = [inbox messagesFromSequenceNumber:1 to:0 withFetchAttributes:CTFetchAttrEnvelope];
[[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] addOperationWithBlock:^
_messages = [messages copy];
// UI updates here
// Other stuff
Later, for example this method could be called :
- (void)foo
[_queue addOperationWithBlock:^
CTCoreMessage *message = [_messages objectAtIndex:index];
NSString *body = [message bodyPreferringPlainText:&isHTML];
[[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] addOperationWithBlock:^
// UI Updates
Here, body is empty because CTCore variables are unable to execute new requests from _queue.
According to this comment, each thread needs is own CTCoreAccount, etc ...
Threads on iOS are supposed to have shared memory. I don't exactly understand why reusing the same CTCoreAccount across threads doesn't work, even if references are used in the LibetPan library.
How to define a unique CTCoreAccount or CTCoreFolder "attached" to a different thread or queue that can be reused multiple times ?
Any advise would be appreciated. Thank you.
The answer has been given by MRonge here.
One way is to create an object that contains both the NSOperationQueue
(with the maxConcurrentOperationCount=1) and the CTCoreAccount. All
work for that account goes through the object, and is only executed on
one thread at a time. Then you can one of these objects for each
account you want to access.

How to pause/continue NSThread

I have an app, where i use function FSMoveObjectToTrashSync. It works in background thread. I need ability for my app, to click on button to pause it or continue(if it paused) how i can make it?
Example of code:
NSMutableArray *fileArray = [NSMutableArray array withobjects:#"file1url", #"file2", #"file3", nil];
NSMutableArray *threadArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (NSURL *url in fileArray){
NSThread *thread = [[NSThread alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:#selector(mySelectorWith:) object:url];
[thread start];
[threadArray addObject:thread];
-(void)mySelectorWith:(NSURL *) url{
FSRef source;
FSPathMakeRef((const UInt8 *)[[url path] fileSystemRepresentation], &source, NULL);
FSMoveObjectToTrashSync(&source, NULL, kFSFileOperationDefaultOptions);
PS:sorry for my english, i'm from Belarus... =(
One solution would be to replace the for loop on a single thread with an NSOperation subclass. Each operation should trash exactly one object; you then create one operation for each object you want to trash and put all of the operations on an NSOperationQueue.
The operation queue will run each operation on a thread, and it can even run multiple operations on multiple threads if it sees enough computing power laying around to do it.
An operation queue can be paused and resumed at will; when you suspend the queue, any operations in that queue that are already running will finish, but no more will start until you resume the queue.
You could use an NSConditionLock. An NSConditionLock is similar to a condition variable. It has a couple of basic methods, lockWhenCondition, and unlockWithCondition, and lock. A typical usage is to have your background thread waiting on the condition lock with "lockWhenCondition:", and the in you foreground thread to set the condition, which causes the background thread to wake up. The condition is a simple integer, usually an enumeration.
Here's an example:
enum {
kWorkTodo = 1,
kNoWorkTodo = 0
- (id)init {
if ((self = [super init])) {
theConditionLock = [[NSConditionLock alloc] initWithCondition: kNoWorkTodo];
workItems = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
- (void)startDoingWork {
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:#selector(doBackgroundWork) toTarget:self withObject:nil];
- (void)doBackgroundWork:(id)arg {
while (YES) {
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSArray *items = nil;
[theConditionLock lockWhenCondition:kWorkTodo]; // Wait until there is work to do
items = [NSArray arrayWithArray:workItems]
[workItems removeAllObjects];
[theConditionLock unlockWithCondition:kNoWorkTodo];
for(id item in items) {
// Do some work on item.
[pool drain];
- (void)notifyBackgroundThreadAboutNewWork {
[theConditionLock lock];
[workItems addObject:/* some unit of work */];
[theConditionLock unlockWithCondition:kWorkTodo];
In this example, when startDoingWork is called doBackgroundWork: will start on a background thread, but then stop because there isn't any work to do. Once notifyBackgroundThreadAboutNewWork is called, then doBackgroundWork: will fire up and process the new work, and then go back to sleep waiting for new work to be available, which will happen the next time notifyBackgroundThreadAboutNewWork is called.

iOS autoreleased with no pool in place - but I am creating ARP!

So, I am using [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector] to spawn a new thread and I am getting "autoreleased with no pool in place " errors in the console. I know this can happen if you fail to create an auto release pool, but the thing is, I am creating one. I use similar code in other parts of the same app and do NOT get these errors.
Here is the relevant code:
- (void) startThread:(NSString*)strURL
// start new thread to load image
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:#selector(loadImageFromURL:) toTarget:self withObject:strURL];
[pool release];
- (void) loadImageFromURL:(NSString*)strURL
NSNumber* nn = [NSNumber numberWithInt:self.tag];
NSLog(#"loadURL: Tag number == %i", [nn intValue]);
// other code here actually does the work
Now, there was more code in loadImageFromURL which actually does the work (of loading an image from a remote server) - but the problem manifests itself without that code, so I've removed it (just so you don't think I have a pointless thread which does nothing!). I left in just one line of code which demonstrates the problem - it creates an autoreleased NSNumber object.
When this code runs, it reports this to the console:
__NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x535c0e0 of class NSCFNumber autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking
Of course, the real code creates many other AR objects and all of them get reported as well.
Would be grateful for any tips or pointers which might help!
When you create a new thread, you need to also create a new autorelease pool for it. In your case, that looks as simple as adding:
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
at the beginning of loadImageFromURL: and
[pool drain];
at the end.
You probably don't need or want the pool you're creating in startThread:. Check out the Threading Programming Guide, particularly the "Writing Your Thread Entry Routine" section.
On your code, - (void) startThread:(NSString*)strURL is running in the main thread, while - (void) loadImageFromURL:(NSString*)strURL is running on the background thread you are detaching.
The main thread already has a NSAutoreleasePool, so the one you are creating in startThread: is probably unneeded. However, the background thread will not create a NSAutoreleasePool, so you'd need to create it yourself.
In your code, that would look like:
- (void) startThread:(NSString*)strURL
// start new thread to load image
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:#selector(loadImageFromURL:) toTarget:self withObject:strURL];
- (void) loadImageFromURL:(NSString*)strURL
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSNumber* nn = [NSNumber numberWithInt:self.tag];
NSLog(#"loadURL: Tag number == %i", [nn intValue]);
// other code here actually does the work
[pool drain];
Also, as #Carl Norum suggested, you should use drain instead of release when you are done using the autorelelase pool.
Solution for a similar problem but using ARC.
If using ARC, you could get an error "'NSAutoreleasePool' is unavailable: not available in automatic reference counting mode".
- (void) startThread:(NSString*)strURL
// start new thread to load image
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:#selector(loadImageFromURL:) toTarget:self withObject:strURL];
- (void) loadImageFromURL:(NSString*)strURL
#autoreleasepool {
NSNumber* nn = [NSNumber numberWithInt:self.tag];
NSLog(#"loadURL: Tag number == %i", [nn intValue]);
// other code here actually does the work