Using sunspot_rails with rails - ruby-on-rails-3

I'm writing a rails app that allows people to submit links and titles a little bit like reddit.
I want to make it so that people can enter a url and find the record with a similar url. This gets tricky if people leave off the http:// at the beginning or do or don't have the trailing "/".
How do I set that up using Solr/Sunspot?

If I've understand your query properly, there are a couple of problems combined here.
You can probably use something like URI.parse(incoming_url) and then extract the relevant parts of the URL that you want. I'd then use that info and convert it to a slug using something like slugify or acts_as_slug.
I'm not sure why you want to tie that functionality into Sunspot though.


Is there any way to change the structure of urls in Shopify?

Is there any way to change the actual structure of a url in Shopify, rather than just the handle? For instance if I add a product it will be available at the following urls:
Is there any way I could change this to /collection-name/some-product, i.e. remove unnecessary words from the url?
I also realise you can add redirects, but this isn't what I want.
When thinking on the product page you should never think of playing or using the url which has 'collections'. If you take a deep look on the source code of a product you'll realize they all have a rel canonical tag pointing to the
even if the product is displayed within the url
If the collections url doesn't have that canonical tag, use it, otherwise crawlers/robots would consider it duplicate content because 2 different urls would show the same content.
Then if you're ok with the first part, you'll only have
In such case, you will never be able to change the
part. But this is good as it helps Shopify store owners maintain a really well structured organization of products.
If you still for some reason need to play hard with urls, you can deep a bit into Application Proxies.

If url ends with ' then show post

I have a website, let's say that my site is
I would like to show a post if anyone tries to sql injection it. For example if the link is and they type' then I would like to show a post/page (refer them to another post) instead of database information (if they get any). Everytime they type ' at the end of every url.
If you are asking how to show that page - that depends on the language and/or framework you are using. This can usually be done with a redirect, though some frameworks allow rendering a different page for the same URL.
If you are asking how to detect SQL injections - that depends on how your code works. Different codes will have different ways to inject SQL. If you are going to go through the trouble of figuring out all the SQL vulnerabilities in your code, and code some rules to try and catch them - wouldn't it be better to remove those vulnerabilities? It'll be easier too - usually the answer is to use SQL parameters instead of concatenating strings.

How to direct multiple clean URL paths to a single page?

(Hi! This is my first time asking a question on Stack Overflow after years of finding answers here... Thanks!)
I have a dynamic page, and I'd like to have fixed URLs that point to different states of that page. So, for example: ""(/index.php) is the base page, and it rearranges its content based on user choices. I'd then like to be able to point to "" or "" in order to automatically load base the page at "" with the desired content.
At heart the problem is an aesthetic one. I know I could simply write to reach the desired end, but I want to keep the URL simple and readable (ie, clean). I also, due to limitations in my hosting relationship, would most appreciate a solution that is server-independent (across LAM[PHP] stacks, at least), if possible.
Also, if I just have incorrect assumptions about how to implement clean URLs, I'd appreciate direction to a good, comprehensive explanation. I can't seem to find one...
You could use a htaccess file to redirect all requests to one location and then from there determine what you want to return to the client. Look over the htaccess/dispatch system that Tonic uses.
If you use Apache, you can use mod_rewrite. I have a rule like this where multiple restful urls all go to the same page, using regex and moving parts of the old url into parameters for the new url:
RewriteRule ^/testapp/(name|number|rn|sid|unii|inchikey|formula)(/(startswith))?/?(.*) /testapp/ProxyServlet?objectHandle=Search&actionHandle=drillIn&searchtype=$1&searchterm=$4&startswith=$3 [NC,PT]
That particular regex accepts urls like
and forwards them to the same page.
I also use UrlRewriteFilter for Tomcat, but as you mentioned PHP, that doesn't seem that it would be useful.

How to batch rename Tumblr tags?

I have tagged over 700 blog posts with tags containing hyphens, and these tags suddenly stopped working in 2011, because Tumblr decided (without any notice) to forbid hyphens in tags (I guess hyphens are blocked now, because spaces in tags (which are allowed) get changed to hyphens.). Unfortunately, Tumblr is not willing to globally rename all tags containg hyphens (although these tags are of no use anymore → 404).
Now I want to rename my tags myself.
I tried to do it with the "Mass Post Editor" (, but it's not possible to select posts by tag. I'd have to manually select post after post and look if a certain tag was used, and if so, delete it and add a new one instead. This would be a huge job (700 tagged posts, but more than 1000 in total).
So I thought that the Tumblr API might help me. I'm no programmer, but I'd be willing to dig into it, if I could get some help here as a starting point.
I think I need the following process:
select all posts that are tagged with x (= a tag containing hyphens)
tag all these posts with y (= a tag without hyphens)
delete the tag x on all these posts
I'd start this process for every affected tag manually.
I see that the method (or whatever you call it) /post knows the request parameter tag:
Limits the response to posts with the specified tag
(I guess I can only hope that this works for tags containing hyphens, too.)
After that I'd need a way to add and remove tags from that result set. /post/edit doesn't say anything about tags. Did I miss something? Isn't it possible to add/remove tags with the API?
Have you an idea how I could "easily" rename my tags?
Is it possible with the API? Could you give me a starting point, tip etc. how I could manage to do it?
I don't know if this might be helpful, but I noticed that the search function is still able to find posts "tagged" with tags that contain hyphens.
Example: let's say I have the tag foo-bar. It is linked with /tagged/foo-bar (→ 404). I can find the posts with /search/foo-bar (but this is of course not ideal because it might also find posts that contain (in the body text) words similar/equal to the tag name).
I tried to encode the hyphen (/tagged/foo%2Dbar), but no luck.
just for the record, because this is a popular google search: i've done it! you can use it at
i used a combo of PHP and jquery, basing my jquery off of a previous tumblr api script i wrote a year or two ago, and used this tumblr php oauth script for the authentication. if anyone wants me to put up the source code, i'd be happy to.
If you aren't a programmer, how much is your time is worth to you? As they say, time is money. Not only do you have to figure out how to use the API, but choose a language and learn to write in it. That's no small task. You could higher a freelancer for $50 for an hour worth of work.
To answer your question, yes it is possible to do this with the API. It mentions "These parameters are used for /post, /post/edit and /post/reblog methods." and tags is mentioned as a string of comma separated words.
What you want to do is get a listing of every single blog post using the /posts method. You'll want to look at the "Request" section to figure out the criteria to pass to this URL. You want it to be as general as possible to get a complete listing of all your posts.
After you get a listing of posts you'll want to iterate over it and modify the tags parameter provided in the response for each post. You'll want to use the id paramater along with /post/edit, which again takes tags as a string.
The simplest language you can use for this task is PHP. You'll want to look at the curl extension to make your requests. You'll want to read up on arrays as you'll be using them a lot. You'll also need to look at explode, implode, str_replace (for the dashes), and foreach for iterating over the result.
When you do this I would highly recommend you use break at the end of your foreach loop so it only affects one post at first. Testing it first will be important, as you don't want to accidentally erase your tags/posts. print and var_dump are good ways to help you debug the code. xdebug is a nice extension that allows you to step through the code line by line as it runs. Netbeans is an IDE that has good xdebug support.
There's also a nice page here to get you started with PHP. You'll need to install PHP on your machine. You don't need to install a web server - for this PHP-CLI (command line) sapi is good enough.

mod rewrite convert to lowercase and repace + with -

I have a simple news site that gets news from Rss feeds. Currently the Urls are something like this:
I would simply like to change this to
(looks more clean)
Your help will be appreciated
I'm sorry, but I doubt it's possible in your case. Based on what you're saying, it's the This+and+That+Happened+There part that is the unique ID of the news item and that would mean that it has to remain unchanged in order for it to work on the website (be recognised on the backend/database).
If, on the other hand, you have some other ID in the url. Say where 123 is the ID, then it should be doable, as whatever's before that shouldn't matter. All you'd need is to have your CMS (or whatever backend you're using) to have the urls formatted that way.
You did add seo tag to this question, so I understand that's what you want improve. I'd say in this case it won't matter (but I'm not expert in that field).