Two addresses of a function - dll

What does GetProcAddress() do? According to some forums, it displays a functions address in a DLL.
When I run the above function with appropriate parameters, I get the address of printf as some address A, but if I do cout << printf, get a different address B.
cout << GetProcAddress(
cout << "****" << printf << endl;

yes you are right i was getting the linker addresses in the thunk table...
thank you..


PIN input argument loggin/reading

I'm wondering if any of you guys have experience in reading/logging the input arguments of an instrumented method?
Technically it's so simple and straightforward when the method has some primitive data type as input parameters. For example, integer or double. However, when it's a more complex data type, like string, I faced some weird behavior from pin framework. In nutshell, I cannot recover the original data input.
Below you see my instrumentation function. It simply tries to print the input arguments passed to the instrumented method.
VOID start_of_execution(uint64_t hash_name, int type,
ADDRINT input_arg1,
ADDRINT input_arg2
cout << "int arg:" << input_arg1 << endl; // prints the integer input
cout << "string*:" << hex << input_arg2 << endl; // prints the pointer value
cout << "string arg:" << *(reinterpret_cast<string*>(input_arg2)) << endl; // prints nothing!
Here is the instrumented method which it's the only functionality is to print the input arguments.
int sample_method(int i, string* str){
cout << "-----" << endl;
cout << "i: " << i << ", str:" << *str <<", ptr:" << str << endl;
return 0;
Below is the output:
$ sudo ../../../pin -t obj-intel64/code/ -- ./code/a.out
int arg:5
string arg:
i: 5, str:sample text, ptr:0x1704434923
As you see, the integer argument (number 5) has been retrived properly. However, even though the string pointer is valid, PIN wasn't able to recover the string input argument.
Does anybody have an idea about my problem?

getline(cin, string) not giving expected output

Using c++14. I have read many posts regarding the problem.
If I run this code below, it jumps over the getline lines.
#include <iostream>
#include "main_menu.h"
void MainMenu::AddTest()
std::string courseName = "";
std::string testName = "";
std::string date = "";
std::cout << "Enter course name: " << std::endl;
std::getline(std::cin, courseName);
std::cout << "Enter test name: " << std::endl;
std::getline(std::cin, testName);
std::cout << "Enter test date: " << std::endl;
std::getline(std::cin, date);
Test test(courseName, testName, date);
std::cout << "Test registered : " << std::endl;
If I add cin ignore after each getline lines (example below how I implement it), it deletes some characters from the input strings and uses wrong variables to store them. Note that I have strings with whitespaces.
std::getline(std::cin, courseName);
This is what I get:
Enter course name:
History 2
Enter test name:
History 2 exam
Enter test date:
Test registered :
test id = 2, course name = , test name = istory 2, date = istory 2 exam
I also tried to flush cout, didn't help.
My Print function works like a charm, if I add courses manually from main, I get the expected output, so the problem is definitely the cin / getline.
Test registered :
test id = 1, course name = History 2, test name = History 2 exam , date = 01.02.2017
I use getline as explained here:
Any help would be much appreciated, thank you.
By using cin.ignore you are messing with the input itself. If you want to get rid of \n character you don't have to! getline will just do that automatically. So just don't use ignore function and the code will be fine.
This works:
using namespace std;
int main()
string courseName = "";
string testName = "";
string date = "";
cout << "Enter course name: " << std::endl;
getline(std::cin, courseName);
cout << "Enter test name: " << std::endl;
getline(std::cin, testName);
cout << "Enter test date: " << std::endl;
getline(std::cin, date);
cout << courseName << endl;
cout << testName << endl;
cout << date << endl;
return 0;
I'm answering an ancient question, but try clearing the input stream before you use all the getline()'s. It is possible that you have some extra returns in the buffer before you ask for input.

C++ Do while loop advice

So at my college we haven't covered do while loops yet so I wanted to try one out before we do but I am running into an issue with it, I want the program to carry out different functions based on the users input, A carries out an addition, B a subtraction and C exits the program.
The program I have wrote with a do while in it carries out these functions one after the other regardless of what the user has input and I am unsure how to get this working properly.
Any advice is much appreciated.
Couple things to note. You have user entering a character for a choice, so make userChoice a character. Notice how the do-while is used for input-validation in this case. I changed the extra while loops with semi-colons at end to condition statements. You can substitute the if and else ifs with switch, "menu driven program". Here is a working program that you want. If you want the do-while around the whole condition statement and not use it as input validation then have it around all the condition statements and check while it is not C.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
char userChoice;
int vaulue1;
int vaulue2;
int addtionValue;
int subtractionValue;
cout << "Choice A: will preform an addition" << endl;
cout << "Choice B: will preform a subtraction" << endl;
cout << "Choice C: will quit\n" << endl;
cout << "Enter your choice\n" << endl;
cin >> userChoice;
} while(userChoice != 'A' && userChoice != 'B' && userChoice != 'C');
if(userChoice == 'A')
cout << "Addition\n" << endl;
cout << "Please enter the first value you want to add\n" << endl;
cin >> vaulue1;
cout << "Please enter the second value you want to add\n" << endl;
cin >> vaulue2;
addtionValue = vaulue1 + vaulue2;
cout << "The addtion answer is " << addtionValue << endl;
else if(userChoice == 'B')
cout << "Subtraction\n" << endl;
cout << "Please enter the first value you want to subtract\n" << endl;
cin >> vaulue1;
cout << "Please enter the second value you want to subtract\n" << endl;
cin >> vaulue2;
subtractionValue = vaulue1 - vaulue2;
cout << "The subtract answer is " << subtractionValue << endl;
else if(userChoice == 'C')
cout << "Exit ";
return -1;
return 0;
you should use only one "while" - just first while is correct
other "whiles" are empty loop; clean them
it's better to use "switch - case"
while you enter A as input your method wants to give A another one

receive Error code 500 when visiting a cgi file (in c++)

I wrote the following code in a file named test.cpp on godaddy web host:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main () {
cout << "Content-type:text/html\r\n\r\n";
cout << "<html>\n";
cout << "<head>\n";
cout << "<title>Hello World - First CGI Program</title>\n";
cout << "</head>\n";
cout << "<body>\n";
cout << "<h2>Hello World! This is my first CGI program</h2>\n";
cout << "</body>\n";
cout << "</html>\n";
return 0;
And I compile test.cpp on the godaddy host using "g++ test.cpp -o a.cgi".
Then I tried to access the cgi (type ""), the error code 500 came out. I have no idea what went wrong.
Change the permissions of the file using file manager to make it executable
changing a.cgi to a.cpp and then check if it works

c++ press enter to end program remove the press any key to continue

I am trying to get the ending to be like this
Enter your choice --> f
Program ending
Press Enter to end -->
but instead i am getting this
Enter your choice --> f
Program ending
Press enter to end -->Press any key to continue . . .
this is my brief code for the ending. basically I need to remove the "press any key to continue: from the ending I searched the forum and found and PrintF statement but I have not learned that yet so i need a simpler way. any help will be appreciated
case 'f':
case 'F': cout << "Program ending" << endl << endl;
cout << "Press enter to end -->";
return 1;
cout << choice << " is an invalid value. " << endl;
Somewhere in your code (or the IDE you are using to launch it, perhaps) is an awful system("pause");. Find it, remove it, and never type those words again.