best way to create a timer for a game - objective-c

I have a time limiter for a game I am doing, what I am doing right now is using an initial value and deducting one value per frame update. here is the code :
- (void) gameTime {
fullTime = fullTime - 1;
NSLog(#"%i", fullTime);
float xScale = 10 * fullTime / 4000;
//_game.timerGraphic.scaleX = 10;
//[_game.timerGraphic setScaleX:10];
[_game.timerGraphic setScaleX:xScale];
now the problem is that timerGraphic is a CCSprite, and when I update the ScaleX it doesnt work unless its a absolute value, is there anyway i can make this smoother and resize the "timer" in a smoother way?

The problem with this sort of approach is that is makes the timer in your app dependent on the frame rate. Cocos2D has some built in mechanisms for dealing with these sorts of issues. In particular, the idea is that each time you load a new frame, you update animation values based on the amount of time elapsed between the previous and current frame. Look at the "Making Things Move" section in this Cocos2D tutorial. It explains how to schedule a selector (i.e., create a timer to fire the -nextFrame: method). This method get passed a dt (delta time) argument that can be used for creating smooth animations.


Changing deltaTime of libgdx games

I want to pause my libgdx game which has box2d word. To pause game I decided manupilate the deltaTime.
I thought that if i assingn deltaTime to zero all rendering codes can wait until press resume button. However deltaTime is not var it is val. So because of deltaTime is val, I am not able to reassign the value of deltaTime. Changing the deltaTime is forbidden. Is there any way to change the deltaTime.
deltaTime is the measurement of the elapsed time since the last render, not a parameter.
You can stop (and start) rendering with;
(This is usually used for when you want to determine how often to render with )
Note that this will stop all rendering so maybe instead just pause stepping the world in your call.
if (!isPaused) {

Repeating a short sound very fast with CreateJS

I am trying to create a fast ticking sound in a Cordova app using Createjs.
The ticking sound speed changes based on user settings. At the moment the timing is erratic
I have an mp3 audio file of a single tick sound that is 50ms long.
A target speed of repetition could be as fast as 10 times per second.
How can I get the sound to play evenly and consistently at that speed?
More Technical Detail
createjs.Ticker.timingMode = createjs.Ticker.RAF_SYNCHED;
createjs.Ticker.framerate = 30;
Cheers for any help
This should be pretty straightforward. I set up a quick fiddle to play a sound a specific amount of times per second. It seems pretty reliable, even when playing at 60fps.
The approach is to just check every Ticker.tick if the amount of time has passed since the last tick sound. The duration is derived by 1000/ticksPerSecond.
// Every tick
var d = new Date().getTime();
if (d > lastTick + 1000/ticksPerSecond) {"tick");
lastTick = d;

Confusion with writing a game loop

I'm working on a 2D video game framework, and I've never written a game loop before. Most frameworks I've ever looked in to seem to implement both a draw and update methods.
For my project I implemented a loop that calls these 2 methods. I noticed with other frameworks, these methods don't always get called alternating. Some frameworks will have update run way more than draw does. Also, most of these types of frameworks will run at 60FPS. I figure I'll need some sort of sleep in here.
My question is, what is the best method for implementing this type of loop? Do I call draw then update, or vice versa? In my case, I'm writing a wrapper around SDL2, so maybe that library requires something to be setup in a certain way?
Here's some "pseudo" code I'm thinking of for the implementation.
loop do
break if window_is_closed
Though my project is being written in Crystal-Lang, I'm more looking for a general concept that could be applied to any language.
It depends what you want to achieve. Some games prefer the game logic to run more frequently than the frame rate (I believe Source games do this), for some games you may want the game logic to run less frequently (the only example of this I can think of is the servers of some multiplayer games, quite famously Overwatch).
It's important to consider as well that this is a question of resolution, not speed. A game with logic rate 120 and frame rate 60 is not necessarily running at x2 speed, any time critical operations within the game logic should be done relative to the clock*, not the tic rate, or your game will literally go into slow motion if the frames take too long to render.
I would recommend writing a loop like this:
loop do
time_until_update = (update_interval + time_of_last_update) - current_time
time_until_draw = (draw_interval + time_of_last_draw) - current_time
work_done = false
# Update the game if it's been enough time
if time_until_update <= 0
time_of_last_update = current_time
work_done = true
# Draw the screen if it's been enough time
if time_until_draw <= 0
time_of_last_draw = current_time
work_done = true
# Nothing to do, sleep for the smallest period
if work_done == false
smaller = time_until_update
if time_until_draw < smaller
smaller = time_until_draw
# Leave, maybe
break if window_is_closed
You don't want to wait for 16ms every frame otherwise you might end up over-waiting if the frame takes a non-trivial amount of time to complete. The work_done variable is so that we know whether or not the intervals we calculated at the start of the loop are still valid, we may have done 5ms of work, which would throw our sleeping completely off so in that scenario we go back around and calculate fresh values.
* You may want to abstractify the clock, using the clock directly can have some weird effects, for example if you save the game and you save the last time you used a magical power as a clock time, it will instantly come off cooldown when you load the save, as that is now minutes, hours or even days in the past. Similar issues exist with the process being suspended by the operating system.

Action Script 3. How to prevent lag bugs issues in flash games?

How to prevent lag bugs issues in flash games? For example If game have countdown timer 1 minute and player have to catch that much items that possible.
Here are following lag bugs issues:
If items moving (don't have static position) - that higher lag player
have, that slower items move;
Timer starting count slowly when player have lags (CPU usage 90-100%).
So for example If player without lags can get 100 points, player with slow / bad computer can get 4-6x more, like 400-600.
I think that because It's on client side, but how to move It to server side? Should I insert (and update) countdown time to database? But how to update It on every millisecond?
And how about items position solution? If player have big lags, items moving very very slowly, so easy to click on that, have you any ideas?
Moving the functionality to the server side doesn't solve the problem.
Now if there are many players connected to the server, the server will lag and give those players more time to react.
To make your logic independent from lag, do not base it on the screen update.
Because this assumes a constant time between screen updates (or frames)
Instead, make your logic based on the actual time that passed between frames.
Use getTimer to measure how much time passed between the current and the last frame.
Of course, your logic should include calculations for what happens in between frames.
In order to mostly fix speed issues on the client you need to make all your speed related code based on actual time, not frames. For example:
Here is a fairly typical example code used to move an object based on frames:
// speed = pixels per frame
var xSpeed:Number = 5;
var ySpeed:Number = 5;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);
function update(e:Event):void {
player.x += xSpeed;
player.y += ySpeed;
While this code is simple and good enough for a single client, it is very dependent on the frame rate, and as you know the frame rate is very "elastic" and actual frame rate is heavily influenced by the client CPU speed.
Instead, here is an example where the movement is based on actual elapsed time:
// speed = pixels per second
var xSpeed:Number = 5 * stage.frameRate;
var ySpeed:Number = 5 * stage.frameRate;
var lastTime:int = getTimer();
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);
function update(e:Event):void {
var currentTime:int = getTimer();
var elapsedSeconds:Number = (currentTime - lastTime) / 1000;
player.x += xSpeed * elapsedSeconds;
player.y += ySpeed * elapsedSeconds;
lastTime = currentTime;
The crucial part here is that the current time is tracked using getTimer(), and each update moves the player based on the actual elapsed time, not a fixed amount. I set the xSpeed and ySpeed to 5 * stage.frameRate to illustrate how it can be equivelent to the other example, but you don't have to do it that way. The end result is that the second example would have consistent speed of movement regardless of the actual frame rate.

Variable Jump Height

I have been having great difficulty creating a jumping system whereby the user can tap the jump button for a small jump and hold it down for a higher jump.
I stumbled upon this topic:
Which greatly helped me develop the following code:
PlayerMovementTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.005 target:self selector:#selector(movePlayer) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
[JumpButton addTarget:self action:#selector(jumpPlayer:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchDown];
[JumpButton addTarget:self action:#selector(stopJump:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchCancel | UIControlEventTouchUpInside | UIControlEventTouchDragExit];
- (void)movePlayer
CGFloat playerY = + PlayerYV;
if(playerY > 264) {
PlayerYV = 0;
playerY = 264;
if(playerY < 264) {
PlayerYV += 0.048f - PlayerYD;
if(HoldingJump && PlayerYV < 0 && PlayerYD + 0.0018f < 0.048f) {
PlayerYD += 0.0018f;
} = CGPointMake( + PlayerXV, playerY);
- (IBAction)jumpPlayer:(id)sender
if( == 264) {
PlayerYD = 0;
PlayerYV = -2.25;
HoldingJump = true;
- (IBAction)stopJump:(id)sender
HoldingJump = false;
The code seems to work (some of the values need a bit of fine tuning but I haven't gotten round to that yet). The only problem is that the movement appears to be slightly jerky (even on the real device) and that when the player is at the top of the jump they accelerate really slowly and no values I put seem to be able to get the jump to look smooth like on Mario games.
Please take a look at the code and see if I am missing something obvious, or if there is a more efficient method of controlling movement than an NSTimer calling a void function. Also, is setting a UIImageView's position to a float value bad?
So there are quite a few things wrong here. First, yes, you should never be setting the origin of an ImageView or any other UI element to a coordinate position that is a fractional pixel. This causes sub-pixelling which will blur your image. To avoid this, all CGFloats should be rounded to the nearest whole number using roundf() or other similar rounding functions.
Another issue I can see is that you're setting I hope for your sake that Player is not an ImageView cause you're going to be making your life harder. As mentioned above, when the origin of a frame is not set to a CGFloat that is a round number, you'll get sub-pixelling. When you use the center property, you can easily cause yourself to get on a bad origin value. For example, if I have a 11 by 11 image and set it's center to (11,11), the origin will get set to (5.5,5.5) and will cause sub-pixelling. Easy ways to avoid this is just do the math to place the origin correctly and make sure to round the CGFloats that you feed into it (or use CGRectIntegral on the frame before you set it).
A third issue here is that the timer is being called 0.005 seconds. Let's assume you want this game to run with 60 FPS. 60 FPS translates to about 0.0167 seconds. The timer is calling the method three times more often then it would need to even if you wanted 60 FPS and additionally, calling this method so often could be causing some of your jerky motion.
Now in terms of getting a "Mario" like jump, what you really need to do is look at getting a dedicated physics engine since if you're using the code above, you don't appear to have one. What a physics engine would do is it would apply a constant "gravity" which will help make the player jumps look and act more realistically. You would, when a player presses a button, apply an impulse up on the player character. The use of impulses would also simplify your work as you could apply impulses in different ways depending on how long they hold the button, etc. The code above is simply trying to get around this problem instead of addressing the real issue of you not having a physics engine.
Go investigate cocos2D and Box2D as a possible physics engine you could use. There are a wealth of resources on cocos2D+Box2D and there is a developer who even has made a tutorial on using cocos2D to create a Super Mario clone that should give you some basic understanding of how physics engines work: