Rails :has_many explanation - ruby-on-rails-3

Trying to understand the effects of :has_many as its introduced in the Agile Web Development book 4th Edition
The following relationship is set up for the cart
class Cart < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :line_items, :dependent => :destroy
this compliments the associated LineItem class
class LineItem < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :product
belongs_to :cart
All is fine, I fully understand the relationship modelling, and just trying to accept that it just 'works'. However, in code the author, instead of using the LineItem.find method to do a search on the underlying table, uses a line_items object, e.g.
current_item = line_items.where(:product_id => product_id).first
Can someone please explain this, and ultimately I imagine, what the effect of the :has_many method call actually is? What is the line_items object, where does it come from? I guess the same question will apply to the effect of the other relational Rails methods.

Consider my answer just as a very big comment to Chris Kimpton's answer.
First, you should read the API documentation, where the associations are explained pretty nicely.
In short, when you call the method has_many in the code of a class (remember that in Ruby every line is an executed code, so the has_many :something is just a call to some existing method) then that method defines another two methods with the same name as the argument you have passed.
In this case that would be the Symbol :line_items, so the has_many method makes something roughly equivalent to : def line_items(force_reload = false) and def line_items=(objects).
The newly created method line_items returns a collection object of all the LineItem objects filtered by WHERE cart_id = #{self.id} (this is a simplified example).
That collection object works like an Array, but it also responds to some more methods (like find or build) helping you to manage the relation between the Cart object and LineItem.
So, the line:
line_items.where(:product_id => some_id).first
is the equivalent of:
LineItem.where(:cart_id => self.id).where(:product_id => some_id).first
Using the first method (the line_items collection) you do not need to remember about adding that :cart_id => self.id to every statement.

If the code is exactly as you have written here, that line_items object must have been set up somehwere else in that code.
The has_many relationship will add a helper method to give the list of associated elements so it could be doing something like this:
cart = Cart.find(1)
line_items = cart.line_items
cart.line_items will return an array of line_items where line_item.cart_id = cart.id

I presume that sample line of code is in a method of the Cart class?
One of the "features" of ActiveRecord / has_many call is to add this pseudo method to your class.
So the Cart class gains a line_items method to access them.
The line_items.where call is searching within the related line_items - not all LineItems, which is what your call would do. It seems to be looking for a line_item related to a specific product - I wonder where the product_id var comes from - method parameter?
On the other side, the belongs_to call on LineItem adds a "cart" method to access the Cart it is in.
Hope this helps,


Can a one to many relationship in rails create a parent object?

If I have an category class that has many products and each product would only have one category so that my models looked like this:
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :category
and this:
class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :products
Then, from the belongs_to side of products, can I create a category_name in my Product Model using: create_category? How can I tell what auto-generated methods are available to me on the product side of things?
How can I tell what auto-generated methods are available to me on the product side of things?
By reading the corresponding documentation on api.rubyonrails.org (i.e. has_many and belongs_to). It tells you what methods are added.
In your case, you get my_product.create_category and my_category.products.create along many other methods.
you can used nested forms to create a category when a category doesn't exist or choose one if it already does exist within the new product create form.
This video from railscast should help

Rails: How do I transactionally add a has_many association to an existing model?

Let's imagine I run an imaginary art store with a couple models (and by models I'm referring to the Rails term not the arts term as in nude models) that looks something like this:
class Artwork < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :purchase
belongs_to :artist
class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :artworks
belongs_to :customer
The Artwork is created and sometime later it is included in a Purchase. In my create or update controller method for Purchase I would like to associate the new Purchase with the existing Artwork.
If the Artwork did not exist I could do #purchase.artworks.build or #purchase.artworks.create, but these both assume that I'm creating a new Artwork which I am not. I could add the existing artwork with something like this:
params[:artwork_ids].each do |artwork|
#purchase.artworks << Artwork.find(artwork)
However, this isn't transactional. The database is updated immediately. (Unless of course I'm in the create controller in which case I think it may be done "transactionally" since the #purchase doesn't exist until I call save, but that doesn't help me for update.) There is also the #purchase.artwork_ids= method, but that is immediate as well.
I think something like this will work for the update action, but it is very inelegant.
#purchase = Purchase.find(params[:id])
result = #purchase.transaction do
params[:artwork_ids].each do |artwork|
artwork.purchase = #purchase
This would be followed by the conventional:
if result
redirect_to purchase_url(#purchase), notice: 'Purchase was successfully updated.' }
render action: "edit"
What I'm looking for is something like the way it would work from the other direction where I could just put accepts_nested_attributes_for in my model and then call result = #artwork.save and everything works like magic.
I have figured out a way to do what I want which fairly elegant. I needed to make updates to each part of my Product MVC.
attr_accessible: artwork_ids
I had to add artwork_ids to attr_accessible since it wasn't included before.
= check_box_tag "purchase[artwork_ids][]", artwork.id, artwork.purchase == #purchase
In my view I have an array for each artwork with a check_box_tag. I couldn't use check_box because of the gotcha where not checking the box would cause a hidden value of "true" to be sent instead of an artwork id. However, this leaves me with the problem of deleting all the artwork from a purchase. When doing update, if I uncheck each check box, then the params[:purchase] hash won't have an :artwork_ids entry.
params[:purchase][:artwork_ids] ||= []
Adding this guarantees that the value is set, and will have the desired effect of removing all existing associations. However, this causes a pesky rspec failure
Purchase.any_instance.should_receive(:update_attributes).with({'these' => 'params'}) fails because :update_attributes actually received {"these"=>"params", "artwork_ids"=>[]}). I tried setting a hidden_value_tag in the view instead, but couldn't get it to work. I think this nit is worthy of a new question.
It is probably best to use make the purchase model a join table and have many to many associations.
Here is an example for your use case.
Customer model
has_many :purchases
has_many :artwork, :through => :purchase
Artwork model
has_many :purchases
has_many :customers, :through => :purchase
Purchase model
belongs_to :customer
belongs_to :artwork
The purchase model should contain customer_id and artwork_id.
you would also need to create a purchase controller that allows you create a new purchase object.
When a customer presses the purchase button it would create a new purchase object which includes the customer_id and the artwork_id. This allows you to create an association between the customer and the artwork they purchase. You can also have a price_paid column to save the price the customer paid at the time of purchase.
if you need more help you can research join many to many associations using :through.
hope it helps

Rspec, FactoryGirl unable to find ActiveRecord method

I am trying to learn Rspec in a very simple CRUD Rails 3.2.8 app. I'm following the general pattern of Michael Hartl's examples and have been moderately successful with cucumber for the outside in portion. Now I want to test a Twilio SMS feature and cannot seem to get to first base, mostly because I'm not asking the right questions, so I expect to be corrected here and get back on track.
My app has two models, commodity and price and they interact with each other in my cucumber tests, so it appears. I'm aware, like in cucumber, I need an object to start to test its interactions. In my prices controller, I see that I can get the commodity's prices with the below in my prices#create method:
#price = #commodity.prices.build(params[:price])
I ultimately want to generate a factory that will have many prices for a given commodity. But I want to get to base first. Following thoughtbot's examples on their Readme I'm attempting the following in rails console:
FactoryGirl.create(:commodity) do |price|
The result is: NoMethodError: undefined method `prices' for #
Hmm, I must not be understanding either Rspec or Factory Girl. Here is my basic factories.rb:
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :commodity do
name "corn"
sequence :price do |n|
date { Time.now }
Here are my two models:
class Commodity < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :description, :name
has_many :prices
class Price < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :buyer, :date, :price, :quality, :commodity_id
scope :most_recent, lambda { order("id desc").limit(MOST_RECENT) }
belongs_to :commodity
My attempt to understand this is to do it simply in Rails console but the error also appears when I run rspec as well. But why would FactoryGirl, or Rspec, not seem to use the prices method I get with Active Record? Clearly, I'm not understanding something or I would have found the answer on Stack, thanx, sam
In your FactoryGirl.create there are a couple problems. First, the block argument should be commodity, not price. create passes the created object into the block. Second, you're trying to run prices on the Commodity class. In your object relationship, prices is an accessor associated with a specific instance. There is no Commodity#prices method, but any given instance of Commodity will have prices. You can probably use build like that, but I think the canonical way is to use the shift operator to add a Price.
Putting this together gets you:
FactoryGirl.create(:commodity) do |commodity|
commodity.prices << FactoryGirl.create(:price, commodity: commodity)
I'm not sure what you're doing with the sequence in your Commodity factory definition. If you're trying to make sure that Commodities are created with Prices by default (without adding them as above), check out some of the tips at http://icelab.com.au/articles/factorygirl-and-has-many-associations/.

rails and namespaced models issue

Using rails 3/3.1 I want to store invoices with their items (and later more associations like payments, etc…).
So in a first approach I set up the models like this:
class Invoice < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :invoice_items
class InvoiceItem < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :invoice
And the routes likes this:
resources :invoices do
resources :invoice_items
I chose InvoiceItem instead of Item because I already have a model named Item and I somehow want to namespace the model to invoices. But this name has the huge disadvantage that one has to use invoice.invoice_items instead of a intuitive invoice.items. Also the generated url helpers look real ugly, for example "new_invoice_invoice_item_path(invoice)" (notice the double invoice_invoice).
So I changed to namespaced models like this:
class Invoice < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :items, :class_name => "Invoice::Item"
class Invoice::Item < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :invoice
And the routes likes this:
resources :invoices do
resources :items, :module => "invoice"
Now the assocation is named nicely and also the url helpers look pretty. But I can't use dynamic urls (ex. [:new, invoice, :item]) anymore, because the controller is set to "invoice_item" instead of "invoice/item".
I wonder how other people solve this problem and what I'm doing wrong. Or is this simply a bug in rails 3.0.7/ 3.1.rc?
Sorry, I seems I didn't correctly express my concern. My model Item is not related to Invoice::Item. Order::Item is also not related to Item nor Invoice::Item. An Invoice::Item can only belong to one invoice. An Order::Item can only belong to an Order. I need to namespace - but why doesn't rails properly support namespacing out of the box? Or what am I doing wrong with namespacing?
If an order item and an invoice item are not the same object in the real world then I would name them differently rather than trying to namespace, for example OrderItem and InvoiceItem - this will keep things clearer as your codebase grows and avoid the need to make sure you use the right namespace everywhere you reference an Item.

Rails: Make different references to a DB row refer to the same Ruby object

Suppose I have the following model relationship:
class Player < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :cards
class Card < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :player
I know from this question that Rails will return me a copy of the object representing a database row, meaning that:
p = Player.find(:first)
c = p.cards[0]
c.player.object_id == p.object_id # => false
...and therefore if the Player model modifies self, and the Card model modifies self.player in the same request, then the modifications won't take any notice of each other and the last-saved one will overwrite the others.
I'd like to work around this (presumably with some form of caching), so that all requests for a Player with a given id would return the same object (identical object_ids), thereby allowing both models to edit the same object without having to perform a database save-and-reload. I have three questions:
Is there already a plugin or gem to do this?
Are there good reasons why I shouldn't do this?
Can anyone give me some pointers on how to go about doing this?
This is supported in Rails 3.x. You can use the :inverse_of option for the has_many association for example. Documentation here (search for :inverse_of and Bi-directional associations).