How to measure the position of an element in web page using selenium RC? - automation

I have tried a lot in finding out how measure the coordinate of an element in a web page in different browser.But I could not find any solution.
Is there any other tool that can measure the position of an element in various browsers???

In AutoIt you can use the following code to get screen coordinates (in my example for displaying a tool tip as an overlay on an Internet Explorer):
$oIE = _IECreate("http://...URL...")
$username = _IEFormElementGetObjByName(_IEFormGetObjByName($oIE, "loginform"), "username")
ToolTip("Login", _IEPropertyGet($username, "screenx"), _IEPropertyGet($username, "screeny"))
_IEAction($username, "focus")
Alternatively you can use _IEGetObjById($oIE, "mx77") to get an object reference. Or run through all all elemnts by tag name as shown here.
Instead of getting the absolute screen position, you can get the In-Browser-Position, using
browserx and browsery.


Unable to access the element in the frame

I am still dipping my toes in selenium , I am SAP guy working on Selenium automation POC. my requirement is to click on the drop down and select a value from the droplist.
I have extensively looked at the previous posts but could not find any answers. I have tried all the suggestions from the post but nothing seems to be working for me.
Please can you help me how to access this drop down value.
HTML code is attached in the pic along with the element that I am trying to access
My selenium code :
System.out.println("TExt" + driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[#class='file-type']")).getText());
error -- > no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"xpath","selector":"//div[#class='file-type']"}
Assuming you are correctly getting into the iframe
Right now you are selecting a div above the actual dropdown element (the select-dropdown tag). You may want to try changing your xpath to search for the tag like so:
Also you should be creating a dropdown object like this. Then calling a method on it to select the dropdown option you are looking for:
Select dropdown = new Select(driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[#class='file-dropdown']/select-dropdown");
System.out.println(dropdown.selectByVisibleText("text that you are looking for in the options"));
This is a good explanation of how to do it:

PageSource() gets different code than appium inspector code

I am having a really hard time understanding the following problem, i have an app, i use appium inspector to see the elements, but when i use the elements, i get that the element is not found, therefore i printed the code using the driver.getPageSource() method, and i realized that the xml code that is created while running the app, is actually different to what appium inspector sees, what is the problem and how can it be solved? i could ask to the developers to fix it once i know the root cause, thanks in advance.
This is an example of a difference
Under < XCUIElementTypeOther name = Picture, Left Rear Corner> there are 4 more elements 2 StaticText, 2 Buttons (appium inspector) and on the the same element but in the java console, there are only 2 tags, so i do not see the 2 static text and the 2 buttons (which is what i want to click)
As you can see the code in the console is different to what i see in appium iinspector. this is for IOS app.
while (driver.findElementsById("Additional Videos").size() == 0) {
WebElement additionalVideos = driver.findElementByXPath("//XCUIElementTypeOther[#name=\"Picture, Left Front Corner\"]");
List<WebElement> idf = additionalVideos.findElements(By.className("XCUIElementTypeButton"));
Error got:
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
PageSource() action can print the visual elements at the screen.
As per my understanding, You are currently performing PageSource() action when loading the screen.
You need to click at the selected element
After click on this element use PageSource() action.
You get that element in the log of the PageSource().

How to get the clicked element in selenium when we don't know what are we clicking

I am clicking with the help of following lione oc code->
Basically i double click at a position(x,y) in our application. Individually we cannot click that particular element bcoz it has to be clicked at particular (x,y) itself. So i want to get the properties of that clicked element(which i click using actions command which i mentioned above) liked id, classname. Can some one help me with this...kinda stuck here..........
try execute.elementFromPoint() with JavascriptExecutor to get element by coordinates
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
WebElement theElement = (WebElement)js.executeScript("return document.elementFromPoint(arguments[0], arguments[1])", coordinates.getX(), coordinates1.getY()-1);
you are using negative value in getY()-1 which mean coordinates above the element, it maybe the parent or preceding-sibling of element try to select it using xpath
WebElement popcodeBefore = objDriver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#id='id_popcode']/parent::*"));
// Or
// WebElement popcodeBefore = objDriver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#id='id_popcode']/preceding-sibling::*"));
If you have any specific text at that particular coordinates make use of it. I too had the same issue like this where I need to double click on a cell which had text 0.00%. I have done hovering action first using the text and then performed the double-click
Ignore the syntax issues since I am working on the protractor these days
and then perform the click
Still, you have issues, check if you have any attribute like ng-click which can be helpful to get the coordinates for that particular location. please always share the HTML code so that It may help us to check more deeply

Selenium Command

When we use selenium command at that time command not find and attribute not get? See below command.
<tr><td>verifyAttribute</td><td>css=input#searchInput</td><td>(Search Input)</td></tr>
<tr><td>assertAttribute</td><td>css=input#searchInput</td><td>(Search Input)</td></tr>
<tr><td>verifyAttribute</td><td>xpath=//div[2]#class central-featured</td><td>central-featured</td></tr>
<tr><td>verifyAttribute</td><td>xpath=//div[2]#class central-featured</td><td>search1</td></tr>
<tr><td>assertAttribute</td><td>xpath=//div[2]#class central-featured</td><td>central-featured</td></tr>
I am using Selenium IDE 2.5.0 in Mozilla Firefox and Ubuntu.
Xpath //div[2]#class central-featured is invalid. Try changing it to //div[#class='central-featured']/#class if you mean to select a class.
You could also use assertElementPresent function instead of selecting attribute, if the whole point is to check that element exists, i.e.:
Much simpler that way.
Use xPaths in this case.
Use google chrome's built in developer tool for this
Place your cursor on the element
Press Ctrl+Shift+C
Click the Element
That clicked Element's code is highlighted in the short window on the bottom
Right-Click on highlighted code
Select Copy > Copy XPath
Here it is you have copied the xPath for that specific element. This is shown in the image:
Click to see how to copy xPath
The Xpath you have used in Invalid.
You can use xpath as follows and through this you can fins xpath of any object - just need to study the concept:
Here as we can see we want to search Google Search just by writing its xpath in console
So to find the Google Search button we have to write xpath like this
Once we hit enter it would bring
[ gbqfsa">​Google Search​​ ],
It shows that xpath for Google Search Button is correctly written
Now suppose we want to search Google Search button if we are just familiar that id attributes start with gbqfs
then we have to use function starts-with like this
and once when we hit enter on console it would reflect two button one is Google Searchand Second one is I’m Feeling Lucky
gbqfsa">​Google Search​​
​I'm Feeling Lucky​​
So to find out the Google Search uniquely we need to complete id attribute to gbqfsa
and hit to enter and now it would reflect only
​Google Search​​
It proves that we have written right xpath for Google Search
In the same fashion we can use Contains function to find the Google Search button like this
here I have taken fsa from gbqfsa
hit enter and hopefully it will return
​Google Search​​
if there are multiple attributes then we can use:
//span[contains(#id,'fsa') and contains(#class, 'xyz')] hit enter and hopefully it will return
Information Source: Sumit Mittal Blog
You can use CssSelector as below
webDriver.findElements(By.cssSelector("div.central-featured")) // for more than 1 elements with same class
webDriver.findElement(By.cssSelector("div.central-featured")) // for 1 element

Not able to get tooltip text using Selenium WebDriver

I have 5 tooltips in page. Using WebDriver, I am trying to verify these tooltip text.
I am using following code sequentially to get the tooltip text of all 5 elements:
Actions builder = new Actions(WebDriver);
The issue is I get only the tooltip text of first element printed in console.
Is it because I need to refresh or reset the builder?
It's really weird when I delete the code for 1st element , then I can get tooltip text of 2nd element. So, basically it is getting tooltip text only once in single execution.
Verify tool tip by comparing "title" attribute of the web element and your expected tool tip text.
Tool tip text for input elements would be the title attributes and for images, alt attribute would be the tool tip.This is the standard for HTML 4, so I am not sure if you need to do hover and all.
I think, it needs to release from element as:
So, your code could be as below:
Actions builder = new Actions(WebDriver);
I am facing the same issue , i checked the view source page on running the test and it appears that the title attribute is displayed as data-original-title.Due to which it is unable to display the text.On replacing the title with data-original-title . I am able to obtain text.