Word.Interop Print to pcl file. - vb.net

I'm working on an application which automatically generates faxes.
The system uses word interop to fill a template .doc file with values (which works fine), but when it comes to be time to print the resulting file to pcl, I'm having issues.
So, we've got a HP Laserjet printer set up which prints .pcl files.
Dim appWord As New Word.Application
Dim doc As New Word.Document
appWord.ActivePrinter = PCL_PRINTER
doc = appWord.Documents.Open(APPLICATION_DIR & "LTL_" & n.Language & ".doc")
... (Fill the file with values)
outFile = APPLICATION_DIR & "Faxout\DROPDIR\" & n.Order & ".pcl"
doc.PrintOut(True, True, , outFile, , , , , , , True)
Problem is that when the doc.PrintOut line runs, word complains, popping up a message:
I've tried all sorts of combinations of things, but the error message persists. Very occasionally, the thing actually works and generates a usable pcl file, but 98% of the time, the error message pops up and the whole process grinds to a halt.
We have other applications on the same server which do almost exactly the same thing, except they print from excel instead of word, and they work without throwing the error.
Can anyone help?

Don't know if this helps, but do you have an antivirus software on that machine? If so, did you try to disable it? There are sometimes issues with virus scanners accessing files in background, blocking access or deletion of temporary files.

I just figured it out. Apparently you have to create the file before you attempt to write to it.
Dim fs As FileStream
fs = System.IO.File.Create(outFile)
fs = Nothing
doc.PrintOut(True, True, , outFile, , , , , , , True)
I'd tried creating the file earlier, but didn't realize that Create returned a filestream which needed to be closed before word would print out to it.
Is there any way to create a file in vb.net that doesn't create a lock on a file with a filestream object? This version works, but it'd be nice to clean up the code a bit.


Error Printing: No application is associated with the specified file for this operation

I have a VB WinForms app that prints PDFs using Process.Start, and it has been working fine for ages on Windows 10. Today I go to use it and get the following error message:
"No application is associated with the specified file for this operation"
Nothing has changed to cause this, I have not changed PDF Viewer or uninstalled anything. I can open a PDF by double clicking on it no problems.
I wrote a small console app to replicate the issue and prove this had nothing to do with the WinForms app:
Sub Main()
Dim pi As New Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
Dim url As String = "C:\PathToPDF\.pdf"
pi.FileName = url
pi.Verb = "PrintTo"
pi.CreateNoWindow = True
pi.Arguments = """Microsoft Print to PDF"""
pi.UseShellExecute = True
End Sub
The above program replicates the error. I have verified that the file exists and is accessible and tried it with double slashes and single slashes, they give the same error:
"No application is associated with the specified file for this operation".
The same application is working fine on other PCs in the office.
Has anyone else had this happen, and if so how did they fix it?
My PDF viewer is PDFXChange Viewer, and it has been working fine PDFs printed using this method for years. I have not updated the program, and it says in the about page that the last installed updated was in 2016.
If I am right, I had the same issue. Maybe you can try it in a slightly other way. I have this in my application and it works fine:
Dim myp As New Process
myp.StartInfo.FileName = filename 'Full path to pdf

Deleting a file immediately after closing it - 'Permission Denied' error

I want to save an email as a Word file through a macro, and then replace this with a converted PDF file via Word. The conversion part is working fine - the issue is when I try to delete the original .doc file.
Dim objWrd As Object
Dim objWrdDoc As Object
Dim wrdCurrentPrinter As String
Set objWrd = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set objWrdDoc = objWrd.Documents.Open(filePath & fileName)
''Print' file as PDF - current printer is stored so it can be reverted back afterwards
wrdCurrentPrinter = objWrd.ActivePrinter
objWrd.ActivePrinter = "Microsoft Print To PDF"
'File name is specified here to avoid Save As prompt. PrintToFile property is 'True'
objWrd.PrintOut , , , filePath & Replace(fileName, ".doc", ".pdf"), , , , , , , True
objWrd.ActivePrinter = wrdCurrentPrinter
Set objWrd = Nothing
Kill filePath & fileName
At Kill filePath & fileName I get error 70 - Permission denied.
I am able to delete the file manually without any problems, and if I add a breakpoint and step through the 'Kill' line, it works when there is even a slight delay between Word closing and the Kill command. Therefore I suspect that the code is being processed so quickly so that the file is still open at the time of running the command.
I have a feeling I may need to go down the route of creating a delay, which I have been having trouble with in Outlook. Is this the likely solution or is there something else that I have missed?
I have been able to get this to work consistently by simply closing the Word document before quitting Word altogether:
Set objWrd = Nothing
The error has not appeared since adding this line and testing with various emails.

multiple programming try to access same text file

I had created and text file using (AFL SCRIPTING LANGUAGE) this script will update (write) to a text file every 5 seconds. I will try to read file using vb.net, when I run the vb.net code form visual studio, everything works fine but (AFL script not able to update the text file), here is my vb.net code:
Dim FILE_NAME As New FileStream("C:\myreport\myfile.TXT", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)
REM Dim FILE_NAME As String = "C:\myreport\myfile.TXT"
REM Dim TextLine As String
REM If System.IO.File.Exists(FILE_NAME) = True Then
Dim objReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(FILE_NAME)
Do While objReader.Peek() <> -1
MYSTRING(I) = objReader.ReadLine()
I = I + 1
REM End If
When I run the code above, ( AFL script not able to update the text file),
Put simply:
When I run the vb.net code (for accessing the text file), AFL script not able to update.
I had share read/write the folder (where the text file exists), no effect, same problem I am facing.
Unchecked "Enable visual studio hosting process", still problem not solved.
In .NET, the FileSystemWatcher class can help you with this problem. You can read the file each time the file watcher says that the files has changed. Here is the reference documentation for it.
You cannot read and write to a file from two processes at the same time. Well, technically you can, but it can lead to a race condition which is bad.
You need to implement some kind of shared locking mechanism around the file to prevent your two programs from fighting over it. Or, if you can guarantee that the consumer VB.NET program will have the file open for less than 5 seconds, you can go with MrAxel's solution and simply have the VB.NET program read the file every time it is updated.

UnauthorizedAccessException with File.AppendAllText in VB.NET

I have recently started getting System.UnauthorizedAccessException errors when using File.AppendAllText to write to a shared drive on the network. I think there were some changes to the network when this happened. The code in my application hasn't changed.
I have asked our IT dept to grant me full permission to the folder. I can see I have permissions for Modify, Read & Execute, Read, Write under my username if I navigate to the file and look at the Security tab under properties. I am also part of a group with read, write and modify permissions to the folder.
This works without error in the same folder:
File.WriteAllText(myFile, myText)
This generates a System.UnauthorizedAccessException error when it reaches the AppendallText:
If File.Exists(myFile) = False Then
' Create a file to write to.
Dim createText As String = logTime & " " & report_data
File.WriteAllText(myFile, createText)
Dim appendText As String = logTime & " " & report_data
File.AppendAllText(myFile, appendText)
End If
I have tried deleting the file and creating it again, that made no difference.
I tried File.SetAttributes(myFile, FileAttributes.Normal)
The IT dept can't see what the problem is.
I can manually open, change and modify the file. The problem only arises if I am trying to do this programmatically.
Is there a different 'user' which tries to modify files? Could the file be open somehow, or would that generate a different error?
I'm using VB.NET 2012, .net framework 4.5, Windows 8.1
The network changes were the problem. It doesn't seem possible to resolve this as it is. Instead I made a copy of the text data, append my new text to that, delete the file, and save the updated text to a new file.

the process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process in vb.net

help me.. i'm new in visual basic....
when i'm running the update it shows the error
The process cannot access the file 'C:\Documents and Settings\Macky\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Marcelo 2.2.3\Marcelo\bin\Debug\Students\MIC953867.jpg' because it is being used by another process.
my code is this
Public Sub copingfile()
If inFileName = Nothing Then
studpic.Image = Nothing
outFileName = inFileName
pos = inFileName.LastIndexOf(".")
If (pos > 0) Then
outFileName = outFileName.Substring(0, pos)
End If
outFileName += ".jpg"
str = Application.StartupPath & "\Students\"
saveJPEGFile.FileName = str & StudID.Text & ".jpg" '& outFileName
fil1.Copy(inFileName, saveJPEGFile.FileName, True) 'the error shows here...
outFileName = saveJPEGFile.FileName()
End If
End Sub
I can save new student information with picture.. but when it comes in updating the picture these codes didn't work......
fil1.Copy(inFileName, saveJPEGFile.FileName, True)
You're attempting overwrite a file that's open or being used. If the file is open in a viewer/editor, then it can't be copied over. Either you opened it manually, or did so through code and it's still "attached" to something running.
If it's not open in a window, try stopping your code and deleting that file manually. If you can, it's pretty obvious something in code is still using it when you get to the line that errored. You'll need to figure out where that file is still being used (Open stream somewhere? Open in VS, itself?), as it doesn't appear to be in the code you provided.
You are going to need to show more code, you are using variables not in your code listing. Plus you do not show the code that originally saves your image.
But here is my guess...are you sure you closed the file when you saved it for the first time? You cannot generally copy to, or from, a file that is open.
(Files can be opened as shared, but I don't think you are doing that).
Post more code if you get a chance.