Testing functions in Haskell that do IO - testing

Working through Real World Haskell right now. Here's a solution to a very early exercise in the book:
-- | 4) Counts the number of characters in a file
numCharactersInFile :: FilePath -> IO Int
numCharactersInFile fileName = do
contents <- readFile fileName
return (length contents)
My question is: How would you test this function? Is there a way to make a "mock" input instead of actually needing to interact with the file system to test it out? Haskell places such an emphasis on pure functions that I have to imagine that this is easy to do.

You can make your code testable by using a type-class-constrained type variable instead of IO.
First, let's get the imports out of the way.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
import qualified Prelude
import Prelude hiding(readFile)
import Control.Monad.State
The code we want to test:
class Monad m => FSMonad m where
readFile :: FilePath -> m String
-- | 4) Counts the number of characters in a file
numCharactersInFile :: FSMonad m => FilePath -> m Int
numCharactersInFile fileName = do
contents <- readFile fileName
return (length contents)
Later, we can run it:
instance FSMonad IO where
readFile = Prelude.readFile
And test it too:
data MockFS = SingleFile FilePath String
instance FSMonad (State MockFS) where
-- ^ Reader would be enough in this particular case though
readFile pathRequested = do
(SingleFile pathExisting contents) <- get
if pathExisting == pathRequested
then return contents
else fail "file not found"
testNumCharactersInFile :: Bool
testNumCharactersInFile =
(numCharactersInFile "test.txt")
(SingleFile "test.txt" "hello world")
== 11
This way your code under test needs very little modification.

As Alexander Poluektov already pointed out, the code you are trying to test can easily be separated into a pure and an impure part.
Nevertheless I think it is good to know how to test such impure functions in haskell.
The usual approach to testing in haskell is to use quickcheck and that's what I also tend to use for impure code.
Here is an example of how you might achieve what you are trying to do which gives you kind of a mock behavior * :
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic(monadicIO,run,assert)
import System.Directory(removeFile,getTemporaryDirectory)
import System.IO
import Control.Exception(finally,bracket)
numCharactersInFile :: FilePath -> IO Int
numCharactersInFile fileName = do
contents <- readFile fileName
return (length contents)
Now provide an alternative function (Testing against a model):
numAlternative :: FilePath -> IO Integer
numAlternative p = bracket (openFile p ReadMode) hClose hFileSize
Provide an Arbitrary instance for the test environment:
data TestFile = TestFile String deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
instance Arbitrary TestFile where
arbitrary = do
n <- choose (0,2000)
testString <- vectorOf n $ elements ['a'..'z']
return $ TestFile testString
Property testing against the model (using quickcheck for monadic code):
prop_charsInFile (TestFile string) =
length string > 0 ==> monadicIO $ do
(res,alternative) <- run $ createTmpFile string $
\p h -> do
alternative <- numAlternative p
testRes <- numCharactersInFile p
return (testRes,alternative)
assert $ res == fromInteger alternative
And a little helper function:
createTmpFile :: String -> (FilePath -> Handle -> IO a) -> IO a
createTmpFile content func = do
tempdir <- catch getTemporaryDirectory (\_ -> return ".")
(tempfile, temph) <- openTempFile tempdir ""
hPutStr temph content
hFlush temph
hClose temph
finally (func tempfile temph)
(removeFile tempfile)
This will let quickCheck create some random files for you and test your implementation against a model function.
$ quickCheck prop_charsInFile
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
Of course you could also test some other properties depending on your usecase.
* Note about the my usage of the term mock behavior:
The term mock in the object oriented sense is perhaps not the best here. But what is the intention behind a mock?
It let's you test code that needs access to a resource that usually is
either not available at testing time
or is not easily controllable and thus not easy to verify.
By shifting the responsibility of providing such a resource to quickcheck, it suddenly becomes feasible to provide an environment for the code under test that can be verified after a test run.
Martin Fowler describes this nicely in an article about mocks :
"Mocks are ... objects pre-programmed with expectations which form a specification of the calls they are expected to receive."
For the quickcheck setup I'd say that files generated as input are "pre-programmed" such that we know about their size (== expectation). And then they are verified against our specification (== property).

For that you will need to modify the function such that it becomes:
numCharactersInFile :: (FilePath -> IO String) -> FilePath -> IO Int
numCharactersInFile reader fileName = do
contents <- reader fileName
return (length contents)
Now you can pass any mock function that takes a file path and return IO string such as:
fakeFile :: FilePath -> IO String
fakeFile fileName = return "Fake content"
and pass this function to numCharactersInFile.

The function consists from two parts: impure (reading part content as String) and pure (calculating the length of String).
The impure part cannot be "unit"-tested by definition. The pure part is just call to the library function (and of course you can test it if you want :) ).
So there is nothing to mock and nothing to unit-test in this example.
Put it another way. Consider you have an equal C++ or Java implementation (*): reading content and then calculating its length. What would you really want to mock and what would remain for testing afterwards?
(*) which is of course not the way you will do in C++ or Java, but that's offtopic.

Based on my layman's understanding of Haskell, I've come to the following conclusions:
If a function makes use of the IO monad, mock testing is going to be impossible. Avoid hard-coding the IO monad in your function.
Make a helper version of your function that takes in other functions that may do IO. The result will look like this:
numCharactersInFile' :: Monad m => (FilePath -> m String) -> FilePath -> m Int
numCharactersInFile' f filePath = do
contents <- f filePath
return (length contents)
numCharactersInFile' is now testable with mocks!
mockFileSystem :: FilePath -> Identity String
mockFileSystem "fileName" = return "mock file contents"
Now you can verify that numCharactersInFile' returns the the expected results w/o IO:
18 == (runIdentity . numCharactersInFile' mockFileSystem $ "fileName")
Finally, export a version of your original function signature for use with IO
numCharactersInFile :: IO Int
numCharactersInFile = NumCharactersInFile' readFile
So, at the end of the day, numCharactersInFile' is testable with mocks. numCharactersInFile is just a variation of numCharactersInFile'.


Monadic File I/O

There are many examples of how to read from and write to files, but many posts seem out of date, are too complicated, or are not 'safe' (1, 2) (they throw/raise exceptions). Coming from Rust, I'd like to explicitly handle all errors with something monadic like result.
Below is an attempt that is 'safe-er' because an open and read/write will not throw/raise. But not sure whether the close can fail. Is there a more concise and potentially safer way to do this?
(* opam install core batteries *)
open Stdio
open Batteries
open BatResult.Infix
let read_safe (file_path: string): (string, exn) BatPervasives.result =
(try let chan = In_channel.create file_path in Ok(chan)
with (e: exn) -> Error(e))
>>= fun chan ->
let res_strings =
let b = In_channel.input_lines chan in
with (e: exn) -> Error(e) in
In_channel.close chan;
BatResult.map (fun strings -> String.concat "\n" strings) res_strings
let write_safe (file_path: string) (text: string) : (unit, exn) BatPervasives.result =
(let chan = Out_channel.create file_path in Ok(chan))
with (e: exn) -> Error(e))
>>= fun chan ->
let res =
(try let b = Out_channel.output_string chan text in Ok(b)
with (e: exn) -> Error(e)) in
Out_channel.close chan;
let () =
let out =
read_safe "test-in.txt"
>>= fun str -> write_safe "test-out.txt" str in
BatResult.iter_error (fun e -> print_endline (Base.Exn.to_string e)) out
The Stdio library, which is a part of the Janestreet industrial-strength standard library, already provides such functions, which are, of course safe, e.g., In_channel.read_all reads the contents of the file to a string and corresponding Out_channel.write_all writes it to a file, so we can implement a cp utility as,
(* file cp.ml *)
(* file cp.ml *)
open Base
open Stdio
let () = match Sys.get_argv () with
| [|_cp; src; dst |] ->
Out_channel.write_all dst
~data:(In_channel.read_all src)
| _ -> invalid_arg "Usage: cp src dst"
To build and run the code, put it in the cp.ml file (ideally in a fresh new directory), and run
dune init exe cp --libs=base,stdio
this command will bootstrap your project using dune. Then you can run your program with
dune exec ./cp.exe cp.ml cp.copy.ml
Here is the link to the OCaml Documentation Hub that will make it easier for you to find interesting libraries in OCaml.
Also, if you want to turn a function that raises an exception to a function that returns an error instead, you can use Result.try_with, e.g.,
let safe_read file = Result.try_with ## fun () ->
In_channel.read_all file
You can read and write files in OCaml without needing alternative standard libraries. Everything you need is already built into Stdlib which ships with OCaml.
Here's an example of reading a file while ensuring the file descriptor gets closed safely in case of an exception: https://stackoverflow.com/a/67607879/20371 . From there you can write a similar function to write a file using the corresponding functions open_out, out_channel_length, and output.
These read and write file contents as OCaml's bytes type, i.e. mutable bytestrings. However, they may throw exceptions. This is fine. In OCaml exceptions are cheap and easy to handle. Nevertheless, sometimes people don't like them for whatever reason. So it's a bit of a convention nowadays to suffix functions which throw exceptions with _exn. So suppose you define the above-mentioned two functions as such:
val get_contents_exn : string -> bytes
val set_contents_exn : string -> bytes -> unit
Now it's easy for you (or anyone) to wrap them and return a result value, like Rust. But, since we have polymorphic variants in OCaml, we take advantage of that to compose together functions which can return result values, as described here: https://keleshev.com/composable-error-handling-in-ocaml
So you can wrap them like this:
let get_contents filename =
try Ok (get_contents_exn filename) with exn -> Error (`Exn exn)
let set_contents filename contents =
try Ok (set_contents_exn filename contents) with exn -> Error (`Exn exn)
Now these have the types:
val get_contents : string -> (bytes, [> `Exn of exn]) result
val set_contents : string -> bytes -> (unit, [> `Exn of exn]) result
And they can be composed together with each other and other functions which return result values with a polymorphic variant error channel.
One point I am trying to make here is to offer your users both, so they can choose whichever way–exceptions or results–makes sense for them.
Here's the full safe solution based on #ivg answer, using only the Base library.
open Base
open Base.Result
open Stdio
let read_safe (file_path: string) =
Result.try_with ## fun () ->
In_channel.read_all file_path
let write_safe (file_path: string) (text: string) =
Result.try_with ## fun () ->
Out_channel.write_all ~data:text file_path
let () =
let out =
read_safe "test-in.txt"
>>= fun str ->
write_safe "test-out.txt" str in
iter_error out ~f:(fun e -> print_endline (Base.Exn.to_string e))

How to combine WebDriver and Scotty monads

I am beginner, so please bear with me.
I have a following code:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Lib where
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Test.WebDriver
--import Web.Scotty
import Web.Scotty.Trans
firefoxConfig :: WDConfig
firefoxConfig = defaultConfig
startMyBrowser :: WD a -> IO a
startMyBrowser = runSession firefoxConfig
stopMyBrowser = closeSession
someFunc :: WD String
someFunc = do
openPage "http://maslo.cz"
captionElem <- findElem (ByCSS "h2")
text <- getText captionElem
return $ T.unpack text
helloAction :: ActionT TL.Text WD ()
helloAction = do
a <- lift someFunc
text $ "got this for you: " <> TL.pack a
routes :: ScottyT TL.Text WD ()
routes = get "/hello" helloAction
startServer = startMyBrowser $ do
lift $ scottyT 3000 _ routes
I am not sure if even those filled parts are right - it is supposed to start a Selenium session (startMyBrowser), spin up a web server (the scottyT part) and after web server stops it should end the Selenium session (stopMyBrowser).
After fiddling with types I got to that code above and it seems that I only miss one piece - the hole.
Please, if you make it working, try to explain your solution and/or add some links to more materials. I would love to understand those damned transformers.
Edit 1:
Here are the errors:
• Couldn't match type ‘t0 m0’ with ‘WD’
Expected type: WD ()
Actual type: t0 m0 ()
• In a stmt of a 'do' block: lift $ scottyT 3000 _ routes
In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
‘do { lift $ scottyT 3000 _ routes;
stopMyBrowser }’
In the expression:
$ do { lift $ scottyT 3000 _ routes;
stopMyBrowser }
• Found hole:
_ :: WD wai-
-> IO wai-
• In the second argument of ‘scottyT’, namely ‘_’
In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely ‘scottyT 3000 _ routes’
In a stmt of a 'do' block: lift $ scottyT 3000 _ routes
• Relevant bindings include
startServer :: IO () (bound at src/Lib.hs:37:1)
Kind guy ForTheFunctionGod on reddit answered it, here it is:
There's your problem:
lift $ scottyT 3000 _ routes
Since the return type of scottyT is
MonadIO n => n
You don't need to lift it - it can fit into any monad that can perform IO actions. WD is such a monad - note its MonadIO instance. You'd only need to lift scottyT if its return type would be a simple IO.
Type classes like MonadIO, MonadState, etc. mostly obviate the need to manually lift computations. Whereas you'd need to lift a function to type IO Int if you wanted to embed it into StateT s IO Int, you wouldn't need to lift a function of type MonadIO m => m a, because StateT s IO already is an instance of MonadIO, so m can be instantiated to it.
As for the hole: it has to be of type
WD Response -> IO Response
The only way to make this work is to use runSession or one of its friends. I don't know Selenium that well, but, presumably, you can re-use your already opened session's id:
runWD :: WDSession -> WD a -> IO a
startServer = startMyBrowser $ do
sessionID <- getSession
scottyT 3000 (runWD sessionID) routes
I haven't tried this out, but the types should check out. I hope it helps!
It definitely did :).

Matching bytestrings in Parsec

I am currently trying to use the Full CSV Parser presented in Real World Haskell. In order to I tried to modify the code to use ByteString instead of String, but there is a string combinator which just works with String.
Is there a Parsec combinator similar to string that works with ByteString, without having to do conversions back and forth?
I've seen there is an alternative parser that handles ByteString: attoparsec, but I would prefer to stick with Parsec, since I'm just learning how to use it.
I'm assuming you're starting with something like
import Prelude hiding (getContents, putStrLn)
import Data.ByteString
import Text.Parsec.ByteString
Here's what I've got so far. There are two versions. Both compile. Probably neither is exactly what you want, but they should aid discussion and help you to clarify your question.
Something I noticed along the way:
If you import Text.Parsec.ByteString then this uses uncons from Data.ByteString.Char8, which in turn uses w2c from Data.ByteString.Internal, to convert all read bytes to Chars. This enables Parsec's line and column number error reporting to work sensibly, and also enables you to use string and friends without problem.
Thus, the easy version of the CSV parser, which does exactly that:
import Prelude hiding (getContents, putStrLn)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Prelude (getContents, putStrLn)
import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString (getContents)
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.ByteString
csvFile :: Parser [[String]]
csvFile = endBy line eol
line :: Parser [String]
line = sepBy cell (char ',')
cell :: Parser String
cell = quotedCell <|> many (noneOf ",\n\r")
quotedCell :: Parser String
quotedCell =
do _ <- char '"'
content <- many quotedChar
_ <- char '"' <?> "quote at end of cell"
return content
quotedChar :: Parser Char
quotedChar =
noneOf "\""
<|> try (string "\"\"" >> return '"')
eol :: Parser String
eol = try (string "\n\r")
<|> try (string "\r\n")
<|> string "\n"
<|> string "\r"
<?> "end of line"
parseCSV :: ByteString -> Either ParseError [[String]]
parseCSV = parse csvFile "(unknown)"
main :: IO ()
main =
do c <- ByteString.getContents
case parse csvFile "(stdin)" c of
Left e -> do Prelude.putStrLn "Error parsing input:"
print e
Right r -> mapM_ print r
But this was so trivial to get working that I assume it cannot possibly be what you want. Perhaps you want everything to remain a ByteString or [Word8] or something similar all the way through? Hence my second attempt below. I am still importing Text.Parsec.ByteString, which may be a mistake, and the code is hopelessly riddled with conversions.
But, it compiles and has complete type annotations, and therefore should make a sound starting point.
import Prelude hiding (getContents, putStrLn)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import qualified Prelude (getContents, putStrLn)
import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString (pack, getContents)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char8 (pack)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.ByteString.Internal (c2w)
import Text.Parsec ((<|>), (<?>), parse, try, endBy, sepBy, many)
import Text.Parsec.ByteString
import Text.Parsec.Prim (tokens, tokenPrim)
import Text.Parsec.Pos (updatePosChar, updatePosString)
import Text.Parsec.Error (ParseError)
csvFile :: Parser [[ByteString]]
csvFile = endBy line eol
line :: Parser [ByteString]
line = sepBy cell (char ',')
cell :: Parser ByteString
cell = quotedCell <|> liftM ByteString.pack (many (noneOf ",\n\r"))
quotedCell :: Parser ByteString
quotedCell =
do _ <- char '"'
content <- many quotedChar
_ <- char '"' <?> "quote at end of cell"
return (ByteString.pack content)
quotedChar :: Parser Word8
quotedChar =
noneOf "\""
<|> try (string "\"\"" >> return (c2w '"'))
eol :: Parser ByteString
eol = try (string "\n\r")
<|> try (string "\r\n")
<|> string "\n"
<|> string "\r"
<?> "end of line"
parseCSV :: ByteString -> Either ParseError [[ByteString]]
parseCSV = parse csvFile "(unknown)"
main :: IO ()
main =
do c <- ByteString.getContents
case parse csvFile "(stdin)" c of
Left e -> do Prelude.putStrLn "Error parsing input:"
print e
Right r -> mapM_ print r
-- replacements for some of the functions in the Parsec library
noneOf :: String -> Parser Word8
noneOf cs = satisfy (\b -> b `notElem` [c2w c | c <- cs])
char :: Char -> Parser Word8
char c = byte (c2w c)
byte :: Word8 -> Parser Word8
byte c = satisfy (==c) <?> show [c]
satisfy :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Parser Word8
satisfy f = tokenPrim (\c -> show [c])
(\pos c _cs -> updatePosChar pos c)
(\c -> if f (c2w c) then Just (c2w c) else Nothing)
string :: String -> Parser ByteString
string s = liftM Char8.pack (tokens show updatePosString s)
Probably your concern, efficiency-wise, should be those two ByteString.pack instructions, in the definitions of cell and quotedCell. You might try to replace the Text.Parsec.ByteString module so that instead of “making strict ByteStrings an instance of Stream with Char token type,” you make ByteStrings an instance of Stream with Word8 token type, but this won't help you with efficiency, it will just give you a headache trying to reimplement all the sourcePos functions to keep track of your position in the input for error messages.
No, the way to make it more efficient would be to change the types of char, quotedChar and string to Parser [Word8] and the types of line and csvFile to Parser [[Word8]] and Parser [[[Word8]]] respectively. You could even change the type of eol to Parser (). The necessary changes would look something like this:
cell :: Parser [Word8]
cell = quotedCell <|> many (noneOf ",\n\r")
quotedCell :: Parser [Word8]
quotedCell =
do _ <- char '"'
content <- many quotedChar
_ <- char '"' <?> "quote at end of cell"
return content
string :: String -> Parser [Word8]
string s = [c2w c | c <- (tokens show updatePosString s)]
You don't need to worry about all the calls to c2w as far as efficiency is concerned, because they cost nothing.
If this doesn't answer your question, please say what would.
I don't believe so. You will need to create one yourself using tokens. Although the documentation for it is a bit... nonexistent, the first two arguments are a function to use to show the expected tokens in an error message and a function to update the source position that will be printed in errors.

Is there a language with higher order conditionals?

Sometimes, I have a control structure (if, for, ...), and depending on a condition I either want to use the control structure, or only execute the body. As a simple example, I can do the following in C, but it's pretty ugly:
if (filter()) {
// do something
Also it doesn't work if I only know apply_filter at runtime. Of course, in this case I can just change the code to:
if (apply_filter && filter())
but that doesn't work in the general case of arbitrary control structures. (I don't have a nice example at hand, but recently I had some code that would have benefited a lot from a feature like this.)
Is there any langugage where I can apply conditions to control structures, i.e. have higher-order conditionals? In pseudocode, the above example would be:
<if apply_filter>
if (filter()) {
// ...
Or a more complicated example, if a varable is set wrap code in a function and start it as a thread:
<if (run_on_thread)>
void thread() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
printf("%d\n", i);
<if (run_on_thread)>
(Actually, in this example I could imagine it would even be useful to give the meta condition a name, to ensure that the top and bottom s are in sync.)
I could imagine something like this is a feature in LISP, right?
Any language with first-class functions can pull this off. In fact, your use of "higher-order" is telling; the necessary abstraction will indeed be a higher-order function. The idea is to write a function applyIf which takes a boolean (enabled/disabled), a control-flow operator (really, just a function), and a block of code (any value in the domain of the function); then, if the boolean is true, the operator/function is applied to the block/value, and otherwise the block/value is just run/returned. This will be a lot clearer in code.
In Haskell, for instance, this pattern would be, without an explicit applyIf, written as:
example1 = (if applyFilter then when someFilter else id) body
example2 = (if runOnThread then (void . forkIO) else id) . forM_ [1..10] $ \i ->
print i >> threadDelay 1000000 -- threadDelay takes microseconds
Here, id is just the identity function \x -> x; it always returns its argument. Thus, (if cond then f else id) x is the same as f x if cond == True, and is the same as id x otherwise; and of course, id x is the same as x.
Then you could factor this pattern out into our applyIf combinator:
applyIf :: Bool -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
applyIf True f x = f x
applyIf False _ x = x
-- Or, how I'd probably actually write it:
-- applyIf True = id
-- applyIf False = flip const
-- Note that `flip f a b = f b a` and `const a _ = a`, so
-- `flip const = \_ a -> a` returns its second argument.
example1' = applyIf applyFilter (when someFilter) body
example2' = applyIf runOnThread (void . forkIO) . forM_ [1..10] $ \i ->
print i >> threadDelay 1000000
And then, of course, if some particular use of applyIf was a common pattern in your application, you could abstract over it:
-- Runs its argument on a separate thread if the application is configured to
-- run on more than one thread.
possiblyThreaded action = do
multithreaded <- (> 1) . numberOfThreads <$> getConfig
applyIf multithreaded (void . forkIO) action
example2'' = possiblyThreaded . forM_ [1..10] $ \i ->
print i >> threadDelay 1000000
As mentioned above, Haskell is certainly not alone in being able to express this idea. For instance, here's a translation into Ruby, with the caveat that my Ruby is very rusty, so this is likely to be unidiomatic. (I welcome suggestions on how to improve it.)
def apply_if(use_function, f, &block)
use_function ? f.call(&block) : yield
def example1a
do_when = lambda { |&block| if some_filter then block.call() end }
apply_if(apply_filter, do_when) { puts "Hello, world!" }
def example2a
apply_if(run_on_thread, Thread.method(:new)) do
(1..10).each { |i| puts i; sleep 1 }
def possibly_threaded(&block)
apply_if(app_config.number_of_threads > 1, Thread.method(:new), &block)
def example2b
possibly_threaded do
(1..10).each { |i| puts i; sleep 1 }
The point is the same—we wrap up the maybe-do-this-thing logic in its own function, and then apply that to the relevant block of code.
Note that this function is actually more general than just working on code blocks (as the Haskell type signature expresses); you can also, for instance, write abs n = applyIf (n < 0) negate n to implement the absolute value function. The key is to realize that code blocks themselves can be abstracted over, so things like if statements and for loops can just be functions. And we already know how to compose functions!
Also, all of the code above compiles and/or runs, but you'll need some imports and definitions. For the Haskell examples, you'll need the impots
import Control.Applicative -- for (<$>)
import Control.Monad -- for when, void, and forM_
import Control.Concurrent -- for forkIO and threadDelay
along with some bogus definitions of applyFilter, someFilter, body, runOnThread, numberOfThreads, and getConfig:
applyFilter = False
someFilter = False
body = putStrLn "Hello, world!"
runOnThread = True
getConfig = return 4 :: IO Int
numberOfThreads = id
For the Ruby examples, you'll need no imports and the following analogous bogus definitions:
def apply_filter; false; end
def some_filter; false; end
def run_on_thread; true; end
class AppConfig
attr_accessor :number_of_threads
def initialize(n)
#number_of_threads = n
def app_config; AppConfig.new(4); end
Common Lisp does not let you redefine if. You can, however, invent your own control structure as a macro in Lisp and use that instead.

How can i rewrite or convert this C++ code to Haskell code

The c++ code which i wanted to rewrite or convert is:
class numberClass
int value;
int read()
return value;
void load(int x)
value = x;
void increment()
value= value +1;
int main()
numberClass num;
int x=num.read();
I do not know how to make any entity(like variable in C++) that can hold value throughout the program in haskell.
Please help.
Basically, you can't. Values are immutable, and Haskell has no variables in the sense of boxes where you store values, like C++ and similar. You can do something similar using IORefs (which are boxes you can store values in), but it's almost always a wrong design to use them.
Haskell is a very different programming language, it's not a good idea to try to translate code from a language like C, C++, Java or so to Haskell. One has to view the tasks from different angles and approach it in a different way.
That being said:
module Main (main) where
import Data.IORef
main :: IO ()
main = do
num <- newIORef 5 :: IO (IORef Int)
x <- readIORef num
print x
modifyIORef num (+1)
x <- readIORef num
print x
Well, assuming that it's the wrapping, not the mutability, you can easily have a type that only allows constructing constant values and incrementation:
module Incr (Incr, incr, fromIncr, toIncr) where
newtype Incr a = Incr a deriving (Read, Show)
fromIncr :: Incr a -> a
fromIncr (Incr x) = x
incr :: (Enum a) => Incr a -> Incr a
incr (Incr x) = Incr (succ x)
toIncr :: a -> Incr a
toIncr = Incr
As Daniel pointed out, mutability is out of the question, but another purpose of your class is encapsulation, which this module provides just like the C++ class. Of course to a Haskell programmer, this module might not seem very useful, but perhaps you have use cases in mind, where you want to statically prevent library users from using regular addition or multiplication.
A direct translation of your code to haskell is rather stupid but of course possible (as shown in Daniel's answer).
Usually when you are working with state in haskell you might be able to work with the State Monad. As long as you are executing inside the State Monad you can query and update your state. If you want to be able to do some IO in addition (as in your example), you need to stack your State Monad on top of IO.
Using this approach your code might look like this:
import Control.Monad.State
import Prelude hiding(read)
increment = modify (+1)
load = put
read = get
normal :: StateT Int IO ()
normal = do
load 5
x <- read
lift (print x)
x <- read
lift (print x)
main = evalStateT normal 0
But here you don't have an explicit type for your numberClass. If you want this there is a nice library on hackage that you could use: data-lenses.
Using lenses the code might be a little closer to your C++ version:
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Control.Monad.State(StateT,evalStateT,lift)
import Prelude hiding(read)
import Data.Lens.Lazy((~=),access,(%=))
import Data.Lens.Template(makeLenses)
data Number = Number {
_value :: Int
} deriving (Show)
$( makeLenses [''Number] )
increment = value %= succ
load x = value ~= x
read = access value
withLens :: StateT Number IO ()
withLens = do
load 5
x <- read
lift $ print x
x <- read
lift $ print x
main = evalStateT withLens (Number 0)
Still not exactly your code...but well, it's haskell and not yet another OO-language.