Rails 3 - how to make own error handler - ruby-on-rails-3

could anyone help me, please, how to make my own error handler for example for the situation, when I am trying to destroy the item from database, that doesn't exist (delete item with don't exist ID)?
I tried to search on google, but I still haven't something, what works.

I guess you will never read this, but it can help others. You have a problem with .find cause it raise an exception when your id is wrong.
You have 3 ways to manage it.
You can catch the exception with a rescue. But that's not the best way.
You can check if your id exists, you have few ways to do this way. (count for example). But that's not the best way, cause you have 2 queries.
Or you can use find_by_id. This does not raise an exception, and return nil when your object does not exist. You only have to check about the result.

your_item = YourModel.find_by_id(non_existent_id) # returns nil
# PS: YourModel.find(non_existent_id) would raise exception
if your_item
flash[:notice] = "Deleted item with id #{non_existent_id}"
flash[:error] = "Cannot find item with id #{non_existent_id}"


ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid·Mysql2::Error: Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction:

So I have this after_save method that runs to ensure that this current address object is the only address that is active under that user.
before_save ensure_one_active_address
def ensure_one_active_address
Address.where("active = ? AND user_id = ? AND id NOT IN (?)", active, user_id, id).update_all(active: 0) if active
Unfortunately, I'm getting the following error:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid·Mysql2::Error: Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction
I can't reproduce the error, only happens in production. I understand what the error means, but I don't understand where it's happening. Is the update_all happening before the where query can finish?
If you really want to use this callback, you should use after_commit instead of after_save.

Nil vs RecordNotFound for a failed query

When I do
and it fails to find the user the above query returns nil. However,
throws an ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound error if it fails to find the user. The rails guide says this is supposed to happen but doesn't explain why. That's my question, why are there two different behaviors? Thanks!
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound is raised only when record with given id(s) is not found.
If you don't want the exception when searching by id, you can use:
The difference to me is:
User.find: get me that user.
User.find_by_foo('foo'): is there a user with foo == foo?
The first (1) assumes existence of your record so failure should raise an exception.
The second (2) assumes you want to query the existence of your record so missing record results to nil.

Transactions in Datamapper & Rails (dm-rails)

I have two models: hotel and location. A location belongs to a hotel, a hotel has one location. I'm trying to create both in a single form, bear in mind that I can't use dm-nested for nested forms due to a dependency clash.
I have code that looks like:
if (#hotel.save && #location.save)
# process
# back to form with errors
Unfortunately, #hotel.save can fail and #location.save can complete (which confuses me because I didn't think the second condition would run in an AND block if the first one failed).
I'd like to wrap these in a transaction so I can rollback the Location save. I can't seem to find a way to do it online. I'm using dm-rails, rails 3 and a postgresql database. Thanks.
The usual way to wrap database operations in DataMapper is to do something like this:
#hotel.transaction do
Notice that #hotel is quite arbitrary there; it could as well be #location or even a model name like Hotel.
In my experience, this works best when you enable exceptions to be thrown. Then if #hotel.save fails, it will throw an exception, which will be caught by the transaction block, causing the transaction to be rolled back. The exception is, of course, reraised.

Handling Lua errors in a clean and effective manner

I'm currently trying to code an add-on the popular game World Of Warcraft for a friend. I don't understand too much about the game myself and debugging it within the game is difficult as he's having to do all the testing.
I'm pretty new to Lua, so this may be a very easy question to answer. But when a Lua error occurs in WoW it throws it on screen and gets in the way, this is very bad to a game player as it will stop their gameplay if it throws the exception at the wrong time. I'm looking for a way to cleanly handle the error being thrown. Here's my code so far for the function.
function GuildShoppingList:gslSlashProc()
-- Actions to be taken when command /gsl is procced.
BankTab = GetCurrentGuildBankTab()
BankInfo = GetGuildBankText(BankTab)
local Tabname, Tabicon, TabisViewable, TabcanDeposit, TabnumWithdrawals, remainingWithdrawals = GetGuildBankTabInfo(BankTab)
p1 = BankInfo:match('%-%- GSL %-%-%s+(.*)%s+%-%- ENDGSL %-%-')
if p1 == nil then
self:Print("GSL could not retrieve information, please open the guild bank and select the info tab allow data collection to be made")
self:Print("Returning info for: "..Tabname)
for id,qty in p1:gmatch('(%d+):(%d+)') do
--do something with those keys:
local sName, sLink, iRarity, iLevel, iMinLevel, sType, sSubType, iStackCount = GetItemInfo(id);
local iSum = qty/iStackCount
self:Print("We need "..sLink.." x"..qty.."("..iSum.." stacks of "..iStackCount..")")
The problem being when checking to see if p1 is nil, it still throws a Lua error about trying to call p1 as nil. It will be nil at times and this needs to be handled correctly.
What would be the correct most efficient way to go about this?
You might want to wrap your function in a pcall or xpcall which enables you to intercept any error thrown by Lua.
Aside of that, I personally find this construct easier to read:
if p1 then
-- p1 is valid, eg not nil or false
-- handle the problems

When to use `save` vs `save!` in model?

According to save bang your head, active record will drive you mad, we should avoid using save! and rescue idiom for exceptional situations. Given that, say a model needs to #post.mark_rejected.
If the code in mark_rejected fails due to one of the below problems, should an exception be thrown? :
if there is a validation problem
if a non-nullable-field was being assigned a null
if there was a connection loss to database
If we do not throw an exception, then:
controller action would have to check for return value of mark_rejected and do it's thing
we are not expecting an exception from that method call, so we do not write a rescue clause in the controller action, thus the exception bubbles up to (..wherever..) and will probably show up as some (500 HTTP?) error
Example code:
def mark_rejected
def mark_rejected
save! will raise an error if not successful.
save will return boolean value like true or false.
There's more overhead in an exception, so there is a performance issue, especially when it can be expected that it will likely be thrown often, as is the case with save.
It is fewer lines of code to check if the return value is false than rescue an exception, so I don't see how it's a problem having to check for the return value if you already have to rescue the exception. How often would an exception thrown by save! ever have to bubble-up the call stack in practice? Rarely, if ever, in my experience.
If there is an exception thrown when calling save as opposed to save! you should want it to show a 500 error page because that's what happened: an unrecoverable, unknown, unexpected internal server error.
Suggestion: use save when it's on the last line; save! otherwise.
The idea: if the method is returning the save's result you should not throw exception and let the caller to handle save problems, but if the save is buried inside model method logic you would want to abort the process with an exception in case of failure.