Multiple identical named Resource-Files in a VB.NET project -

Related: What could cause Visual Studio / C# error MSB3105: Duplicate resources
I'd like to have multiple identical named resource files in my project, all separated via the Namespace. The following setup:
- Namespace1 [also a Folder]
- MyResourceFile.resx
- Namespace2.SubNamespace1 [two folders]
- MyResourceFile.resx
This is easily possible by setting Namespace-property of the resource files to the correct namespaces. Unfortunately this will bring the compiler to a halt:
The item obj\x86\Debug\Project.MyResourceFile.resx was specified more than once in the "Resources" parameter. Duplicate items are not supported by the "Resources" parameter.
As it seems, Resource-Files are compiled into a file called ProjectNameSpace.Filename.resx, which is a problem if you want to have multiple identical named resource files in different namespaces.
Does somebody know how I can change that behavior?
The reason why I want this is because I want to store SQl-Statements in resource files. The datalayer of my application is hidden behind interfaces which allow multiple implementations, therefor I thought of the following structure:
- ModuleNamespace
- IData.vb
- Datas
- Data.vb (Implementation of IData)
- Queries.resx
- SQLite
- Data.vb
- Queries.resx
- and so on...
I would have added those queries to a simple class-file and used that, but in that Project I'm using VB.NET...which adds a little pain to have a string span multiple lines...


Wrong "ReflectedWorkItemIDFieldName" while migrating Azure DevOps Work Items

I am testing the azure-devops-migration-tools and have create a project using (Parts Unlimited). I have generated the configuration.json and changed the Source and Target so I can test a migration, but I'm getting errors while migrating Work Items.
[15:14:41 ERR] Error running query
Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.ValidationException: TF51005: The query references a field that does not exist. The error is caused by «ReflectedWorkItemId».
I've tried different options on the "ReflectedWorkItemIDFieldName" field, Scrum, Basic, Agile, Custom, empty but am still unable to migrate the work items.
How can I get the value to put on this field for the specific project?
Quick Solution: Most ADO instances use the prefix 'custom' for new fields. Try "Custom.ReflectedWorkItemId" in your configuration.json to see if that resolves the problem.
More details: It's hard to tell without an actual configuration.JSON file to review. One possible problem is that you need to use the actual and full internal 'Name' of the ReflectedWorkItemID field. This doesn't show in ADO, or the Process Template when created. The recommendation is that you create a query referencing your custom field, and export the WIQL file (query file). Once you export the WIQL file, you can then open the file and see the full syntax of the custom field.
Exporting Queries: If you don't know how to do this, it can be done with VisualStudio. If you don't know how to do that, you can install this extension. It's a handy WIQL import/Export and editor. Install, and your ADO Queries with have an Edit in WIQL Editor option. Create a query that exposes your 'ReflectedWorkItemID' as a column, then edit that query in the WIQL editor and see the full names of the Reflected Work Items ID Feild.
FROM workitems
I found a possible solution. I have created a custom process, change the process from the projects to this new one and add a new field. This is the field I'm using on the configuration.json and now I'm able to migrate work items
To make the migration in the "ReflectedWorkItemIDFieldName" you must do:
"Organization Settings" -> Process -> Select the process where you project are (Basic, Scrum, Agil, or CMMI).
then click on the 3 dots and create a new Inherited process.
Then with the inherited process, you are able to create a new field for each work item type. The name that you type (could be "IronMan") that name will be in your configuration file.

How do you differentiate between QVD source files and target files when reading a QVW's XML MetaData?

I am currently trying to find an alternative to the Governance Dashboard that Rob Wunderlich (Qlik founder) created, since I am currently encountering errors when using it.
How do you differentiate between a data source (QVD, aka source) that is used by a QVW or a data file (QVD, aka target) that is generated by that QVW?
Lower(Discriminator) AS DataFile.Filepath
FROM C:\Sample_Transform_file.qvw (xmlSimple, Table is[DocumentSummary/LineageInfo])
Below is an example of what I found when parsing through the XML Metadata
(discriminator subtag within the lineageinfo tag) for one specific Transform QVW.
Sample Table Output
Are targets just identified by this?
STORE - [qvdName.qvd](qvd)
From what I have found, That appears to be the case, to a degree.
All of our QVW files that output a QVD utilize DIRECTORY statements rather than either hard-coded file location paths or variablized paths. Hence why all of the Targets are getting displayed as "STORE - qvdname.qvd", instead of displaying the filepath. In a sense, that is a flaw on QlikView's part, regarding its Governance Dashboard (or at the very least, they don't seem to recommend variablizing those paths as a standard in order to avoid breaking the lineage).

Declaring resources in multiple files in Serverless framework

Is there any way to split the resource definitions in serverless framework into multiple files? Something like:
- ${resources/base.yml}
- ${resources/foo.yml}
I have been trying multiple combinations but I keep getting errors about references not being found.
Even though dashmug's answer is correct, I found that the way I was trying to make it work was quite close to a valid solution too. As explained in this github comment it is possible to reference other files in the resources section:
- ${file(resources/first-cf-resources.yml)}
- ${file(resources/second-cf-resources.yml)}
Provided that each those files defines a "Resources" key of its own, like:
What I didn't manage is to have a mixed approach such as:
- ${file(resources/first-cf-resources.yml)}
- ${file(resources/second-cf-resources.yml)}
Type: ...
So I just have a resources/base.yml for that instead.
I can't comment but I'd like to extend Jesuspc's answer.
There is a way to achieve that 'mixed' approach, in serverless.yml:
- ${file(resources/first-cf-resources.yml)}
- ${file(resources/second-cf-resources.yml)}
- Resources:
Type: ...
In this case files first-cf-resources.yml and second-cf-resources.yml must have the next structure:
Take note that the resources property has to be an object containing a Resources property, NOT an array of resources like what you wanted in your code snippet.
So, to use external file references, you can do something like...
UsersTable: ${file(../resources/base.yml):UsersTable}
FooTable: ${file(../resources/foo.yml):FooTable}
Reference: Reference variables in other files

Querying for shared nodes in JCR (ModeShape)

I have a JCR content repository implemented in ModeShape (4.0.0.Final). The structure of the repository is quite simple and looks like this:
/ (root)
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
The content is initially created and stored under /Content as [nt:unstructured] nodes with [mix:shareable] mixin. When a content item is tagged, the tag node is first created under /Tags if it's not already there, and the content node is shared/cloned to the tag node using Workspace.clone(...) as described in the JCR 2.0 spec, section 14.1, Creation of Shared Nodes.
(I don't find this particularly elegant and I did just read this answer, about creating a tag based search system in JCR, so I realize this might not be the best/fastest/most scaleable solution. But I "inherited" this solution from developers before me, so I hope I don't have to rewrite it all...)
Anyway, the sharing itself seems to work (I can verify that the nodes are there using the ModeShape Content Explorer web app or programatically by session.getRootNode().getNode("Tags/Foo").getNodes()). But I am not able to find any shared nodes using a query!
My initial try (using JCR_SQL2 syntax) was:
SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] AS content
WHERE PATH(content) LIKE '/Tags/Foo/%' // ISDECENDANTNODE(content, '/Tags/Foo') gives same result
ORDER BY NAME(content)
The result set was to my surprise empty.
I also tried searching in [mix:shareable] like this:
SELECT * FROM [mix:shareable] AS content
WHERE PATH(content) LIKE '/Tags/Foo/%' // ISDECENDANTNODE(content, '/Tags/Foo') gives same result
ORDER BY NAME(content)
This also returned an empty result set.
I can see from the query:
SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] AS content
WHERE PATH(content) LIKE '/Content/%' // ISDECENDANTNODE(content, '/Content') works just as well
ORDER BY NAME(content)
...that the query otherwise works, and returns the expected result (all content). It just doesn't work when searching for the shared nodes.
How do I correctly search for shared nodes in JCR using ModeShape?
Update: I upgraded to 4.1.0.Final to see if that helped, but it had no effect on the described behaviour.
Cross-posted from the ModeShape forum:
Shared nodes are really just a single node that appears in multiple places within a workspace, so it's not exactly clear what it semantically means to get multiple query results for that one shareable node. Per Section 14.16 of the JSR-283 (JCR 2.0) specification implementations are free to include shareable nodes in query results at just one or at multiple/all of those locations.
ModeShape 2.x and 3.x always returned in query results only a single location of the shared nodes, as this was the behavior of the reference implementation and this was the feedback we got from users. When we were working on Modeshape 4.0, we tried to make it possible to return multiple results, but we ran into problems with the TCK and uncertainty about what this new expected behavior would be. Therefore, we backed off our goals and implemented query to return only one of the shared locations, as we did with 2.x and 3.x.
I may be wrong, but I'm not exactly sure if any JCR implementation returns multiple rows for a single shared node, but I may be wrong.

Eclipse RCP: How to order perspective buttons belonging to different plugins?

My application has 5 plugins. Each plugin has a perspective of it's own and hence each perspective extension definition is under individual plugin's plugin.xml.
Now, I want to control the order in which these perspectives appear in my application. How to do it?
There is one main plugin that holds "". This has initialize() method in which I am iterating through the perspective registry using
and then appending perspective ids in a comma separated fashion to a String variable (pbar) which is used later like this.
PlatformUI.getPreferenceStore().setDefault(IWorkbenchPreferenceConstants.PERSPECTIVE_BAR_EXTRAS, pbar);
PlatformUI.getPreferenceStore().setValue(IWorkbenchPreferenceConstants.PERSPECTIVE_BAR_EXTRAS, pbar);
When iterating thourgh the perspective registry, I can compare perspective ids and sort it(when adding to 'pbar' by comparing ids) the way I want it to appear but, I don't want to do this ordering here as it appears like a dirty way.
Is there any other place where we can fix the order in which perspectives appear? (Each perspective resides in different plugin).
1) Could we also control the ordering in the perspective switcher?
2) Is there a way to control entry into perspective registry to in inflict the desired order. If not could we write back into perspective registry?
If your application is encapsulated as an eclipse product, you may tweak the file.
(file referenced by the 'preferenceCustomization' property in your product extension point.)
This file is a format file. Typically this file is used to set the values for preferences that are published as part of a plug-in's public API.
(Example of such a file for org.eclipse.platform)
So if the string representing the order of perspective can be referenced as a property, you can define the default order in there.
Since the source code of IWorkbenchPreferenceConstants mentions:
* Lists the extra perspectives to show in the perspective bar.
* The value is a comma-separated list of perspective ids.
* The default is the empty string.
* #since 3.2
public static final String JavaDoc PERSPECTIVE_BAR_EXTRAS = "PERSPECTIVE_BAR_EXTRAS"; //$NON-NLS-1$
Maybe a line in the plugin_customization.ini file:
would allow you to specify that order without having to hard-code it.
Additional notes:
IPerspectiveRegistry (or PerspectiveRegistry) is not made to write anything (especially for perspective defined in an extension)
Ordering may be found in the state of the workbench (stored in the workspace and then restored when its launched again, .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/workbench.xml)
Do you confirm that:
IPerspectiveRegistry registry = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getPerspectiveRegistry();
IPerspectiveDescriptor[] perspectives = registry.getPerspectives();
is not in the right order when the plugin_customization.ini does define that order correctly ?
Liverpool 5 - 0 Aston Villa does confirm that (in the comments), but also indicates the (ordered) ini file entries internally get recorded into preference store, which means they can be retrieved through the preference store API:
Liverpool 5 - 0 Aston Villa then add:
perspective registry (the initial "PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getPerspectiveRegistry().getPerspectives();" bit) remains unaltered (and unordered).
But, you still can "readily access to ordered list of perspectives" through preference store.
So, for other tasks, instead of iterating though perspective registry (which is still unordered), we can use the ordered variable that stores list of ordered perpective ids.
Note: another possibility is to Replace the Perspective-Switcher in RCP apps
=> to:
You can more easily define the order in a menu or in buttons there.
Extreme solution: re-implement a perspective switcher.
To sum up all the observations and findings,
1) It is not possible to alter entries in the perspective registry. It is read-only.
2) To make perspective appear in the order that we want on perspective bar, we can achieve it by adding an entry in plugin_customization.ini (or preferences.ini) as shown below.
3) If we want to fetch this ordered list, we can't fetch it directly. But as this ini file entry internally gets recorded in PreferenceStore we can fetch the same value from PreferenceStore using the following API as shown below.
Why would someone need to access the entry defined in ini file at all?
Well, in my case I had a view in which i had to display links to every perspective. As my perspective bar was sorted in desired order, I also wanted to maintain the same order in my view while displaying links to perspectives.
4) There is no known way to inflict the same sort order in the display of default perspective switcher. While a new custom perspective switcher can be written to achieve the desired effect.