Xcode will not open my project - objective-c

I where working with a project and I closed because my computer was geting slow. When I tried to open my solution again xcode quitted. So everytime I try to open my project I get this error:
I am not able to open my solution. IS THERE A WAY I CAN RECOVER MY PROJECT!?

Nothing mentioned above/below worked for me. Here's what I did instead:
Right click on the .xcodeproj file and select Show Package Contents. Then delete the project.xcworkspace file. Open the project in Xcode and voilà.

There are a couple of things you can try, first make sure Xcode is not running ,trash the ~/Library/Cache/ folder contents, and trash the contents of the ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ folder, if you what to can just find the stuff for your project in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ and trash just that. Then restart your computer.
If that doesn't work, rename your faulty projects folder to so method like ' old', create a new project of the same name, and then move all of the source files from ' old' to you new project and add them. Its a bit painful I known but I have had to do this once to get a project working again.

Double click the actual file! NOT the recent item!
Turns out that double-clicking on the actual file instead of selecting it from the Welcome to Xcode window will help open the project as expected!
Also, after the first time open it with double-clicking the file, the window will be fixed by itself 🤷🏻‍♂️

In my case, the project was moved to my iCloud Drive without me noticing it.
If it happens to you too, just go to your Finder, locate the project and check if there is a cloud next to it. Just right click it and "Download now". Try again once the download is finished.

I was having this issue with Xcode 12. Opening Xcode, and selecting my project from 'Recent projects' list was causing Xcode to crash
My solution: I navigated to the folder and opened ProjectName.xcworkspace file, then it worked

If you're working with git, right click the project-name.xcodeproj > Show Package Contents, open the file project.pbxproj and check for conflict and resolve it.

Quit Xcode, then make a copy of the xcworkspace file (just in case). In finder, right-click the xcworkspace file and choose Show File Contents.
In that directory, open the xcuserdata directory and delete any contents. Start Xcode again and open the project.
In my case there was something wrong with the saved project state, so doing this resets the state and it opened normally.

I had the same error and none of the above helped me.
Solution that helped me: Create a new project, then without closing it, go to
File -> Open
and select your .xcworkspace file.


how to properly remove files added under "My Project" in solution explorer?

I deleted the file Form1.vb on folder/explorer because I accidentally created it under MyProject in the solutions explorer. but when I tried to rebuild it I'm having below error already.
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Unable to create a manifest resource name for "My Project\Form1.resx". Could not find file 'C:\Users......\My Project\Form1.vb'.
all data of files is stored in the solution itself, Go to Solution Explorer, Select the file
1.) Right click the folder, Click Delete, Confirm Deletion Process if prompted.
2.) Left click the folder and hit the Delete key on your keyboard.
Do either of these will remove it from your solution and thus, the project. If you have folders being sync'd with git hub it will also update it this way, don't just straight up delete folders from the actual windows explorer though, this could cause pointer issues for reference.
I found the solution.
I created same file with same filename confirmed to replace this with the missing.
then added it again on "MyProject". Project -> Show All Files from the main menu.
I think what I needed was just the Project > show all files.
thank you to everyone who answered above it made me search for this

Intellij IDEA 14: Error Loading Project: Cannot load module cars-service

With my last restart of my mac I had a problem with IntelliJ IDEA project : the .iml file was deleted and I have
Error loading project: cannot load module cars-service Details ....
in the console.
Besides that, the structure view of the project has disapeared.
Here is a screenshot:
Finally, I imported my project via import project so the iml file was recreated.
Closing intelliJ. Deleting the .idea folder and re-opening intellij worked for me.
This happened to me this morning*, and fortunately there's a fairly straightforward solution.
Press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S (or go to File > Project Structure...) and click Modules on the left of the window.
Click the green + above the list of modules then New Module. Select the type of module (Java, Android, Flash, what have you) and click Next.
Enter the details of the lost module. Click the browse button to the right of Content Root and navigate to the directory that contains your lost module. The module name will be populated with the directory name by default, but you can rename it without issue.
(*I... got a bit gung-ho with the old git clean -fd. I don't recommend it.)
The error has nothing to do with gems. Please try deleting the .idea directory and using "Open Directory" on the same directory again to recreate it.-- Dmitry Jemerov
↑an answer on intellij-support.jetbrains.com
This helped me. I just closed Pycharm, then delete .idea directory , then I open Pycharm again, and the error disappeared.
Please try File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart ...
Had a similar issue with PHPStorm (which is also idea based), caused by a renaming of my project. Solution was simple: I just needed to remove the corresponding line for the module declaration in file <project-directory>/.idea/modules.xml. Re-opening the project was not needed as it seemed to me, but I did it anyway.
Have had this issue with PHPStorm 2017.1.3.
IML file is necessary to load the project.
Locate the folder the .iml file used to be in > right click > Local history > show history.From there you should be able to restore that iml file
you can fix it by select your pom file. right click and then reimport

Can't see project folders in IntelliJ IDEA

Every once in a while, I open an old project and I can't see any of the folders in the intelliJ project viewer. I can see all the files at the root.. but no folders. Yes I can delete the .iml file and .idea folder and re-create the project, but come on.. there's gotta be an easier way to fix this.
Is there?
If you look in project settings (ctrl-shift-alt-s), you should see a module structure. If you instead see "Nothing to see", do the following:
In Project Structure -> Modules, press the + button,
press enter (since, for some weird reason, it won't let me click on "New Module")
In the window that pops up, click on the "..." next to Content root, find your root folder, and select it
Press ok
ignore any warning that says the name is already in use (or to that effect)
the simplest solution worked from me, just delete the .idea folder
keep in mind this will delete all of idea's current project configuration, it'll create the folder with default settings when reload the project again... but all other configuration will be lost if not properly backed-up
It might be because the project didn't have any modules defined. Try adding existing source code by hitting File > New > Module from Existing Sources and select the parent directory of the project for source code
Go to pom.xml file -> right click -> maven -> generate source and update folders. You will see your files and folder structures in left hand side.
All the project-specific settings for a project opened through Intellij IDE are stored in the .idea folder.
The .idea folder (hidden on OS X) in the solution root contains
IntelliJ’s project-specific settings files. These include per-project
details such as VCS mapping and run and debug configurations, as well
as per-user details, such as currently open files, navigation history
and currently selected configuration.
So, if you are not able to see the project file structure in your Intellij IDE, just delete the .idea folder,
rm -rf .idea
and reload the project, then after reload you'll be easily able to get your project structure displayed.
Thank you very much. I just remove the .idea folder and works in my case.
rm -rf .idea
For me, the java folder was not showing up. I went into File->Project Structure. In the second column, I selected on _main. In the third column, I selected the tab "sources". In what I call the fourth column, where the "+Add Content Root" is shown, I verified, the java source/folder was present. In my case, there was an extra source folder, which was the current location. I removed this, applied and the java folder immediately showed up.
Right click on the Project name -> Open Module Setting -> Check the application context path set it up at your project location.
Check your idea.log -- it may have some details explaining why or what is happening (Help | Reveal log in Explorer). Possibly one of the config files got corrupted.
You can always backup and delete .idea subfolder (project settings) and re-create project from scratch. When it's wroking again (after basic configuration) you may copy some of the files from that folder back to recover some of your settings (if there were many).
This happened to me on a new computer when I opened up a Java project in the newly installed Intellij.
The problem was that I had not installed any JDK on the machine.
I had to install a JDK and then go into the settings at ctrl-shift-alt-s and add a JDK by specifying the folder where I installed it. It's possible that IntelliJ would have found it if I closed it and reopened it.
In my case the solution was to create a new project, specifying the project type and creating it within the same directory path as the project that does not load the project files correctly.
PhpStorm automatically detects that the directory exists and gives you the option to create project from existing sources.
This can be found under:
File --> New project...
For gradle users: "Reload All Gradle Projects" option should help.

XCode 6 Crashes on Source Control

I am getting very frequent crashes on XCode 6.01 especially when ever I try go to Source Control. I am using SVN.
Is there a workaround I could use ? Is this a known issue ?
It is probably related to the .xccheckout file.
If the project is a xcworkspace, it is located in the xcshareddata folder inside the xcworkspace bundle.
If the project is a xcodeproj, it is located in the project.xcworkspace folder in the xcodeproj bundle.
(The following trick seems to have fixed it for me:
quit Xcode
locate the .xccheckout file
revert this file to what is was when last saved with Xcode 5
reopen the Xcode project. If Xcode prompts for checking out the project from svn, do not press the ignore or cancel button, instead press the next button. In my case, it checked out another copy of my project from svn and the crash does not occur anymore.)
Step 1: Open terminal
Step 2: cd to your project's home directory
Step 3: Use commands below

Xcode: "The document could not be saved. You don’t have permission."

I'm getting this error when trying to save a file in Xcode 4:
"The document could not be saved. You don’t have permission. To view or change permissions, select the item in the Finder and choose File > Get Info."
Naturally, saving the file in TextMate works fine. Permissions: -rw-r--r--
Nothing changed from when it worked the last time.
Files are not locked, I tried rebooting, disk space is ok, files are on a local drive, error was googled. Any ideas?
Update: Also tried copying the files or renaming them. Directories are not locked. By the way, when I edited project configuration in Xcode it saves fine, I only met with the issue saving .m/.h files. I guess that copying the actual text in the files would work but I'm trying to find a bit less hardcore solution (bash script wouldn't be the issue but there could be other problems). It's not the simplest project either (~70 files, edited config).
Update 2: Found possible duplicate, doesn't really resolve the problem Unable to unlock file for editing in Xcode 4?
Update 3: Checked out earlier commit and when opening Xcode it said the project is locked. Checked out the same commit again and the error does not appear again (all files exc. DS_Store are tracked). What.
Update 4: I created a new user and set chmod -R 777 to the project directory. Editing now works fine. However I can't get it to work under my main account (I have all my preferences here.)
Rebooting fixed the error in my case.
Fixed by changing account name by following this guide. This essentialy creates a new account but with your old Home directory and within the process of transferring it fixes some file permissions.
(From above link:)
For Mac OS X v10.5 or later (do this twice if you want to keep your original username)
Enable the root user.
Log in as root.
Navigate to the /Users folder.
Select the Home folder with the short name you want to change, and rename it just like you would rename any folder. Keep in mind that the shortname must be all lowercase, with no spaces, and only contain letters.
Use the Users & Groups pane (Accounts pane in Mac OS X v10.6.8 or earlier) in System Preferences to create a new user with the Account name or Short Name that you used in the previous step.
Click OK when "A folder in the Users folder already has the name 'account name'. Would you like to use that folder as the Home folder for this user account?" Note: This will correct the ownership of all files in the Home folder, and avoid permissions issues with the contents.
Choose Log Out from the Apple menu.
Log in as the newly created user. You should be able to access all of your original files (on the desktop, in Documents, and in the other folders of this Home).
After verifying that your data is as expected, you can delete the original user account via the Users & Groups pane (Accounts pane in Mac OS X v10.6.8 or earlier).
Disable the root user.
Xcode 6 update: still seeing this problem.
Seems like an Xcode bug, because opening the file by clicking the error in the Issue navigator causes this problem, but if I open the file using the cmd+shift+O shortcut I am able to edit and save it. So for me the workaround is to not open the file by selecting the error and to open it using the Project navigator or Open quickly shortcut.
I upgraded to Lion and downloaded the new Xcode and found the same problem and found nothing to help, losing about three days trying to fix it. Then I realized that the Xcode 4, which is saved in the Applications folder, doesn't overwrite Xcode 3, which is in the Developer folder. When I was opening Xcode, I was opening version 3, not 4.
Make sure you're opening the right version.
open up the terminal and set
chmod 777
to the desired file or set
chmod -R 777
to the desired directory.
it should solve your problem
I just ran into this issue also. I was not able to fix it not by changing the permissions of the individual project file or folder. However, I was able to fix it by going into 'get info' on my user's home folder, reselecting the 'Read & Write' permissions for my user, and then clicking the gear->'apply to enclosed items'. Took it a while but then everything worked as expected. Hope it helps someone else.
This maybe helpful If you use CocoaPods: https://stackoverflow.com/a/38885499/3395008
I'm running Xcode 7.3 and CocoaPods 1.0.0. and this happens when trying to modify a file from a pod added as a development pod (i.e. from a local directory).
I just pod update again, when pod finished, Xcode will show an alert "The document has previously unsaved changes.", then click "Re-Save". that fix my issue.
I Had the same problem with actual swiftUI.
Solved the Problem easy:
Copy and paste the content from .swift-file to a word-document
Delete the swift-file
Close Xcode and reboot Hardware
New .swift-file in XCode and paste code from word-document
cmd+B ... cmd+r
I used to encounter the same problem several times, last time it was on Xcode 12.4
It seems like a bug for me, because it tells that some private file is modified despite I don't have any permissions to do so even if I want. Force quitting and relaunching the Xcode always helped before.