How to get wiki template's content? - api

Does anybody know how to get access to the template's body inside the page?
I'm familiar with the API that returns the list of ALL templates that exist on the page, but how I can get access to the template's body? Is there any API for this? For now I see only one possible way... parse it manually. Am I wrong?

You can use the expandtemplates API call, or the rvexpandtemplates parameter for the revisions API call.

This is an old question, but it helped me figure out how to fetch a mediawiki page with template macros expanded. Very useful if you are doing a conversion.
I am parsing the xml returned from this query to get the expanded page.


How to use exactTerms and excludeTerms with Google Custom Search JSON API

I've been working with Google Custom Search API and faced some inconveniences I hope you can help me with.
Google Custom Search API offers as a parameter in its call the possibility to search by an exact text as well as exclude it from results: exactTerms and excludeTerms. However, the q parameter is mandatory and cannot be ignored, so if I want to search only by an specific text I just can't.
So how can I do a query using JSON API that contains specifically the text I want? Does the q parameter work as the search form in Google?
If I want results including 'foo', should I do this:
service.cse().list(cx=const.SEARCH_ENGINE_KEY, q='"foo"').execute()
or this?:
service.cse().list(cx=const.SEARCH_ENGINE_KEY, q=None, exactTerms='foo').execute()
Thank you in advance for your time.
Due to the success on the answers (hehe) I'm posting my own conclusions. Please, if you've any facts regarding the original question, please post it.
I've been testing with some calls to Google CSE API and looks like you can pass to q parameter the same query you'd do in Google's main page textfield. So (at least for my needs), you don't need exactTerms and excludeTerms to get what I was trying to achieve.
Anyway, as I said before, if you know how to work with these parameters I'm sure everybody will thank you.

Get wikitext from wikipedia API?

I'm looking at the API documentation here,
Getting the wikitext for a page is mentioned in the beginning of the documentation,
The action=query module allows you to get information about a wiki and the data stored in it, such as the wikitext of a particular page, the links and categories of a set of pages, or the token you need to change wiki content.
but I cant seem to figure out what parameters to pass in the API request to return the wikitext for a given page. Anyone know how to do this?
I've tried parameters like,
{'action':'query', 'titles':'Anarchism', 'prop':'wikitext', 'format':'json'}
You must use this query .

Get output of a template call in a page from MediaWiki API

I am trying to parse a page on a wikia to get additional information for a Infobox Book template that is on the page. The problem is the I can only get the template's source instead of the transformed template on the page.
I'm using the following url as a base:{{Infobox%20Book}}&generatexml=1
The documentation doesn't really tell me how to point it to a specific page and parse the transformed template from the page. Is this even possible or do I need to parse it all myself?
To expand a template with the parameters from a given page, you will have to provide those parameters. There is no way for the API to know how the template is used in different pages (it could even be used twice!).
This works:
action=expandtemplates&text={{Infobox Book|book name=Lost Tribe of the Sith: Skyborn}}
You will, of course have to keep adding all the parameters you want to parse (there are 14 in your example).
If you have templates that change automatically depending on which page they are (that is not the case here), e.g. by making use of magic words such as {{PAGENAME}}, you can add &page=Lost_Tribe_of_the_Sith:_Skyborn to your API call, to set the context the template should be expanded in.
If you to not know the parameters given, you can either:
Render the whole page with index.php?action=render&title=Lost_Tribe_of_the_Sith:_Skyborn, and parse the returned html to carve out the actual infobox
Fetch (action=query&prop=revisions) and parse the wikicode to get the parameters to the template, and supply them to the expandtemplates call
Start using an extension like Semantic MediaWiki, that allows you to treat your wiki more like a database
1 and 2 can go wrong in any number of ways, of course, as with a wiki you have, by definition, no way of knowing that the content is always entered in a consistent way.

Web Scraping through Excel VBA

I need to fetch company addresses(cim) from site
Example Company Name: AB-KONTÍR Szolgáltató Bt.
I know how to do it using WinHttp.WinHttpRequest object and FireBug.
But I am not able to decide to which URL I should send this request.
When I analyse the request/responses using FireBug, I get the following URL:
4221638 is CompanyID here I think. But in my case I will have company name only and that's what my problem is.
So can anybody please tell me where can I get URL using firebug or any other tool using which I can track the URL with Company Name as parameter which I can use in my VBA code.
Thanks in advance!
So can anybody please tell me where can I get URL using firebug or any
other tool using which I can track the URL with Company Name as
parameter which I can use in my VBA code.
No. Unless there is a publicly available database (I would suggest calling them, if you can) or an API that allows for programmatic access, the only way to arrive at this link slug is by executing the search.
Further, the post slog is not as relevant as you think. If you search for simply "Kontir", this is the resulting page -- with many results:
You're going to have to automate the "search" -- passing the criteria to the Web Page and executing the button-click and/or HTTPPost, and then parse the result(s). In the example company name, there is only one result. But it is possible as in my example above, that there may be multiple matches for some queries, and then you will need to have a method of dealing with these, or ignoring them.

Pass a string to various websites

I have a product code which I need to enter into 6 different websites in order to pull different information from them about the product. Is there away to save this product code into some sort of variable and pass it into each websites input box and it return all the information from each one automatically? Really have no idea where to go/start with this so if anyone can brainstorm a few ideas to get me moving that would be great.
In order get what you are planning for:
You need a script which visits the specified web site,
then at the website, you can get the element by tag.
For instance in javascript,
var textBox = document.getElementByTag(Input);
This will give you a reference to text field to enter the text. It can be done as follows:
textBox.value = "any string";
Once you have done this, you will have to retrieve the results from the page, based on the website layout.
So if you can specify about your work in detail, you would get better response.
Assuming you're talking about using an ordinary GUI browser, the best you can do is copy it to your system clipboard, and paste it into each page on the browser.
If you're talking about a programmatic web-access like wget or curl, it depends on what language you are writing your script in.
you have to create the web request for each web site and find a way to parse the response which will be HTML
have a look at the HttpWebRequest you can find lots of example on internet that shows how you can create an HTTP POST to a website.