What does public protected mean? - c++-cli

I am trying to create a instance of class but I keep on getting the following error message.
candidate function(s) not accessible
After going through the definition of the class which I was trying to instantiate, I realised that the constructor is declared as
public protected: Class name (paramters);
What does "public protected" together at the same time mean?

Quoting the documentation:
Member is public inside the assembly but protected outside the assembly.


Translating C# functions into vb.net

I need help converting some of this code. Mainly:
private static void SetProvider(ServiceCollection collection)
=> _service = collection.BuildServiceProvider();
and the line below it. This is being used for a discord bot using Discord.Net with the music library Victoria. Can someone also tell me what this actually is? Just a side question. this uses static classes and there's not anything called static on VB.Net so what would be the best call here? I've seen some other posts from here debating whether to use NonInheritable Class or a Module. What are the differences and when it is better to use either one?
It depends on what you want exactly. VB.NET does not provide static classes. Instead, it offers modules, but those are not completely equal to static classes.
The module version would be:
Public Module ServiceManager
Private _service As IServiceProvider
Public Sub SetProvider(collection As ServiceCollection)
_service = collection.BuildServiceProvider()
End Sub
Public Function GetService(Of T As New)() As T
Return _service.GetRequiredService(Of T)()
End Function
End Module
The class version would be:
Public NotInheritable Class ServiceManager
Private Sub New()
End Sub
Private Shared _service As IServiceProvider
Public Shared Sub SetProvider(collection As ServiceCollection)
_service = collection.BuildServiceProvider()
End Sub
Public Shared Function GetService(Of T As New)() As T
Return _service.GetRequiredService(Of T)()
End Function
End Class
When using the class implementation, you have to be careful to mark all members as Shared. Additionally, you can consider the following:
Declare the class as NotInheritable, since neither VB.NET modules nor C# static classes can be inherited from. (The corresponding C# keyword is sealed, by the way, but it will never be used in this context, since C# does support static classes.)
Create one private (default) constructor for the class. That will make sure that you cannot instantiate the class. VB.NET modules nor C# static classes cannot be instantiated either.
Using VB.NET modules is somewhat more straightforward, but keep in mind that VB.NET modules have a little quirk. When accessing a member of a module, you are typically not required to prefix it with the module name. Suppose you have some kind of service class called MyService and you have implemented your ServiceManager as a module. Then you do not need to call it like:
Dim svc As MyService = ServiceManager.GetService(Of MyService)()
Instead, you could just call it like:
Dim svc As MyService = GetService(Of MyService)()`.
When using the former method, Visual Studio actually suggests to simplify the name and change it to the latter method. But when you afterwards add another imported namespace that also happens to contain a module that has a GetService(Of T)() method, you will get an error indicating that GetService is ambiguous, in which case you would be forced to prefix it with the module name (like in the former method).
I personally find this checking behavior in Visual Studio regarding VB.NET module member usage to be rather annoying and confusing. I prefer prefixing calls with the module name (for the sake of writing self-documenting code and avoiding ambiguity as mentioned), but I do not want to disable the "simplify name" hint/suggestion in Visual Studio. So I personally prefer a class implementation instead of a module implementation when implementing something in VB.NET that mimics a C# static class.
Or even better: I would avoid a static class design and switch to a "regular" class design when possible. Using class instances has several advantages, like using composition (which is also an important technique used in many popular behavioral design patterns), simplified mocking/unittesting, and less side effects in general.
The equivalent VB.NET is:
Private Shared Sub SetProvider(collection As ServiceCollection)
_service = collection.BuildServiceProvider()
End Sub
C# expression bodies are just a single expression body method, MS Docs e.g. the following are equivalent:
void Greet()
Console.WriteLine("Hello World");
// Same as above
void Greet() => Console.WriteLine("Hello World");

VB.NET access level of interface declaration not matching access level of implementation [duplicate]

Interface behaves differently in Vb.Net. Below is a sample code snippet where IStudent interface has a method SayHello which is implemented by a class Student. The Access modifier for SayHello should be Public by default. By changing Access modifier to Private is not breaking the existing code and still i can access this private method using below code
Dim stdnt As IStudent = New Student
Access modifier determines the scope of the members in a class, more over private members are accessible only from the class which exists. But here the theory of Access Modifier, Encapsulation are broken.
Why .net has designed in this way?
Is the concept of Access modifier and encapsulation are really broken?
How .net framework internally handle this situation?
Thanks in advance
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim stdnt As IStudent = New Student
stdnt.Name = "vimal"
End Sub
End Module
Public Interface IStudent
Property Name As String
Sub SayHello()
End Interface
Public Class Student
Implements IStudent
Private Property Name As String Implements IStudent.Name
Private Sub SayHello() Implements IStudent.SayHello
Console.WriteLine("Say Hello!")
End Sub
End Class
The original poster submitted this question to me via TheBugGuys#Coverity.com; my answer is here:
To briefly summarize:
Why was .NET designed in this way?
That question is impossibly vague.
Is encapsulation broken by explicit implementation in C# and VB?
No. The privacy of the method restricts the accessibility domain of the methods name, not who can call the method. If the author of the class chooses to make a private method callable by some mechanism other than looking it up by name, that is their choice. A third party cannot make the choice for them except via techniques such as private reflection, which do break encapsulation.
How is this feature implemented in .NET?
There is a special metadata table for explicit interface implementations. The CLR consults it first when attempting to figure out which class (or struct) method is associated with which interface method.
From MSDN:
You can use a private member to implement an interface member. When a private member implements a member of an interface, that member becomes available by way of the interface even though it is not available directly on object variables for the class.
In C#, this behaviour is achieved by implementing the interface explicitly, like this:
public interface IStudent {
string Name { get; set; }
void SayHello();
public class Student : IStudent {
string IStudent.Name { get; set; }
void IStudent.SayHello() {
Console.WriteLine("Say Hello!");
So, if you were to omit the IStudent. in front of the method names, it would break. I see that in the VB syntax the interface name is included. I don't know whether this has any implications altough. But interface members aren't private, since the interface isn't. They're kinda public...
There is no fundamental difference between C# and VB.NET, they just chose different ways to solve ambiguity. Best demonstrated with a C# snippet:
interface ICowboy {
void Draw();
interface IPainter {
void Draw();
class CowboyPainter : ICowboy, IPainter {
void ICowboy.Draw() { useGun(); }
void IPainter.Draw() { useBrush(); }
// etc...
VB.NET just chose consistent interface implementation syntax so the programmer doesn't have to weigh the differences between implicit and explicit implementation syntax. Simply always explicit in VB.NET.
Only the accessibility of the interface method matters. Always public.
When your variable stdnt is declared as IStudent, the interface methods and properties are then made Public, so the derived class' (Student) implementation is executed. If, on the other hand, if stdnt was declared as Student, the private members (Name and SayHello) would not be implemented, and an error would be thrown.
I'm guessing that the Interface members stubs (Name & SayHello) are by default Public, and the access modifier definitions of the derived class' implementation are ignored.
The exact equivalent in C# is the following - the method available to objects of the interface type and the private method available otherwise:
void IStudent.SayHello()
private void SayHello()
Console.WriteLine("Say Hello!");

Interface behavior is dfferent in VB.Net

Interface behaves differently in Vb.Net. Below is a sample code snippet where IStudent interface has a method SayHello which is implemented by a class Student. The Access modifier for SayHello should be Public by default. By changing Access modifier to Private is not breaking the existing code and still i can access this private method using below code
Dim stdnt As IStudent = New Student
Access modifier determines the scope of the members in a class, more over private members are accessible only from the class which exists. But here the theory of Access Modifier, Encapsulation are broken.
Why .net has designed in this way?
Is the concept of Access modifier and encapsulation are really broken?
How .net framework internally handle this situation?
Thanks in advance
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim stdnt As IStudent = New Student
stdnt.Name = "vimal"
End Sub
End Module
Public Interface IStudent
Property Name As String
Sub SayHello()
End Interface
Public Class Student
Implements IStudent
Private Property Name As String Implements IStudent.Name
Private Sub SayHello() Implements IStudent.SayHello
Console.WriteLine("Say Hello!")
End Sub
End Class
The original poster submitted this question to me via TheBugGuys#Coverity.com; my answer is here:
To briefly summarize:
Why was .NET designed in this way?
That question is impossibly vague.
Is encapsulation broken by explicit implementation in C# and VB?
No. The privacy of the method restricts the accessibility domain of the methods name, not who can call the method. If the author of the class chooses to make a private method callable by some mechanism other than looking it up by name, that is their choice. A third party cannot make the choice for them except via techniques such as private reflection, which do break encapsulation.
How is this feature implemented in .NET?
There is a special metadata table for explicit interface implementations. The CLR consults it first when attempting to figure out which class (or struct) method is associated with which interface method.
From MSDN:
You can use a private member to implement an interface member. When a private member implements a member of an interface, that member becomes available by way of the interface even though it is not available directly on object variables for the class.
In C#, this behaviour is achieved by implementing the interface explicitly, like this:
public interface IStudent {
string Name { get; set; }
void SayHello();
public class Student : IStudent {
string IStudent.Name { get; set; }
void IStudent.SayHello() {
Console.WriteLine("Say Hello!");
So, if you were to omit the IStudent. in front of the method names, it would break. I see that in the VB syntax the interface name is included. I don't know whether this has any implications altough. But interface members aren't private, since the interface isn't. They're kinda public...
There is no fundamental difference between C# and VB.NET, they just chose different ways to solve ambiguity. Best demonstrated with a C# snippet:
interface ICowboy {
void Draw();
interface IPainter {
void Draw();
class CowboyPainter : ICowboy, IPainter {
void ICowboy.Draw() { useGun(); }
void IPainter.Draw() { useBrush(); }
// etc...
VB.NET just chose consistent interface implementation syntax so the programmer doesn't have to weigh the differences between implicit and explicit implementation syntax. Simply always explicit in VB.NET.
Only the accessibility of the interface method matters. Always public.
When your variable stdnt is declared as IStudent, the interface methods and properties are then made Public, so the derived class' (Student) implementation is executed. If, on the other hand, if stdnt was declared as Student, the private members (Name and SayHello) would not be implemented, and an error would be thrown.
I'm guessing that the Interface members stubs (Name & SayHello) are by default Public, and the access modifier definitions of the derived class' implementation are ignored.
The exact equivalent in C# is the following - the method available to objects of the interface type and the private method available otherwise:
void IStudent.SayHello()
private void SayHello()
Console.WriteLine("Say Hello!");

FxCop giving a warning on private constructor CA1823 and CA1053

I have a class that looks like the following:
Public Class Utilities
Public Shared Function blah(userCode As String) As String
'doing some stuff
End Function
End Class
I'm running FxCop 10 on it and it says:
"Because type 'Utilities' contains only 'static' (
'Shared' in Visual Basic) members, add a default private
constructor to prevent the compiler from adding a default
public constructor."
Ok, you're right Mr. FxCop, I'll add a private constructor:
Private Utilities()
Now I'm having:
"It appears that field 'Utilities.Utilities' is
never used or is only ever assigned to. Use this field
or remove it."
Any ideas of what should I do to get rid of both warnings?
In C# this problem would be handled by marking the class as static, e.g.
public static class Utilities
A static class can only contain static (in VB shared) members.
I believe the equivalent in VB.NET is to use a module.
See Marking A Class Static in VB.NET.

What is the purpose of hidebysig in a MSIL method?

Using ildasm and a C# program e.g.
static void Main(string[] args)
.method private hidebysig static void Main(string[] args) cil managed
// Code size 2 (0x2)
.maxstack 8
IL_0000: nop
IL_0001: ret
} // end of method Program::Main
What does the hidebysig construct do?
From ECMA 335, section 8.10.4 of partition 1:
The CTS provides independent control
over both the names that are visible
from a base type (hiding) and the
sharing of layout slots in the derived
class (overriding). Hiding is
controlled by marking a member in the
derived class as either hide by name
or hide by name-and-signature. Hiding
is always performed based on the kind
of member, that is, derived field
names can hide base field names, but
not method names, property names, or
event names. If a derived member is
marked hide by name, then members of
the same kind in the base class with
the same name are not visible in the
derived class; if the member is marked
hide by name-and-signature then only a
member of the same kind with exactly
the same name and type (for fields) or
method signature (for methods) is
hidden from the derived class.
Implementation of the distinction
between these two forms of hiding is
provided entirely by source language
compilers and the reflection library;
it has no direct impact on the VES
(It's not immediately clear from that, but hidebysig means "hide by name-and-signature".)
Also in section of partition 2:
hidebysig is supplied for the use of
tools and is ignored by the VES. It
specifies that the declared method
hides all methods of the base class
types that have a matching method
signature; when omitted, the method
should hide all methods of the same
name, regardless of the signature.
As an example, suppose you have:
public class Base
public void Bar()
public class Derived : Base
public void Bar(string x)
Derived d = new Derived();
That's valid, because Bar(string) doesn't hide Bar(), because the C# compiler uses hidebysig. If it used "hide by name" semantics, you wouldn't be able to call Bar() at all on a reference of type Derived, although you could still cast it to Base and call it that way.
EDIT: I've just tried this by compiling the above code to a DLL, ildasming it, removing hidebysig for Bar() and Bar(string), ilasming it again, then trying to call Bar() from other code:
Derived d = new Derived();
Test.cs(6,9): error CS1501: No overload for method 'Bar' takes '0' arguments
Base d = new Derived();
(No compilation problems.)
As per THE SKEET's answer, in addition the reason for this is that Java and C# allow the client of a class to call any methods with the same name, including those from base classes. Whereas C++ does not: if the derived class defines even a single method with the same name as a method in the base class, then the client cannot directly call the base class method, even if it doesn't take the same arguments. So the feature was included in CIL to support both approaches to overloading.
In C++ you can effectively import one named set of overloads from the base class with a using directive, so that they become part of the "overload set" for that method name.
According to Microsoft Docs
When a member in a derived class is declared with the C# new modifier
or the Visual Basic Shadows modifier, it can hide a member of the same
name in the base class. C# hides base class members by signature. That
is, if the base class member has multiple overloads, the only one that
is hidden is the one that has the identical signature. By contrast,
Visual Basic hides all the base class overloads. Thus, IsHideBySig
returns false on a member declared with the Visual Basic Shadows
modifier, and true on a member declared with the C# new modifier.