How to solve newtemplate problem - seo

i need clarification on this, in my blogger previous template some junk text(not useful) things got indexed in google search, it was annoying.
so i reverted to Google classic those text got disappeared in my blog template.
its not reflected in Google search... what should i do?

Wait for the next update of the index?!! ;-)


Rich links in hangouts chat

I'm working on the sharing aspects of a website, and got stuck with google's hangouts chat.
I want links to the site to be displayed as "cards" with my preview image (ideally, an animated gif), the same way these are:
I was hoping the generic "og:image" meta tag would do the trick, but that's not working
So, I checked out the source code of these pages, but that didn't help either:
In the github page, for example, the url to the image can be found in the og:image and twitter:image:src meta tags. I thought it would be weird for 'twitter:image:src' to be the solution, but I tried anyways. It didn't work.
I've been looking everywhere for some documentation on this, but all I can find is stuff about creating a bot, which is not what I'm looking for.
Thanks for any advice

Cached version by Google of my website shows the Google Custom Search window open (with No Results)

I am using Google Custom Search on my website for a quite a while. I have noticed that when I open the Google-cached version of my website, it shows the Custom Search result window open (saying No Results) for no reason.
You can see for yourself here:
Here is a screenshot:
I havent been able to find ANYTHING about this issue on Google and I havent gotten a single reply on the Google Custom Search support forum for more than a week.
Does anyone please have any idea what could be causing this and how to resolve it? It is really annoying to see the cached version of my website covered by a modal window.
I came across this question while looking for something and, although it's been a while since it was asked, I noticed the problem is not solved so thought I'd try to help.
By looking at the cache URL you've provided, the reason you see the modal window seems to be the fact that the same URL variable (q=...) is being used by both, the webcache page AND by the Google custom search on your website.
So, when someone opens the cached page, the custom search engine is also being fired because of the presence of the q URL variable.
In the case of the cached page, the search term (value of q variable) is "cache:z55mQx1mHn8J:" and if you paste this value in the actual search on you'll see that it returns an empty search results window.
The solution would probably be to update your custom search engine so that it uses a different variable than the default one (which is q). That can be done, just look in the custom search documentation.
Hope this helps.

Bootstrap carousel doesn't start automatically

It may appear a repeated question but it is a serious one and I found no solution for it in any related question.
I have downloaded a bootstrap theme from ShapeBootstrap website
Demo theme
I use Firefox 30. As you may see in the demo page too, the slider doesn't start automatically! however if one click on the next slide it starts running!
I did anything I read in the similar questions but nothing happened!
The order of scripts is OK
It is in the end of file
No error reported in console ...
You can view and follow the source code of the demo page. Everything is in its place. But I wonder why it has this problem even in the official website of the theme.
Please guide me what can I do.
To understand what was going wrong was difficult!
I replaced the carousal section(html) with this one from
I added full-slider.css to the list of my css files and used the latest version of bootstrap script and now it works!

Facebook login button showing "Undefined" instead of "Login"

The facebook login button implemented in my website was showing the text as "undefined" instead of "Login" in firefox latest version in Windows 7. So to fix that i went to get the latest code from the Plugin page at
Its showing "undefined" in the preview button also. What should be done to get it fixed?
I am ready to use the latest code given but it looks like a problem with facebook JS to me.
Sorry! I don't have enough rep to post an image :P
I reported it to fb and referenced Ravi's screenshot. Here's my bug report, if you want to subscribe -
This problem once frustrated me and i searched for the solution in many sites. I find one site to be very helpful for me as my problem is solved and solution is easy to understand. so i am sharing with you guys. just go to and get your problem solved.

Identify the Content Carousel

Can anybody identify the carousel used on this site? It seems to work seamlessly with responsive sites and would with little css changes suit my design perfectly. The source shows something called anchorScroll.js but a search comes up with nothing.
It's a custom solution and not a plugin. Look for Application_NewsSpinner in at line :1072
But don't steal code! It's fine to get inspired but you should find your own solution or take an official plugin! Take a look at or