I started this website last year, along with a facebook page.
I just implemented some more facebook features into my website, which used an app's ID to authenticate with facebook servers.
Is there a way I can merge both? When users click on the App link on the wall posts my App made, they get taken to the App page, which is empty.
Mainly, I want to keep the http://www.facebook.com/textbookcentral URL, and when people click on the App page, it would have the http://www.facebook.com/textbookcentral URL. It would be a bonus if I could import all the original facebook pages' content, too.
Or, make the App link on wall posts on users page to link to the original page instead.
Please be aware that as of Feb 1st Application Profile Pages are GONE !
Removing App Profile Pages
As for your questions, the link above contains the information about the migration process
I'm marketing my app on Google Adwords and my setup is like this:
1- Display network ads
2- Ads take the user to an instapage landing page that has CTA for download
3- Download button takes user to App Store/play store
My question:
Is it possible to link Branch to Instapage and how? - meaning I want to know which ad brings the conversion = as per my setup now if I have more than one ad I wont know which one got me the download.
Note: I'm paying for clicks on CPI
I'm hoping that a Bigcommerce rep can answer this. I had some trouble accessing my Bigcommerce store to get my support PIN so I'm posting here.
I am developing a Bigcommerce app and am wondering if the Bigcommerce user must automatically be logged into my app when they open it in the iframe, or can the app display a login page inside the iframe when it opens?
I've seen some apps first display a signup page for the user to fill out, and I was planning to also first display a signup page for the user to create an account inside the app, then ask them to log into the app on the next session. Is this allowed, or do I need to implement OAuth in a way that allows the Bigcommerce user to log into my app based on their store during the app load?
We have created a game which is accessible as an app but cannot get the game into a tab. During the submission stage it reads:
"Our review team will use this page to test your Page Tab app. Your Page Tab app must be installed on this page. Only pages that you admin will appear in the dropdown."
I am admin on 3 different pages, one was built specifically for testing the tab but it says there are no eligible pages and the option is ghosted out, even when a new page is created via this step.
Am i missing something or does anyone else know what i'm doing wrong?
I am trying to put a Google+ badge on my recently created websites at sites.google.com. When I copy the code and paste it into the HTML box actually nothing happens.
What am I doing wrong?
You can use to insert a Google+ Badge into your Google Sites pages using a custom gadget:
Get your Google+ profile ID, which you can get from the URL of your profile. The ID would be 123456789012345678901 for this URL: https://plus.google.com/123456789012345678901/ or would be +LarryPage for this URL: https://plus.google.com/+LarryPage/
Edit the page that you want to add the badge
Choose Insert-> ...More gadgets...
Search for G+ Badge.
Paste your profile ID into the G+ ID field.
Configure additional options as necessary for your page. You might need to adjust dimensions of the gadget container to get the badge to work well in your site.
Gadgets have limitations, this might not work perfectly but its probably the best way to get a badge onto your page.
There is a configuration tool for the Google+ Badge that you can find at https://developers.google.com/+/web/badge/.
The key points are that you need to add the HTML as a widget and include the JavaScript tag--which is the same JavaScript that loads any of our Google+ attributes.
I also made a 3 minute video explaining these steps last year, which you can view at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLG4IIIPgnc.
I have a Facebook fan page (created late 2011) for one of my apps. I'm in the process of adding Facebook SDK support to the app to allow users to post photos to their news feeds.
What I want to do is connect the FACEBOOK APP with the existing FACEBOOK PAGE.
I'd assume you could go into the Facebook Page settings and LINK THE APPID TO THE PAGE. But I can't seem to find anything. I had a look in the app settings too, and that has Canvas pages, Page Tabs, but nothing quite looks right.
All I want to actually do is let my users post photos to their newsfeeds from my app. And those photos then link to the Enscripted fan page. So if I'm missing something, let me know.
To add an app to a Facebook Page, you need to add a Page Tab to your page. This document will help you with that: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/appsonfacebook/pagetabs/