ADMA0176E PrivilegedActionException when publishing to IBM Websphere - maven-2

I have a maven build of a multi module enterprise project. I am running WAS from RAD. In command prompt I ran
mvn clean
mvn install
mvn -Dwtpversion=2.0 eclipse:eclipse
The build is success. I then import it into my workspace in RAD and add project to WAS. When the server starts publishing. I get an error as pop up saying
ADMA0176E : Application installation of MYPROJECT failed with
I am able to deploy the same project on tomcat. Also, I created a sample project and published it to WAS. So I dont understand why the application is asking for privileges. I tried enabling application security, cleared the server cache, restarted server, restarted PC. Nothing helps. I can deploy the ear through admin console, however. Only through rad I am getting issues. How do I solve this ? I tried what is mentioned here but it does not help.

I had this problem after making some pom.xml changes. I solved it by running Maven Update Dependencies then Maven Update Project Configuration.

I had this problem today and could solve it by deleting the according folder in \profiles\AppSrv1\installedApps\. I don't think this is a general solution for this problem, but I could not find this hint on any of the other discussions for ADMA0176E.

Following files were missing for my project. Copying these files from another project solved the problem.
security.xml at path: [ibmconfig/cells/defaultCell]
deployment.xml, resources.xml and variables.xml at path: [ibmconfig/cells/defaultCell/applications/defaultApp/deployments/defaultApp]
This worked on IBM WAS 7.


Plugin and dependency not found

i've created a project with Jhipster, when i open the project with IntelliJ i have these problems in pom.xml:
pom.xml problems
I tried maven clean/package/install, the first two run successfully but when i run maven install a test fails:
test failure
I also tried to use plugin registry (in maven settings) and invalidate caches but still not work. In the end i tried different JDK but i have the same problems. Can someone help me please?
I use JDK 11.0.15, Node 16.15.1, Git 2.36.1 and i'm on windows 10.
For those interested in troubleshooting pom.xml i solved by updating the repository (on IntelliJ go file/settings/build, execution, deployment/build tools/maven/repositories both remote and local) and reloading all maven projects.

Adding .jar Files in Visual Studio Code

First and foremost, I really appreciate your help. I am trying to build an application by using an external library Apachi Poi. I know I need to add jar files to the project; however, I don't know how I should do that plus I have been searching on the Internet for a solution, but I could not find one even I checked this. My OS is Linux and I am running 1.33.1 version of VSCode.
[UPDATE]: I have fixed my problem. What I basically did was to install maven command to my
Linux machine and now I am using mvn command along with pom.xml to add my .jar files to
the project.

Eclipse with WebLogic do not redeploy

after I make some editing to few source java files, the weblogic plugin seems to not re-deploy the application because it show me a older version of build.
I've tried to:
Add-remove resource from weblogic plugin
Clean and republish
Reinstall weblogic
Into bin directory I see that the .class are correctly updated!
Any suggestions?
many thanks
Deleting all classes directory folder solved the problem!

How can I install Maven plug-in in Anypoint Studio?

For one of my POC, I need to get Maven plug-in installed in my Mule Anypoint studio. How I can install the same?
Follow the steps provided by Pratikkumar. Please remember either you need to get settings.xml from your client or get authentication details to connect nexus repository and create settings.xml. This settings.xml should be placed under .m2 folder(Local repository).
click Help > Install New Software and in Work with, click Anypoint Addons Update Site > Maven Tools for Mule. Click Next and follow the install prompts:
you can follow the next instructions from the below links.
maven installed on your local machine contains conf folder under that global (settings.xml) is available.
copy the settings.xml and placed under .m2 folder(Local repository).
.m2 folder is generated by executing mvn in cmd prompt.
place the authentication details in settings.xml to connect with nexus repository(if it enterprise)
In Anypoint studio click on help==>click on install new software and follow the steps provided in the below image url.
After completing this process change the Installed JRE'S in build path to JDK and restart Any point studio.

Can't install practically macro on eclipse

I can't install practically macro on eclipse.`
Communication with repository at
Read Timeout
Tried to install from here dragging and dropping
And tried to install it from eclipse marketplace, both said the same thing.
I have eclipse luna 4.4.1.
I want to be able to do key shortcut for run cofiguration. Apperently i need this plug-in but can't install it.
Go to and download PracticallyMacro_x.x.x.jar.
Then create a directory "PracticallyMarco" inside the eclipse/plugins directory.
Extract all files from PracticallyMacro_x.x.x.jar into eclipse/plugins/PracticallyMarco.
Restart eclipse. (Maybe you should restart eclipse with the -clean option.)
Then you can use the PracticallyMacro from the main toolbar:
See also the file eclipse/plugins/PracticallyMarco/Instructions.txt for more details.
There is a GitHub fork that seems to work:
If you browse the repo you can find the following update site:
I tested it on latest eclipse PHOTON and it seems to work.