Help me understand why: [self propertyName] works while propertyName doesn't - objective-c

So I had a class defined with a property - we'll call it propertyName for the sake of this example. I had the property setup with #synthesize in my implementation.
I have a method called objectToNSDictionary which basically dumps that property into a dictionary:
NSDictionary *dict = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:
[self propertyName], #"propertyName", nil];
I return that dict to the caller I use a JSonWriter to convert it to a string and pass it off to some service...
Suffice it to say that the above works. However, my original implementation didn't use [self propertyName] but instead just used propertyName. When I did that, I always had an error saying unrecognized selector sent to instance when I tried to use the object in the caller.
What's the difference in syntax really saying and why does one work and not the other?

When you use [self propertyName] you are referencing the property you defined for your class, via the synthesized getter method. When you use propertyName directly you are bypassing the property and using the class ivar directly. This will work as long as your ivar really is called propertyName, which is not required and might not be the case. Generally its a bad idea to access your ivar directly because doing so circumvents the memory management scaffolding that the compiler generates for you.
You need to post relevant code from your calling class to be able to tell why you are getting a 'selector not recognized' message.


Check if a pointer is nil before instantiating

I'm new to Objective-C and I got really confused when I saw the if check in the getter of a property:
- (XXX)name {
if (!_name) _name = [[XXX alloc] init];
return _name;
Why do you have to check if the pointer is nil when instantiating? Isn't that all objects starts with 0(nil)? Why can't you just have the pointer point to the newly instantiated object on the left?
You can see the point of this when you consider that name is called several times. The first call on a particular instance will allocate _name. In the subsequent calls _name wouldn't be nil, so the previously allocated item would be returned.
This is a lazy initialization pattern. This implementation is fine in single-threaded environments, and in environments where objects with this method are not shared among threads.
In concurrent environments you should use a thread-safe version of this pattern, which uses a lock, or the dispatch_once method.
Why do you have to check if the pointer is nil when instantiating?
The second time you call the getter method, it's already instantiated. This pattern is used when you only want to instantiate the property once. If it's nil you haven't done it yet. If it's non nil just return the value.
Isn't that all objects starts with 0(nil)?
Yep. If it's nil that means you need to instantiate it. So go ahead and do that, and from then on return that instance.
Why can't you just have the pointer point to the newly instantiated object on the left?
Huh? I have no idea what you are asking here.
This is a very common mini-pattern in Objective-C. You see it, for example, in custom property getters. The idea is to create an object, but only if you haven't created one before (and if you have, just return it). As #Nicholas Hart says in his comment, this also helps achieves lazy initialization (an object is created if and when it is referenced.
- (MyType *)myProperty
_myProperty = [[MyType alloc] init];
return _myProperty;
// somewhere else, you want to use the property:
[self.myProperty doSomething];
In the call to doSomething, the getter method myProperty will be called, and the _myProperty ivar (which is behind the myProperty property) will be initialized, if necessary.

Correct way of setting a BOOL property

I have a BOOL property that I want to set in my class initializer.
#property (assign, nonatomic) BOOL isEditMode;
- (id)init
. . .
[self setValue:NO forKey:isEditMode];
return self;
The compiler gives me an "Incompatible integer to pointer conversion" warning. What am i doing wrong here?
The Key-Value Coding method setValue:forKey: only accepts objects as arguments. To set a BOOL, you need to wrap the number in a value object with [NSNumber numberWithBool:NO]. But there's little reason to do that. Key-Value Coding is a roundabout way to accomplish this. Either do self.isEditMode = NO or just isEditMode = NO. The latter is preferable in an init method (because setters can run arbitrary code that might not be desirable before an object is fully set up).
But to elaborate on the first point: The reason Key-Value Coding works this way is because the type system can't represent an argument that's sometimes an object and at other times a primitive value. So KVC always deals with objects and just autoboxes primitive values as necessary. Similarly, if you do [yourObject valueForKey:#"isEditMode"], you'll get back an NSNumber object wrapping the real value.
The correct syntax to set a property is just
self.isEditMode = NO;
If you want to use -setValue:forKey: you'd have to write it as
[self setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBOOL:NO] forKey:#"isEditMode"];
However, there's absolutely no reason to do this in your situation.
That said, since you're in an init method, I would strongly recommend avoiding any property access whatsoever and instead using the ivar directly, as in
isEditMode = NO;
This avoids the possibility of an overridden setter being called (either in this class or a subclass) that makes the assumption that the object has already completed initialization. For this same reason you also want to avoid property access inside of -dealloc.
You can just assign the value directly:
isEditMode = NO;
I think you mean:
self.isEditMode = NO;
If your code does indeed compile (I'm pretty new to Objective-C so I don't know) setValue probably takes a pointer to a string (#"isEditMode", e.g.) and not some other type (isEditMode, e.g.).

Is it best to return NSArray or void and update self property?

I am working on a delegate class that controls several views, and find myself switching between updating properties in the delegate and returning values from methods. What is the proper way to do this?
return myarray;
[self myarray:value]
--------------- Clarification of question below
if I have a helper method that converts an NSArray into a NSDictionary
should I call my helper method and expect a return of NSDictionary, or should I update a variable in memory and return void.
There's a case for each approach, depending on what you are really doing. The two choices are:
It is truly a helper method, that has use in many places in your application.
It is specific to a single class and the dictionary is a member of that class.
OPTION 1) If it is truly a helper method, I believe that you should return the NSDictionary from the method. I'm assuming it is newly allocated within that method.
In other words, prefer:
+ (NSDictionary *) dictFromArray:(NSArray *);
If it has utility outside of a single class, you could put it in a sensible class that collects related utility methods.
The alternative approach of passing in an empty dictionary to be filled is practiced in C because it creates symmetry around allocating and freeing and makes it clear who owns the memory.
In Objective-C, reference counting takes care of that, so you can avoid the extra code of allocating empty objects just to call the method.
For example:
NSMutableDictionary *myDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
dictFromArray(myArray, myDict);
When it comes to knowing who owns the object, you should stick to Objective-C conventions, where:
+ (NSDictionary *) dictFromArray:(NSArray *)array
returns an autorelease object, so the caller knows they need to retain it if they want to hold a reference.
OPTION 2) If the functionality is specific to a single class and that class has the dictionary as a member, then I would pass in the array, update the dictionary member variable using the array contents, and return void.
Something like:
- (void) setBlahFromArray:(NSArray *)array
The question is confusing as stated. If they are properties then you have accessor methods that usually include something like:
-(void) setMyValue: (NSString*) inNewValue;
-(NSString*) myValue;
but it seems like you are probably asking something else since these can be dynamically synthesized for you by the compiler... So try rephrasing the question and we'll try again to help.

incompatible pointer type

I have this class:
#interface G2Matrix : NSObject
- (id) initWithArray:(float *)val;
This line below give me a warning saying that the first argument to the method initWithArray has an incompatible pointer type:
float m[16];
G2Matrix* matrix = [[[G2Matrix alloc] initWithArray:m] autorelease];
If I change the method name to something like initWithArray1 the warning disappears. I know that some objects in foundation classes have a method with the same name, but I am deriving from NSObject, which doesn't have this method. What gives?
Additional info - I call the same initWithArray method from other init methods in the G2Matrix class, but I don't see the warning there.
At a guess, this is a type problem:
Inside the other init methods, you call [self initWithArray:...]. self is typed as a G2Matrix*. In this context the compiler can fully resolve which imp (C function pointer) will eventually handle the method call, and detect its signature (argument and return types) correctly.
Out in regular code, [G2Matrix alloc] returns an id. In this context the compiler can only tell the method selector, which will be bound to an imp at runtime. It has to guess which initWithArray: you mean, and as you can see from the warning it guesses wrong, since a foundation class has an initWithArray: method with a different signature. Your code does still work, the compiler just can't be certain.
Picking a unique name for the initMethod (initWithFloats: maybe?) is the recommended way to shut the warning up. Other ways are: break it into two lines; or cast the alloc return value to the right class:
G2Matrix *matrix = [G2Matrix alloc];
matrix = [[matrix initWithArray:pointerToFloats] autorelease];
// or
G2Matrix* matrix = [[(G2Matrix *)[G2Matrix alloc] initWithArray:m] autorelease];
Looks a little odd, but allows you to turn the treat-warnings-as-errors compiler flag back on.
#tathagata thats because initWithArray is method defined in NSArray class so you cannot use it unless you subclass NSArray class.
see the documentation on NSArray
by use the method, i meant Override the existing method for your purpose which is not a good idea you can find the Subclassing Notes in the document.

Using class as key in NSDictionary

I'm writing a contextual "factory" that will maintain a dictionary of converter/acting objects which inherit from some Converter class. This class has a method:
- (Class)classResponsibility
Or something similar, such that a StringConverter class would implement the method as:
- (Class)classResponsibility {
return [NSString class];
Then to store that converter in the dictionary, I had hoped on doing something like:
[converters setValue:stringConverter forKey:[stringConverter classResponsibility]];
But the compiler complains that the type "Class" is an invalid parameter type for argument 2 of the setValue:forKey: method. I had wanted to avoid setting the key as the Class's name ("NSString"), but if that's the best solution than I'll go with it.
You're using setValue:forKey: which only takes NSStrings as keys. you should be using setObject:forKey: instead. A class object (pointers to class objects can be passed as type Class) is a full-fledged Objective-C object (a class object is an instance of its meta-class, and you can use all the NSObject methods on a class object; read more about meta-classes here), so they can be used anywhere objects are used.
Another requirement for keys of a dictionary is that they support copying (i.e. have the copyWithZone: method. Do class objects support this method? In fact, it does. The NSObject class defines a class method +copyWithZone:, whose documentation explicitly says that it "lets you use a class object as a key to an NSDictionary object". I think that's the answer to your question.
Your other option is to use [NSValue valueWithNonretainedObject:yourObjectHere] to construct the key from something other than a string. I ran into a similar problem and I wanted to use a CoreData object as the key and something else as the value. This NSValue method worked perfect and I believe was it's original intent. To get back to the original value just call nonretainedObjectValue
While a Class object makes a perfectly good key in an NSDictionary, it's worth mentioning NSMapTable, which is modeled after NSDictionary, but provides more flexibility as to what kind of objects are suitable for use as keys and/or values, documented to support weak references and arbitrary pointers.
-setValue:forKey: is documented to take an NSString as the second parameter. You'll have to use NSStringFromClass() and NSClassFromString() as adaptors.
I was looking for the setObject:forKey: method instead of setValue:forKey:. The method signature for setObject:forKey: accepts (id) as both parameter types, and is much better suited.
I just had a similar situation crop up with the exact same error message:
[tempDictionary setObject:someDictionary forKey:someClass];
All I did was implement the NSCopying protocol in someClass:
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
id copy = [[[self class] allocWithZone:zone] init];
[copy setId:[self id]];
[copy setTitle:[self title]];
return copy;
I think what was happening was that a copy of someClass was being made in order to be used as the key, but since my object didn't know how to copy itself (deriving from NSObject it didn't have a copyWithZone in the superclass) it balked.
One thing I've found with my approach is that it's use an object as a key. Unless I already have the object instantiated, I'm constantly calling allKeys or just otherwise enumerating over the dictionary.
[After writing this, I see that you want to store the class as such as the key. I'm leaving this out there because I would have saved a lot of time if I had found my answer when I was searching SO. I didn't find anything like this then.]
You can use classes as NSDictionary's keys like this:
(id)[MyClass1 class] : #1,
(id)[MyClass2 class] : #2,
(id)[MyClass3 class] : #3,
(id)[MyClass4 class] : #4,
Or even like this:
MyClass1.self : #1,
MyClass2.self : #2,
MyClass3.self : #3,
MyClass4.self : #4,