I am new to WCFweb api WEb service in MVC I did a sample service using ADO.net Entity frame work it return result in XMl format I want to Json format I wrote the code like that.
[WebGet(UriTemplate = "ListAccount", ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
public IEnumerable<account> Get()
IEnumerable<account> objAcct = from cat in objEntity.accounts select cat;
List<account> Result;
Result = new List<account>();
foreach (account Account in objAcct)
account objAcc = new account();
objAcc.AccountNumber = Account.AccountNumber;
objAcc.AccountType = Account.AccountType;
objAcc.BusinessName = Account.BusinessName;
objAcc.AccountId = Account.AccountId;
objAcc.PrimaryContactFirstName = Account.PrimaryContactFirstName;
objAcc.PrimaryContactLastName = Account.PrimaryContactLastName;
objAcc.PrimaryContactEmail = Account.PrimaryContactEmail;
objAcc.PrimaryContactPhone = Account.PrimaryContactPhone;
objAcc.AccountGuid = Account.AccountGuid;
return Result.AsQueryable();
Please help me how can i get Json format result?
Try sending a Accept header with the value application/json.
I am Consuming web api service from one project (project1) to another project (project2) but when i try to get the response from project2 to project1 with this code
using (var client = new WebClient())
string json = URL;
Var jdownload = client.DownloadString(json);
It's adding back slashed into "jdownload" Var please guide me how i can get that response without that backslashes
“servicefor” = “GetData”,
“settings” = {
I got the solution how can i get the Clean Jason
public JObject GetData(string dataO)
var data = MethodToGetData(dataO);
JObject pobj = JObject.FromObject(new
type = "stgdats",
val = "val",
d_id = id,
sat = data
return pobj;
I am trying to adapt an existing WebApi/MVC4 app to use Breeze lookups.
Currently I retrieve my DTOs via
public IQueryable<ThingDto> GetThings()
var channelFactory = ThingServiceConfiguration.CreateChannelFactory();
_serviceFactory = () => new WcfProxy<IThingService>(channelFactory.CreateChannel());
var client = _serviceFactory();
IQueryable<ThingDto> result = client.Execute(p => p.GetThings()).OrderBy(x => x.Name).AsQueryable();
return result;
I'm not sure how I implement this method Metadata()
public string Metadata()
//normally something like this if using a EF DataContext
// return _someContextProvider.Context.Things;
How I setup the WCF config
public class ThingServiceConfiguration
const string AppSettingKey = "ThingServiceUrl";
public static ChannelFactory<IThingService> CreateChannelFactory()
// var serviceUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[AppSettingKey];
var serviceUrl = "http://localhost:86/ThingService.svc";
var binding = new BasicHttpBinding(BasicHttpSecurityMode.None)
MaxReceivedMessageSize = 200000000,
SendTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2),
ReceiveTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)
var address = new EndpointAddress(serviceUrl);
return new ChannelFactory<IThingService>(binding, address);
Could this metadata be provided with the WCF call into the Metadata() property (by providing arguments through BasicHttpBinding ?
Many thanks!
You can return Breeze 'native' metadata simply by returning the metadata in json form. Something like this:
public String Metadata() {
var folder = Path.Combine(HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath, "App_Data");
// metadata.json is the name of a file containing your metadata - pick any file name you like.
var fileName = Path.Combine(folder, "metadata.json");
var jsonMetadata = File.ReadAllText(fileName);
return jsonMetadata;
where the syntax of the metadata file is described here: Breeze metadata format.
I can create a WCF REST service and POST, PUT and GET data OK.
How do I access the request body in XML format on the service side to send to an SQL database?
You can actually pass arguments to to your web methods using this attribute
[WebGet(UriTemplate = "users/{username}")]
here is a sample method from msdn
[WebGet(UriTemplate = "users/{username}")]
User GetUserAccount(string username)
if (!IsUserAuthorized(username))
WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.StatusCode =
User user = FindUser(username);
if (user == null)
return null;
return user;
In MVC3, the Request object is available in the controller, with the content of the body being available in the InputStream object. This code worked for me:
this.Request.InputStream.Position = 0;
var xmlContent = new System.IO.StreamReader(this.Request.InputStream).ReadToEnd();
Hope that helps.
I have written a REST Service in WCF in which I have created a method(PUT) to update a user. for this method I need to pass multiple body parameters
[WebInvoke(Method = "PUT", UriTemplate = "users/user",BodyStyle=WebMessageBodyStyle.WrappedRequest)]
public bool UpdateUserAccount(User user,int friendUserID)
//do something
return restult;
Although I can pass an XML entity of user class if there is only one parameter. as following:
var myRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(serviceUrl);
myRequest.Method = "PUT";
myRequest.ContentType = "application/xml";
byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData);
myRequest.ContentLength = data.Length;
//add the data to be posted in the request stream
var requestStream = myRequest.GetRequestStream();
requestStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
but how to pass another parameter(friendUserID) value?
Can anyone help me?
For all method types except GET only one parameter can be sent as the data item. So either move the parameter to querystring
[WebInvoke(Method = "PUT", UriTemplate = "users/user/{friendUserID}",BodyStyle=WebMessageBodyStyle.WrappedRequest)]
public bool UpdateUserAccount(User user, int friendUserID)
//do something
return restult;
or add the parameter as node in the request data
<UpdateUserAccount xmlns="http://tempuri.org/">
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Closed 10 years ago.
I have a WCF Web Service with basicHTTPBinding , the server side the transfer mode is streamedRequest as the client will be sending us large file in the form of memory stream.
But on client side when i use transfer mode as streamedRequest its giving me a this errro
"The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request"
And when i look in to trace information , i see this as the error message
Exception: There is a problem with the XML that was received from the network. See inner exception for more details.
InnerException: The body of the message cannot be read because it is empty.
I am able to send up to 5MB of data using trasfermode as buffered , but it will effect the performance of my web service in the long run , if there are many clients who are trying to access the service in buffered transfer mode.
SmartConnect.Service1Client Serv = new SmartConnectClient.SmartConnect.Service1Client();
SmartConnect.OrderCertMailResponse OrderCert = new SmartConnectClient.SmartConnect.OrderCertMailResponse();
OrderCert.UserID = "abcd";
OrderCert.Password = "7a80f6623";
OrderCert.SoftwareKey = "90af1";
string applicationDirectory = #"\\inid\utty\Bran";
byte[] CertMail = File.ReadAllBytes(applicationDirectory + #"\5mb_test.zip");
MemoryStream str = new MemoryStream(CertMail);
//OrderCert.Color = true;
//OrderCert.Duplex = false;
//OrderCert.FirstClass = true;
//OrderCert.File = str;
//OrderCert.ReturnAddress1 = "Test123";
//OrderCert.ReturnAddress2 = "Test123";
//OrderCert.ReturnAddress3 = "Test123";
//OrderCert.ReturnAddress4 = "Test123";
OrderCert.File = str;
//string OrderNumber = "";
//string Password = OrderCert.Password;
//int ReturnCode = 0;
//string ReturnMessage = "";
//string SoftwareKey = OrderCert.SoftwareKey;
//string UserID = OrderCert.UserID;
//OrderCert.File = str;
MemoryStream FileStr = str;
// Serv.OrderCertMail(ref OrderNumber, ref Password, ref ReturnCode, ref ReturnMessage, ref SoftwareKey, ref UserID, ref FileStr );
lblON.Text = OrderCert.OrderNumber;
// My Web Service - Service Contract
OrderCertMailResponse OrderCertMail(OrderCertMailResponse OrderCertMail);
public class OrderCertMailResponse
string userID = "";
string password = "";
string softwareID = "";
MemoryStream file = null;
//MemoryStream str = null;
public string UserID
get { return userID; }
set { userID = value; }
public string Password
get { return password; }
set { password = value; }
public string SoftwareKey
get { return softwareID; }
set { softwareID = value; }
// [DataMember]
public MemoryStream File
get { return file; }
set { file = value; }
public string ReturnMessage;
public int ReturnCode;
public string OrderNumber;
[ServiceBehavior(IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults = true)]
public class Service1 : IService1
public OrderCertMailResponse OrderCertMail(OrderCertMailResponse OrderCertMail)
OrderService CertOrder = new OrderService();
ClientUserInfo Info = new ClientUserInfo();
ControlFileInfo Control = new ControlFileInfo();
//Info.Password = "f2496623"; // hard coded password for development testing purposes
//Info.SoftwareKey = "6dbb71"; // hard coded software key this is a developement software key
//Info.UserName = "sdfs"; // hard coded UserID - for testing
Info.UserName = OrderCertMail.UserID.ToString();
Info.Password = OrderCertMail.Password.ToString();
Info.SoftwareKey = OrderCertMail.SoftwareKey.ToString();
//Control.ReturnAddress1 = OrderCertMail.ReturnAddress1;
//Control.ReturnAddress2 = OrderCertMail.ReturnAddress2;
//Control.ReturnAddress3 = OrderCertMail.ReturnAddress3;
//Control.ReturnAddress4 = OrderCertMail.ReturnAddress4;
//Control.CertMailFirstClass = OrderCertMail.FirstClass;
//Control.CertMailColor = OrderCertMail.Color;
//Control.CertMailDuplex = OrderCertMail.Duplex;
//byte[] CertFile = new byte[0];
//byte[] CertFile = null;
//string applicationDirectory = #"\\inid\utility\Bryan";
// byte[] CertMailFile = File.ReadAllBytes(applicationDirectory + #"\3mb_test.zip");
//MemoryStream str = new MemoryStream(CertMailFile);
OrderCertMailResponseClass OrderCertResponse = CertOrder.OrderCertmail(Info,Control,OrderCertMail.File);
OrderCertMail.ReturnMessage = OrderCertResponse.ReturnMessage.ToString();
OrderCertMail.ReturnCode = Convert.ToInt32(OrderCertResponse.ReturnCode.ToString());
OrderCertMail.OrderNumber = OrderCertResponse.OrderNumber;
return OrderCertMail;
Below are my new operation contract which takes only datastream as a parameter
SmartStream SendStream(MemoryStream DataStream);
public SmartStream SendStream(MemoryStream DataStream)
OrderService CertOrder = new OrderService();
ClientUserInfo Info = new ClientUserInfo();
ControlFileInfo Control = new ControlFileInfo();
MemoryStream serverStream = null;
Info.Password = "78f24dsfsdf96623";
Info.SoftwareKey = "dfs6dbb71";
Info.UserName = "ssfsdf";
using (serverStream = new MemoryStream(100))
int count = 0;
const int buffLen = 4096;
byte[] buf = new byte[buffLen];
while ((count = CertFile.Read(buf, 0, buffLen)) > 0)
serverStream.Write(buf, 0, count);
return null;
My client method to access
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
SmartConnect.Service1Client Serv = new
string applicationDirectory = #"\\intrepid\utility\Bryan";
byte[] CertMail = File.ReadAllBytes(applicationDirectory + #"\100mb_test.zip");
MemoryStream str = new MemoryStream(CertMail);
SmartConnectClient.SmartConnect.SendStreamRequest request =
new SmartConnectClient.SmartConnect.SendStreamRequest();
SmartConnectClient.SmartConnect.SmartStream SmartStr =
new SmartConnectClient.SmartConnect.SmartStream();
request.DataStream = str;
SmartConnectClient.SmartConnect.SendStreamResponse response = Serv.SendStream(request);
Pinu, I still think you're probably not doing the service contract right for WCF streaming. See the MSDN docs on WCF Streaming - especially this section on restrictions:
Restrictions on Streamed Transfers
Using the streamed transfer mode
causes the run time to enforce
additional restrictions.
Operations that occur across a
streamed transport can have a contract
with at most one input or output
parameter. That parameter corresponds
to the entire body of the message and
must be a Message, a derived type of
Stream, or an IXmlSerializable
implementation. Having a return value
for an operation is equivalent to
having an output parameter.
From your code posted, I'm still under the impression you're trying to mix both buffered and streamed transfers.
If you want to have real streaming, your service contract must look something like:
interface IUploadFileService
UploadResponse UploadFile(Stream file);
That's about all you can have in your service contract for that service method.
Also have a look at some really good blog posts on streaming here and here.
#Marc - Thank you so much for all the your help. It helped me fix many of the problems of my service.
The web service started working when I ran it on local IIS on my machine , it was throwing all those errors when I was running on the Visual Studio development server. I could not figure why it is so , why it did not run on Visual studio development server.