WP7 fails to consume ASMX correctly ? Always get empty arrays? - wcf

I'm making a WP7 app, which is consuming an ASMX which I can't touch, nor adapt, since I'm not the creator, nor the provider, I'm just consuming it.
When I add the service reference to my WP7 solution (not mango - but it's the same behaviour in mango), I'll uncheck the "Reuse types in referenced assemblies" because I don't care about those.
Side Note: Even when I leave that checkbox checked it doesn't work either.
Then I add the following code to the constructor of a new WP7 page :
MobileWS.WebServiceSoapClient ws = new MobileWS.WebServiceSoapClient("WebServiceSoap", "http://www.somewhere.com/MobileService.asmx");
ws.getCountriesCompleted += new EventHandler<MobileWS.getCountriesCompletedEventArgs>(OnGetCountriesCompleted);
This goes out and fetches an array of Country objects ("fr" stands for "french", so it'll be "Etas Unis" instead of "United States")... at least that's the idea.
I even checked with Fiddler2 if it returned anything, and indeed, the ASMX responds with some XML that contains the countries.
Then my handler goes like this :
private void OnGetCountriesCompleted(object sender, MobileWS.getCountriesCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Cancelled == false && e.Error == null && e.Result != null)
List<MobileWS.Country> countries = e.Result.ToList<MobileWS.Country>();
CountriesListBox.ItemsSource = countries;
Unfortunatly the e.Result always returns an empty array of country objects (so non at all, but he knows there should be country objects in there, but there are 0 items in the array) !
Though, if I browse to : http://www.somewhere.com/MobileService.asmx I get the list when I invoke the getCountries function.
Even more strange, when I copy and past the exact same code in a WPF application it works like a charm, I get a filled array with 7 country objects in.
What's wrong ?
I'm refusing to parse the returned XML myself so far, but I'm feeling I will need to sooner or later because of this fail.
I'm pretty sure that the XML that is send back is correct, else the WPF application would have similar problems, no ?
So, looks like I'm doomed to parse it myself, then ?
I see a lot of examples on the web where they do that (parsing the XML result themselfs), so there must be a reason for that, and that reason is the one I describe above :).

Sounds like a serialization issue to me. And that's about all I can say, without knowing the service or how the used classes are written/generated.
Remember that Windows Phone have limited reflection abilities, and as such can only reflect on public/internal classes, and don't support dynamics.

What happens if you try to deserialize the result yourself? Granted, it's just a step away from parsing the xml manually, but it's something. If not, maybe you can find out what's going wrong.


How to use for loop instead of foreach loop in traversing GetProcessByName

I had been searching through the internet for getting all the processes of an application. And so far all the implementation of traversing it is by using foreach loop which I'm not familiar with. It works but I just can't rest easy for it working without me getting to understand it. So I'd like to ask if someone can show me how to implement such code using for loop.
System::Diagnostics::Process^ current = System::Diagnostics::Process::GetCurrentProcess();
for each (System::Diagnostics::Process^ process in System::Diagnostics::Process::GetProcessesByName(current->ProcessName))
if (process->Id != current->Id)
// process already exist
I'm using visual studio c++/clr btw, hence :: since it's not in c#.
GetProcessesByName returns a cli::array, so iterate using that and its length property.
cli::array<Process^>^ processes = Process::GetProcessesByName(current->ProcessName);
for (int i = 0; i < processes->Length; i++)
if (processes[i]->Id != current->Id)
// process already exist
That said, there might be a better way to do this.
It looks like you're trying to see if there's another copy of your application running, so that you can display an "App is already running, switch to that one instead" message to the user.
The problem is that the process name here is just the filename of your EXE, without the path or the "EXE" extension. Try renaming your application to "Notepad.exe", and run a couple copies of the Windows Notepad, and you'll see that they both show up in the GetProcessesByName result.
A better way to do this is to create a named Mutex, and check for its existence and/or lock status at startup.
Here's an answer that does just that. Prevent multiple instances of a given app in .NET? It is written in C#, but it can be translated to C++/CLI. The only notable thing about the translation is that it's using a C# using statement; in C++/CLI that would be the line Mutex mutex(false, "whatever string");, using C++/CLI's stack semantics.

How to prevent empty list errors in in clause in sql?

One common problem we have in our codebase is that people forget to check if a list is empty before using it in an in clause.
For example (in Scala with Anorm):
def exists(element: String, list: List[String]): Boolean =
SQL("select {element} in {list} as result")
.on('element -> element, 'list -> list)
This code works perfectly well as long as list has at least one element.
If it has 0 elements, you get a syntax error, which is weird if you're used to other programming languages that would allow this empty list case.
So, my question is: what's the best way to prevent this error from happening?
Initially, we did this:
def exists(element: String, list: List[String]): Boolean =
if (list.nonEmpty) {
SQL("select {element} in {list} as result")
.on('element -> element, 'list -> list)
} else {
This works perfectly well, and has the added advantage that it doesn't hit the database at all.
Unfortunately, we don't remember to do this every time, and it seems that 1-2 times a month we're fixing an issue related to this.
An alternate solution we came up with was to use a NonEmptyList class instead of a standard List. This class must have at least one element. This works excellent, but again, people have not been diligent with always using this class.
So I'm wondering if there's an approach I'm missing that prevent this type of error better?
It looks like you've already found a way to resolve this problem - you have an exists() function which handles an empty list cleanly. The problem is that people are writing their own exists() functions which don't do that.
You need to make sure that your function is accessible as a utility function, so that you can reuse it whenever you need to, rather than having to rewrite the function.
Your problem is an encapsulation problem: the Anorm API is like an open flame and people can burn themselves. If you rely just on people to take precautions, someone will get burnt.
The solution is to restrict the access to the Anorm API to a limited module/package/area of your code:
Anorm API will be private and accessible only from very few places, where it is going to be easy to perform the necessary controls. This part of the code will expose an API
Every other part of the code will need to go through that API, effectively using Anorm in the "safe" way

Get referring method in VB.net

I'm trying to get the referring method in vb.net.
e.g. I have 1 generic method (sendMail) that handle's emails, any other method can call this. I want sendMail to log an entry to the database when it sends an email. In this log i want the name of method that calls sendMail. I can do it by passing paramaters but I would like to know if sendMail can access the name of the method that calls it.
I found this article that works great in vs
Is it possible to get the referring method in VB.NET?
but unfortunately i'm working in a proprietary application and their IDE and the output I get from StackFrame is 'ExecuteAction at offset 1438 in file:line:column :0:0 '. I think it might be because the StackFrame used in example by Jon works in debug mode not release. (MSDN said something about debug mode but i'm not 100% sure here)
Is there another way of getting the calling method name?
Or am I using StackFrame incorrectly?
Cheers in advance.
public string GetStackTrace()
StackTrace st = new StackTrace(true);
StackFrame[] frames = st.GetFrames();
return frames[1].GetMethod().Name.ToString();
give it a try:
this method will most likely return the name of its caller, with a few adjustment, you cant tweak it to nest back by increasing the index of the frames array.
good luck

Use UUID as action parameters in Play Framework

I'd like to use UUID as action parameters. However, unless I use .toString() on the UUID objects when generating the action URL's, Play seems to serialize the object differently; Something like this: referenceId.sequence=-1&referenceId.hashCode=1728064460&referenceId.version=-1&referenceId.variant=-1&referenceId.timestamp=-1&referenceId.node=-1
However, using toString "works", but when I redirect from one action to another by simply invoking the method directly, there's no way I can call toString, as the method expects a UUID. Therefore it gives me the representation shown above.
Is there any way I can intersect the serialization of a certain type?
aren't you able to just use string in your action parameter? you know that this string is an UUID, so you can always recreate UUID from it. Maybe this is not the solution for you but that's my first thought. As far as I know play serializes objects like that when passing them trough paremeters.
If this does not work for you try finding something here: http://www.playframework.org/documentation/1.2.4/controllers
I found a way to do this, but right now it means hacking a part of the frameworks code itself.
What you basically need is a TypeBinder for binding the value from the String to the UUID
and a small code change in
if (!isAsAnnotation) {
// We want to use that one so when redirecting it looks ok. We could as well use the DateBinder.ISO8601 but the url looks terrible
if (Calendar.class.isAssignableFrom(src.getClass())) {
result.put(name, new SimpleDateFormat(I18N.getDateFormat()).format(((Calendar) src).getTime()));
} else {
result.put(name, new SimpleDateFormat(I18N.getDateFormat()).format((Date) src));
//here's the changed code
else if (UUID.class.isAssignableFrom(src.getClass()))
result.put(name, src.toString());
else {
// this code is responsible for the behavior you're seeing right now
Field[] fields = src.getClass().getDeclaredFields();
for (Field field : fields) {
if ((field.getModifiers() & BeanWrapper.notwritableField) != 0) {
// skip fields that cannot be bound by BeanWrapper
I'm working with the framework authors on a fix for this. will come back later with results.
if you need this urgently, apply the change to the code yourself and rebuild the framework by issuing
in the playframework/framework

Why does resolveBinding() return null even though I setResolveBindings(true) on my ASTParser?

I am writing an Eclipse plug-in that uses JDT AST's ASTParser to parse a method. I am looking within that method for the creation of a particular type of object.
When I find a ClassInstanceCreation, I call getType() on it to see what type is being instantiated. I want to be sure that the fully-resolved type being dealt with there is the one I think it is, so I tell the resultant Type object to resolveBinding(). I get null back even though there are no compilation errors and even though I called setResolveBindings(true) on my ASTParser. I gave my ASTParser (via setSource()) the ICompilationUnit that contains my method, so the parser has access to the entire workspace context.
final IMethod method = ...;
final ASTParser parser = ASTParser.newParser(AST.JLS3);
parser.setSourceRange(method.getSourceRange().getOffset(), method.getSourceRange().getLength());
final TypeDeclaration astRoot = (TypeDeclaration) parser.createAST(null);
final ClassInstanceCreation classInstanceCreation = walkAstAndFindMyExpression(astRoot);
final Type instantiatedType = classInstanceCreation.getType();
System.out.println("BINDING: " + instantiatedType.resolveBinding());
Why does resolveBinding() return null? How can I get the binding information?
Tucked away at the bottom of the overview of ASTParser.setKind(), carefully hidden from people troubleshooting resolveBinding() and setResolveBindings(), is the statement
Binding information is only computed when kind is K_COMPILATION_UNIT.
(from the online Javadoc)
I don't understand offhand why this would be the case, but it does seem to point pretty clearly at what needs to be different!