Extra row to SELECT statement, crosstab? Access 2007 - sql

I'm working with some biostats people and of course they love SAS. I have a select statement below that works for testing the presence of certain problems a person can have. It's a binary thing so they either do or they don't. If a person has heart problem and a respiratory problem, then their patientID will be listed twice. How can I add an extra column of a 1 or 0 for every morbidity? So, if I have three problems and they are "HEART", "LUNG" and "UTI", an extra column would be generated that has a 1 or 0 based on the presence of that a person had that problem or not.
I suppose I can use Excel to make it a crosstab, but eventually it will need to be in that format. Below is my SELECT statement. Thanks, folks!
TRANSFORM First(Person.PersonID) AS Morbidity
SELECT Person.PersonID, Person.Age, Person.Sex
FROM tblKentuckyCounties INNER JOIN ((tblComorbidity INNER JOIN comorbidVisits ON tblComorbidity.ID = comorbidVisits.comorbidFK) INNER JOIN (Person INNER JOIN tblComorbidityPerson ON Person.PersonID = tblComorbidityPerson.personID) ON tblComorbidity.ID = tblComorbidityPerson.comorbidityFK) ON tblKentuckyCounties.ID = Person.County
WHERE (((tblComorbidity.comorbidityexplanation)="anxiety and depression" Or (tblComorbidity.comorbidityexplanation)="heart" Or (tblComorbidity.comorbidityexplanation)="hypertension" Or (tblComorbidity.comorbidityexplanation)="pressure sores" Or (tblComorbidity.comorbidityexplanation)="tobacco" Or (tblComorbidity.comorbidityexplanation)="uti"))
GROUP BY Person.PersonID, Person.Age, Person.Sex, tblComorbidity.comorbidityexplanation
PIVOT Person.Race;

This is not tested:
TRANSFORM IIf([c.comorbidityexplanation]=
[c.comorbidityexplanation],1,0) AS Morbidity
SELECT p.PersonID, p.Age, p.Sex, p.Race
FROM tblKentuckyCounties kc
INNER JOIN ((tblComorbidity c
INNER JOIN comorbidVisits cv
ON c.ID = cv.comorbidFK)
INNER JOIN (Person p
INNER JOIN tblComorbidityPerson cp
ON p.PersonID = cp.personID)
ON c.ID = cp.comorbidityFK)
ON kc.ID = p.County
GROUP BY p.PersonID, p.Age, p.Sex, p.Race
PIVOT c.comorbidityexplanation


SQL many to many select people with multiple vacancies

I am working with sql server through SSMS right now. How can i choose all people with multiple(>2)vacancies?
I am trying something like that, but i dont understand how to make part with "more than 2 vacancies"?
SELECT dbo.applicants.FirstName, dbo.vacancy.Name
FROM dbo.applicants INNER JOIN
dbo.VacancyApplicant ON dbo.applicants.id = dbo.VacancyApplicant.ApplicantId INNER JOIN
dbo.vacancy ON dbo.VacancyApplicant.VacancyId = dbo.vacancy.id WHERE dbo.vacancy.Name='third vacancy'
SELECT dbo.applicants.FirstName, dbo.vacancy.Name
FROM dbo.applicants A INNER JOIN
dbo.VacancyApplicant V ON A.id = V.ApplicantId
FROM dbo.applicants INNER JOIN
dbo.VacancyApplicant ON dbo.applicants.id =
dbo.VacancyApplicant.ApplicantId INNER JOIN
dbo.vacancy ON dbo.VacancyApplicant.VacancyId = dbo.vacancy.id
WHERE A.id=dbo.applicants.id
GROUP BY dbo.applicants.id,dbo.vacancy.id
Group By and Having are you basic answer. Below is a simple solution, might not be ideal, but can give you the idea.
I am finding target "applicants" ids in subquery, that uses GROUP BY and HAVING then outer query joins to that to output FirstName and LastName of applicant
SELECT dbo.applicants.FirstName, dbo.applicants.LastName FROM
dbo.applicants a INNER JOIN
SELECT dbo.applicants.id
FROM dbo.applicants INNER JOIN
dbo.VacancyApplicant ON dbo.applicants.id = dbo.VacancyApplicant.ApplicantId INNER JOIN
dbo.vacancy ON dbo.VacancyApplicant.VacancyId = dbo.vacancy.id AND dbo.vacancy.Name='third vacancy'
GROUP BY dbo.applications.id
HAVING COUNT(dbo.vacancy.id) > 2
) targetIds ON a.id = targetIds.id
"more than 2 vacancies"?
Your question only mentions vacancies but your query is filtering for a particular name. I assume you really want more than two of that name.
If I understand correctly, you want aggregation:
SELECT a.FirstName, a.Name
FROM dbo.applicants a INNER JOIN
dbo.VacancyApplicant va
ON a.id = va.ApplicantId INNER JOIN
dbo.vacancy v
ON va.VacancyId = v.id
WHERE v.Name = 'third vacancy'
GROUP BY a.FirstName, v.Name
Note the use of table aliases. They make the query easier to write and to read.
,COUNT (va.VacancyId) OVER (PARTITION BY ap.id) AS NoOfVacancies
FROM dbo.applicants ap
JOIN dbo.VacancyApplicant va
ON ap.id = va.ApplicantId
JOIN dbo.vacancy vc
ON va.VacancyId = vc.id
SELECT FirstName,[Name], NoOfVacancies FROM TempCTE
WHERE NoOfVacancies > 2

How to create distinct count from queries with several tables

I am trying to create one single query that will give me a distinct count for both the ActivityID and the CommentID. My query in MS Access looks like this:
tbl_Category.Category, Count(tbl_Activity.ActivityID) AS CountOfActivityID,
Count(tbl_Comments.CommentID) AS CountOfCommentID
FROM tbl_Category LEFT JOIN
(tbl_Activity LEFT JOIN tbl_Comments ON
tbl_Activity.ActivityID = tbl_Comments.ActivityID) ON
tbl_Category.CategoryID = tbl_Activity.CategoryID
(((tbl_Activity.UnitID)=5) AND ((tbl_Comments.PeriodID)=1))
I know the answer must somehow include SELECT DISTINCT but am not able to get it to work. Do I need to create multiple subqueries?
This is really painful in MS Access. I think the following does what you want to do:
SELECT ac.Category, ac.num_activities, aco.num_comments
FROM (SELECT ca.category, COUNT(*) as num_activities
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT c.Category, a.ActivityID
FROM (tbl_Category as c INNER JOIN
tbl_Activity as a
ON c.CategoryID = a.CategoryID
tbl_Comments as co
ON a.ActivityID = co.ActivityID
WHERE a.UnitID = 5 AND co.PeriodID = 1
) as caa
GROUP BY ca.category
) as ca LEFT JOIN
(SELECT c.Category, COUNT(*) as num_comments
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT c.Category, co.CommentId
FROM (tbl_Category as c INNER JOIN
tbl_Activity as a
ON c.CategoryID = a.CategoryID
tbl_Comments as co
ON a.ActivityID = co.ActivityID
WHERE a.UnitID = 5 AND co.PeriodID = 1
) as aco
GROUP BY c.Category
) as aco
ON aco.CommentId = ac.CommentId
Note that your LEFT JOINs are superfluous because the WHERE clause turns them into INNER JOINs. This adjusts the logic for that purpose. The filtering is also very tricky, because it uses both tables, requiring that both subqueries have both JOINs.
You can use DISTINCT:
tbl_Category.Category, Count(DISTINCT tbl_Activity.ActivityID) AS CountOfActivityID,
Count(DISTINCT tbl_Comments.CommentID) AS CountOfCommentID
FROM tbl_Category LEFT JOIN
(tbl_Activity LEFT JOIN tbl_Comments ON
tbl_Activity.ActivityID = tbl_Comments.ActivityID) ON
tbl_Category.CategoryID = tbl_Activity.CategoryID
(((tbl_Activity.UnitID)=5) AND ((tbl_Comments.PeriodID)=1))

Access Subquery On mulitple conditions

This SQL query needs to be done in ACCESS.
I am trying to do a subquery on the total sales, but I want to link the sale to the province AND to product. The below query will work with one or the other: (po.product_name = allp.all_products) AND (p.province = allp.all_province); -- but it will no take both.
I will be including every month into this query, once I can figure out the subquery on with two criteria.
p.province as [Province],
po.product_name as [Product],
(purchase_order po
INNER JOIN person p
on p.person_id = po.person_id)
left join
po1.product_name AS [all_products],
sum(pp1.price) AS [all_price],
p1.province AS [all_province]
from (purchase_order po1
INNER JOIN product pp1
on po1.product_name = pp1.product_name)
INNER JOIN person p1
on po1.person_id = p1.person_id
group by po1.product_name, pp1.price, p1.province
as allp
on (po.product_name = allp.all_products) AND (p.province = allp.all_province);
Make the first select sql into a table by giving it an alias and join table 1 to table 2. I don't have your table structure or data to test it but I think this will lead you down the right path:
select table1.*, table2.*
p.province as [Province],
po.product_name as [Product]
--removed this ,all_price
(purchase_order po
INNER JOIN person p
on p.person_id = po.person_id) table1
left join
po1.product_name AS [all_products],
sum(pp1.price) AS [all_price],
p1.province AS [all_province]
from (purchase_order po1
INNER JOIN product pp1
on po1.product_name = pp1.product_name)
INNER JOIN person p1
on po1.person_id = p1.person_id
group by po1.product_name, pp1.price, p1.province --check your group by, I dont think you want pp1.price here if you want to aggregate
) as table2 --changed from allp
on (table1.product = table2.all_products) AND (table1.province = table2.all_province);

Return rows where a customer bought things on same day

Can someone help me with the rest of my Query.
This query gives me Customer, AdressNr, Date, Employee, Article, ActivityNr
from all the sales in my Company.
SELECT ad.Name + ' ' + ad.Vorname AS Customer,
pa.Kunde AS CustomerNr,
CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),p.datum,126) AS Date,
(SELECT a.name + ' ' + a.Vorname AS Name FROM PRO_Mitarbeiter m LEFT JOIN ADR_Adressen a ON a.AdressNrADR=m.AdressNrADR WHERE m.MitNrPRO = l.MitNrPRO) as Employee,
p.Artikel_1 AS Article,
l.AufgabenNrCRM AS OrderNr
FROM ZUS_Therapie_Positionen p
INNER JOIN CRM_AufgabenLink l ON l.AufgabenNrCRM = p.Id_Aktivitaet
INNER JOIN CRM_Aufgaben ab ON ab.AufgabenNrCRM = p.Id_Aktivitaet
INNER JOIN PRO_Auftraege pa ON pa.AuftragNrPRO = ab.AuftragNrPRO
INNER JOIN ADR_Adressen ad ON ad.AdressNrADR = pa.Kunde
INNER JOIN ADR_GruppenLink gl ON gl.AdressNrADR = ad.AdressNrADR
INNER JOIN ADR_Gruppen g ON g.GruppeADR = gl.GruppeADR
WHERE l.MitNrPRO != 0
GROUP BY l.AufgabenNrCRM,ad.Name,ad.Vorname,pa.Kunde,p.datum,p.Artikel_1,l.MitNrPRO
ORDER BY pa.Kunde,p.datum,l.AufgabenNrCRM
My goal is to filter this so i get only rows back where the customer has bought more then 1 Thing on the same day. It doesn't matter if a customer bought the same Article twice on the same day. I want too see this also.
It's to complicated to write some SQL Fiddle for you but in this Picture you can see what my goal is. I want to take away all rows with an X on the left side and thoose with a Circle i want to Keep.
As I don't speak German, I won't target this specifically to your SQL. But see the following quasi-code for a similar example that you should be able to apply to your own script.
SELECT C.CustomerName, O.OrderDate, O.OrderNumber
JOIN ORDERS O ON O.Customer_ID = C.Customer_ID
(SELECT Customer_ID, OrderDate
GROUP BY Customer_ID, OrderDate
ON SRC.Customer_ID = O.Customer_ID AND SRC.OrderDate = O.OrderDate
In the script above, the last query (a subquery) would only return results where a customer had more than one order in a given day. By joining that to your main query, you would effectively produce the result asked in the OP.
Edit 1:
Regarding your comment below, I really recommend just going over your datamodel, trying to understand what's happening here, and fixing it on your own. But there is an easy - albeit hardly optimal solution to this by just using your own script above. Note, while this is not disastrous performance-wise, it's obviously not the cleanest, most effective method either. But it should work:
;WITH CTE AS (SELECT ad.Name + ' ' + ad.Vorname AS Customer,
pa.Kunde AS CustomerNr,
CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),p.datum,126) AS [Date],
(SELECT a.name + ' ' + a.Vorname AS Name FROM PRO_Mitarbeiter m LEFT JOIN ADR_Adressen a ON a.AdressNrADR=m.AdressNrADR WHERE m.MitNrPRO = l.MitNrPRO) as Employee,
p.Artikel_1 AS Article,
l.AufgabenNrCRM AS OrderNr
FROM ZUS_Therapie_Positionen p
INNER JOIN CRM_AufgabenLink l ON l.AufgabenNrCRM = p.Id_Aktivitaet
INNER JOIN CRM_Aufgaben ab ON ab.AufgabenNrCRM = p.Id_Aktivitaet
INNER JOIN PRO_Auftraege pa ON pa.AuftragNrPRO = ab.AuftragNrPRO
INNER JOIN ADR_Adressen ad ON ad.AdressNrADR = pa.Kunde
INNER JOIN ADR_GruppenLink gl ON gl.AdressNrADR = ad.AdressNrADR
INNER JOIN ADR_Gruppen g ON g.GruppeADR = gl.GruppeADR
WHERE l.MitNrPRO != 0
GROUP BY l.AufgabenNrCRM,ad.Name,ad.Vorname,pa.Kunde,p.datum,p.Artikel_1,l.MitNrPRO
ORDER BY pa.Kunde,p.datum,l.AufgabenNrCRM)
JOIN (Select CustomerNr, [Date]
GROUP BY CustomerNr, [Date]
ON SRC.CustomerNr = C.CustomerNr AND SRC.[Date] = C.[Date]
This should work directly. But as I said, this is an ugly workaround where we're basically all but fetching the whole set twice, as opposed to just limiting the sub query to just the bare minimum of necessary tables. Your choice. :)
Tried that also and it didnt work. I also made a new query trying to Keep it so simple as possible and it doesnt work either. It still give me Single values back..
SELECT p.Datum,a.AufgabenNrCRM,auf.Kunde FROM CRM_Aufgaben a
LEFT JOIN ZUS_Therapie_Positionen p ON p.Id_Aktivitaet = a.AufgabenNrCRM
LEFT JOIN PRO_Auftraege auf ON auf.AuftragNrPRO = a.AuftragNrPRO
(SELECT pa.Datum,au.Kunde FROM CRM_Aufgaben aa
LEFT JOIN ZUS_Therapie_Positionen pa ON pa.Id_Aktivitaet = aa.AufgabenNrCRM
LEFT JOIN PRO_Auftraege au ON au.AuftragNrPRO = aa.AuftragNrPRO
GROUP BY pa.Datum,au.Kunde
ON SRC.Kunde = auf.Kunde
GROUP BY p.Datum,a.AufgabenNrCRM,auf.Kunde
ORDER BY auf.Kunde,p.Datum

Query that counts the comments for each panelist

I have four tables with the following structure:
panelists (panelist_id, first_name, last_name, etc.)
projects (project_id, title, created_date, etc.)
panelists_on_projects (pp_id, panelist_id, project_id, etc.)
comments (comment_id, panelist_id, project_id, etc.)
Imagine I have four panelists on the same project ("x"), but only 3 of the panelists have left a comment. I am trying to figure out a query that counts the comments for each panelist and returns a zero for the panelist attached to project x, but who has not left a comment.
I tried using the following:
SELECT first_name, last_name, COUNT(comment_id)
from panelists
INNER JOIN comments USING (panelist_id)
WHERE project = x
But I only get results for the 3 panelists who have actually left a comment. Any suggestions?
The outer join is the key part, also I think you forgot about the project in the comments join. When you count by a specific column, null values will not be counted.
totalcomments = count(c.comment_id)
project pj
inner join panelists_on_projects pop on pop.project_id = pj.project_id
inner join panelist p on p.panelist_id = pop.panelist_id
left outer join comments c on
c.panelist_id = p.panelist_id
and c.project_id = pj.project_id
pj.title = 'X'
group by
Here is my implementation. Although if you know the project_id you can go straight to the panelists_on_projects table.
, pan.last_name
, count(com.comment_id)
projects proj
inner join panelists_on_project pop
on proj.panelist_id = pop.panelist_id
inner join panelist pan
on pop.panelist_id = pan.panelist_id
left outer join comments com
on pan.panelist_id = com.panelist_id
and com.project_id = proj.project_id
proj.title = 'x'
group by
, pan.last_name
Without the 2nd condition and com.project_id = proj.project_id on the comments join this would be the count of the total number of comments for all projects of the panelists that were on project 'x'
SELECT P.first_name, P.last_name, COUNT(C.comment_id)
FROM panelists as P
LEFT JOIN panelists_on_projects AS PP ON PP.panelist_id = P.panelist_id
LEFT JOIN projects AS PR PN PP.project_id = PR.project_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN comments As C ON C.panelist_id = P.panelist_id AND C.project_id = PR.project_id
WHERE PR.title = "x"