I'm trying to create an animated ripple effect on the desktop of OSX. Not just the desktop, actually, but image of the desktop plus any windows on it.
As if the screen was a pond and a stone fell on a given point of it.
Can anyone give me some pointers on how to achieve this? Any sample source code woud be gratlt appreciated.
There is a small code fragment on this page, that describes how the author implemented a water ripple effect on iOS. Contains some development information and a video:
Core Image provides a CIRippleTransition (http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/GraphicsImaging/Reference/CoreImageFilterReference/Reference/reference.html#//apple_ref/doc/filter/ci/CIRippleTransition - AFAIK this was used by Dashboard < 10.7)
This example uses the CI Transition in combination with Core Animation:
If you combine that with a simple screenshot you get an image of your desktop & the desired ripple effect.
I need to blend a video over the image, as done like in this example link:
Where there is man with a beard and also a girl. The videos are blended with a background using what I suspect is a type of "lighting" blending mode.
Does anyone know how to achieve it with Elementor (a website creation tool)?
I've tried to find a setting in video container but there is no such option.
I'm investigating if it's possible to implement the same functionalities of ZBar library with iOS 7 api.
Everything was good so far thanks to this tutorial.
However, I now want to have a green box shown on the screen whenever the camera detects a QRCode. The green box is supposed to wrap around the QRCode.
From the delegate of AVCaptureMetadataOutput, I can grab AVMetadataObject but the bounds getting from this object is always very small which is not correct, given the fact that my QRCode is very big on the screen.
Anyone has any ideas on how to achieve the green focusing box?
P/S: I came across the documentation and couldn't understand this line "If the metadata originates from video, bounds
may be expressed as scalar values from 0. - 1.". This is for the bounds property of AVMetadataObject
You can look at this tutorial for qrCode scanning using iOS 7.
I had to do the same thing in my scanner app. Here is a link that I found very useful and pretty much answered all my questions.
He goes step by step from setting up the scanner to adding the bounding box.
i developed a game for the iphone4. Now i got problems with the iphone5 and the 4inch screen. My game is on the left side of the 4inch screen and i have a big black border on the right side. But the buttons from the game are in the middle of screen, they have same position like on the iphone4. I checked everythin but i dont know why the background-images and the sprites are on the left side and the buttons are in the middle. I want that everything is in the middle or on the left side. It would be great if anybody could help me!! Thanks!!
If you're using the latest beta, the only change you should need to
make is export all your images at twice the size and use the "-hd"
suffix, similar to Apple's "#2x". The documentation also says you need
to set the content scale factor of the director.
You can find the documentation here.
and more detail here.
Cocos2D-x has a very easy solution for multi-resolution problem.
In fact you just need to set your DesignResolution and then just imagine your target device will has this resolution.
If target device really has this resolution ( or some other but with same ratio) cocos2d will handle to fix screen and your game looks same in all devices.
And when ratio of target device is different, you have many option ( as cocos2d language, policy) to manage that.
For example if you use Exact fit policy, cocos2d will force your game ( and design) to fit target device screen (without that black boarder).
Exact fit
The entire application is visible in the specified area without trying
to preserve the original aspect ratio. Distortion can occur, and the
application may appear stretched or compressed.
For more detail just take a look at this link : http://www.cocos2d-x.org/projects/cocos2d-x/wiki/Multi_resolution_support
I have implemented crop functionality but
Is it possible to selection crop image like below link
Short answer, not really unless you do some clever coding and view aligning / transforming.
Long answer, you have two options:
Create your own custom module with XCode, OBJ-C etc.
Just nest the Jcrop code in your own webview inside titanium. (This seems easiest).
I'm basically trying to work out how to take a slice of an image, say a screenshot of an iPhone home screen, slice out the first icon and compare it to a set array of images in a library. Any help on where to start?
I'm no iPhone programmer, but I might be able to suggest a few things:
The SURF feature detection implemented in OpenCV should help you with this
There is a nice article on using OpenCV in Objective-C code.
A quick & dirty way might be to use the difference blend mode which should return the difference between the 1st image(top) and the 2nd image(bottom). If there is no difference the result will be completely black. So, the more black pixels in the difference result, potentially, the more similarities between the compared images.
I'm not an iOS developer, so I don't know if there is an image library that ships with sdk or if there's a free/opensource library for basic image processing. Still this should be trivial to implement:
- (int)difference((int)topPixel,(int)bottomPixel)
return abs(topPixel-bottomPixel);
Note: Syntax might not be correct :)
This may not help you with taking a screenshot of the iOS home screen... But these articles show how to take snapshots from within a UIKit application:
Perhaps you would instruct the user to press home-power (buttons) to take a snapshot and store in the photo roll, then load that screenshot into an app to process the screenshot.
Hope this helps!