GWT Fileupload Using Servlet with GUICE - file-upload

We are using GWTP with Guice. I want to upload a file. For that I have written a Servlet.
I am using this GWT File UPload Example. But Servlet is not getting called. I think its the problem with GuiceFilter.
Below is my web.xml entry.
Any pointers would be great help.

If you're using Guice, you mush use Guice ServletModule class to set up your servlets.

I found out the problem and solved on my own.
Here is the answer:
It was not the problem with the GUICE Servlet Filter.
The problem was with Coade statements placing. FileUpload should be used with FormPanel.
FileUpload must be used with FormPanel if it is to be submitted to a server.
I had used GWT file upload earlier but skipped thorough my mind.


j_security_check filter is not working in jboss eap 6.4

I searched fıor a solution on internet and could not find anything.
My Issue is about using j_security_check on my login.jsp to filter and forward it to
To do so I have wrote these lines in web.xml
But even though when I call a forward like this :
final String requestStr = "/j_security_check?j_username=" + reqUserId
+ "&j_password="+ reqPassword;
req.getRequestDispatcher(requestStr).forward(req, resp);
It is not coming into at all. and showing me an empty blank page.
What I want is going to postloginfilter doing the job and following the chain as listed on web.xml.
I also do not see if this filter works too.
CreateConnectionAndGetEntityNames is actually the one which shows the form. But when I go there breakpoints are not taking effect in postloginfilter.
What might be the reason and how can I solve this issue?
thanks in advance.
As far as I know, the FormAuthenticator is implemented as a JBossWeb valve. As a result, it would be expected for JBoss j_security_check requests not to invoke any application servlet filter. You could implement such filters as valves instead.

Create Registration form in Mule

I am a newbie to MuleESB. I want to create a registration form using Mule but I am stuck.
I don't know how to display index.jsp on start-up of your application. I already gone through BookStore example but couldn't get efficient information.
I created a web.xml under src->main->app->webapps->WEB-INF->web.xml
Any Help or suggestions.
You're missing a web application context directory under: src->main->app->webapps->WEB-INF->web.xml, ie you should have something like: src->main->app->webapps->my-context->WEB-INF->web.xml.
Follow the BookStore example carefully and you should have no difficulty reaching your goal.

how do i override the url-pattern in a struts servlet mapping?

I am using Struts 1.2.7 and have the standard servlet mapping that uses *.do for my URLs.
<!-- Standard Action Servlet Mapping -->
I need to have a few custom URLs that do not use .do at the end, e.g., /monitor/lb-healthcheck. Is there a way to override the mapping, or add these specific paths to the web.xml file to map to specific Actions? This is a mature application, and it's not feasible at this point to change the mapping to / as the url-pattern.
Have you try adding a mapping just before that action mapping?

url rewriting in Struts1

I am developing a web application using Struts1 as web framework. My url pattern in web.xml is:
I want to get rid of .do pattern in urls. So if my url is
i want it to be like http://localhost:38330/MyProject/editFunction/ . How do I acheive this type of url rewriting ?
Thanks for any help
You can use a filter before calling the struts request processor, and this project it's very helpful:
You can map your <url-pattern> to allow prefix, like
Then if you do (e.g.) http://localhost:38330/MyProject/action/editFunction/, your struts action will be called (if mapped correctly on struts-config.xml).

Velocity framework servlet

I have a module written in servlets and needs to be recently moved to velocity framework
So in the process I am rewriting the web.xml to create velocity servlet object whcih calls
our original servlet .
Now if this has to be moved to
How can we acheive this and what are all changes need to use the existing servlet as it is.
My Existing servlet looks like
This is loaded using the url http://localhost:8080/databridge/databridgeservlet
So in the newer case how velocity servlet calls this servlet
Have you looked at the VelocityViewServlet in the Velocity Tools project? This is a useful way of quickly getting Velocity pages on the web.
You can subclass this for more customizability if desired. And if nothing else, you can look at the source and use this as inspiration to make your own servlet.
You should take a look at: (I am the maintainer, therefore biased :) and replace your Servlet with a simple Action; scripting (BSH, JS) or Java, as you feel fit. My 0.2CAD