NSOperation to all run consequently - objective-c

I have program that is crashing somewhere not really visible to programmer. It may have something to do with memory management but it definitively has something to do with multiple threads and more than 200 notification observers...
I would like to know if that kind of starting derived NSOperation object would ensure that all operations are being executed consequently as normal execution on one thread?
[operation start];
[operation waitUntilFinished];

I think what you're looking for is operationQueue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1 and then add all your operations to the NSOperationQueue. They will be executed serially, one after another.

No, it starts the operation and then blocks the calling thread until it is done.


Adding an NSOperationQueue to an NSOperation

Is it safe to add an NSOperationQueue to an NSOperation, and then add this operation to another NSOperationQueue?
Here is some code to visualize what I am trying to do.
NSOperationQueue *mainQueue = [NSOperationQueue alloc] init];
// Here I declare some NSBlockOperation's, i.e. parseOperation1-2-3
// and also another operation called zipOperation, which includes
// an NSOperationQueue itself. This queue takes the processed (parsed) files
// and write them to a single zip file. Each operation's job is to write the data
// stream and add it to the zip file. After all operations are done,
// it closes the zip.
[zipOperation addDependency:parseOperation1];
[zipOperation addDependency:parseOperation2];
[zipOperation addDependency:parseOperation3];
[mainQueue addOperation:parseOperation1];
[mainQueue addOperation:parseOperation2];
[mainQueue addOperation:parseOperation3];
[mainQueue addOperation:zipOperation];
I have used this approach and have it running in live code deployed on the App Store. I haven't experienced any issues during development or in the last 2 months since the code has been live.
In my case I had a high level series of operations, some of which contained a set of sub operations. Rather than expose the detail of each sub operation into the high level code, I created NSOperations which themselves contained NSOperationQueues and enqueued their own sub operations. The code I ended up with was much cleaner and easier to maintain.
I read extensively into NSOperation and have not seen any commentary that warns against this approach. I reviewed a lot of information online, the Apple documentation, and WWDC videos.
The only possible "drawback" might be the added complexity of understanding and implementing a Concurrent operation. Embedding an NSOperationQueue in an NSOperation means that operation becomes Concurrent.
So that's a 'YES' from me.
Additional details about concurrent operations:
An NSOperationQueue calls the start method on a normal (non-concurrent) NSOperation and expects the operation to be finished by the time the start call returns. For instance some piece of code you supplied to NSBlockOperation is complete at the end of the block.
If the work will not be finished by the time the start call returns then you configure the NSOperation as a Concurrent operation, so the NSOperationQueue knows that it has to wait until you tell it that the operation is finished at some later point in time.
For example, concurrent operations are often used to run asynchronous network calls; the start method only starts the network call, which then runs in the background, and calls back to the operation when its finished. You then change the isFinished property of the NSOperation to flag that the work is now complete.
So.... Normally when you add operations to an NSOperationQueue that queue runs those operations in the background. So if you put an NSOperationQueue inside an NSOperation then that operations work will be done in the background. Therefore the operation is concurrent and you need to flag when the internal NSOperationQueue has finished processing all it's operations.
Alternatively there are some methods on NSOperationQueue such as waitUntilAllOperationsAreFinished which could be used to ensure all the work was done before the start call returns, however these involve blocking threads and I avoided them, you may feel more comfortable with that approach, and making sure you don't have any side effects from blocking threads.
In my case I was already familiar with Concurrent operations so it was straightforward just to set it up as a Concurrent operation.
Some documentation about concurrent operations:
Concurrency Programming Guide: Configuring Operations for Concurrent Execution
In this example they are detaching a thread to perform work in the background, in our case we would be starting the NSOperationQueue here.

Does performBlockAndWait always done on the same thread [duplicate]

I have an NSManagedObjectContext declared like so:
- (NSManagedObjectContext *) backgroundMOC {
if (backgroundMOC != nil) {
return backgroundMOC;
backgroundMOC = [[NSManagedObjectContext alloc] initWithConcurrencyType:NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType];
return backgroundMOC;
Notice that it is declared with a private queue concurrency type, so its tasks should be run on a background thread. I have the following code:
/* ok */
[self.backgroundMOC performBlock:^{
assert(![NSThread isMainThread]);
/* CRASH */
[self.backgroundMOC performBlockAndWait:^{
assert(![NSThread isMainThread]);
Why does calling performBlockAndWait execute the task on the main thread rather than background thread?
Tossing in another answer, to try an explain why performBlockAndWait will always run in the calling thread.
performBlock is completely asynchronous. It will always enqueue the block onto the queue of the receiving MOC, and then return immediately. Thus,
[moc performBlock:^{
// Foo
[moc performBlock:^{
// Bar
will place two blocks on the queue for moc. They will always execute asynchronously. Some unknown thread will pull blocks off of the queue and execute them. In addition, those blocks are wrapped within their own autorelease pool, and also they will represent a complete Core Data user event (processPendingChanges).
performBlockAndWait does NOT use the internal queue. It is a synchronous operation that executes in the context of the calling thread. Of course, it will wait until the current operations on the queue have been executed, and then that block will execute in the calling thread. This is documented (and reasserted in several WWDC presentations).
Furthermore, performBockAndWait is re-entrant, so nested calls all happen right in that calling thread.
The Core Data engineers have been very clear that the actual thread in which a queue-based MOC operation runs is not important. It's the synchronization by using the performBlock* API that's key.
So, consider 'performBlock' as "This block is being placed on a queue, to be executed at some undetermined time, in some undetermined thread. The function will return to the caller as soon as it has been enqueued"
performBlockAndWait is "This block will be executed at some undetermined time, in this exact same thread. The function will return after this code has completely executed (which will occur after the current queue associated with this MOC has drained)."
Are you sure of "performBlockAndWait does NOT use the internal queue"?
I think it does. The only difference is that performBlockAndWait will
wait until the block's completion. And what do you mean by calling
thread? In my understanding, [moc performBlockAndWait] and [moc
performBloc] both run on its private queue (background or main). The
important concept here is moc owns the queue, not the other way
around. Please correct me if I am wrong. – Philip007
It is unfortunate that I phrased the answer as I did, because, taken by itself, it is incorrect. However, in the context of the original question it is correct. Specifically, when calling performBlockAndWait on a private queue, the block will execute on the thread that called the function - it will not be put on the queue and executed on the "private thread."
Now, before I even get into the details, I want to stress that depending on internal workings of libraries is very dangerous. All you should really care about is that you can never expect a specific thread to execute a block, except anything tied to the main thread. Thus, expecting a performBlockAndWait to not execute on the main thread is not advised because it will execute on the thread that called it.
performBlockAndWait uses GCD, but it also has its own layer (e.g., to prevent deadlocks). If you look at the GCD code (which is open source), you can see how synchronous calls work - and in general they synchronize with the queue and invoke the block on the thread that called the function - unless the queue is the main queue or a global queue. Also, in the WWDC talks, the Core Data engineers stress the point that performBlockAndWait will run in the calling thread.
So, when I say it does not use the internal queue, that does not mean it does not use the data structures at all. It must synchronize the call with the blocks already on the queue, and those submitted in other threads and other asynchronous calls. However, when calling performBlockAndWait it does not put the block on the queue... instead it synchronizes access and runs the submitted block on the thread that called the function.
Now, SO is not a good forum for this, because it's a bit more complex than that, especially w.r.t the main queue, and GCD global queues - but the latter is not important for Core Data.
The main point is that when you call any performBlock* or GCD function, you should not expect it to run on any particular thread (except something tied to the main thread) because queues are not threads, and only the main queue will run blocks on a specific thread.
When calling the core data performBlockAndWait the block will execute in the calling thread (but will be appropriately synchronized with everything submitted to the queue).
I hope that makes sense, though it probably just caused more confusion.
Furthermore, you can see the unspoken implications of this, in that the way in which performBlockAndWait provides re-entrant support breaks the FIFO ordering of blocks. As an example...
[context performBlockAndWait:^{
[context performBlock:^{
[context performBlockAndWait:^{
Note that strict adherence to the FIFO guarantee of the queue would mean that the nested performBlockAndWait ("Three") would run after the asynchronous block ("Two") since it was submitted after the async block was submitted. However, that is not what happens, as it would be impossible... for the same reason a deadlock ensues with nested dispatch_sync calls. Just something to be aware of if using the synchronous version.
In general, avoid sync versions whenever possible because dispatch_sync can cause a deadlock, and any re-entrant version, like performBlockAndWait will have to make some "bad" decision to support it... like having sync versions "jump" the queue.
Why not? Grand Central Dispatch's block concurrency paradigm (which I assume MOC uses internally) is designed so that only the runtime and operating system need to worry about threads, not the developer (because the OS can do it better than you can do to having more detailed information). Too many people assume that queues are the same as threads. They are not.
Queued blocks are not required to run on any given thread (the exception being blocks in the main queue must execute on the main thread). So, in fact, sometimes sync (i.e. performBlockAndWait) queued blocks will run on the main thread if the runtime feels it would be more efficient than creating a thread for it. Since you are waiting for the result anyway, it wouldn't change the way your program functioned if the main thread were to hang for the duration of the operation.
This last part I am not sure if I remember correctly, but in the WWDC 2011 videos about GCD, I believe that it was mentioned that the runtime will make an effort to run on the main thread, if possible, for sync operations because it is more efficient. In the end though, I suppose the answer to "why" can only be answered by the people who designed the system.
I don't think that the MOC is obligated to use a background thread; it's just obligated to ensure that your code will not run into concurrency issues with the MOC if you use performBlock: or performBlockAndWait:. Since performBlockAndWait: is supposed to block the current thread, it seems reasonable to run that block on that thread.
The performBlockAndWait: call only makes sure that you execute the code in such a way that you don't introduce concurrency (i.e. on 2 threads performBlockAndWait: will not run at the same time, they will block each other).
The long and the short of it is that you can't depend on which thread a MOC operation runs on, well basically ever. I've learned the hard way that if you use GCD or just straight up threads, you always have to create local MOCs for each operation and then merge them to the master MOC.
There is a great library (MagicalRecord) that makes that process very simple.

GCD dispatch_async for app-lifetime task?

I've used GCD before with dispatch_async for background-threading units of work like parsing data from a network request (in, say, JSON or XML), and it's WONDERFUL. But what if I have a background task that's going to run for the length of the application? Is dispatch_async still a good fit for this case, or is there a better way to implement it?
Sure, but create your own dispatch queue for it. (If you use a global queue, you may tie up that queue--or one of its threads--forever.)
dispatch_queue_t dispatchQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.mycompany.myapp.ForeverOperation", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
dispatch_async(dispatchQueue, ^{
// worker routine
More traditionally, you would create an explicit thread for this, and if it will run forever, that might make more "sense". But the results are basically the same.
NSThread * myWorkerThread = [[NSThread alloc] initWithTarget:...
[myWorkerThread start];
If you need to communicate with other threads/queues, as always, standard synchronization techniques may be required.
This really has nothing to do with dispatch_async, which is merely one approach to doing something in a background thread. If you want to do something in a background thread, do it in a background thread! Just be aware that doing this constantly can be a drag on your app, since you've only got so much processing time and only so many processors; you may end up having to study that in Instruments. You might want to break up your task into little bits and do it in short chunks every so often. Both GCD and NSOperation can help with that.

NSOperation does not spawn a new thread?

I have a NSOperationQueue with a number of NSOperations in it. I want to ensure that a particular part of the code is not executed in parallel. I use a NSLock object like this:
[myLock lock]
some critical code
[myLock unlock]
Unfortunately instead of a blocking "lock" call I get the following error:
-[NSLock lock]: deadlock ( '(null)')
After some investigation I noticed that all NSOperations seem to run in the same thread. I drew that conclusion after logging the thread id with:
NSLog(#"Thread %#\n", self, [NSThread currentThread]);
All operations seem to run in the same thread. Even though they are running in parallel as operations.
Does that make sense? I am a little confused. Do I miss something? Do you see any problem with using NSOperation and NSLock together? (If not, then I am sure the error is in my code)
I solved it. I am using ASIHTTPRequest underneath. Apparently all HTTP calls are made in the same thread unless you override "+ (NSThread *)threadForRequest:(ASIHTTPRequest *)request".

Is it dangerous to set off an autoreleased NSOperationQueue?

I have a task that takes a rather long time and should run in the background. According to the documentation, this can be done using an NSOperationQueue. However, I do not want to keep a class-global copy of the NSOperationQueue since I really only use it for that one task. Hence, I just set it to autorelease and hope that it won't get released before the task is done. It works.
like this:
NSInvocationOperation *theTask = [NSInvocationOperation alloc];
theTask = [theTask initWithTarget:self
NSOperationQueue *operationQueue = [[NSOperationQueue new] autorelease];
[operationQueue addOperation:theTask];
[theTask release];
I am kind of worried, though. Is this guaranteed to work? Or might operationQueue get deallocated at some point and take theTask with it?
There's nothing in the documentation to say what happens when the NSOperationQueue is released. It would be safest to assume there's no guarantee that theTask will get executed.
I would have guessed that an NSOperationQueue releases its tasks when it's released, but I've noticed that the tasks do complete and dealloc even if I release the queue immediately after adding the task. That said, I don't think I'd rely on that behavior - there's more to gain by storing the NSOperationQueue in an instance variable (and releasing it in dealloc). An instance variable will give you a way to call other methods on the queue (cancelAllOperations, setSuspended, etc).
Can't you use the [NSOperation mainQueue] object so that you don't need to worry about autoreleasing it? If you only need to add one task that seems to make the most sense to me.
There's no guarantee that it's safe to release an NSOperationQueue while it's still working. I suspect it probably is safe and this guarantee will probably be added someday, but it isn't there now. However, the equivalent Grand Central Dispatch API does guarantee that you can safely release its queues when you're done using them and it will keep them around as long as it needs them. So if you're on a platform with GCD, you can use that to be sure it won't blow up in the meantime.
Alternatively, you could create a wrapper class that checks if a queue is finished and releases both the queue and itself when the queue is finished.