Sending an XML to WebSerivce in iPhone SDK - objective-c

I want to send an XML Document(string) to WCF webservice in iOS.
I have done it in REST webservices.
NO idea how to do it in WCF service.
Can any one help ?

You can expose WCF services as REST endpoints if you want. How complex of a document are you sending? Do you want to use SOAP or just POST via HTTP?


Using basicHttpbinding and get the response in raw data

I've looked all day and I couldn't able to find a correct answer on how get the response of my Web Service using basicHttpBinding without the SOAP formatting.
Can anyone know how to do that ? or another way for getting the raw data ? (like a string)
You have to use webhttpBinding. Look at the following articles, it might help you:
Creating WCF Service with SOAP/REST Endpoints
How to enable REST and SOAP both on the same WCF Service
An Introduction To RESTful Services With WCF

Requesting data from WCF Webservice with Qooxdoo

I have a qooxdoo web application which should be able to request data from a WCF web service. The WCF service uses SOAP. I'm currently looking for a way to set up the communication between my qooxdoo application and the WCF web service.
Is there a way to get this done? I saw that qooxdoo is supporting REST and I'm looking for something like a SOAP module in qooxdoo.
Thanks in advance!
There's an ancient contrib, probably unmaintained, at You might not be able to use it right away, but I think the source code there will need just a few changes to become usable.

WCF services by default are restful or soap based?

I am new to WCF and just have made a sample service. Please guide me by default WCF services are soap or restful if we not specify anywhere ? I tried to run URL of my services and got this page. I am feeling it is SOAP based. Kindly guide.
WCF services by default are SOAP - unless you use the webHttpBinding which is REST (and this for now is the only RESTful binding). To test your SOAP based services, you cannot just navigate to an URL in your browser - you need to use a SOAP test app, like SoapUI or the WCF Test Client.
WCF Data Services and WCF RIA Services are based on webHttpBinding and thus are REST-based. REST services can be tested by just browsing to the URL - you'll get back XML that can be shown in your browser (or JSON which you can store to a file and look at)
By default, WCF services are soap based if you use the project item "WCF Service" in visual studio.

calling a wcf/soap method as an http get

Is there any way to enforce that a method call in soap based wcf is called as an HTTP get? I'm not sure if this would be handled on the client or server side. We wanted to have the wcf call process as a get vs. post for cacheability, etc.
I'm also not sure how to monitor a wcf service to determine if calls are doing gets or posts (or if it always does one or the other). Can I use fiddler for this?
I would imagine I could use a restful wcf service to wrap the call, but I wasn't sure if there was a way to do it straight in a soap based service.
Out of the box WCF functionality does not support SOAP HTTP GET. But WCF is extensible so you can try to develop custom binding (with cutom channel or behavior) supporting this feature.
Caching is supported in WCF 4 REST services. REST services allow all basic HTTP methods.
You can use Fiddler to monitor the gets and posts.
Check out this post about calling a WCF service with an HTTP GET.

WCF BasicHttpBinding Http Post

Is it possible to post to a WCF service hosted in IIS? I know that that this is possible using REST but I really need the WSDL generation and SOAP headers. I need to transition an existing ASMX web services to WCF but I need to also allow my clients to continue to utilize the service via http posts (xml http request via javascript). Is REST my only option?
No, with a SOAP service, you need to use the SOAP methods and actions - you cannot use HTTP POST to "dump" some data on a SOAP service.
If you need HTTP POST, then REST is the way to go.
You can also use REST style WCF