Howto create a filter bar? - objective-c

I would like to create a filter bar like the one in the Mail app:
Do you have any suggestions on how I could do?
My application is targeted only at OS X 10.7+, so I'd really like to use the most modern method available.

MGScopeBar is an open source component that will mostly do what you want. The appearance is not exactly the same, but you could easily change that.

That is called FavoritesBarView in the Mail application. it looks like its source code exists in webkit source code.


Showing Status-field as dropdown in Directus 7?

is there a way to make a Status-field display like an dropdown/select-box instead of radio-buttons? I have about 10 status' and I would like to display them as a dropdown instead.
I wasn't able to find anything about this in the documentation, did I miss something?
Thank you in advance!
Not the "core" status interface, but you can duplicate the code and create a custom one in a select instead. The new interface would go into the custom extensions directory in the API. Should be pretty straightforward.

Switch Prestashop Language programmatically

I have got a module, that uses displayTop hook for some actions. after that i would like to switch language to desired that exists in the system. I found a method Tools::switchLanguage but I can't figure out how to use it properly. any clues?
There is a module that already does that: blocklanguages. So you can either use this module or take a look at the code to see how it's done. It's pretty easy so you can implement that wherever you want.

Quick Help for user defined function in ios

How to show Quick Help for the methods which we wrote ...?
Like for inbuilt function when we right click on it & Click Quick Help then we get all info about that method like that I want to do for user defined methods so that any one come to know that method takes which parameter and each parameter for which purpose?
For more explanation, see these two images:
Here is a solution for that. Also check apple documentation. You might have to create document set and install it in Xcode.
Edit: Here is another similar post, How do you populate the Xcode 4 "Option+Click" popover?
There is an open source tool called appledoc which helps with this. You can provide your own documentation in the header files and then run the appledoc script which will (depending on your settings) generate the docsets, install them into Xcode, create a HTML for the documentation as well as rss feeds so that changes to the documentation can be published.

Preferences toolbar without BWToolkit

Since Xcode 4, using BWToolkit isn't really easy. In fact, it's not even possible in IB.
Is there some sample code out there how to create a "preferences-type toolbar" without BWToolkit?
Yes, MVPreferencesController as used by Camino. See here for Doxygen documentation. It displays NSPreferencePanes registered using a plist. It's pretty easy to work with and customize for your purposes. You can also use the Camino project as a source of sample prefpanes.

How can I get <asp:menu> working in Safari?

On the safari browser, the standard <asp:Menu> doesn't render well at all. How can this be fixed?
Thanks for the advice, it led me into the following solution;
I created a file named "safari.browser" and placed it in the App_Browsers directory. The content of this file is shown below;
<browser refID="safari1plus">
<adapter controlType="System.Web.UI.WebControls.Menu" adapterType="" />
As I understand it, this tells ASP.NET not to use the adaptor it would normally use to render the control content and instead use uplevel rendering.
You can use ControlAdapters to alter the rendering of server controls.
Here's an example:
Though, in my opinion it might be equal amount of work to abandon the menu control for a pure css one (available on many sites).
Oooof - was hoping it would be a simmple case of adding a browserCaps item in web.config with appropriate values or similar...
The best and simplest solution I've found for this problem is to include this bit of code in your page_load event.
if (Request.UserAgent.IndexOf("AppleWebKit") > 0)