VS2010 Share Response Cookie Among Multiple WCF Clients to SOAP 1.1 Service - wcf

I have a third-party Java web service listening at three SOAP 1.1 WSDL endpoints. One of the endpoints is used to initiate the session and perform some high-level tasks, and the other endpoints are for subject-specific tasks reusing that initial authentication.
I'm building a C# WCF application to talk to the service, and I'd like to share the session cookie among the three client objects.
What's the VS2010 'best practices' way of sharing this cookie?
If this article is still the best answer, I can go with it, but I would appreciate some additional feedback, especially if .NET 4 introduced a simplification that I'm not finding on-line.
I can pretty easily create the first client and retain the session (new BasicHttpBinding myBinding; myBinding.AllowCookies = true), but I couldn't find an elegant way of saving off the cookie from the Connect response and reusing for the two auxiliary clients.
Any insights are appreciated.
I should note that I'm aware of CookieContainer and using Add Web Reference instead of Add Service Reference. That method is labeled as 'legacy' in most posts I've read, and I'd prefer to stay current...or as current as possible when working with SOAP 1.1.

The mentioned article is still valid. You have to use OperationContextScope and access message properties to get protocol specific data. This complexity is based on the fact that WCF architecture is protocol independent whereas ASMX architecture was HTTP protocol dependent.
It is true that ASMX (WebReference) is legacy technology but it is still present in .NET framework so if you know that you will never need nothing more the basic SOAP messaging without any advanced WS-* standard you can still use it and make your life little bit simple. Once you need anything more you can still refactor your code and use WCF with mentioned code to work with cookies.


Reasons why not to use WebAPI

I've been looking into WebAPI and really like what I see.
Is there are reason why NOT to use WebAPI? If so, in what scenario?
I initially thought in a cross-platform SOA architecture, WebAPI might fall short, but the more articles I read, the more I realise that WebAPI might beat WCF in almost every realistic scenario. It looks like you can use WebAPI for android, ios etc. and not just for .Net; even performance shows WCF REST to be slowest. http://weblog.west-wind.com/posts/2012/Sep/04/ASPNET-Frameworks-and-Raw-Throughput-Performance
Is there still an "obivous" reason where WCF is better?
Whenever you control the both the consumer and provider endpoints (for example back-end service-to-service communication) you should use WCF (or Sockets) for capabilities and performance. Hosting the service via WCF and then sharing binary contracts means 100% guaranteed matching, compiler-checked and type-safe (de)serialization between client and server.
If you also have full CI you all but eliminate the risk of releasing binaries with mismatched contracts. Web API serialization is more forgiving, and thus verification and testing is more involved (client can send data server does not expect, server can send data client does not expect.) WCF also supports contract versioning and extended data, this allows intermediary services that only know V1 contract can still accept and forward to a V2 or later message while preserving all data for services which understand V2 or later contracts!)
WebAPI is mainly for implementing HTTP-based services with minimal frustration, as such, WebAPI relies heavily on the asp.net HTTP Web Stack to function (whereas WCF and its underpinning's do not, matter of factly, some WebAPI features rely directly on WCF.. for example, exposing OData feeds via WebAPI.)
Similar to Web API endpoints, WCF endpoints can be configured to provide access via HTTP as necessary (among other protocols and technologies such as Secure Named Pipes, MSMQ, UDP, TCP, etc.) WCF is also extensible, and out of the box it provides transport implementations for duplex, bidirectional and reliable messaging, it provides both Transport-level and Message-level authentication using Tokens, Certificates, basic Authentication Credentials and more. There is additional support for service discovery, subscription, broadcasting, etc. (Admittedly, WebAPI provides some overlap, but not with the same level of control.)
Not only does WCF support all this, it is highly configurable allowing you to mix and match between MOST of the available transport, formatting/serialization, security, instancing, lifetime and other service settings through configuration files and code.
Moved two of your middle tiers together into same machine now? Switch to a named pipe. Swapping a server from .net to PHP? No problem, change binding config from using net.tcp to use soap. Where WebAPI stops, WCF continues.
However, as with any technology, WCF only shines as well as your developer's understanding of networking and infrastructure. Put in the hands of the mediocre or unwilling and you will get a complete mess that fails to perform. WebAPI is a little bit more fool proof, even beginner programmers can put it to use within minutes, and generally succeed at their task doing so.

WCF Web Api vs WebHttpBinding

I'm new to WCF RESTFull services developpment and I'm looking for some usefull information and your experience feedback about using webHttpBinding compared to the new WCF Web API http://wcf.codeplex.com/.
What I'm looking for is to know about the shortcomings of webHttpBinding and therefore why to use the new Web api and especially what problems the new API resolves.
If you could point me to some blog posts comparing both of them or just talking about the problems when using webHttpBinding I would appreciate. Thank you in advance.
Main shortcomings I would say is that the webhttpbinding makes it difficult to handle HTTP specific concerns. It works great if all you are doing is passing an object over HTTP that is serialized into XML or JSON and which may be transported over different formats.
HTTP is much more than a simple transport protocol for XML and JSON, it is an application layer protocol with rich semantics. Web API is specifically targetting folks that want to build systems over HTTP that fully levergage HTTP's richness.
Web API embraces that HTTP Resources can have a multitude of representations based on the needs of different clients. One end of the spectrum could be a dumb browser that just talks to a service using a Form url encoded post and a GET, while the other end could be a more rich client that uses Atom/OData or a hypermedia based media type.
Web API embraces that there are other HTTP specific concerns like conneg, etags, etc which allow better leveraging intermediary web servers.
Web API is designed with more testability in mind, thus you can address working with HTTP messages or other concerns in a more testable manner.
Web API has a more simplified configuration story.
You can read more about the rationale here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/endpoint/archive/2010/11/01/wcf-web-apis-http-your-way.aspx
The most significant difference for me is the change in programming model. You no longer write 'services' which expose 'operations' bound to HTTP idioms (GET, POST etc.). With Web APIs you create 'resources' (POCOs) with which your clients can interact.
Web APIs seem to be better at handling various custom media types (like PNG images for example).
Last but not least, Web APIs are far better suited for automated testing. For instance, you no longer have to use static context classes to access HTTP concepts such as response codes. You use POCO request and response classes which can be easily instantiated in automated tests using old-style new() operator.
I agree with Ladislav that Web APIs are just a preview now and building application on top of it can be both risky and forbidden by the means of license agreement (but I haven't checked that).
Have you considered #serialseb's OpenRasta? It is stable and offers very nice programming model for building RESTful services.
The Web API is something like possible future of REST development in WCF. It is just preview which can significantly change before final release (probably in next version of .NET framework). So if you want to build production REST service you should use webHttpBinding.
Available information about Web Api can be found for example on .NET Connected Framework team's blog and on the site you mentioned. It is simplification and extension of current REST API.
Web API provides a REST-friendly HTTP based API. Web API uses the patterns of MVC and is going to be very familiar to ASP.NET MVC developers. Web API can leverage the capabilities of HTTP as an application layer protocol, returning resources in multiple representations (XML, JSON, HTML etc.) according the the client's request headers.
On the other hand WCF webHttpBinding uses the patterns of WCF, and is going to appeal more to the WCF developer - ServiceContracts, OperationContracts, comprehensive (or overweight, depending how you look at it, config file), ability to self-host outside of IIS.
One of the things I like about Web API is the ability to use dynamic types to escape the constraints of the type system. I also like the default exception behavior in Web API - contrast WCF webHttpBinding where, by default, exceptions bubble up as HTTP 500 + an HTML payload (yuk!).
Its nice to have the choice between two excellent technologies here. I wouldn't describe Web API as 'newer' or 'better' that WCF, as this implies its a replacement technology and that WCF webHttpBinding is legacy, which I don't believe is true.
I chose to use WCF webHttpBinding recently to expose a JSON API for an existing WCF SOAP service. I believe it was a good choice because it fitted that style of that existing solution and minimized the amount of change required.

ASP.NET 4 WCF Data Service securing for desktop Java aplication

I've read several entries on the web about securing WCF Data Services (OData). I would be glad to hear your recommendation about securing WCF DS assuming it will be consumed by Java client.
I think you have a number of options available. Since it's all REST requests, the client doesn't really matter too much (except that it rules out any Windows-specific integrated stuff). :)
I've done some prototypes where I have an encrypted token in my request header which I grab in the OnStartProcessingRequest event handler. You have access to HttpContext.Current, so you can just grab the request header, validate it against your token store, and then either let the request continue or not. The client, whether it's Java, C#, JavaScript or whatever would be responsible for creating the token and appending it to your request headers.
Last year, the WCF Data Services team put out a series of blog posts responding to some community criticism that WCF Data Services weren't not that secure. They listed out a number of different scenarios on securing your WCF Data Services. Two entries in particular that I think are appropriate for your situation are these:
OData and Authentication – Part 4 – Server Side Hooks
OData and Authentication – Part 5 – Custom HttpModules
You can find all blogs in the series here.
I think those two links are useful because it's all about the server-side configuration. OData support is also contained within RESTlet extension, but being a .NET guy, I can't give you much more info that that. :)
I hope this helps. Good luck!

WCF vs. Web service vs. Sockets: which to choose?

I have two related questions about Web services:
(1) I'm currently writing a set of applications, and it occurred to me that maybe I'm not using the right tool for the job. Here is the spec:
There are many Windows servers behind different VPNs and firewalls.
Each of the servers has a Windows service running, that reports various information about it to a centralized server, via a Web service, both of which I've written, and have access to.
So I'm both the producer and the consumer, and I'm staying on the same platform (.NET). Maybe a web service isn't the way to go? I'm using one purely because it's easy to write and deploy, and I'm the most comfortable with them. Should I really be using WCF for this?
(2) In the web service, I'm creating a State object to represent the state of the server, and sending it as a parameter. However, adding a service reference creates a proxy of the State class. It seems gacky to copy the properties of the State object to the proxy, and then send the proxy. Should I just replace the proxy class with the real class in the auto-generated code (i.e., include a reference to the State class instead)?
By "web services" I assume you mean an ASMX? I would go with WCF is possible, simply because you lose nothing but gain lots of flexibility. You could, for example, switch from XML-over-HTTP to Binary-over-TCP through a simple config change.
I would suggest to use WCF and use the Net.Tcp binding. It should be efficient enough for 300 clients. For the proxy class issue use the /reference option for the svcutil tool when you generate the proxy. This will allow you to share classes between server and client. I would not use this option if interoperability was a concern but since you stated that you develop both the clietn and the service and all in .Net it is a valid use in your case.
Your distinction between "Web Services" and WCF is a false distinction.
ASMX Web Services is the original .NET SOAP Web Service technology, introduced in .NET 1.0. It has been replaced by WCF, which can everything that ASMX can do, plus a whole lot more (including support for the WS-* standards).
Microsoft now considers ASMX Web Services, and the XML Serializer they're based on, to be "legacy technology". See "Microsoft says: ASMX Web Services are a “Legacy Technology”".
With WCF, since you have control of both sides of the operation, and can share the .dll in which the service contract is defined, you can and perhaps should be using ChannelFactory<IYourServiceContractHere> instead of auto-generating those ugly proxy classes with service references.
Here's the first hit I found on this topic: http://blogs.msdn.com/juveriak/archive/2008/02/03/using-channels-vs-proxies-in-wcf.aspx
If it is platform independent, I would certainly recommend WCF.
I've done exactly what your describing to great effect across more than 300 locations. I don't think you made the wrong call.
Another thing you could consider that would work well is using MSMQ. In this case, however, you'll either need to write event triggers (COM) or an event queue processing service.

Confused about wcf despite my reading

I am learning wcf but I have trouble understanding the benefits. Is there ever a time I would want to use traditional web services?
I read another thread with these benefits:
Opt in model for members using a certain attribute
Better security
No need to worry about binding (can't understand how this is true)
No need to worry about the xml
I read Programming WCF Services however this was an advanced book a bit like CLR via C#. I am now reading Learning WCF Services and will read Essential WCF (is recommended).
What would happen if I use a normal class to try to talk to a web/service reference? I know this sounds really naive, it's just my lack of experience in web services.
I am coding some WCF services so I am getting exposed to the specifics. They are interacting with a SOAP web service provided by my web host so I can get stats on my site. Is there anything wrong in this approach?
WCF is a unified programming model for developing connected systems. What this means is that you use a single framework to develop service-oriented solutions. WCF allows you to keep your service implementation relatively unaware and care free of what's going on under the covers as far as how your service is consumed by clients and communication is handled. This allows you to take your service implementation and expose it in various ways by configuring it differently without touching your service implementation. This is the unified part. Without WCF, you have to get familiar with a framework specific for a particular communication technology such as ASP.NET asmx web service, .NET remoting, MSMQ etc and usually those frameworks impose on your service implementation and creep in such as using WebMethod attribute or having to derive from MarshallByRefObject object etc and you just can not take your service implementation and easily expose it over another communication stack. If I have a service that adds two numbers, why can it not be exposed over http or tcp easily without having to worry about low level details? This is the question in your post regarding binding. Binding allows you take a service and configure it so that it can be exposed over different transports and protocols using different encodings without ever touching your service implementation.
Is there ever a time I would want to use traditional web service?
Web service uses well defined, accepted, and used standards such as HTTP and SOAP. So if you want your service to be consumed by wide range of clients, then you would want to expose your service as a web service. WCF comes with pre-configured bindings out of the box that allows your service to be exposed as a web service easily: basicHttpBinding and wsHttpBinding. You may also want to consider RESTful services which is an architectural style that fits more natural with the HTTP model. WCF supports RESTful services as well
What would happen if I use a normal
class to try to talk to a web/service
reference? I know this sounds really
naive, it's just my lack of experience
in web services.
WCF service can expose the wsdl for a service just like ASP.NET asmx web service does. You can generate a client side proxy by simply adding a service reference to your client project. There is also a command line tool called svcutil that also generates the client side code that allows you to easily communicate with the service. The client side service class basically mirrors the service interface. You create an instance of the client side proxy for the service and then simply call methods on it just like any other .NET object. Under the covers, your method call will get converted to a message and sent over the wire to the server. On the server side, that message will get dispatched to the appropriate service method.
I hope this helps a bit.There are lots of online content such as videos on MSDN and channel 9 that you check out. The more you pound on it and expose yourself to it, the clearer WCF will get I am sure. Also, WCF is THE framework Microsoft recommends to develop connected system in .NET. The other technologies ASP.NET asmx, WSE, and .NET Remoting will most likely still be available going forward but may not be supported and developed further.
There are a number of existing approaches to building distributed applications. These include Web services, .NET Remoting, Message Queuing and COM Services. Windows Communication Foundation unifies these into a single framework for building and consuming services.
Here is a link from MSDN Why Use Windows Communication Foundation?
WCF is really the "new" standard and new generation of web service - and even more generally, communications - protocols and libraries for the .NET world.
Whenever you feel the need to have two systems talk to one another - think WCF. Whether that'll be behind the corporate firewall in your company LAN, whether it's across the internet, by means of a direct call or a delayed message queueing system - WCF is your answer. Mehmet has written a really nice summary of how WCF is the unification of a great many communication standards that existed in the Microsoft world before WCF.
I would think with the "Learning WCF" book, you should be a lot better off than with Programming WCF - that's quite advanced stuff already!
One of the mainstays of WCF is the architecture that you always talk to your service through a proxy - whether that service runs on the same machine using NetNamedPipe binding or halfway around the world in Down Under on a server - no difference, you always go through a proxy. That then also allows WCF to be so extensible - thanks to the proxy always being between the client (your application) and the service, it offers excellent ways of extending the behavior and the inner workings of WCF to your liking and needs.
WCF basically builds on SOAP communications - so interfacing and using existing SOAP services should be no problem at all. With the WCF REST Starter Kit and in the upcoming .NET 4.0 release cycle, WCF will also extend its reach into the REST style web communications, if that's ever going to be a requirement of yours.
All this really shows one of the biggest strenghts of WCF: it's a unified and extremely flexible and extensible communication framework, that can handle just about anything you throw at it. That alone is more than enough reason to learn WCF (which can be dauting at first, I agree!), and you won't regret the effort you put into this endeavor.
Have you a specific application you are writing for, or just getting your feet wet?
Google protocol buffers, is a very good choice of communications. John Skeet & Marc Gravell have both done C# implementations. See here