How to automate keystrokes for Blackberry J2ME Application? - testing

I am trying to do automation testing over a blackberry application written using J2ME over MIDlet architecture.
I have an application already running on blackberry devices. I am writing my TestApp (written again in J2ME) over existing App. (i.e., my TestApp extends to already Original App and it runs - inheriting).
I am trying to run the OriginalApp through my TestApp and handle the controls automatically using my TestApp. I am not able to automate the key strokes although I have already got the key codes of the blackberry device.
Keycodes I am using are like
KEY_BB_FIRE = -1204;
KEY_BB_UP = -1200;
KEY_BB_DOWN = -1201;
KEY_BB_LEFT = -1202;
KEY_BB_RIGHT = -1203;
I am trying to use _keyPressed and _keyReleased methods of Screen class.
boolean sendKeys(Form obj, int keyObj){
catch (Exception e){
System.out.println("ERROR: Striking key in Form failed: "+keyObj);
return false;
return true;
Similarly I have got the key codes for Nokia device and I have completed automating the same application for Nokia. Just having trouble using the same technique on a blackberry.


File Uploading service gets failed from android whereas works with IOS

I had created the WCF service for file uploading. Its working fine when the service hits from web application or from IOS device. But its throwing an exception when it comes from Android device.
I tried to multiparse the streamdata. Its throwing an exception as like file unavailable.
public OASIS.Entity.Shared.UserFileUpload FileUpload(Stream data, string UploadMode)
OASIS.Entity.Shared.UserFileUpload userFileUpload = new Entity.Shared.UserFileUpload();
MultipartParser parser = new MultipartParser(data);
string fileName = string.Empty;
string filePath = string.Empty;
string allowedExtensions = string.Empty;
int allowedFileSizeMB = 0;
if (parser.FileAvailable)
// File Available for IOS / Web application.
// userFileUpload
// From android device file is getting not available.
catch (Exception exp)
userFileUpload = null;
return userFileUpload;
Expecting it should get work for android device too.
By default, WCF does not support form data files, so it looks like you are using MultipartParser to convert form data (data from a file stream uploaded through a form-data).
If this class can handle data submitted in IOS, it should also be able to handle data submitted through forms in Andriod, after all, the HTTP protocol is cross-platform.
thereby I would like to know, how do you upload data in the Andriod system?
By adding breakpoint debugging, can you use this class to parse form data properly?
I suggest you handle the form-data by creating the service with WebAPI.
Feel free to let me know if there is anything I can help with.

Adobe AIR Application to run only with CD

Developed a desktop application using Adobe Air. The application will get installed through a CD on the users machine. The user should insert the CD every time to access the application.
Need help is restricting the application from opening without the Cd inserted.
Have written the following code but does not help.
var volumes:Vector.<StorageVolume> = StorageVolumeInfo.storageVolumeInfo.getStorageVolumes();
for each (var volume:StorageVolume in volumes)
// use isRemovable property for USB:
if (volume.isRemovable)
if( == "application")
{"NOt found","Incorrect Access",4,null,myClickHandler,null,4,null);
// Define button actions.

Single process C#.Net windows service is showing multiple thread in CPU resource monitor?

I have developed a C#.Net windows service which is a single process.In this I'm using 2 third party Dlls one for ZIP(Ionic) and another for Excel(EPPlus).
The .EXE job is to:
Read SDF file
Write the SDF file data to SQL Server table
Generate Excel
Create ZIP
While monitoring this particular EXE in resource monitor it is showing 10 threads are running.
Note: I have not used any threading in this application.
Is OS making it 10 threads? If yes, how and why??
Related: Why does this simple .NET console app have so many threads?
I'll use a simple console application in Visual Studio 2010 that adds a reference to an assembly that spawns a thread similar to what a 3rd party library could do.
A Windows Service may have different debugging techniques, and may have various additional threads running created by the system.
Simple Console
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
while (true)
Simple API in separate class library assembly, added as a reference to the Console project
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ClassLibrary1
public class Class1
public static void StartThread()
var t = new Task(() => {
Start Debugging (F5)
From the Menu Debug, Select 'Break All'
From the Menu Debug, Select Windows then Threads
The following image shows :
Main Thread, this is the console application
ClassLibrary1.Class1.StartThread.AnonymousMethod_0, this is the thread started by the referenced assembly. If Ionic or a 3Rd party API started a thread, you may see something related to its namespace.

Smooth Streaming SDK for Windows 8 - Error with Headphones Plugged

I'm doing some tests with the Smooth Streaming Client SDK for Windows 8, and I have a very basic application playing a fullscreen video:
private MediaExtensionManager extensions = new MediaExtensionManager();
public MainPage()
extensions.RegisterByteStreamHandler("Microsoft.Media.AdaptiveStreaming.SmoothByteStreamHandler", ".ism", "text/xml");
extensions.RegisterByteStreamHandler("Microsoft.Media.AdaptiveStreaming.SmoothByteStreamHandler", ".ism", "application/");
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
string url = "http://my.smooth.streaming.url/manifest";
this.slPlayer.Source = new Uri(url);
This seems to be working fine, unless I plug my headphones, at which point the application stops working. Adding a handler for the MediaFailed event informs I'm getting a MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED error.
Any idea what may be causing this?
Badaro, I just tried this and was not able to repro the problem (on both x86 & x64, both starting with and without headphones and switching during playback). My guess is that you are either:
1) running into a driver issue.
2) there is something specific about the way your stream is encoded that causes this.
I suggest ruling out #1 by trying on a few different machines.
or, rule out #2 by trying the sample smooth SDK stream:

Could not load middleware layer ''

I'm using Sap Jco to connect to SAP database with the front end being Java(JSF), When I connect to SAP with:
try {
mConnection =JCO.createClient("400", // SAP client
"c3026902", // userid
"********", // password
"EN", // language
"iwdf5020", // host name
"00"); // system number
catch (Exception ex) {
Problem I'm facing is when run the application for the first time, data is displayed but when I re-run it says "Could not load middleware layer '' "
Can any one help me in resolving the issue?????
This sounds like the API cannot load the native driver files.
The SAP Java Connector consists of a native runtime part, that does the actuall communication and a Java API that wraps this functionality with a java api.
The Java API is inside the sapjco.jar and the native drivers are e.g on windows inside librfc32.dll and sapjcorfc.dll.
Place these dll's into your system path (e.g. windows: C:\WiNDOWS\system32) and it should run.
Are your DLLs located in the Windows system32 folder? If so, are you probably using the wrong architecture? (x64 DLL on 32 bit or vice versa)
Also, are the DLLs the same version as the java api? If you have SAP GUI installed there could be older DLLs around.
Defining SAP connection:
For the Version 3,0 of the sapjco library there exists plenty of useful information. To create a connection following the instructions in:
There are a few thing that you should take into account:
Place the dll file in the same place that the jar.
The dll must be the right version for your operating system and architecture otherwise you will get a native library error.
Example of code to create a connection to the server.
public class StepByStepClient
Properties connectProperties = new Properties();
connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_ASHOST, "ls4065");
connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_SYSNR, "85");
connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_CLIENT, "800");
connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_USER, "homofarber");
connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_PASSWD, "laska");
connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_LANG, "en");
createDestinationDataFile(DESTINATION_NAME1, connectProperties);
connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_POOL_CAPACITY, "3");
connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_PEAK_LIMIT, "10");
createDestinationDataFile(DESTINATION_NAME2, connectProperties);
static void createDestinationDataFile(String destinationName, Properties connectProperties)
File destCfg = new File(destinationName+".jcoDestination");
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(destCfg, false);, "for tests only !");
catch (Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create the destination files", e);
public static void step1Connect() throws JCoException
JCoDestination destination = JCoDestinationManager.getDestination(DESTINATION_NAME1);
In SAPJco 3.0 connections are build from the info contained in a “Destination”.
The documentation example use a properties file to save the “Destination”. However it is a non-secure way to keep connection info. As is indicated on the documentation in the hightlighted paragraph you can see on next link.
You can keep connection info on a database or any other storage system if you create a custom “DestinationDataProvider” In the Examples provided with the SAPJco library there is an example of how to create a custom DestinationDataProvider.