RabbitMQ: Verify version of rabbitmq - rabbitmq

How can I verify which version of rabbitmq is running on a server?
Is there a command to verify that rabbitmq is running?

sudo rabbitmqctl status
and look for line that looks like that:

You can simply execute from the command line:
sudo rabbitmqctl status | grep rabbit

If rabbitimq can not start I found the only way to determine version is via installer system.
Eample Debian/Ubuntu:
dpkg -s rabbitmq-server | grep Version

If you have no access to rabbitmqctl or rabbitmq-server is not running, on linux do :
ls /usr/lib/rabbitmq/lib/
I got :

As Marek said on a local server, or, on a remote server (using amqplib):
from amqplib import client_0_8 as amqp
import sys
conn = amqp.Connection(host=sys.argv[1], userid="guest", password="guest", virtual_host="/", insist=False)
for k, v in conn.server_properties.items():
print k, v
Save as checkVersion.py and run with python checkVersion.py dev.rabbitmq.com:
% python checkVersion.py dev.rabbitmq.com
information Licensed under the MPL. See http://www.rabbitmq.com/
product RabbitMQ
copyright Copyright (C) 2007-2011 VMware, Inc.
capabilities {}
platform Erlang/OTP
version 2.6.0

On debian systems, you can just run:
dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show rabbitmq-server

To get RabbitMQ version using the .NET/C# RabbitMQ Client Library:
using (var connection = connectionFactory.CreateConnection())
if (connection.ServerProperties.ContainsKey("version"))

In the likely event you're using the "management" (web) plug-in, the RabbitMQ version appears in the upper-right corner of every web page, along with the version of the Erlang run-time.

I use following command to trim output down to version,
rabbitmqctl status | grep "{rabbit,\"RabbitMQ\""

Since I was looking to do this in C# on a Windows machine and all the current answers are for *nix, I'll post the code that I ended up using:
public string GetRabbitMqVersion()
string prefix = "rabbitmq_server-";
var dirs = System.IO.Directory.EnumerateDirectories(#"C:\Program Files (x86)\RabbitMQ Server", string.Format("{0}*",prefix));
foreach (var dir in dirs)
//Just grab the text after 'rabbitmq_server-' and return the first item found
var i = dir.LastIndexOf(prefix);
return dir.Substring(i+16);
return "Unknown";

On Centos you can use yum list rabbitmq-server.

Login to management ui and in top right you can find the version. Also use the following command to find the version
# sudo bash
# rabbitmqctl status | grep rabbit


Using "Remote SSH" in VSCode on a target machine that only allows inbound SSH connections

Is there a way to use the VSCode Remote SSH extension to interact with a remote host that does not allow outbound internet connections?
Is it possible to download the vscode-server files from another system and copy to host?
I read this but I can't connect the server to internet.
When you connect to a host it executes a bash script that wgets or curls a tarball and extracts it in a directory in your home directory. Here's an offline workaround.
Attempt to connect, let it fail
On server, get the commit id
$ ls ~/.vscode-server/bin
Download tarball replacing $COMMIT_ID with the the commit number from the previous step
For Stable Version
For Insider Version
Move tarball to ~/.vscode-server/bin/$COMMIT_ID/vscode-server-linux-x64.tar.gz
Extract tarball in this directory
$ cd ~/.vscode-server/bin/$COMMIT_ID
$ tar -xvzf vscode-server-linux-x64.tar.gz --strip-components 1
Connect again
You'll still need to install any extensions manually. There's a download button next to all the extensions in the marketplace. Once you have the .vsix file you can install them through the GUI with the Install from VSIX option in the extensions manager.
This is kind of a pain and hopefully they improve this process, but if you have a network-based home directory, you only have to do this once.
open vscode -> about
Version: 1.46.1
Commit: cd9ea6488829f560dc949a8b2fb789f3cdc05f5d
Date: 2020-06-17T21:17:14.222Z
Electron: 7.3.1
Chrome: 78.0.3904.130
Node.js: 12.8.1
OS: Darwin x64 17.7.0
$COMMIT_ID = cd9ea6488829f560dc949a8b2fb789f3cdc05f5d
A new feature is being added to support offline install
However, you can now solve this issue by a new user setting in the Remote - SSH extension. If you enable the setting remote.SSH.allowLocalServerDownload, the extension will install the VS Code Server on the client first and then copy it over to the server via SCP.
Note: This is currently an experimental feature but will be turned on by default in the next release
A a work around I have done the following:
Desktop ~/.ssh/config
Host *
RemoteForward 54321
Remote: ~/bin/wget in which ~/bin is added to PATH via .bashrc
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/opt/lib/tsocks/
export TSOCKS_CONF_FILE=$HOME/opt/tsocks/tsocks.conf
$HOME/bin/tsocks /usr/bin/wget $#
Remote: ~/opt/tsocks/tsocks.conf
server =
server_port = 54321
server_type = 5
note tsocks binary has been scp-ed to ~/bin/tsocks and ~/opt/tsocks/ has been created with libtsocks.so which is normally stored in /usr/lib64/libtsocks.so
This is a work around that allows me to have wget functionality with out messing with anything outside my profile to get it to work (eg: no root required ... even though I have it).
Current Version of VS Code: 1.48.2
I just kill the wget process on the server end, and let the client download the archive and transfer it to the server end. That's quite easy as below.
make sure that you set in settings.json
"remote.SSH.allowLocalServerDownload": true,
execute the shell scrpits below.
# to find the <pid>
ps aux | grep wget | grep vscode-server
# kill the process
kill -9 <pid>
# then wait for the client downloading and transferring
# optional: If you want to know the progress, just
cd ~/.vscode-server/bin/<commit-id>/
watch -n 1 -d ls -rthl

Can RabbitMQ "disk free monitoring" be enabled?

In response to this curl to the RabbitMQ Management API ...
curl localhost:15672/api/nodes/{node name}/ -u {user} | jq .
... after typing the password, I am getting a response that includes this line ...
"disk_free_limit": "disk_free_monitoring_disabled",
How can I enable this, or is it a build-time choice or platform limitation?
I am using RabbitMQ 3.6.6 on CentOS release 6.8 (Final).
UPDATE: I just noticed this erlang startup flag (using ps -ef | grep rabbit):
-os_mon start_disksup false
That turned out to be unrelated. It is set by rabbitmq-server that way, even in installations where I don't get the problem.
you get this error when rabbit_disk_monitor can't execute:
/bin/df -kP ++ dir
check the logs, maybe is a permission problem and or try to execute /bin/df -kP and see the result

How to find out Redis version

I am on my box ubuntu 12.04 (precise32), where Redis was installed, but I can not find out the Redis version. How can I resolve this problem?
It was installed using the redisio cookbook.
If you want to find the version of the server:
$ redis-server -v
For example in my system I get this result:
Redis server v=2.8.4 sha=00000000:0 malloc=libc bits=64 build=92637893332b8579
If you want to get the version of the client:
$ redis-cli -v
If you want to know the version of the server, from the client:
and the first line is the version of the Redis server.

rabbitmq refusing to start

I have installed rabbitmq on ubuntu and trying to start it using rabbitmq-server start, however, I'm getting this error:
Activating RabbitMQ plugins ...
0 plugins activated:
node with name "rabbit" already running on "mybox"
- nodes and their ports on mybox: [{rabbit,38618},
- current node: rabbitmqprelaunch13346#mybox
- current node home dir: /var/lib/rabbitmq
- current node cookie hash: 8QRKGluOJOcZ4AAkEdFwQg==
so I try to stop it or restart it using service rabbitmq-server restart but I get the following error: Restarting rabbitmq-server: RabbitMQ is not running
The server's host name hostname -s is mybox.
How do I stop the currently running instance, or at least, how do I manage it? I have no access to it and yet I'm not able to run rabbitmq properly.
Thank you.
Rabbitmq is set to start automatically after it's installed.
I don't think it is configured run with the service command.
To see the status of rabbitmq
sudo rabbitmqctl status
To stop the rabbitmq
sudo rabbitmqctl stop
(Try the status command again to see that it's stopped).
To start it again, the recommended method is
sudo invoke-rc.d rabbitmq-server start
These all work with the vanilla ubuntu install using apt-get
Still not working?
If you've tried unsuccessfully to start or restart rabbitmq, check to see how many processes are running.
ps -ef | grep rabbit
There should be 5 processes running as the user rabbitmq.
If you have more, particularly if they're running as other users (such as root, or your own user) you should stop these processes.
The cleanest way is probably to reboot your machine.
rabbitmq-server refuses to start if the hostname -s value has changed.
The solution suggested here is only for test/development environments.
I had to delete the database to fix it locally.
i.e empty folder /var/lib/rabbitmq (ubuntu) or /usr/local/var/lib/rabbitmq/(mac)
I had similar problem but these suggestions didn't work for me(restart too). When I run rabbitmq-server command, I get a response like that:
$/ rabbitmq-server
Error description:
When I checked permissions of /var/log/rabbitmq/rabbit#haber01.log file, I saw that group has not write permisson for that file. So I gave permission to group with that command:
/var/log/rabbigmq/$ chmod g+w *
then problem has gone!
Maybe this answer help someone.
Seems like the Mnesia database was corrupted. Had to delete it to get sudo service rabbitmq-server start going again !
$ sudo rm -rf /var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/
Also make sure that any stray rabbit processes are killed before clearing out
$ ps auxww | grep rabbit | awk '{print $2}' | sudo xargs kill -9
And then
$ sudo service rabbitmq-server start
If you use celery, your queues could reach max size and rabbit won't start because of that. Maybe you wouldn't even able to use rabbitmqctl, so if you can afford to clean the queues, just remove
on unix (look for mnesia DB path on your system).
Be careful: this will remove everything you have in rabbit, so this is a last solution ever.
Have a look what is in the log of the node that you are trying to start. It will be in /var/log/rabbitmq/
It was selinux in my case, rabbit could not bind to its ports.
My brew version of rabbitmq refused to start (after working fine for years without modification by me) too.
$ cat /usr/local/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf
I edited out rabbit# on NODENAME and brew services restart rabbitmq started working again.
If the standard stop and start are not working, list the rabbitmq processes that are running using
ps aux | grep rabbitmq
Kill the beam.smp process using
kill -9 {process id}
and start the rabbitmq-server again.

"node with name "rabbit" already running", but also "unable to connect to node 'rabbit'"

Rabbitmq server does not start, saying it's already running:
$: rabbitmq-server
Activating RabbitMQ plugins ...
0 plugins activated:
node with name "rabbit" already running on "android-d1af002161676bee"
- nodes and their ports on android-d1af002161676bee: [{rabbit,52176},
- current node: 'rabbitmqprelaunch2254#android-d1af002161676bee'
- current node home dir: /Users/Jordan
- current node cookie hash: ZSx3slRJURGK/nHXDTBRqQ==
But, rabbitmqctl seems to think otherwise:
rabbitmqctl -n rabbit status
Status of node 'rabbit#android-d1af002161676bee' ...
Error: unable to connect to node 'rabbit#android-d1af002161676bee': nodedown
- nodes and their ports on android-d1af002161676bee: [{rabbit,52176},
- current node: 'rabbitmqctl2462#android-d1af002161676bee'
- current node home dir: /Users/Jordan
- current node cookie hash: ZSx3slRJURGK/nHXDTBRqQ==
Any takers?
The rabbitmq server was running somewhere but it just couldn't be connected to.
One of the following will mention something about rabbits:
$: ps aux | grep epmd
$: ps aux | grep erl
Kill the process with kill -9 {pid of rabbitmq process}
i was having the same problem then I realized I was not issuing the right command.
./rabbitmqctl stop
this works everytime, although it does take down erlang runtime too. also mind where your config file.
I used rabbitmqctl stop and then restarted using rabbitmq-server as root.
This issue can be caused by two issues:
Rabbit is already running on the server. If that is the case, use the answer you found of killing the currently running process (ps aux | grep rabbit | grep -v grep)
You have changed the IP address of your machine but not changed the /etc/hosts file to reflect the new IP address of the machine.
The more common of the issues is the first, but the harder to find is the second (especially if you have rabbit running on the other machine. If rabbit is installed on the other machine it will look at the old IP address and would see another machine already running rabbitmq and give you the same error. This has caused me grief in the past.
I was having this same error # Win 7, but the solutions above did not worked for me, what did solved was to remove and reinstall the service. Using a console with admin rights:
rabbitmq-service remove
rabbitmq-service install
I hope this might help someone else too
$CD RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.7.8\sbin
rabbitmq-service remove
rabbitmq-service install
Go : windows Services
Find : RabbitMQ and Start it
after this Enable plugin :
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
In my case under Ubuntu 11.10 it helped to
#rabbitmqctl cluster MASTER SLAVE
#rabbitmqctl start_app
before I always got this error message...
Using admin console, in Win 2012R2 ver 3.5.5 rabbit, got it to work using the remove and install then rabbitmq-server restart
then ctr-c to terminate the job, then I was able to use the windows service console and start the rabbitMq service.
In my case(windows),
1. I just ran the stop service.
2. The started the service.