Singleton Safety with +(void)load - objective-c

I've just been looking at the header files for NSObject, and I'm creating a singleton class. The problem I have is that it needs to load up basically from the start of the application, as the singleton maintains state for the application by observing NSNotifications and reporting the current state when asked.
My solution to this was to use the +(void)load method on NSObject. When the class loads into memory, I was going to override the load method, and allocate the singleton at that stage.
The documentation from Apple does not make it clear if it is safe to call [[*class* alloc] init] during the load method. I would generally assume it was, unless it was documented, but considering the importance of this item, and the fact that I'm loading this every time the app launches, I'd like to know anyone has any knowledge of whether this is safe or not, just for reassurance.
Many thanks for any assistance.

It depends on what exactly your class (and its superclasses) does when you call init. During load, other classes are not guaranteed to be available. If your class's init doesn't need any other classes, you might be able to get away with it.
It would be much safer to do this in + (void)initialize instead, and if necessary to call a setup function during application launch (e.g. from application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: on iOS).


Objective-C: How to force a call to `+initialize` at startup rather than later when the class happens to used for the first time?

For certain classes, I would like to explicitly call the +initialize method when my program starts, rather than allowing the runtime system to call it implicitly at some nondeterministic point later when the class happens to first be used. Problem is, this isn't recommended.
Most of my classes have little to no work to do in initialization, so I can just let the runtime system do its thing for those, but at least one of my classes requires as much as 1 second to initialize on older devices, and I don't want things to stutter later when the program is up and running. (A good example of this would be sound effects — I don't want sudden delay the first time I try to play a sound.)
What are some ways to do this initialization at startup-time?
Attempted solutions
What I've done in the past is call the +initialize method manually from main.c, and made sure that every +initialize method has a bool initialized variable wrapped in a #synchronized block to prevent accidental double-initialization. But now Xcode is warning me that +initialize would be called twice. No surprise there, but I don't like ignoring warnings, so I'd rather fix the problem.
My next attempt (earlier today) was to define a +preinitialize function that I call directly instead +initialize, and to make sure I call +preinitialize implicitly inside of +initialize in case it is not called explicitly at startup. But the problem here is that something inside +preinitialize is causing +initialize to be called implicitly by the runtime system, which leads me to think that this is a very unwise approach.
So let's say I wanted to keep the actual initialization code inside +initialize (where it's really intended to be) and just write a tiny dummy method called +preinitialize that forces +initialize to be called implicitly by the runtime system somehow? Is there a standard approach to this? In a unit test, I wrote...
+ (void) preinitialize
id dummy = [self alloc];
NSLog(#"Preinitialized: %i", !!dummy);
...but in the debugger, I did not observe +initialize being called prior to +alloc, indicating that +initialize was not called implicitly by the runtime system inside of +preinitialize.
I found a really simple solution, and posted it as an answer.
The first possible place to run class-specific code is +load, which happens when the class is added to the ObjC runtime. It's still not completely deterministic which classes' +load implementations will be called in what order, but there are some rules. From the docs:
The order of initialization is as follows:
All initializers in any framework you link to.
All +load methods in your image.
All C++ static initializers and C/C++ __attribute__(constructor)
functions in your image.
All initializers in frameworks that link to you.
In addition:
A class’s +load method is called after all of its superclasses’ +load
A category +load method is called after the class’s own +load method.
So, two peer classes (say, both direct NSObject subclasses) will both +load in step 2 above, but there's no guarantee which order the two of them will be relative to each other.
Because of that, and because metaclass objects in ObjC are generally not great places to set and maintain state, you might want something else...
A better solution?
For example, your "global" state can be kept in the (single) instance of a singleton class. Clients can call [MySingletonClass sharedSingleton] to get that instance and not care about whether it's getting its initial setup done at that time or earlier. And if a client needs to make sure it happens earlier (and in a deterministic order relative to other things), they can call that method at a time of their choosing — such as in main before kicking off the NSApplication/UIApplication run loop.
If you don't want this costly initialization work to happen at app startup, and you don't want it to happen when the class is being put to use, you have a few other options, too.
Keep the code in +initialize, and contrive to make sure the class gets messaged before its first "real" use. Perhaps you can kick off a background thread to create and initialize a dummy instance of that class from application:didFinishLaunching:, for example.
Put that code someplace else — in the class object or in a singleton, but in a method of your own creation regardless — and call it directly at a time late enough for setup to avoid slowing down app launch but soon enough for it to be done before your class' "real" work is needed.
There are two problems here. First, you should never call +initialize directly. Second, if you have some piece of initialization that can take over a second, you generally shouldn't run it on the main queue because that would hang the whole program.
Put your initialization logic into a separate method so you can call it when you expect to. Optionally, put the logic into a dispatch_once block so that it's safe to call it multiple times. Consider the following example.
#interface Foo: NSObject
+ (void)setup;
#implementation Foo
+ (void)setup {
NSLog(#"Setup start");
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
NSLog(#"Setup running");
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:1]; // Expensive op
Now in your application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: call it in the background.
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
// Here, you should setup your UI into an "inactive" state, since we can't do things until
// we're done initializing.
dispatch_group_t group = dispatch_group_create();
dispatch_group_async(group, dispatch_get_global_queue(0, 0), ^{
[Foo setup];
// And any other things that need to intialize in order.
dispatch_group_notify(group, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
NSLog(#"We're all ready to go now! Turn on the the UI. Set the variables. Do the thing.");
return YES;
This is how you want to approach things if order matters to you. All the runtime options (+initialize and +load) make no promises on order, so don't rely on them for work that needs that. You'll just make everything much more complicated than it needs to be.
You may want to be able to check for programming errors in which you accidentally call Foo methods before initialization is done. That's best done, IMO, with assertions. For example, create an +isInitialized method that checks whatever +setup does (or create a class variable to track it). Then you can do this:
#define FooAssertInitialized(condition) NSAssert([Foo isInitialized], #"You must call +setup before using Foo.")
#define FooAssertInitialized(condition)
- (void)someMethodThatRequiresInitialization {
// Do stuff
This makes it easy to mark methods that really do require initialization before use vs ones that may not.
Cocoa provides a setup point earlier than +initialize in the form of +load, which is called very shortly after the program's start. This is a weird environment: other classes that rely on +load may not be completely initialized yet, and more importantly, your main() has not been called! That means there's no autorelease pool in place.
After load but before initialize, functions marked with __attribute__((constructor)) will be called. This doesn't allow you to do much that you can't do in main() so far as I know.
One option would be to create a dummy instance of your class in either main() or a constructor, guaranteeing that initialize will be called as early as possible.
Answering my own question here. It turns out that the solution is embarrassingly simple.
I had been operating under the mistaken belief that +initialize would not be called until the first instance method in a class is invoked. This is not so. It is called before the first instance method or class method is invoked (other than +load, of course).
So the solution is simply to cause +initialize to be invoked implicitly. There are multiple ways to do this. Two are discussed below.
Option 1 (simple and direct, but unclear)
In startup code, simply call some method (e.g., +class) of the class you want to initialize at startup, and discard the return value:
(void)[MyClass class];
This is guaranteed by the Objective-C runtime system to call [MyClass initialize] implicitly if it has not yet been called.
Option 2 (less direct, but clearer)
Create a +preinitialize method with an empty body:
+ (void) preinitialize
// Simply by calling this function at startup, an implicit call to
// +initialize is generated.
Calling this function at startup implicitly invokes +initialize:
[MyClass preinitialize]; // Implicitly invokes +initialize.
This +preinitialize method serves no purpose other than to document the intention. Thus, it plays well with +initialize and +deinitialize and is fairly self-evident in the calling code. I write a +deinitialize method for every class I write that has an +initialize method. +deinitialize is called from the shutdown code; +initialize is called implicitly via +preinitialize in the startup code. Super simple. Sometimes I also write a +reinitialize method, but the need for this is rare.
I am now using this approach for all my class initializers. Instead of calling [MyClass initialize] in the start up code, I am now calling [MyClass preinitialize]. It's working great, and the call stack shown in the debugger confirms that +initialize is being called exactly at the intended time and fully deterministically.

What is the point of retaining a singleton you've accessed?

Is there any point to using retain on a singleton? I believe the whole point of using the singleton pattern is to keep one global object to access from various classes. What would be a case to use retain on such an object?
Generally, the implementation of retain in a singleton class returns self (not singleton instance) like below:
return self;
I recently went through some open source code, and the author repeatedly retained the singleton
object = [[SingletonClass shareObject] retain]
and released it in dealloc.
So when I tried to build this project, it worked at first, then crashed when it attempted to access variables on singleton object later.
What would happen exactly, if I retain a singleton object and attempt to access it?
Just because it's a singleton doesn't mean its lifetime is necessarily the lifetime of the process. For example, you might have some singleton that obtains a resource. But until you need that resource, there's no point in creating it. Likewise, you might know that all instances are done with that resource, so why keep it around? An easy way to keep track of whether a singleton needs to continue to exist is its retain count.
For example, you might have a singleton that represents the video camera built-in to a user's device. There might be different parts of your application that need to access the camera. But it might also be possible to use your app without the camera, or the workflow may dictate that the camera is turned off at some point (for privacy, or whatever). So you don't allocate the singleton until the user initiates an action that starts camera use. They may do several actions with the camera, such as take a picture, scan a QR code, record some video, etc. Then they may end all of those actions and need the memory taken by the camera freed up (especially on a mobile device). So they end those actions. If each camera-related actions retained the camera singleton, then each released it when they were done, you could free up the memory and other resources used by the camera, even though it's still a singleton.
Consistency. Make a point of always retaining objects that you keep references to, even if they're singletons, and you won't make mistakes down the road when you forget to retain objects that reference counts do matter for.
Never hold on to a singleton. There is no guarantee that the underlying library/class/manager doesn't replace that singleton with a new object in the application's lifetime. The point of a singleton access static method is for the current valid singleton to be available at any time to any caller.
Singletons are written by anyone and there is no guarantee that the singleton is not switched. The only guarantee is that a specific class will only have one existing instance at any time.
If you retain a singleton at some point the object you retained could be invalid or even worse, be completely different from the one being held to by the class singleton() method.

Singleton Instance vs Class Methods

While recently working with Objective-C and various libraries written in it, I've noticed two really popular singleton patterns. One version fetches the singleton instance and calls its instance methods and other version only exposes class methods and never gives you an instance to work with. All have the purpose of abstracting access to a single resource (StoreKit, CoreData, Parse API etc.). For example, here's the former approach used in MKStoreKit:
// initialize singleton during app boot
[MKStoreManager sharedManager]
// sometime later in the app
[[MKStoreManager sharedManager] buyFeature:kFeatureAId
onComplete:^(NSString* purchasedFeature)
NSLog(#"Purchased: %#", purchasedFeature);
NSLog(#"User Cancelled Transaction");
or alternatively NSUserDefaults, UIApplication etc.. The other approach can be seen in MagicalRecord or here with Parse API:
// configure API credentials sometime during app boot
[Parse setApplicationId:#"123456"
// sometime later
PFObject *testObject = [PFObject objectWithClassName:#"TestObject"];
[testObject setObject:#"bar" forKey:#"foo"];
[testObject save];
What are some pros and cons of the two approaches and is one of them fundamentally better than the other?
Not having to retrieve the shared instance saves some screen estate (the performance difference is likely irrelevant), but am I screwing myself in some other way, for example, testability-wise?
There are two different ways to implement the approach based on class methods:
Make a singleton instance using a class hidden from everybody, and hide its methods behind wrapper class methods with identical signatures, or
Make class methods that do all the work
The implications of the first implementation are that everything you can do with a singleton, you can do with the hidden singleton:
using a subclass becomes a possibility
switching the instance in the middle of the run is easy
the state lives in instance variables
initialization follows the familiar pattern
If you go for an implementation that does not use a singleton, you would be relying on static variables to keep your current state. That is a legitimate choice, but the initialization pattern becomes different (perhaps even using a dispatch_once), you cannot switch the implementation in the middle without relying on some ugly if conditions, and using a subclass becomes a lot more tricky.
Testing the first implementation is somewhat easier than testing the second one, because you can provide a separate implementation of the singleton for testing, perhaps through the back door; with a static-based implementation, this route cannot be taken.
To summarize, I would use a singleton-based solution, with the singleton optionally hidden behind a "facade" that provides access to singleton's methods. I would not use an implementation where all state must be placed in static variables.
One advantage of the singleton approach is that it becomes trivial to allow other instances if you need to. If you take the class method approach, that's all you get without a lot of refactoring.

Using a custom allocator in an iOS library

I'm creating a library that will be used by multiple types of iOS apps. Part of my API allows a user to specify routines that will be used for the library's allocations. My library is implemented mostly in C++, so this has been straightforward so far.
However, I've recently been adding some user interface functionality to the library: displaying a UIWebView using a custom view controller. I'm not sure how to ensure that my allocators are used for these objects.
How can I ensure that all of the Cocoa UI objects created by my library are allocated with my own functions?
I've tried a few things including overriding -initWithZone and calling CFAllocatorSetDefault before my -init. None of them have worked yet; and honestly I'm still a beginner with Objective C and Cocoa, so I'd like to know what the "correct" way to do this is.
I'm unable to find evidence of it now, but it certainly was the case that CFAllocator, malloc_zone_t and NSZone were all toll-free bridged. So you could just cast your allocator to an NSZone and pass it along.
I think the problem you're going to face is that NSZone was added at NextStep so as to allow a program to maintain multiple heaps, with the feeling being that it would allow programmers to keep related objects close to one another in memory — which is good for caching — and in some cases to throw away entire object graphs without walking the graph, which is obviously fast. However the former was of little benefit in practice and the latter is more likely to create problems than to be of actual benefit. So Apple has back-peddled from NSZones, gradually turning the related runtime calls into no-ops and removing detailed documentation. Apple's feeling is that, at the Objective-C level, you should not only maintain only a single heap (which is a side issue from your point of view) but that they'll always know best how to maintain it.
EDIT: an alternative idea is to replace NSObject's alloc, that being the thing that creates memory. The Objective-C runtime is well-defined enough that we know exactly what behaviour alloc exhibits, so that a vanilla version might be:
+ (id)alloc
Class *newInstance;
// we'll use calloc to ensure we get correct initial behaviour of
// everything equal to 0, and use the runtime's class_getInstanceSize
// so that we're allocating the correct amount of memory irrespective
// of whether this call has fallen through from a subclass
newInstance = (Class *)calloc(1, class_getInstanceSize(self));
// the thing that defines a class is that the first thing stored in
// it is the isa pointer, which points to the metaclass. So we'll
// set the isa pointer appropriately
*newInstance = self;
return (id)newInstance;
To replace NSObject's normal init, you'd probably want to define your alternative as a category method on NSObject named, say, customInit, then use class_getClassMethod, class_getMethodImplementation and method_setImplementation directly on [NSObject class] to switch it into place. See the Object-C Runtime Reference for documentation on those.

Core Data singleton manager?

What technical reasons are there not to make a singleton class to manage my Core Data? I'm trying to make a decision now, if I should strip out all of the boilerplate core data code and re-implement it in a singleton.
The boilerplate code in the application delegate in the Xcode templates is functionally implemented as a singleton. The application object is a singleton and it maintains but one delegate object so you've only got one instances of the Core Data stack and since the application object is universally accessible, you can always get to the app delegate as well.
However, even that works only for simple apps with one persistent store with all the context using that one store. In more complex apps you may have multiple stores or context so a singleton quickly becomes too bloated.
A singleton usually won't buy you much complexity hiding or save duplicate coding because most of the coding you have to do with Core Data is in the controller layer where you link up the model to the view/interface. Since that logic is usually custom to each view, you can't actually park it in the singleton.
I've used singletons in the past but in the end they usually prove more hassle than they are worth.
There are two important considerations (note these are not the only two) when deciding if a singleton is right for you:
Memory Usage
Singletons are convenient, but if your application uses multiple threads you might be tempted to write something like this:
[[CDSingleton managedObjectContext] executeFetchRequest:someFetch];
//later on a background thread you might write
NSManagedObject *object = [[CDSingleton managedObjectContext] objectWithID:objectID];
Shortly after that, your application will crash because you've accessed a managedObjectContext which was likely created on the main thread from some other thread.
Memory Usage
Singletons never go away, that's the point of a Singleton. Thus, they also never willingly free their consumed resources. In the case of CoreData that means the managed object context will continue to hold managed objects in memory until you call -reset or -save:.
That could be bad if your app uses a lot of data.
Best practice is to pass the managed object context between view controllers. Apple documentation and samples do that. You should never really have to access your app delegate, not for Core Data, not for anything.