How can I change text color in CEikRichTextEditor Symbian - symbian

Is there anyway to change parts of the text I add into CEikRichTextEditor control without selecting the text first - which shows the green selection rectangle over the text - and then apply text style?
Here is the code I use which gives an ugly and sloppy style when user see the running green selection rectangle over the text especially when I insert the text inside a loop
CDesCArray* temp = new(ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(4);
iNumbers.Copy(_L("Here is the numbers"));
iRichText1->SetTextL(&iNumbers); // iRichText1 is a pointer to CEikRichTextEditor object
for(TInt i = 0; i < temp->Count(); i++)
TInt x = iRichText1->Text()->DocumentLength();
iRichText1->RichText()->InsertL(x, (*temp)[i]);
TInt line = iRichText1->Text()->DocumentLength();
iRichText1->RichText()->InsertL(line, _L("\f\f"));
Many thanks in advance.

You need to operate on the CRichText object owned by the editor and apply a paragraph or character format over it (using ApplyCharFormatL() / ApplyParaFormatL()). This avoids any need to select text.
Example applying a paragraph format
Example applying a character format


iText Vertical Alignment in Text inside a Canvas isn't working

I'm trying to set my text which is inside a canvas to get vertically aligned with VerticalAlignment.BOTTOM property value, but whatever I put doesn't change the visual result.
retangulo = New iText.Kernel.Geom.Rectangle(122, AlturaPag - 208, 235, 27)
PdfCanvas = New iText.Kernel.Pdf.Canvas.PdfCanvas(page).SetLineWidth(1).Rectangle(retangulo).Stroke()
canvas = New iText.Layout.Canvas(PdfCanvas, retangulo)
texto = (New iText.Layout.Element.Text(Npagador).SetFontSize(11).SetBold)
' VerticalAlingment = BOTTOM \/
paragrafo = (New iText.Layout.Element.Paragraph().Add(texto).SetTextAlignment(TextAlignment.LEFT).SetVerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignment.BOTTOM))
You are trying to align the contents of the paragraph to the bottom of the paragraph itself, and the paragraph when laying itself out simply uses the minimal necessary height, so whatever alignment (bottom or top) you set, the result it just the same simply because paragraph packs itself to the minimal height.
To make sure setVerticalAlignment has an effect, you need to give the paragraph more vertical space by setting its height. Here is an example where I set paragraph height to match the height of the canvas you add it to, since it's the only element in the canvas. I also set the margins of the paragraph to zero so that you don't get additional spacing around the text.
The code is in Java but you will be able to convert it back to VB.NET as easily as I converted your code to Java:
Paragraph p = new Paragraph().add("Test").setTextAlignment(TextAlignment.LEFT)

iText - PDFAppearence issue

We're using iText to put a text inside a signature placeholder in a PDF. We use a code snippet similar to this to define the Signature Appearence
PdfStamper stp = PdfStamper.createSignature(inputReader, os, '\0', tempFile2, true);
sap = stp.getSignatureAppearance();
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
sap.setReason(text+"\n"+cal.getTime().toString()); `
Everything works fine, but the signature text does not fill all the signature placeholder area as expected by us, but the area filled seems to have an height that is approximately the 70% of the available space.
As a result, sometimes especially if the length of the signature text is quite big, the signature text does not fit in the placeholder and the text is striped away.
Example of filled Signature:
I looked into the PdfSignatureAppearence class and I found this code snippet in the getApperance() method that is responsible of this behaviour and is invoked when
is being called
else {
dataRect = new Rectangle(
rect.getWidth() - MARGIN,
rect.getHeight() * (1 - TOP_SECTION) - MARGIN);
I don't get the reason for that, because I expect that the text could use all the available placeholder height, with the proper margin.
Is there any way to bypass this behaviour?
We are using iText 5.4.2, but also newer version contains same code snippet so I expect that the behaviour will be same.
As #JJ. already commented,
TOP_SECTION is connected with acro6layers rendering and the code [determining the datarect in pure DESCRIPTION mode] does not take into account the value of the acro6layer flag.
Unless one wants to fix this in the iText 5 code itself, the easiest way to make one's description use the whole signature space is to construct the layer 2 appearance oneself.
To do so one merely has to retrieve a PdfTemplate from PdfSignatureAppearance.getLayer(2) and fill it as desired after one has called PdfSignatureAppearance.setVisibleSignature. The PdfSignatureAppearance remembers that you already have retrieved the layer 2 and doesn't change it anymore.
For the case at hand we essentially copy the PdfSignatureAppearance.getAppearance code for generating layer 2 in pure DESCRIPTION mode, merely correcting the code determining the datarect:
PdfSignatureAppearance appearance = ...;
appearance.setVisibleSignature(new Rectangle(36, 748, 144, 780), 1, "sig");
PdfTemplate layer2 = appearance.getLayer(2);
String text = "We're using iText to put a text inside a signature placeholder in a PDF. "
+ "We use a code snippet similar to this to define the Signature Appearence.\n"
+ "Everything works fine, but the signature text does not fill all the signature "
+ "placeholder area as expected by us, but the area filled seems to have an height "
+ "that is approximately the 70% of the available space.\n"
+ "As a result, sometimes especially if the length of the signature text is quite "
+ "big, the signature text does not fit in the placeholder and the text is striped "
+ "away.";
Font font = new Font();
float size = font.getSize();
final float MARGIN = 2;
Rectangle dataRect = new Rectangle(
appearance.getRect().getWidth() - MARGIN,
appearance.getRect().getHeight() - MARGIN);
if (size <= 0) {
Rectangle sr = new Rectangle(dataRect.getWidth(), dataRect.getHeight());
size = ColumnText.fitText(font, text, sr, 12, appearance.getRunDirection());
ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(layer2);
ct.setSimpleColumn(new Phrase(text, font), dataRect.getLeft(), dataRect.getBottom(), dataRect.getRight(), dataRect.getTop(), size, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
( test signWithCustomLayer2)
(As description text I used some paragraphs from the question body.)
The result:
By adapting the MARGIN value in the code above, one can even use more are. As that can result in the text touching the border, though, that might not be really beautiful.
As an aside:
if the length of the signature text is quite big, the signature text does not fit in the placeholder and the text is striped away.
If you initialize the size variable above with a non-positive value, the code in the if (size <= 0) block will calculate a font size which allows all of the text to fit into the signature rectangle. This does happen in the code above as new Font() returns a font with a size of UNDEFINED which is a constant -1.

How can I display a logo and its description in the same line using iTextSharp?

I want to show a logo and its description in a pdf using itextSharp.
Logo LogoDescription
My below code shows logo and its description on two different lines
Document^ doc = gcnew Document(iTextSharp::text::PageSize::LETTER,10,10,42,32);
// add image
iTextSharp::text::Image^ bmp = iTextSharp::text::Image::GetInstance("bts_logo.bmp");
bmp->Border = iTextSharp::text::Rectangle::BOX;
bmp->BorderColor = iTextSharp::text::BaseColor::RED;
bmp->BorderWidth = 2;
doc->Add(gcnew Phrase("Logo description", gcnew iTextSharp::text::Font(iTextSharp::text::Font::FontFamily::HELVETICA, 11, iTextSharp::text::Font::BOLD)));
I am using Visual Studio 2012.
If you want to add a Phrase (e.g. a description) next to an Image (e.g. a picture), you typically create a PdfPTable:
PdfPTable table^ = gcnew PdfpTable(2);
This will create a table that shows borders by default. You can change this by adding this line:
table->DefaultCell->Border = iTextSharp::text::Rectangle::NO_BORDER;
You then add the image and the text as cells:
Where bmp is an instance of the Image class, and phrase is an instance of the Phrase class.
You then add the table to the document:
The table will have borders by default, but as I am not familiar with the programming language you are using, you probably know better how to change the border of the default cell to NO_BORDER than I do.

InDesign CS6 scripting - Add overflowing content on next page(s)

After I imported XML-Data into an InDesign document I see that red plus symbol at the textframe at the end of the first page.
How can I insert/move that content on next page(s) with scripting?
This script should do what you want. :)
var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
var myFrames = myDoc.textFrames;
while (myFrames[0].overflows === true) {
var myNewPage = myDoc.pages.add();
var myMargin = myNewPage.marginPreferences;
var myBounds = [, myMargin.left, myDoc.documentPreferences.pageHeight - myMargin.bottom, myDoc.documentPreferences.pageWidth - myMargin.right];
var myOldRuler = myDoc.viewPreferences.rulerOrigin;
myDoc.viewPreferences.rulerOrigin = RulerOrigin.pageOrigin;
with(myDoc.pages[-1].textFrames.add()) {
geometricBounds = myBounds;
previousTextFrame = myDoc.pages[-2].textFrames[0];
myDoc.viewPreferences.rulerOrigin = myOldRuler;
The TextFrame object has a property overflows: Bool, readonly. If true, the story has overset text.
The TextFrame object has also a property nextTextFrame: r/w The next text frame in the thread. Can return: TextFrame or TextPath. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator.
not sure you need scripting... if the document is set up as a template simply click the plus sign and "capture" the contents. then move to the next page and click where you want the text to reflow to. adjust the text boxes as needed to suit.
For the non-scripting solution to flowing overset text frames, after adding a new page, hold down shift before clicking. This will cause the text to autoflow on as many pages as it takes until there is no longer an overset text frame.
From CS4, we can enable the "Smart Text Reflow" to automatically flow text to the available content. It will insert the pages automatically.
Edit Menu \ Preferences \ Type \ Smart Text Reflow
Also, it comes with "Delete Empty Pages", so when the content goes less, then it will automatically remove the empty pages accordingly.

Color.ToArgb relation between 5046311 and 14221235?

the form backcolor is 14221235 , but when i set the customcolor in colordialog to equal the form backcolor, it sets it to 5046311 !!! what is the problem?
this is how i am getting the background color:
get_background = Str(Abs(Form1.BackColor.ToArgb))
the reason i am turning it into a string is because i will feed it into a string which has "32498239, 234234234, 23423234, 32234432432, 423324234"
then i take this string and put it in customcolors like this. btw this piece of code works fine:
Dim numberStrings = My.Settings.mytext1.Split(","c).Select(Function(x) x.Trim())
ColorDialog1.CustomColors = numberStrings.Select(Function(x) CInt(x)).ToArray()
a user below mentioned that toargb takes into account the opacity. this is an excellent point indeed, and i want to clarify that i DO NOT need the opacity. how would i do toargb without taking into opacity?
this is what you want
Microsoft.VisualBasic.RGB(Me.BackColor.R, Me.BackColor.G, Me.BackColor.B).ToString
The 32-bit result from .ToArgb() contains not just the three visible color components (red, green and blue) but also the alpha component, which is essentially opacity. This is a pure guess on my part, but I think the ColorDialog is just used for picking RGB values, so when you set the color to the form's BackColor, the dialog just ignores the alpha component (or sets it to zero), which is why you end up getting a different number from the .ToArgb() method.
Note: this is just speculation on my part. It would help if you posted a code sample that demonstrates the specific problem.
I don't really understand the question. You want to set the custom color dialog CustomColor property to (the form's backcolor) r + g + b components? Not sure why you would do that, you can always just get the form's backcolor, set the Alpha value to 255 and then set the result to the CustomColor property:
Color c = Color.FromArgb( 255, form1.BackColor );
myColorDlg.CustomColor = c;
Or just use form1.BackColor.ToArgb() & 0xFFFFFF (if you want the integer value).
If you are asking for ARGB (A = Alpha) then you are asking for the opacity information. Instead you could use the R, G, B Properties of Color Independently.
You could use Color.FromArgb(255, me.BackColor).ToArgb() in order to get the ARGB value of the same color with 100% opacity.
To highlight how to pass the same colour (Using Fredou's answer) from a colorDialog to set a pie chart segment colour, one which is a .Net embedded chart and the other an Excel chart:
embchartPie.Series(0).Points(Index).Color = ColorDialog1.Color
With ColorDialog1.Color
xl_Pie_Chart.SeriesCollection(1).points(Index + 1).format.fill.forecolor.rgb = RGB(.R, .G, .B).ToString
End With